Where to start... Alright, I went to a friends house and played TimeSplitters. The next day I was dragged to church. (I'm atheist for those that don't know) So they started saying the usual God is great B.S. Then, they started talking about how homosexuality is the bane of humanity. That is when I snapped. There are two things I can't stand. One is when people say homosexuals are evil. The other one being people that ridicule the mentally handicapped. So naturally, I called B.S on that claim outloud. I asked them what their beef is with homosexuals. They said it was against the bible to be homosexual. I asked them to tell me a verse which speaks against it. They brought up the classic Leviticus 18:22. I stated that Leviticus was in the Old Testement. Therefore, doesn't apply to Christian ideaology. They got pissed off. They went on and said not to place God before anything. But, what pissed me off was when they said the reason for all the unrest in the middle east was because the put Allah before God. Now that is some grade A bullshit. For starters, Allah and God are the same thing, just named differently. Second, there are other things going on numbnuts. Naturally, I spoke out again, got him, his family and I kicked out of the church. So my friend hates me now. Later, I grew the balls to ask out a girl I liked for quite a while. I got rejected and fell into a deep sadness. We've only spoke once since. (Which I'll get into later) Then, my best friend told me that she liked me since we've met. Me being in a shitty mood was unintetionally a dick. Now she won't talk to me. Then after that ordeal, I got into a fucking fight. Some guy started punching me just because I'm atheist. (Don't know how he found out) So we proceeded to fight. I kicked his ass. In fact, I broke his nose. (Probably because I'm 6 ft tall in 8th grade) So I got suspended. When I came back to school, EVERYONE thought and still thinks I'm a fucking brute that beats up everyone. Now no one will talk to me. All my friends except one talks to me now. Even then, I don't see her much. I only see her 2 times a day. On the bus ride going to and from school. About that conversation with the girl I used to like. We started talking about homosexuality. It turns out she hates gay people just because of biblical bullshit. We got into an argument about that. I mentioned the whole though shalt not judge stuff. She got pissed, cussed me out, and walk away whilst flipping me off. I now have no feelings for her. Now, I have only one friend of whom I see only twice a day as I previously said becaue she's in 11th grade while I'm in 8th. Fuckin' hell. Sorry about that rant. I just needed to vent.