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Flying Whales

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Everything posted by Flying Whales

  1. Yeah, just go for it. I’ve had an AJ profile picture for months now and I have family on my facebook and nobody has said anything. I’d just do it. Gotta represent dem ponies haha.
  2. Thanks a lot. I didn’t even consider green. I don’t have any Diabolic Tutors, but I do have a Diabolic Revelation, which is kind of expensive but I could grab any card I’d need for some combos.
  3. Yeah, I agree with everyone else, but I think it’s kind of cool to think and speculate about. There was a point when all I’d do is sit on YouTube watching video after video.
  4. Recently I’ve been really obsessed with all of the Lavender Town creepypastas. The Buried Alive, Lavender Town Syndrom, the White Hand and Pokemon Creepy Black, especially Creepy Black. Those are fun reads and I found them pretty creepy. This should be a pretty cool club by the way. I like it.
  5. First I want to make it abundantly clear I do not believe the Free Masons or the Illuminati are ruling the world, but I happened to notice this today while watching Owl’s Well That Ends Well. Look at the owl on the book that Spike is holding. It is exactly the same as the logo of the Bohemian Club, which is located at Bohemian Grove. For those of you who know it is shrouded in mystery and conspiracy theories. Here is a picture of the Bohemian Grove logo If you aren’t familiar with speculation (and I emphasize speculation) here’s this http-~~-//www.youtube.com/watch?v=wtSVBTne-KY What are everyone else’s thoughts and opinions on the subject? Do you believe in the Mason/Illuminati conspiracies, and the MLP cast may be somehow related, or do you think it is just an easter egg or a logo they carefully planted to stir up thoughts and threads like this one? Discuss.
  6. There are a few. The falling scene with Rarity and Spike I loved they seemed to have a mutual understanding in that moment and it was awesome. Also, the scene in A Canterlot Wedding where Cadence and Shining Armor repel all of the Changlings out of Canterlot with the power of their love was a pretty d’aww moment. Pinkie’s story in The Cutie Mark Chronicles too, just because I feel it is so applicable to life and Pinkie Pie should never be sad, ever.
  7. Yeah, I’ll be lucky enough to see it on TV, actually when it’s on. I actually became a Brony right after season 2 finale so I don’t know what day the new episodes of MLP will air on the Hub, can some please enlighten me?
  8. I agree with the above statement, but I’ll humor the question. *deep breath* I’d have to say Spike, I’m sorry, I love Spike, I really do, I love his sarcasm and his antics but as far as plot goes the show does not need Spike. That was kind of hard to say as I’m a big fan but, that’s who I’d boot.
  9. Okay, I’m trying to put together a life gain deck. I’m wondering if I should run a black-white just because black has a lot of lifelink, or potentially mono white. I’d like to run the deck around Rhox Faithmender and maybe the Chalice of Life. Could use some suggestions. I need a lot of cards to get to put it together and I want it to be standard so I can play it at FNM.
  10. Hmmm, well, from personal experience I only lurk and post here. The only time I find myself on EQD is because of a link I click on here and I can’t remember the last time I was on /mlp/. I don’t feel better than anypony else, it’s just I love this site and I suppose for me it’s a loyalty thing.
  11. Ah, I am guilty of this crime, but it just make so much sense. Like before mentioned Fluttershy, Spitfire, Featherweight, and even Apple Jack. Good to know though just because I am nit picky.
  12. 1. What would you do if Applejack wanted an apple from the fridge but couldn't reach? I’d have no choice but to put it juuust out of reach so she couldn’t get it. 2. What would you do if Twilight found some clopfics on the internet? Well, Twilight, I think it’s time we had “the talk.” 3. What would you do if Sweetie Belle was sleeping on your head? Probably gently move her aside and tuck her in some blankies. 4. What would you do if Rainbow Dash was picking on Spike? I’d have to somehow prank Rainbow Dash into thinking the Wonderbolts wanted her. 5. Do you think Fluttershy would make a good Jedi? Her affinity with nature leads me to believe she’d easily be able to harness the force. 6. What would you do if you walked into your room to see Spike and Rarity making out? ALRIGHT, WAY TO GO SPIKE! STICK IT TO HER! 7. What would you do if you went to see a movie and the mane 6 went with you? I would never leave that theater. 8. What would you do if you saw Twilight hitchhiking? Pick her up and begin to wonder why she didn’t teleport herself. 9. What would you do if you were walking down the street and saw Applejack, Pinkie, and Rarity in a car in a parking lot next to you? Probably rub my eyes in disbelief 10. What would you do if you saw the CMC watching South Park? Pop some popcorn and watch with.
  13. I’d say that is a little uncalled for on your teachers part, and I’m really sorry that you may now be subject to some bullying due to her announcing it to the class, but you have to be smarter than that. You took a pretty big risk being on it in class if you didn’t want people to find out. Still though, I hope you don’t receive a lot of shit because of this, just because you made a mistake does not mean you deserve to be bullied for it.
  14. I actually love this idea, and I would go if there was one near me. It would be so much fun, but I don’t know if there are enough Bronies per town to make it work. Maybe if you did it in a place like LA you could get away with it? There should be enough Bronies in the LA area to keep your business running.
  15. I’ll just leave this here. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EvaoeqNLNtM I’ll have to get one of these sometime in December. Did you find this at a random dollar store or was it something like a Big Lots?
  16. Hmm because it’s so hard to choose I’ll do it this way. Kanto: Johto: Hoenn: Sinnoh: Unova: I’d have to say out of all of them my favorite is a tie between Altaria, Haunter, and Gengar
  17. Who's your favorite pony? Rarity When did you start having that pony as your favorite? When I finally realized Rarity was classy, lady instead of stuck up and snobbish. What episode, scene, or fanon made her/him your official favorite? A Dog and Pony Show Why did you like him/her because of that? “But I thought you waaaaanted whiiiiiiiining!!!” Rarity is so funny, she’s kind, she’s successful, and at the drop of the hat she can break down into overdramatic tears which I think is hilarious.
  18. I’ve been playing Pokemon so long now that I just love to use below average Pokemon now and train them up and take them through the Elite Four I took Voltorb, Cubone, I trained a Magikarp from level 5 to a Gyarados (who I know isn’t below average) Doduo, Vulpix, and Nidoran. They were a fun team.
  19. I think $30 is very reasonable for a plushie. I can see why they are so expensive though, I’d say there is a high demand of them among the Brony community. I know I want one, but I don’t have one. Between the high demand and low supply they are expensive. It’s not like you can walk into a Target and just buy one if you want.
  20. I don’t think there needs to be a continuing story line in season three. Though I wouldn’t mind if in season three they did something like they did in season 1 where they kept referencing the Gala and kept building up to the Gala, I liked that.
  21. I’d stop watching the show and subsequently lose all faith in humanity. Cute ponies in the most innocent show known to man should not be killed. Of course I’d also be terribly saddened.
  22. Hey, that’s really awesome that your father is so supportive of what you’d like to do in life. If you were asking me I’d go for what you’d enjoy and that’s doing voice work. Who cares how impressive it is? If you can make a living doing what you really enjoy then I think it would be foolish not to peruse it. Best of luck to you which ever path you decide to take.
  23. Welcome to the forums Alera, I like your name and your avatar. As far as what not to do, like posted before if seems wrong just don’t do it. Other than that you should be golden. Everypony needs one of these to be welcomed to the forums. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ix7vrluEm4E
  24. I say yes to all three, Celestia and Luna I think would be able to stop her easily if needed, and I think the rest of the Mane 6 could save her, it would be sort of the same way that she restored the Mane 6 from Discord’s influence, just opposite. I think collectively they could make Twilight come back to her senses.
  25. I too loved this anime and actually as I’m typing this now I’m watching it. The OVA isn’t that great and really has nothing to do with the plot. I don’t know if you don’t want any spoilers so I won’t say anything. I have also heard that Highschool of the Dead was green-lit for a season two though, which it exciting!
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