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Banner by ~ Ice Princess Silky


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Everything posted by Elric

  1. I'd like cooking if I was any good at it. Seriously, I even burn toast.
  2. Well, for those who remember me... I'm back.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. DJ MUFF1N D3RP

      DJ MUFF1N D3RP

      I think I remember you, but welcome back!

    3. Apple      Bloom

      Apple Bloom

      Welcome back, SDY! Hope to see you around.

    4. Aureity


      Happy birthday!

  3. So, I'm pretty sure I am going to become a cave story addict.

  4. Eh, I am learning spanish. I want to learn maybe some hebrew and latin.
  5. Has anyone ever cried in their sleep? I know have when I was little. It was quite a realistic dream, too. Anyway, I had a kind of interesting dream last night. It was set in like in the old middle east, and by scrapping my nail against this magic ring I obtained I could set people on fire and people were chasing after me. That's basically it, until I encountered a hooded man that stabbed me and through me into the ocean to drown.
  6. I am in the mood to listen to a some new music. Any suggestions?

    1. Viscra Maelstrom

      Viscra Maelstrom

      well, i do have a lot of them, since i have over 9000 songs (literally, not beating up a dead pun here). i'll just go through my recently listened songs that is in my Winamp history...


      Cybernetika's Electron Tracker, from his awe-inspiring album Colossus, which is free to download (at here: http://www.ektoplazm.com/free-music/cybernetika-colossus):


      since you are interested in the science behind dreams, MentalImage's...

    2. Viscra Maelstrom

      Viscra Maelstrom

      ...Dreams Vol. 2 should suite you nicely: http://www.ektoplazm.com/free-music/mentalimage-dreams-vol-2


      Reach Out by Furries in a Blender, some trance-esque stuff: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ag9NeledxNk


      lastly, a personal favorite of mine:

  7. I can't remember a dream where I was actually running. I do remember flying on a dragon though. That dream was probably the best dream I have ever had.
  8. Sorry, I'm going to have to banish you.
  9. No, this is just one of the ones I thought I would post because it's kind of humorous. I actually write poems quite often, and the mood of them usually isn't as light as this one.
  10. Probably Fluttershy. Mainly because she is shy and friendly. I am shy and friendly, but not one of those socially awkward guys. I can hold a conversation with someone. I am mostly shy when I first meet people, thats about it.
  11. Why should I rhyme? It's just a waste of time I hate when people make it their prime and act like not rhyming is a crime I really hate when people rhyme stupid stuff Like cheese puffs Sometimes I just have to say, that's enough! They do it in such a rush It all seems like a pile of mush When they try to give their poem a big push They always try to write better more But always turns out really poor Although it comes from the core Why should I rhyme? I say it's a crime And I don't have the time
  12. If you didn't know already, I am a amateur writer and write short stories. At the moment, I'm working on about 3. This was my first short story, it's pretty short and I'm sure it still needs work but eventually I may re-write it with more detail/correcting grammar. I post this story on most of the forums I frequent, so I figured I'd post it on here as well. Comments/Critiques are allowed and always will be. -- September 12, 1993 It was mid-afternoon, and the sun was just setting upon the horizon. Lucas Sleith was a young boy at the age of 7, and came from a poor family.Every day around dawn, his mother and father would send him into the woods to gather some blueberrys. Lucas was a shy boy, and usually did not talk very much. He had long dark brown hair and bright green eyes. The blueberry bushes were way into the forest so it usually took Lucas around a hour for him to gather all of the blueberrys he could possibly find. Lucas walked out of the small house in which he lived and started walking towards the road of zombie woods. The road was about 7 miles long, but the bush in which he gathered the berrys was only about 2 miles long. The road was also very narrow, so possibly only one car could fit. Time passed by, and Lucas arrived to the entrance of the forest. He had always been kind of scared of the road because their were so many trees that made the road kind of shady. He looked around while he was walking. He saw a small stream in his way. Lucas didint want to get wet, so he carefully tip-toed across it. Finally, Lucas arrived to the area of the berrys. He picked them rapidly like a starved bird, getting everything he possibly could. There were around three bushes around this time, and the were all ripe and loaded with plump blueberrys.When he turned around to go to the other bush, he saw a lady standing before him. Lucas was startled and fell to the ground. The lady had a long black dress on, like one you would wear to some kind of ball. Lucas looked down at her feet to find that the lady was floating in mid-air. The lady smiled at him, a wordlessly smiled and held a hand out. Lucas reached out to the ladys hand and grabbed it as the lady pulled him up. The lady then began to float away, but stopped and looked back and again held her hand out. What were her intentions? Lucas followed the lady. Lucas began to follow her for quite a long time, and it soon began to get dark. After awhile of following the strange floating lady,she led him to a strange abandend house. The house scared lucas, because it looked like a haunted house on something youd see on a movie.The house looked more than 30 years old, and it seemed like no one had lived in it for decades. The paint was chipping off, and the door was open and almost off the hinges. most of the windows were broken or cracked. The lady floated into the house, and then went down into the basement. Lucas, debating on if he should follow her walked slowly towards the house. The house had no lighting at all, so it was kind of hard to see. Lucas walked slowly down the stairs. In each step the floor boards creeked. He saw the lady waiting for him.She made him sit in the corner of the small room. Then she whispered to him "Ill be back," and the lady then left up the steps and closed the door. Lucas waited for a hour, and the lady never came back. Was he seeing things...? Lucas began to get scared. He saw floating lights, flickering around the room. In the corner of the room;he could have sworn he saw a man turned towards the wall for a split second. He heard strange things also, such as a strange gurgling, a fainted scream, and a scratches on the wall. Lucas looked desperatly and ran for the door, but the old door of brown wood was locked. He looked around franticly, looking for some sort of opening and focused on a window. He Jumped up, on the ledge openend the window. He then ran out of the house and ran down the road as fast as he could. When he got into the town, he finally screamed and shouted for his mom. He told the story about the strange lady, dressed in a long black dress. The day after the incident, a group of men looked around for the strange house of which Lucas told them of. They looked for hours... and never found the house. Some people say that Lucas was swept to another demention. Was the lady actually a illusion? The rumors eventually spread around like a plague. Some people actually beleived in him, some people didint. But Lucas never forgot the day he saw the lady. And this, is the legend of zombie road.
  13. I don't have nightmares, but more like disaster dreams. What I mean by that is that they are dreams where something terrible goes on and goes wrong and when i'm about to face the consequences of the dream (say death, punishment, etc.) I wake up. They are really kind of disappointing dreams and are similar to nightmares. I had a dream about school last night. I parents made me transfer to a different high school which was a rival of my original high school. I just remember being upset about it, that was basically the whole dream.
  14. So, talk about all of your crazy dreams here. I used to have one every night, but lately I have been having boring ones so I just choose to forget them when I wake up. I typically record my dreams in a journal to keep track of them all. I have had dreams that felt real, and ridiculous ones like a giant octagon flying over my house. That was the most recent. (If you didn't know, I am fascinated with dreams. I always like studying the science behind dreams when I have free time)
  15. This video just about sums it up.
  16. Elric

    gaming Crash Bandicoot

    So, any Crash Bandicoot fans out there? I personally loved the games, and played all of the series on the original playstation. I remember one on the ps2 (before they rebooted the whole series and made is really bad) was pretty good as well.
  17. Pharaoh was a great game, although I could never manage to get my city to survive all of the enemy attacks. Crash Bandicoot was a great game, so was the game Gex.
  18. All sorts of music. One of my favorites is blues. I even listen to a little bit of rap (Atmosphere). Anyway, my favorites are: Coldplay, John Mayer, Jason Mraz, Jack Johnson, Matchbox twenty, MGMT, The Kooks, The strokes, The killers, Adele, My chemical romance, Deadmau5, and Kaskade. Currently I'm listening to Modest Mouse, My Morning Jacket, Bon Iver, and Foster the people.
  19. Merry Christmas. Hope everyponie's is wonderful.
  20. Elric

    movies/tv The Dark Knight Rises

    In Tim Burton's movie Batman Kills the joker. Batman never kills anyone, if I remember correctly.
  21. Elric

    movies/tv The Dark Knight Rises

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x648eA9qgt8&feature=related So, the trailer for the Dark Knight Rises came out. What do you think?
  22. Well, I still haven't even gotten out of school yet. We get out next thursday. I am looking forward to a break though. I really hate getting less than 7 hours of sleep and using the hours on studying for tests. Especially those damn finals... and chemistry. I am going out of town with my family for christmas. It should be pretty fun I am guessing. A nice break as well. *sigh* Thursday is going to take forever to get here.
  23. I love sashimi. I usually get it with a side of rice and wasabi.
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