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Flying Whales

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Everything posted by Flying Whales

  1. I really wouldn’t mind seeing the forums expand. Having more members could give us great new topics, awesome ideas and what not, plus I want the forums to be successful, not to say that they aren’t now. Plus that’s just more chances for us to make new friends, and meet new people, which is part of the reason I joined the forums anyway.
  2. Love, love, love that Avatar. Regular Show for the win! XD

  3. Ahhhh, that’s awesome. I’m a pretty big fan of As I Lay Dying. I’m assuming based off those influences you gave you will have some clean vocals as well as some screams?
  4. This, this, and more of this! While I can’t be of any service we could use some more diversity as far as music. The thought of a MLP metal band gets me totally stoked. Hope you can get something going because I’d love to hear it. Do you think you guys know of any particular sound you are trying to achieve?
  5. Wow, thanks for sharing that with us. It took me all day to read though XD. I'm happy you were able to change your narrow-minded views even though, at that point in your life and through your experiences to an extent you were justified in your thinking and was able to change that. I'm so happy that My Little Pony was able to help supplement that change in your life, one that is so positive, and has seemed to have changed your life for the better. Totally wish you the best of luck in the future by the way.
  6. Well, since I went to Equestria LA this week I bought two packs of MLP trading cards, a Rarity tee shirt from WeLoveFine, a poster of Chrysalis, one of Scootaloo and Rainbow Dash, and one of Princess Luna and Celestia. I also got a Derpy button as well as a Twilight button, and I got an 8-bit Rainbow Dash cutie mark keychain. So much money, and all worth it. Hahaha
  7. Eh, yeah I’ve come across dumb kids when I play multiplayer Halo. Sometimes I feel bad because some of them get trolled wrongly just because they are young, but in these cases all you can do is , roll your eyes, and mute them.
  8. Yeah, I wasn’t talking about the world, I was speaking in terms of the United States. Only because I live here and I can make a better estimation based on my experiences and what not. As far as the world, I think we probably have over a million Bronies for sure. That is pretty interesting as far as your school and my estimation.
  9. Hmm that’s actually a really interesting thing to think about. I guess we need to ask ourselves what is a reasonable estimation of actual Bronies? Also are we talking about the world or say a specific country like the United States? In the case of the United States there is a total population of 311,591,917 people. I’m going to say at least 1 in every 500 people are Bronies, to me that seems pretty reasonable. That would give us about 623,184 Bronies in the US alone (rounded up) Now, that would make 0.2% of the American population as Bronies based on my estimation.
  10. Argonians are my favorite race to play. I think their ability is pretty OP especially if you use heavy armor, you can pretty much just tank any opponent.
  11. My dad comes in my room sometimes at 4 a.m. when he wakes up for work to come take the Xbox from my room to play NCAA Football 2013 as well as Civilization Revolution. He’s not really a big gamer but he plays a lot of freaking football. Haha
  12. Yeah, exactly, that is why I’m so patient with them. They have no idea about the Internet culture I suppose. So, I just kind of held my tongue and just let them say what that wanted to say. Haha fat chance of them doing that They said flat out they don’t want to know.
  13. For some reason when people say nothing is impossible bothers the crap out of me. It’s a pet peeve of mine, and some people who know say it is really cynical but some things are simply impossible. But that’s just weird me I guess. I can agree with this so much. Disorganization in some cases will drive me nuts. I don’t like noisy places either. Especially a room full of people talking, like in class or something. I hate it, it’s incredibly awkward for me and I’d just rather do my work.
  14. I hear that, I should be able to transfer to a university next year. I’m ready to get out of my house. Don’t get me wrong I love my parents but I’m sick of having to tiptoe around who I am in my own house, it’s not just MLP it’s a lot of the stuff I’m into.
  15. Wow, that is crazy. Of course the haters always come off as petty, and altogether ass holes. It’s different if it is your friend giving you a hard time but some random? Not so much. I think it is pretty funny that while he attempts to physically harm you, you just stay calm and still don’t raise your voice at him. I’m sure during this whole altercation he just looked completely ridiculous. Good for you for keeping your cool. I haven’t met a random hater in real life, but recently my parents and I had sort of an argument over it and I was quite displeased.
  16. Ah, thanks guys. I know my parents are good people, and they really don’t understand, like with all new things that are a shock it’ll take time to accept. I guessed it upset me because I thought they were better than that, but of course, they grew up in a much different time with a different set of morals and values. I’m feeling better about it now though got to vent and sleep it off, thanks, all of you.
  17. Yeah, to me the pedophile thing was extremely offensive to me, but yeah, I'll see about talking to them in a day or two. Let it sink in a bit, let me calm down. I think it'll be best. I'm actually watching it now on Netflix just because it clams me down. XD
  18. Ah, thanks. Yeah, I tried to explain but they didn't want to hear. Like I said I'm just more mad than anything. Hopefully they won't give me a hard time though I don't think they will. I was actually pretty calm with them just because I didn't expect them just to say "sure that's cool" but I tried to explain but they weren't hearing it.
  19. Today my parents kind of got on me about My Little Pony. I thought my mom has known about it for awhile, I've mentioned it to her before and my dad has even seen me watching the show. I thought they knew I was into the show and just kind of left it alone which I was really happy with. But today a friend of mine mentioned it to them trying to give me a hard time, which I'm also cool with. I can take a joke. But they were completely shocked and as soon as my friend left they kept going on about how weird it was, that it was for little girls, that I'm almost 20. They mentioned something about the fandom bing pedophiles (which really got under my skin). With all of that said I can understand how being a male fan almost 20 can come off as weird. But it's a great show, with a great message. It just does not seem like a big deal at all to me. It's just a TV show, and completely harmless. I can't believe the things people think of us, and my own parents at that. Have any of you guys experience something similar? Sorry to be ranty, but as the topic title suggests I'm disappointed and really pissed off at them and needed to vent a bit. I hold my parents in a high esteem and they didn't even attempt to understand they just wrote this whole thing off as weird and strange.
  20. Hey! It was good to see you today at the con. Too bad I’m incredibly awkward. XD

    1. CinemaBrony


      Yeah, it was really cool getting to see you there too.

    2. Flying Whales

      Flying Whales

      My poor cousin. I don't know if you saw her but she isn't at all into MLP or anything like that. She was just terribly shocked at the whole thing haha. I wanted to talk more to people but she was just not having it. XD

    3. CinemaBrony


      No, I don't quite recall of seeing your cousin there.


      Say, out of curiosity, where were you exactly after we parted ways? You seemed to have disappeared from the con after you left me. I actually would have loved to hang out and chat with you a while longer, because you seem like a really cool guy.

  21. This Halloween my brother and I dressed up as Mordecai and Rigby. I wish I had a photo of us together. I pretty much love tis show nearly as much as I love FiM Next time I get to a comp I'll post a picture. Was as so legit. XD
  22. Just checked into my hotel! Equestria LA here I come! =D

  23. Some girl took a picture with me because I was wearing a Fluttershy shirt XD

  24. I went with my brother trick-or-treating and we had by far the best costumes. Not to sound all stuck up but we had our aunt make us Mordecai and Rigby costumes. Everybody we saw was going “oooooooooh” and some people took pictures with us, it was awesome. I’ll upload a photo of us later. I hope everyone else had a happy Halloween.
  25. Boom! Rarity best pony! I can see where you are coming from. Awhile back I formed a bit of a crush on Toph from Avatar. To me, it sounds like you are more in love with the idea of Fluttershy. She has many qualities which would be desirable in another person. She’s sweet, kind, she’s very and nurturing. All of which are great traits for someone to have. I guess I’d try and find someone who has a similar personality to Fluttershy’s. By the way that did take some courage to admit so props to you my friend.
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