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Rhythm Red

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Everything posted by Rhythm Red

  1. I just noticed that I haven’t been posting on topics a lot recently. I should probably play some more forum games or something.

    Good morning! :)

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Johnny1226


      Good morning red

    3. Vintjack Greasymane

      Vintjack Greasymane

      Hey, good morning!:icwudt:

      Hope to see you around, then! (not that I'm a lot around myself, but anyway...)

  2. I hope you ponies had a relaxing day,

    Mine was great, I can attest!

    But I’m exhausted now, I must say,

    So I guess it’s time to get some rest!


    Off topic, but other than breakfast this morning, I’ve eaten pizza for the past 3 meals. :P 

    Just felt like saying that for some reason. :derp:


    Good night, everypony! :D 


    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Sliding Bolt

      Sliding Bolt

      I had pizza for dinner 3 nights in a row. Haha anyway good night.

    3. Tacodidra


      Good night! :D

  3. @Tacodidra good points! And I agree, I typically I don’t make a huge deal out of things like that as long as they don’t mess up the episode.
  4. Hello, fillies and gentlecolts, and welcome back to another RHYTHM RED’S RADTASTICAL REVIEWS!!! Today, we’re gonna be talking about Grannies Gone Wild, the latest episode of MLP! Let’s go! So, I was definitely looking forward to this one. Granny Smith always cracks me up, and having her go on a trip with Rainbow Dash? Great idea! Their different personalities are sure to create some funny moments. We begin in the Wonderbolts locker room, where Soarin and a couple other Wonderbolts are telling Dash about the most AWESOME roller coaster ever. Dash, of course, really wants to go on it, but it’s all the way in Las Pegasus and it closes in a week! *gasp* What will she do?! Go to Applejack, of course, who amazingly promises to cover her classes! Under one condition... Rainbow Dash has to take care of Granny Smith and her friends. Clever, Applejack. As I already mentioned, the speedy Rainbow Dash and the slow older ponies don’t get off to a good start, though they manage to make it to Las Pegasus before the coaster closes. Throughout most of the episode, Dash remembers what Applejack told her, and gets reminders from the Spirit Of Applejack Past (I gotta name it something, I guess! ). Despite the fact that Granny Smith and her friends are having fun, Rainbow does as she is told and basically ruins everything, over and over. But hey, she’s just doing what Applejack said. Also, we see a male pony that looks VERY similar to Trixie. I suspect they’re related somehow. Oh, and Rainbow Dash eats some nachos. Mmm... nachos... By the way, what’s with all the flirting? It’s gross! Totally agree with Rainbow. Anyway, after all of that, we get a nice apology from Dash, even though it really wasn’t her fault. Since Granny and her friends are all part of their special club, they get to skip the line and ride the coaster, which was great to see! Now, it’s lesson time... Rainbow Dash learned not to judge people just because they’re old. This is a great lesson to teach kids, because many children think older folks are ‘uncool’, when in fact, it’s quite the opposite! In the grannies’ case, they turned out to be really cool! Plus, they even let Rainbow into their club! Now she can visit Las Pegasus every year with them! Yay! I love this episode! ARE there negatives? Hmm. I can only think of one, and it’s just a question. Why are they closing the coaster? If it’s as exciting and popular as the episode shows, wouldn’t they want to keep it? That confused me, but it’s a relatively minor problem that doesn’t affect my view of the episode. So, where would I place it on my MLP scale? Hmm... 8/10! It was a great episode, with both humorous and emotional moments, it had a fantastic lesson, and a creative storyline. However, I personally wouldn’t place it up with episodes like Twilight’s Kingdom or The Perfect Pear. A great episode overall, but it’s just not enough to be placed any higher, in my opinion. I reserve the 9 and 10 spots for only the BEST episodes. It’s without a doubt my favorite Season 8 episode so far, though! So that’s it, everypony! Feel free to comment your opinions below, and I’ll see you all next week with another RHYTHM RED’S RADTASTICAL REVIEWS!!!
  5. Here’s my latest episode review! Enjoy! ;) 



  6. Hello, fillies and gentlecolts, and welcome back to another RHYTHM RED’S RADTASTICAL REVIEWS!!! Today, we’re gonna be talking about Grannies Gone Wild, the latest episode of MLP! Let’s go! So, I was definitely looking forward to this one. Granny Smith always cracks me up, and having her go on a trip with Rainbow Dash? Great idea! Their different personalities are sure to create some funny moments. We begin in the Wonderbolts locker room, where Soarin and a couple other Wonderbolts are telling Dash about the most AWESOME roller coaster ever. Dash, of course, really wants to go on it, but it’s all the way in Las Pegasus and it closes in a week! *gasp* What will she do?! Go to Applejack, of course, who amazingly promises to cover her classes! Under one condition... Rainbow Dash has to take care of Granny Smith and her friends. Clever, Applejack. As I already mentioned, the speedy Rainbow Dash and the slow older ponies don’t get off to a good start, though they manage to make it to Las Pegasus before the coaster closes. Throughout most of the episode, Dash remembers what Applejack told her, and gets reminders from the Spirit Of Applejack Past (I gotta name it something, I guess! ). Despite the fact that Granny Smith and her friends are having fun, Rainbow does as she is told and basically ruins everything, over and over. But hey, she’s just doing what Applejack said. Also, we see a male pony that looks VERY similar to Trixie. I suspect they’re related somehow. Oh, and Rainbow Dash eats some nachos. Mmm... nachos... By the way, what’s with all the flirting? It’s gross! Totally agree with Rainbow. Anyway, after all of that, we get a nice apology from Dash, even though it really wasn’t her fault. Since Granny and her friends are all part of their special club, they get to skip the line and ride the coaster, which was great to see! Now, it’s lesson time... Rainbow Dash learned not to judge people just because they’re old. This is a great lesson to teach kids, because many children think older folks are ‘uncool’, when in fact, it’s quite the opposite! In the grannies’ case, they turned out to be really cool! Plus, they even let Rainbow into their club! Now she can visit Las Pegasus every year with them! Yay! I love this episode! ARE there negatives? Hmm. I can only think of one, and it’s just a question. Why are they closing the coaster? If it’s as exciting and popular as the episode shows, wouldn’t they want to keep it? That confused me, but it’s a relatively minor problem that doesn’t affect my view of the episode. So, where would I place it on my MLP scale? Hmm... 8/10! It was a great episode, with both humorous and emotional moments, it had a fantastic lesson, and a creative storyline. However, I personally wouldn’t place it up with episodes like Twilight’s Kingdom or The Perfect Pear. A great episode overall, but it’s just not enough to be placed any higher, in my opinion. I reserve the 9 and 10 spots for only the BEST episodes. It’s without a doubt my favorite Season 8 episode so far, though! So that’s it, everypony! Feel free to comment your opinions below, and I’ll see you all next week with another RHYTHM RED’S RADTASTICAL REVIEWS!!!
  7. Hello, everypony, I’m up very early for a band concert! I probably got only 5-6 hours of sleep last night due to how early it is... :rarity:

    Anyway, good morning! :) 

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. Tacodidra


      Congratulations! :D I'm sure it feels amazing! :)

    3. Vintjack Greasymane

      Vintjack Greasymane

      @Rhythm Red Timing is not really my thing!:D
      I'm glad everything went on just fine!

    4. Soren Peregrine

      Soren Peregrine

      Sounds like your concert went well. Good to hear! Also good (late) morning!

  8. Thanks for the follow, man! :D 

  9. Here’s to the weekend,

    Everypony have fun!

    ’Cause before you know it

    The weekend will be done! ;) 


    Seriously. Time flies. :P 


    I’ll probably be up a little longer, but goodnight, anyway, ponies! :D 

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Fluttershy Friend
    3. Wannabrony


      Yay! The weekend is finally here! :D You know what that means... :icwudt: 

      Goodnight, the new episode will come before you know it! :lol: Sleep well!

    4. Vintjack Greasymane

      Vintjack Greasymane

      I don't want it to finish, I need to have a little bit more of relaxation!

      Also, I don't wanna go back to school and face the infamous goniometry test...:lie:

      Anyway, thank you so much, and goodnight (or, rather, good morning, by now!)^_^

  10. People joke about me being a brony, but no one outright says anything to my face. My best advice to those with this problem would be to ignore the haters. They’ll leave you alone eventually.
  11. KISS comic books, aww yeah! :yay:



    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Rhythm Red

      Rhythm Red

      @SnakeEater what on Earth...? :blink:

    3. Tacodidra


      I guess this isn't printed using their blood (an earlier KISS comic was). And I can't believe no one mentioned the KISS casket yet! :blink: Can't deny it: they are great at both music and merchandising!

    4. Rhythm Red

      Rhythm Red

      @Tacodidra I totally forgot about the blood-printed comic!

      Just drank some KISS cola the other day, too! :P 

  12. Thanks for the follow! Though technically I followed you a while ago, so it’s a follow back I guess. :P 

    Either way, thank you! :D 

    1. Totally Nyx

      Totally Nyx

      You're welcome. :)

  13. It’s Friday! We’re almost to the weekend, so have a pony! Today’s pony is Lyra! :D 3845A27E-04C2-41F3-ADAC-F504123BD57F.thumb.png.718647bb481e4c196e40b7d36838b661.png

    Good morning! :) 

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. The Recherche

      The Recherche

      I'm doing alright! I think I'm going to tackle that exam soon, so hopefully that goes well! :please:

      Thanks for asking, Rhythm! :squee:

    3. Rhythm Red

      Rhythm Red

      @Recherche No problem! :D And good luck on your exam! :) 

    4. Vintjack Greasymane

      Vintjack Greasymane

      Good afternoon (?), Red!^_^

      Those are some great images you got there!

      Oh, and hurray for the weekend! I'm kinda looking sooo much forward to it!:adorkable:

  14. One more day until the weekend is here!

    Which means more MLP is coming up, too!

    C’mon, everypony, get on your hooves and cheer!

    The weekend is coming and there’s just so much to do! 


    Today was fun, and my concert went well! I hope you all had a great day, too! :) 

    Goodnight, ponies! :D 

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Prometheus


      Congrats buddy! Glad it went well. Also, what's your instrument of choice? I favour the acoustic guitar myself. :P

    3. Fluttershy Friend
    4. Rhythm Red

      Rhythm Red

      @SnakeEater you’re asking me to CHOOSE?! :P I enjoy playing both equally. I can do lead guitar much better on electric, and I can do rhythm better on acoustic. I don’t think I really have a favorite. :adorkable: 

  15. Welcome to the forums! That’s a cool story you have there, and yes, the brony fandom is definitely still alive! It’s never too late to join the herd, either! Also, love your avatar, by the way. I just got a pretty cool MLP Pink Floyd shirt, myself... Have fun making new friends!
  16. Welcome to the forums! You’ll love it here, there are a lot of cool ponies to meet. Have fun making new friends!
  17. I have a concert to play at tonight, then another one on Saturday, and another one next Tuesday. I’ll also be fairly busy tonight with some other stuff as well, so sorry if I’m relatively inactive today. :adorkable:

    Good morning, ponies! :)

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Wannabrony


      Good morning! :P It's alright, no worries man. What's more important is that you enjoy yourself playing at the concert tonight, it'll be great! :) Good luck tonight!

    3. Johnny1226


      Good morning red

    4. Tacodidra


      Wow, that's a lot of concerts! Good luck! :D And good morning! :)

  18. Thanks for the follow! :D 

  19. Ponies, ponies, ponies, I really like that word!

    Ponies, ponies, ponies, c’mon and join the herd!

    Ponies, ponies, ponies, there’s no reason to fight!

    Ponies, ponies, ponies, I wish y’all a good night!


    Don’t really have anything to talk about again, nothing super interesting happened today... :adorkable:

    Good night! :D 

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Princess_Bellalatanya
    3. Johnny1226


      Good night red

    4. Alexshy


      Good night, hast ponified dreams galore, mine friend!

  20. Welcome to the forums! Discord’s a great character isn’t he? He’s one of my favorites too, he never fails to make me laugh. (Though rainbow dash is my true favorite) Have fun making new friends!
  21. Welcome to the forums! There’s no need to be shy around here, we all enjoy a really good TV show that many people are afraid to watch because they think it’s ‘too girly’ for them. You have an open mind, which allows you to enjoy something others are too afraid to even try. You’ll make plenty of friends and your confidence will grow, I promise! Have fun!
  22. Welcome! Trust me when I say you’ll find plenty of folks here to chat about ponies with. Have fun!
  23. Think I’m gonna start looking for jobs so I can get one this summer. I don’t know where I’d like to work, but a pizza place would be pretty cool. :P 

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Prospekt


      I think it would be cool to deliver pizza, but sadly I don't have a car... though I'm getting my mom's current car pretty soon since she's getting a new one. Then I might try and find a pizza place nearby for a summer job. Just something other than the typical fast food job I'm used to. -_- I'd like to be out and about rather than just the dude at the cash register. O_o

    3. Vintjack Greasymane

      Vintjack Greasymane

      @Prospekt You know, if you wanna stay out and delivery at the same time, but you don't have a car, you can do it!

      There's a thing called "Deliveroo" over here. This service is just a simple delivery one, but the cool thing is that the guys who deliver do it only by bike! I guess it would be really nice and healthy! I don't know anything more about it, but you could just google it and see what the whole thing is about

    4. Wannabrony


      That is pretty cool, you might even get some nice discount on pizzas! And we both know how much you like pizza. ^_^ I hope you find a good place for the job! :squee: 

  24. Am I the only Rainbow Dash supporter? It’s okay. She’ll win anyway! Rainbow Dash: 2!
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