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Misty Gust

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Everything posted by Misty Gust

  1. If one wanted to get to Florida, how would they go about it?

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Misty Gust

      Misty Gust

      That works too. Girls road trip!:yay:

    3. Rebel the Wolfgirl

      Rebel the Wolfgirl


      hat works too. Girls road trip!:yay:


    4. Brony Number 42
  2. Well, we've officially been put in a ship. Lucky Breeze or Misty Bolt. I ain't complaining that's for sure. Can't think of a better pony to be shipped with.:orly:

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Lucky Bolt

      Lucky Bolt

      :love: I ned to make some art of this....

    3. Misty Gust

      Misty Gust

      Haven't you already?

    4. Lucky Bolt

      Lucky Bolt


      But you'll find out. 

  3. Sleep? Who needs it? Have to be up at 4 and it's 11:30 almost.....why bother?

    1. Lucky Bolt

      Lucky Bolt

      I just slept 7 hours straight. Huge accomplishment for me. 

  4. Idk I was just messing with you.
  5. I was milkin'. Not drinking milk but milkin' milk.
  6. What could make this day worse? Anybody that wants to defend ARM and what's to have an EDUCATED debate let me know. If you don't know what I'm talking about, you're lucky.

    1. Lucky Bolt

      Lucky Bolt

      am lucky. Quite literally. :mlp_laugh: And yeah also cause I don't know what you're talkin about. :twismile:

    2. Misty Gust

      Misty Gust

      You are lucky.:unamused:

  7. I'm thinking about why my brother is such a pain
  8. We miss you:(

    1. Cyclone 1066

      Cyclone 1066

      Soon young one. Soon.

    2. Misty Gust

      Misty Gust

      @Lucky Bolt LOOK! HE REPLIED!

    3. Misty Gust

      Misty Gust

      No, Cyclone is just a friend that we both discovered not long ago we both grew up like 10 miles from each other and went to the same high school (well I'm still going to it) so I guess brother from another mother or something like that.:adorkable:

      Not sure if he's comfortable with me saying that but eh, I just did.

  9. I see you stopped by my profile. Shouldn't be making visits like that unannounced. Not very neighborly.:orly:

  10. *hugs @Lucky Bolt, @TheRockARooster, and @Renegade the Unicorn And a special hug to @Cyclone1066. Hope you return soon. (Did I do it right?)
  11. I wouldn't but not because she is short good looks and personality. I didn't want to go to prom and more to the point, I'm a girl too.
  12. I always figured it was because of how much of your life has already passed. Think about, take a unit of time like a year. When you are 1 year old, a year was your whole life. When you were 2 it was half your life. When you were 3 it was only a third of your life. And it just continues like that with each given unit of time being a smaller and smaller chunk of your life.
  13. You'll be happy to hear my profile is working now:yay:

    1. Lucky Bolt

      Lucky Bolt

      It's fixed!? How? What happened? 

    2. Misty Gust

      Misty Gust

      Idk cause I never asked anybody:adorkable:

    3. Lucky Bolt

      Lucky Bolt

      :yeahno: Well then.

      At least it's fixed! :laugh:

  14. I got a punching bag to take some anger out on.
  15. Sorry for being gone for do long everybody. We had two of our big fields wash away in this rain we've been having and we just got the pH balanced again just in time for it to rain again and now we play the waiting game to see if we'll get the crop in the dirt before the insurance deadline.:yeahno: But, we got 3 cows gonna calf in the next week hopefully so that will keep us busy while stuff dries out. Isn't farming great? We are gonna loose our asses this year.:laugh: Sorry but I gotta laugh to keep from crying.

    1. Misty Gust

      Misty Gust

      And I come back to find one of my best friends is leaving the forums.

    2. Lucky Bolt

      Lucky Bolt

      Damn. :o I might not be a farmer pony but I understand how hard it must be. Hope things can work out for y'all. <3

  16. Dayum girl! Lookin' good. What's your secret?
  17. Thanks Lucky. Thanks for making me feel special. Even though the first time we met was kinda weird, I decided to stick with it because you seemed like a nice gal.
  18. If this is the right Lucky Bolt, I made it on here. I tried posting on here earlier but I can't see it now so I don't know if it went through.

    1. Lucky Bolt

      Lucky Bolt

      Misty!! Omg hi hi hi!! :yay: You made it! 

    2. Misty Gust

      Misty Gust

      It was the right one! Awesome!

  19. I'm new to the whole Brony community. I watched stuff on You Tube as soon as we got internet and I discovered I wasn't alone but didn't realize it was this in depth until about a month ago. As far as what I like, tractors, MLP, and farm work. That's about all I have time for. I look forward to meeting a lot of new friends on here and I hope you guys will have me.
  20. This might be awkward if you are a different Lucky Bolt than the one on Pony Town but hi lol

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