Like others have said, it's kinda disturbing that this is even a thing that needs to be brought up. I'm glad to see that the necessary action can and will be taken when found and needed. I also though see what others are concerned about, though it doesn't bother me since I don't rp anyways.
I do however, say this to those who are pounding their faces against the wall in anger and frustration about their now "lack" of privacy. Newsflash, you lost your privacy the instant you plugged in your internet cable and connected to your wifi network. From the minute you started up your internet browser, all your "fairness" and "privacy" vanished. Like any other forum or website, if the need arises and the attention is brought to the higher ups, you can easily be checked and noted. You're safe in very few websites these days. Basically if you want your privacy, unplug you internet cable cause that's about the best your most likely gonna get.
Now i'm not married with kids or sensitive in the privacy department, but I can understand how much weight this could/would take off of a parents shoulders and even the staffs shoulders. This is just what i've seen and noted in my like 20 years of doin' nothin' but browsin' the internet all day every day . Just my 2 cents.