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Banner by ~ Ice Princess Silky


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Status Updates posted by Ezynell

  1. Awesome new banner /)^3^(\

  2. Minecraft server keeps going down :(

  3. Could you add my brother (Minecraft username Joedatiger) to the MLPForums minecraft server whitelist? I just want to play with him for a little while.

  4. Adding another to the pile of spam you got growing here, Happy Birthday!

  5. Adding another to the pile of spam you got growing here, Happy Birthday!

    1. Doctor XFizzle

      Doctor XFizzle

      Aww thanks :3 but it's not my birthday

    2. Ezynell


      meant toward Feld0 :P but you too, whenever yours comes.

  6. It's finally back up!

  7. Happy Birthday man!

  8. Arrgh, just spent about 2 hours creating a skin for my YouTube, tell me what you think! http://www.youtube.com/user/Ezynell

  9. I may be a little late on this, but I just got back, and I really love the new banner.

    1. RazzyJam


      It stares into my soul.... O_O

    2. HomuraBL


      <3 Chrysalis! :D

  10. Oh-My-Gosh! How did I just notice it was your birthday! Have a great one!

  11. Yes to the banner. So much yes.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. NeverNeverland


      Don't you mean:

    3. QueenChrysalis


      indeed sir "yaahh"

    4. Ezynell


      The train to the dress... I just noticed how long it is. How do you dance with that?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Akemi Homura

      Akemi Homura

      God knows how he manages to write this stuff, lmfao.

    3. Mephala




    4. Ezynell


      Hours of our lives spilled onto the interwebs.

  12. My brohoof count is now my computer password! loljk http://i.imgur.com/6VnZR.png

    1. Key Gear

      Key Gear

      Darn it Ezynell, I was just about to try hacking into your system when I realized that I had been trolled!


      (Just kidding, of course.)

    2. Ezynell


      I bet if you tried that with every member here, you would end up with at least a dozen accounts :P

    3. Key Gear

      Key Gear

      @Ezynell Oh man... I hope not.


  13. Congrats on 5k posts!

  14. Is there any way to tell how many members are on the TF2 Server prior to entering it?

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Ashbad


      Ah, yes, I've seen him playing on there multiple times before; next time I face him, I'll ping him about that, since TF2 is the perfect setting for such a talk.

    3. Ezynell


      Its also running on an unupdated server, so I just sent him a message about that :P

    4. Gizmo


      Well it just updated today, all it really needs is a refresh :P Not too excited about the new hat and misc though :/

  15. I love it when your scrolling through a forum, and you see a "I hate MLP" comment, and the user commenting has a pony avatar. The change is inevitable. Once you discover ponies, there's nowhere else to go, but into the herd ;).

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Typhoid Libby

      Typhoid Libby

      Haters converting, lol. I never did.

      4chan has been called. Never make comparisons to it, Ez.

      All it has for itself is the inability to count to ten.

      4chan has no consensus. It cannot be used as an example.

    3. Ezynell


      Actually that must have been just time coincidence. I think those are the only 2 "converting" posts I've ever made on these forums besides talking about my friends becoming bronies. As a word, I feel that "converting" is a terrible word to use us seem like were a type of religion trying to get everyone to join. I was just going through NewGrounds and saw a few of them in a row and decided to make this status update. There were of course a few that probably still despised t...

  16. Yesterday someone wrote "Who is your favorite pony? Answer in terms of Pinkie" with a really well drawn Pinkie Pie next to it. I already asked all my brony friends and it was none of them, so the search is on.

  17. Get on the TF2 server everypony!

    1. ----------------------


      its kinda late for tf2

    2. Key Gear

      Key Gear

      Ezynell... Tomorrow is Monday..... It is too late to play games!!! Must prepare for work and school and other boring things....

  18. I love the new banner! #Twilightlicious

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Nightfall


      Twilight for the win :DDDD

    3. Twi Rubix

      Twi Rubix

      Good, we all agree its awesome!

    4. Nightfall
  19. Ezynell has joined Finest, LRP, Crispy, Doctor Xfizzle, and Shank in the 1k brohoofed club

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Doctor XFizzle

      Doctor XFizzle

      Welcome to the 1K Club! We have commemorative fezzes. Fezzes are cool.

    3. Ninja Derpy

      Ninja Derpy

      Well, I am almost there!!

    4. Ezynell


      Fezzes are always in style.

  20. Topics die out so quickly now. I posted a new one 5 minutes ago and it's already off of the recent topics list -.-

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Aureity


      One of them was probably my fault, sorry...

    3. Ezynell


      Haha, no actually, I read your topic and responded to it. It's the type of quality material that really should be on here more often.

    4. TomokoKuroki


      I do agree that some topic threads do feel a tad bit like statuses updates, but that doesn't change the merit they could have. And some statuses feel more like thread topic posts. :)

  21. I don't always watch Fox news, but when I do, It's Faux news.

    1. ProjectRKA


      Uh huh... cool story, bro. x)

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