Today my parents kind of got on me about My Little Pony. I thought my mom has known about it for awhile, I've mentioned it to her before and my dad has even seen me watching the show. I thought they knew I was into the show and just kind of left it alone which I was really happy with. But today a friend of mine mentioned it to them trying to give me a hard time, which I'm also cool with. I can take a joke. But they were completely shocked and as soon as my friend left they kept going on about how weird it was, that it was for little girls, that I'm almost 20. They mentioned something about the fandom bing pedophiles (which really got under my skin).
With all of that said I can understand how being a male fan almost 20 can come off as weird. But it's a great show, with a great message. It just does not seem like a big deal at all to me. It's just a TV show, and completely harmless. I can't believe the things people think of us, and my own parents at that. Have any of you guys experience something similar?
Sorry to be ranty, but as the topic title suggests I'm disappointed and really pissed off at them and needed to vent a bit. I hold my parents in a high esteem and they didn't even attempt to understand they just wrote this whole thing off as weird and strange.