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Everything posted by AngelofDeath

  1. It's amazin' how much boredom can influence what you think about durin' the day.

  2. Look at all those researched tanks.
  3. Meh it's doesn't bother me as much as it did in the beginnin'. When you've been single most of your life, you tend to get used to it. That doesn't go without sayin', that I wouldn't mind changin' it if the opportunity presented itself.
  4. For awhile I thought I was straight. But ever since the end of high school 3 1/2 years ago and the lack of not bein' around hardly anyone after that, I actually started to feel rather confused. I never had a whole lot of luck with the few girls I have dated. Plus, when you sit around and have alot of free time to think about things, you tend to start to wonder. At this point i'm still kinda confused, but i'd probably have to say i'm bi-curious and leanin' more towards the bisexual side. I figure if i'm not havin' too much luck with girls, maybe I should expand my horizon.
  5. It's alright. I've never been fully understood by my so called "friends". But I know all too well what you're goin' through.
  6. I only talk to him like once a month if that. When high school ended, my entire circle of friends I had just up and left. I had my own problems to deal with here at home with my grandparents and none of my friends understood that I had to take care of my grandparents over hangin' out with friends. It made me sick.
  7. I think the only reason I still have this one irl friend is because we both are big into computers. Other than that I didn't keep my other friends, and my ex hardly talks to me either so there's that. As for motivation, I know what you mean. I have 0 motivation everyday. My grandparents can attest to that. Wake up, get on my computer, get lunch, go back to computer, eat dinner, go back to computer, and sleep. It's no fun.
  8. Yeah it sucks. I got like 1 IRL friend at this point. I don't leave my house. In the end, it's kinda a thing i've grown used to. I try not to think about the depressin' parts of it and try to find the positives that I have left to keep me goin'.
  9. I know the feelin' man. Only i've been dealin' with it for years. It's not an easy thing to put up with.
  10. Hmm so it more less is kinda a novelty sort of tank rather than a decent tank from the sounds of it.
  11. I envy you greatly. How is the StugIV?? Is it any different like the Stug III or Stug IV that we already had in game??
  12. Oddly enough the game I played in my childhood probably contributed to my destructive nature, but the Twisted Metal games on the PS1. Man those games were the bomb. I would play those all day every day, which made me ignore my PC completely. Hmm, I should go back and play those games sometime.
  13. I read on FTR that if you do everythin', the amount of credits you'd make is just astronomical.
  14. I've heard that the heavies are some of the easiest missions. I've done a few of the mediums so far and a few of the TD ones as well. I haven't messed with the lights or arty yet.
  15. Oh I envy you right now. These missions ain't easy and i'm not so thrilled with both the fact I might have to play arty, or the fact I have to platoon.
  16. Well, the "Personal Missions" have dropped today. A real reason to get off my rear and start playin' tanks again. I don't exactly agree with the platoon requirements since I play solo about 99% of the time. Guess that means I have to go and buy a "clicking" machine.
  17. God my internet speed is terrible. Takes 3 hours to download a 6.7GB game.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. AngelofDeath


      Yeah it took me forever to download Portal 2 as well. It's terrible. I have to schedule my day around how long it will take to download a game. It's ridiculous.

    3. Blue The Pikachu

      Blue The Pikachu

      I know, ugh. At least it was worth it, Portal 2 was amazing.

    4. AngelofDeath


      I sure hope it's worth it. My friend begged me to install Dirt 3 so we can race and whatnot.

  18. Well, I was hopin' today would be a good day. It's now 20 past noon and I already just wanna call it a day.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. AngelofDeath


      xD Wish I could but I don't work that way. I'll just have to wait and see if it gets any better.

    3. 碇 シンジン
    4. TailsIsNotAlone


      I've had a lot of days like that...my sympathies. :)

  19. Man I hate shovelin' snow. It's the only reason that makes me despise snow.

    1. CosmicHooves


      Strange thing is for me; I live in New York State.

      And so far there's been hardly any snow.

    2. AngelofDeath


      You're lucky. Us here in Colorado has have a fair bit of snow. I know friends on the East Coast who complained when I told them that we had a white Christmas and they didn't. lol

  20. Oh my god that is hilarious. Well done to the ASIA community.
  21. I'm the only one who probably don't give a rats ass about startin' a new year. Ya'll can go on with your new years, I want my last 3 years back instead.

  22. I don't think i've ever gotten so many random friend requests on Steam before than I have these past 3 months.

    1. The Crimson Cross

      The Crimson Cross

      lol, I partially gave up on steam when it decided not to transfer the majority of my mac games! >.<

      Shoulda just went with it to start with!

    2. Jozzeh


      I don't tend to like random adds myself.

  23. AngelofDeath

    making christmas merrier Choose MLP Forums newest emote

    I'm votin' for Octavia. I have my doubts that she'll win this silly compet....I mean poll but she gets my vote anyways. xD
  24. As much as I love fluffy animals like dogs and ferrets, I have to pick the scaly reptiles. There's just somethin' about snakes and lizards and other reptiles that I just love that I can't quite put my finger on.
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