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Aticus the Adequate

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Everything posted by Aticus the Adequate

  1. @Shiny Silvermoon @GeneralDirection @Props Valroa @Saturn Ring @14Fan Aticus, distracted a bit by his little friend and having barely heard the PA announcement, quickly snapped out of it when Shiny placed her hand on his shoulder. "Eh, ugh, what? Oh! Hello, Shiny! What's written where now?" He glanced down at the document in her hands and swiped it, looking it over. He sighed before handing it back to her. "I really don't want to have to go to the gymnasium. I don't want to make a fool of myself in front of hundreds of new students, plus you know how I am with my, er, nerves. But at least you're going!" He said with a smile. "We'll take this document with us." He rubbed his hands together, thoughts running through his head. "What say you, Wartortle?" Wartortle stayed silent and blinked at him. "Mm-hm. Mmm... Okay! He wants to go too!"
  2. @Props Valroa @Shiny Silvermoon @14Fan @Saturn Ring Aticus followed suit and looked at Silver. "So sorry for the rush, Silver!" He leaned in and whispered in her ear. "I think you and I need to see each other after school today. I have a lot of questions about your work!" He winked and held up his turtle, bopping his head up and down. "Wartortle winked at you too. He's cheeky like that." With a flash, Aticus began sprinting to his class.
  3. @Props Valroa Aticus watched intently at the work Silver Star was doing. He had only ever seen alchemy in television series but to see it up close was a brand new experience. In the midst of all this excitement, a loud ringing sounded off. The bell. "Oh no! Why does it have to go off now? I didn't even finish my lunch..." Aticus picked up Wartortle and got his bag ready. "Shiny! We gotta shoot!"
  4. CHOCOLATE, FUDGE AND MINT! Noooooo question about it! Gimme all three of these mixed together and I will be the happiest man in the universe
  5. I'm incredibly excited for Final Fantasy VII - Rebirth. The Remake is already one of my most favourite games of all time now, so Rebirth is keeping me on my toes! I'm also looking forward to AK-Xolotl. Because an axolotl with a gun is hilarious, the animation is adorable, and it just looks like pure fun!
  6. I don't listen to a lot of bands but I will never miss a chance to listen to Twice and BlackPink. I just find all their songs so fun and catchy! I have heard other bands but those two are my absolute favourite.
  7. I never attended preschool. I actually went straight to Kindergarten when I was 5. I've always wondered what preschool was about when I was a kid though.
  8. @Props Valroa "I'll actually die from a broken heart if I'm not shown!" He started to fake some tears and whimpers. He had read up a lot on alchemy but never before had he figured that someone might be able to actually perform it! This would be a huge breakthrough, scientifically speaking.
  9. "Fine, but if you guys start developing multiple heads or dispensing nanobots that cause life threatening diseases, don't say I didn't warn ya! Wait, did you say alchemy?" Aticus rushed up towards Silver Star and looked up at her, almost like a puppy begging for food, and clasped his hands. "You know how to perform alchemy?" He asked with lights in his eyes.
  10. Aticus looked around at the others sculling these drinks, and crossed his arms. "It doesn't appear to have any immediate effects." He took the bottle in front of him and put it in his own bag. "I'm going to take this back home and do some tests with it!" He picked up Wartortle and caressed his head. "I'm gonna need you guys to tell me any and all effects for this. If this goes well, I could get some great marks for my science paper..." He whispered and giggled to himself. "What was with that strange student, I wonder? She was very colourful!"
  11. @Shiny Silvermoon Aticus looked on at the scene as bewildered as Empire, but quickly changed his tone when he heard "croissants". "She left us drinks without the bread..." Without a second thought, he picked up one of the mysterious bottles and studied it, opening it up and taking a sniff of the contents. "Hm... Could be sulfuric acid or perhaps even liquid of a hydrochloric nature. Shiny! I don't think we should trust this!"
  12. Aticus witnessed the events carefully, almost as though he was studying their interaction. He admired the way Shiny could immediately find a commonality between her and whoever she was talking to at a moment's notice. It wasn't that Aticus was unable to do that when it was the right person, but he had been told before that he was either far too quiet, or far too forward upon a first meeting. @Props Valroa Silver Star, on the other hand, made Aticus nervous. In his mind, their was an air of confidence oozing out that intimidated him. Maybe it was something he simply lacked himself or perhaps other people were the crazy ones for not being so on their guard around strangers. Then again, he could be just as casual. Too casual. Too immediate with his openness if it was with someone he clicked with. Aticus peeked around from behind the chair at Silver Star. "You!" He called out.
  13. @Shiny Silvermoon Aticus took Shiny's hands and gently placed Wartortle into them. "Shiny, I know how you feel about this situation but, you know, maybe they don't want that life of fame. Their powers could be a blessing, but at the same time, maybe it's a curse? I don't know." He fiddled with a tool inside his pocket. "Sometimes the simple life isn't so bad. At least, that's my philosophy..." He looked back at her and pet her head. "But, all this being said, you know that I and our newfound friends would be happy to assist you with anything and everything!" @41Fan Aticus suddenly turned to the new friend sitting at their table and jumped up, scurrying behind Shiny's chair. "Don't hurt me!"
  14. @Saturn Ring @Shiny Silvermoon Aticus caressed the turtle's little feet happily. "I found him when I was out collecting moss in the swamp near my house! This little guy was just swimming around in the pond and I decided he was a valuable little treasure. Plus, he reminded me of my old turtle I had as a kid." Aticus looked up at Shiny as she fangirled over the seven most popular students on the school and their talking dog. "Shiny? You alright?"
  15. "Nah, you've got nothing to worry about. I talk to my little friend here all the time!" Aticus held up his turtle right at RK's face. "Say hello to Wartortle!" The turtle's dopey smile was front and centre, impossible to ignore. It was entrancing. "He tells me things all the time! Mostly criticism for my many ideas and projects," Aticus said , somewhat disappointed.
  16. Aticus began observing her closely, almost like a bloodhound. He paid particular attention to her hair. "Your hair. It looks quite tasty. Like rainbow skittles."
  17. @Shiny Silvermoon @Saturn Ring Aticus choked on his piece of bread before downing more juice to help it go down. "Say what?! You're telling me that we had the upper crust of pedagogical society sit here??" He looked around warily before leaning in to whisper... And stopping when he saw who else was at the table. The rainbow headed girl.
  18. @Shiny Silvermoon Aticus gently placed Wartortle on the table, immediately setting down the small pieces of kale for the shelled creature. "How'd you guess? This is the third time this month. I'm surprised none of the bosses have figured out that I've come in later than usual. By the way, thanks for filling in for me on that front, ol' buddy, ol' pal!" He picked up the apple juice and right away began slurping it down like a thirsty child lost in a desert. "Oh, and you made my favourite! Mortadella sandwich! I swear, I don't know how you manage to save my skin AND keep up with your own matters so seamlessly." He worfed down the sandwich, savouring every bite.
  19. Darn. The doors were closed again. The boy stroked the small turtle resting in his hands as he observed the outside of the school grounds. "Well, I suppose this is what I deserve for being so preoccupied with that project last night, eh, Wartortle?" he looked down at his little friend and tickled its head. Aticus wasn't necessarily one to be late often, but this wasn't the first time he had arrived at a less than ideal time. Lunch time. He could see all the students walking around, having their lunch, and in the midst of his observations, he remembered something crucial: He forgot to bring his own lunch. Well, there was only one place to go for a time like this. Pacing around the edge of the gates, Aticus eventually came to the back end of the school. Underneath one section of the gate was a dip in the ground. Thank goodness, none of the teachers had discovered or covered it up yet. He had dug this hole months ago, after all. Placing the reptile upon his head, he scrambled through underneath the gate, and popped out like a weasel. "I really hope Shiny did us that favour again. I've really gotta pay her back one of these days!" He said to himself as he ran through the back entrance and skid through the halls, ignoring everyone he bumped into, just to reach the cafeteria hall to see his friend.
  20. Name: Aticus Draconi Backstory: Aticus was born in a fairly simple home with several siblings and grew up rather ordinarily until he began to display an interest in the chaotic side of things. He was fascinated with things like explosions and how they worked, how things were constructed and deconstructed, and would usually attempt these very things himself. His best friend in the whole world wound up being his precious long-necked turtle. He found himself becoming very studious but primarily for the things he was interested in and that helped him further his own goals. Ending up at Canterlot High School may grant him this opportunity. Personality: Kind yet incredibly mischievous. Can be awkward and reserved at times until he gets comfortable. He has a penchant for drama and revels in causing (harmless) chaos yet one day dreams of going even bigger with his various schemes. Usually quite chilled out and happy, as well as humorous and talkative when he wants to be. Very enthusiastic and giddy when he sees something he likes. Age: 17 Physical Description: A thin young man with a rather innocent looking face, yet with something lurking behind his eyes. His hair is somewhat curly and very shaggy. He has pink pupils and wears either a fluffy orange and green jacket or a dandy vest and button up. For formal occasions, he wears his trusty turtleneck sweater and usually dons a pair of chinos. Skills/Talents: Strong knowledge of the world and how things work. Able to craft many things with ease, often with destructive proponents. Uncanny ability to mimic any person's voice if he listens to them long enough. Also handy with a piano. Likes: Studying, craft, science, history, philosophy, animals (specifically turtles), film and literature, chaos, pranks, chocolate milk. Dislikes: People who think there is any milk that surpasses chocolate milk, not being allowed to fiddle with various items, being separated from his turtle, those who look down upon the sciences and arts or don't appreciate them, mosquitoes (the only creature he hates with a passion), beetroot.
  21. Yep, this was very much an idea held about women in particular in the past. In many cultures, though they were expected to be demure and submissive, they were also expected to be strong willed and even somewhat fierce underneath it! I think in your case, it gets very literal. Silky and warm coverings but my goodness, you are headstrong and that's more than admirable See, names have LAYERS. Just like onions!
  22. What happens when we're mods AND event staff??
  23. I first found out about FIM after I watched a PMV of Discord and Fluttershy singing Master of the House from Les Miserables back in 2013. At the same time, my younger sister was watching the show and brought me in to watch it too. She was obsessed with Spike x Rarity episodes and would seek out those specific ones to watch from the wiki. I was like "ew, girl show" but that was more just me trying to hide my enjoyment of the show. Then I watched more and more in my spare time, and we eventually binged the episodes. It was by then that I called myself a brony and I'm proud of it to this day!
  24. I'm so happy to be working alongside you, Dyny! We'll all make a great team, especially now with you on board! WHOOP! How groovy this will be! Welcome, welcome!
  25. Oh jolly good! Another Aussie pony and potential friend! Welcome aboard the forum train, buddy! It's so awesome to have you! Your passion for animals and metal excites me THIS WILL TRULY BE WONDERFUL!
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