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Banner by ~ Ice Princess Silky


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Status Updates posted by Ezynell

  1. I just had an idea for next April fools. Feld0 should backup the website then make us all admins and see how much havoc we wreck.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Groo


      XD, That will be interesting :P

    3. Dany Heatley

      Dany Heatley

      Hasbro is know to end shows prematurely

  2. It's been a long time sens I've updated my status, so whats up guys?

  3. I swear, every time I come back here...

  4. The corner is still open if anypony feels like hiding :3 http://mlpforums.com/topic/11375-the-corner/

  5. Updated my avatar /)^3^(\

  6. Umm, the fuck? I'm getting Dizzy!

  7. If anypony wants to join me in the corner... http://mlpforums.com/topic/11375-the-corner/

  8. Feld0 got banished. All mods became admins. Tom the Diamond got trolled. LRP got banished. Flare got upgraded to "brony" status. I think I'll just sit here in the corner in fear.

  9. You can now request signatures and avatars in the Fart Discussion section. I feel so mature.

    1. Viscra Maelstrom

      Viscra Maelstrom

      you can also request a fart from me

  10. They're using your Fluttershy vector in the EqD banner!

    1. Nico


      Eenope, sadly they're not. I've only published my version of that pose with the jacket in tow. That's someone else's.

  11. Ohmygosh. I just realized how many mods there are...

    1. Show previous comments  13 more
    2. Arylett Charnoa

      Arylett Charnoa

      What's wrong with mods?

    3. Key Gear

      Key Gear

      Nothing is wrong with mods. Mods are truly awesome!

    4. Ezynell


      *secret conspiracy against Arylett Dawnsborough

  12. The fact that I'm one of the 2 members in the forums that has his own badge makes me inconceivably happy

    1. Legendary Emerald

      Legendary Emerald

      I'm more excited to learn Rob Paulsen has a podcast than anything else. Listening to it now.

  13. How long should you wait before sending a follow up email to EqD? They said it would be included 24 hours ago and all the other stuff that got posted was done within 5-6 hours of them receiving it in the email.

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. Ezynell


      They don't reply to more then half of what I send them, so don't feel bad.

    3. Ezynell


      It'd be nice if they replied, even with a "no", though

    4. ----------------------


      well its a real dick move when they say they will submit something and it never gets posted

  14. The forums keep glitching on and off for me...

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Lady Rarity Pony

      Lady Rarity Pony

      rofl, sorry, that comment of mine was overflowing with sarcasm. But that was rude by me, sorry.

      Ya, the forums have been having major issues since yesterday, Feld0's trying his best. Not sure what the issue is though. Everyone's having the issues.

    3. Crazy Misty

      Crazy Misty

      I think we're being attacked by haters

    4. Doctor XFizzle

      Doctor XFizzle

      *shakes fist at IPS Update*

  15. Like system was restarted O.o

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Anachronous


      Pretty late, Ice.

    3. Ezynell


      Yea, sorry :P I just noticed it

    4. Crazy Misty

      Crazy Misty



      Ah screw it.

  16. Is TomSka a brony? He was in Tombstones livestream today and apparently Tombstones working on some music for him...

  17. That awesome feeling when you get your 3rd EqD post in the past week. One I shall never feel again.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Jokuc


      I ment to EqD ^^ I have already seen all your vids :P

    3. ----------------------


      Oh please, your videos are good, hell euqestira daily said that they were gonna upload mine to the nightly round up about 2 days ago... and yet I have not seen it yet, not to mention that they almost never respond to anything that I send them :(

    4. Ezynell


      Oh, I'd have to do a bit of digging to find them. I was actually very lucky with 2 of my videos, my tutorial only made it in because it was submitted at around the same time as PonyHoof, and my most recent one was only in because it was a better upload of the trailer. The Derpy one is the only one that deserves to be in in my opinion. And I know that feel Marco, the rarely every reply, and it's invigorating when they reply with "lol" or "cool"

  18. Does anyone know a YouTuber besides Azekahh that reads fimfics?

    1. Lady Rarity Pony

      Lady Rarity Pony

      McTheMicrophone but he reads some serious NSFW stuff.

    2. Chigens and Kay

      Chigens and Kay

      There is only Azekahh.

    3. Ezynell


      I've heard all of Mic's stuff too...

    1. Tyger


      Chunkie has no wings.

    2. Ezynell


      If you look very closely, he has very tiny wings :3

  19. 60 subs :o EqD does wonders

  20. EqD just said my video was gonna be in their nightly roundup!

    1. Pinkazoid


      That's the same thing I thought xD

    2. Colon Leftbracket

      Colon Leftbracket

      Cool story brony! :P

    3. Ezynell


      naw, this

      the ponify tutorial made it in yesterday. Damn, I'm getting so lucky with these!
  21. We have a spammer on the loose.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Ninja Derpy

      Ninja Derpy

      And zat iz....

    3. Doctor XFizzle

      Doctor XFizzle

      *rips off shorts and dangles them* Someone call the police, there's a pants thief on the loose!

    4. Ezynell


      not Spike99 for sure

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