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The Recherche

Retired Staff
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Everything posted by The Recherche

  1. Literally perfect/10. This one is even more perfecter!
  2. Honestly, no. I'm only 15 years old, though, so I don't really think I'm ready to make those decisions yet! Same?
  3. It has the 3rd best Fairy Pokemon, so it checks out if you ask me!
  4. Math! It just makes the most sense, if you ask me. Same?
  5. Eh, we have Zeppelins in space, so a train isn't really too far out there!
  6. Well, if we're allowed to mix the letters together, than... Rats!
  7. Alright, folks, I guess you probably know the drill by now, so let's get right to it!


    Good night, guys and gals! I hope you all have lovely dreams tonight! :)

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Wannabrony


      Goodnight and sleep well Recherche! ^^

    3. ultrairongorilla


      Good night Recherche. 

    4. Rhythm Red

      Rhythm Red

      Good night! :) Sorry I’m late. :adorkable:

  8. That depends; is it a standard potato or sweet potato? I prefer sweet potatoes, personally! Casu Marzu
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