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Everything posted by AngelofDeath

  1. Seras Victoria from Hellsing and Hellsing Ultimate. She is just adorable and badass at the same time.
  2. I thought about usin' some 3rd-party program but then I read I could just do it in Paint or GIMP. All I had to do was take my resolution (1920x1080) and double the width. Then take 2 different 1920x1080 pictures and paste them side by side.
  3. So I finally decided to make this new dual monitor setup of mine official by makin' it with 2 different wallpapers. Stupid Microsoft for not givin' us Windows 7 users the easy option for just picking 2 separate wallpapers. *Grumbles* :okiedokielokie: Anywho after some testin' and movin' around some desktop stuff, I came up with this. I know it's not final yet.
  4. Recently been playin' Spintires and just ended my session of playin' DeadCore, trying to get all the collectables scattered around the levels.
  5. I loved the Obj. 261. Its accuracy was insane. The only thing I didn't like about it was it's millimeter wide gun traverse rate.
  6. It's terrible. T49's with their 152mm guns and Chinese lights have been tearin' me apart all day in the Deathstar 2. The Charioteer at tier 8 is so much nicer with better armor and won'd die to light tanks. I had an LTTB that kept tryin' to kill me to get top gun one game. He couldn't get past me. If I was in the Deathstar 2, he woulda killed me.
  7. I do like the integration of the minimap features from XVM after I finally figured out that I didn't have it enabled. I have mixed feelings about the new British tanks. The Firefly isn't very good. The tier 8 Charioteer is awesome cause of the 105 L7 and it's speed. And the tier 10 FV4005 is basically a 2nd cash-grab. I see no reason to take the Deathstar 2 over the original Deathstar. It's not really any faster or better, plus it's as big as the Waffle-100.
  8. Woo 9.5 Test Server is up. This gonna be fun. Maybe I can finally have a reason to come back to tanks after all these months and dust off my 20 or so tanks. I just hope they don't mess up the new British tanks too much.
  9. I played the T92 on the test server once. I found out I could eat my lunch and play tanks and surf the web at the same time. I have never touched arty since that day. Sadly though I know your pain. I've been splashed by several top arty where I could have taken our team to victory.
  10. That'd be pretty cool and i'd like to see stuff like that as well. Youtube vids of FTB, Tekkit, Technic, and all other modpacks are in over-abundance at this point. I'd like to see more individual mods be played in survival aspect. Like 3-4 mods, not more of the modpacks with over 100 mods.
  11. I agree. I remember playin' MC when it was in it's rather young state and the community was chill and mature. That time has gone like you said. One thing that has kinda changed MC in my opinion on it is the mods and modpacks that came out. Pushin' what MC can do and I think peeked alot of peoples interest cause of how much was added over the vanilla game. I'll be honest, I don't play the vanilla game anymore either cause it's so dull now compared to what mods can do, but I do agree that in the past years, the community has gone downhill pretty rapid.
  12. Thanks for the friend request thing. =)

    1. Oven Mitts

      Oven Mitts

      Your welcome :D Happy thanksgiving :)

    2. AngelofDeath


      =D Thanks. You too!

  13. Hmm the first game I started with was the original Gran Turismo back on the PS1. Shortly after was the first Diablo game on the PC. Ahh those were the good old days of gamin'.
  14. I watched that when I saw it on FTR. I thought it was pretty funny though it was very hard for me to tell what tank that was until I read the comments.
  15. I always felt that the 240SX was underrated and doesn't get the appreciation it should.
  16. Moonbutt filly is best filly. Completely adorable.
  17. I was goin' through one of my playlists and found this awesome video that only makes sense if you've played over 10,000 battles or been around since Closed Beta. Originally I found this posted on FTR and thought it was time to post it here.
  18. Like others have said, it's kinda disturbing that this is even a thing that needs to be brought up. I'm glad to see that the necessary action can and will be taken when found and needed. I also though see what others are concerned about, though it doesn't bother me since I don't rp anyways. I do however, say this to those who are pounding their faces against the wall in anger and frustration about their now "lack" of privacy. Newsflash, you lost your privacy the instant you plugged in your internet cable and connected to your wifi network. From the minute you started up your internet browser, all your "fairness" and "privacy" vanished. Like any other forum or website, if the need arises and the attention is brought to the higher ups, you can easily be checked and noted. You're safe in very few websites these days. Basically if you want your privacy, unplug you internet cable cause that's about the best your most likely gonna get. Now i'm not married with kids or sensitive in the privacy department, but I can understand how much weight this could/would take off of a parents shoulders and even the staffs shoulders. This is just what i've seen and noted in my like 20 years of doin' nothin' but browsin' the internet all day every day . Just my 2 cents.
  19. Hate. and I mean hate in its strongest form. It's way too long and tedious of a story but i've hated them my whole life. I'm glad I live with my grandparents instead of my parents.
  20. I voted #10 because Trixie and because we've had a few already that contained the entire main 6.
  21. Hmm that's a toughy really. I'd have to go with both Tyki Mikk from D. Gray-Man and The Major from Hellsing Ultimate.
  22. Hmm my video card is gettin' up to 106 Degrees C. Well I guess I should be glad i'm gettin' a new case near the end of the year.

  23. I don't mean to come off soundin' weird, but that avatar is utterly adorable. xD

    1. Felix


      Weird? Not at all! x3


      Thank you!

    2. AngelofDeath


      xD No problem! I usually think it's awkward sayin' somethin' like that but I just couldn't resist any longer.

  24. I wouldn't care. It's just a show and fandom. Everything comes to an end one way or another. Where one thing dies, another thrives and takes its place. Plus just to add, there are more important things to worry about if this happened.
  25. Watchin' that just made my day. I love this speech.
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