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Quill The Pony.

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Everything posted by Quill The Pony.

  1. Banned for banning someone who banned someone who banned someone x1000000000000
  2. WHY MUST I CHOOSE? 1:fluttershy 2: Twilight sparkle. 3:Lyra. 4:Rarity. 5:Octavia.
  3. http://chzbronies.files.wordpress.com/2011/11/my-little-pony-friendship-is-magic-brony-i-knew-trollestia-was-behind-all-this.jpg
  4. People get wrong impression when they first see her. On a first impreesion, they think she is a stuck up, arrogant, cry baby. So therefore they judge her. But if that person were to watch more episodes, they see she is different.
  5. The God delusion. Dr. Jekyll and Mr.Hyde. I've just finished reading The theory of Moral Sentiments.(No Joke) Fist Stick Knife Gun.
  7. The name of the thread led me to believe this was about Earthworm Jim.
  8. Prepare for quite the list. Time splitters series:Chinese, Like a monkey, Wild west, Site, Siberia, Siberia boss, Chicago, Streets (TS2). Zelda series:Main theme (Both nes games and MM.), Boss fight(MM), Dark world(ALTTP.) Mega man(1-8): wily 1&2(2), Wily 1(7), Frost man(8), Metal man(2), Bubble man(2), Hard man(3). Mega man x 1-3:Spark mandrill(1), Armoured armadillo(1), Boomer kuwanger(1), Crystal snail(2) Zero fight(2), Flame stag(2), The whole soundtrack(3(SNES)) F-zero: Big blue. Ninja Gaiden1NES: The whole sound track. Castlevania: main theme(1,2,4) Bloodlines (dracula X) Golden eye 007 n64: Dam, Silo, Train, Surface. There are many more but I will not be posting them because this post will be very long.
  9. Lust, wrath,envy and sloth. Yes, I'm a terrible person who kicks puupies on my spare time.
  10. Poofy Pinkie is better in my opinion. Why? because she is Pinkie Pie, that's why.
  11. Selling a not for resale sonic the hedgehog, prank calling the hospital, not telling my family I'm not really a christain (I'm athesit.) Mooning cows. All of that is NOTHING compared to the WORST thing I've evr done I've stolen a candy bar from a stroe. DUNDUNDUUUN
  12. I'll be horny more often. Joking aside, I would use it for practical stuff such as getting the T.V remote. Serious stuff like that.
  13. Read sweet apple massacre. That will help you forget about how bad it is. Just kidding DON'T READ IT. Watch episodes that pertain to pinkie pie and it will help you relise it is just a "fan" fiction.
  14. Fluttershy and twilight sparkle are my favorite as I can relate to them. Spitfire is my favorite secendary pony. Lyra is my favorite backround pony.
  15. Hello, I have made an acount today. I just want to introduce my self to everyone on the forums. My favorite pony is fluttershy, but my favaorite pony as a filly is twilight sparkle. Well, that is it. Who is your favorite pony?
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