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Flying Whales

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Everything posted by Flying Whales

  1. I’ve noticed that no one in the show uses magic more than Twilight does, to me it seems like Rarity uses magic sparingly compared to Twilight. Maybe between Sweetie Belle being too young to really have much magical ability and the amount of screen time she receives we don’t see her use magic. I don’t believe she “can’t use magic because she’s too young” like stated early Pumpkin Cake used magic and so did Twilight in her entrance exam before she had her cutie mark as well as Rarity, though her horn kind of took control there for awhile
  2. I’m a mix of general discussion (which includes show discussion) and life advice and other than that I do a lot of lurking. It’s easy to burn a few hours here that way.
  3. I’m going to be honest, the more I think about it I get a little bothered. I don’t understand the hate. It’s as simple as a bunch of us liking a TV show and nothing more, it is so innocent. We just like a show, it shouldn’t be a big deal at all in the first place. Today before work for example I really wanted to wear my Fluttershy shirt but decided not to, not because I’m ashamed or anything but I didn’t want to have to deal with all the BS I’d get from my co-workers all day, I’d rather just avoid it all together.
  4. Mine is a solid .53 102 brohoof and 192 posts over all I actually can’t believe I have that many posts. I’ve only been here since last month.
  5. SBB I couldn’t agree with you more. Though, I do kind of like the Nest balls when the Pokemon comes out. I caught my Giritina that way and it was so easy.

  6. Make my mom sing to me “soft kitty, warm kitty, little ball of fur, happy kitty sleepy kitty purr, purr, purr.” XD Not really, I just play some Xbox and hate my life.
  7. Awwh yeah! Eclipsed 100 brohoofs today!

  8. The only reason I have a FB is to keep in contact with my international friends. Other than that, for me, it is useless. Between these forums and Skype I don't need one.
  9. I don't think there is one reason. I'd say there are a number of reasons. Firstly, I think some people just like to troll and stir people up. Second, I think what people don't understand scares them, and that is natural. In my opinion the fact that guys our age like a show like My Little Pony threatens the masulinity of other males and makes us look too feminin to females. Plus, it seems whenever Bronies get any sort of publicity like by a news report for example it seems we are portrayed as peculiar and we are often made fun of on such reports. ~I also want to note that I am speaking generally, not absolutely.
  10. Ugh, my old girlfriend used to watch the show with me. She isn’t a huge fan but she likes the show. I really miss that about her which kind of sucks. Ah well I suppose.
  11. Just so you know Pinkie’s pet’s name is Gummy. I actually watched Lesson Zero again because of this thread and I was cracking up through out. I still think as far as the breakdown itself goes I like Pinkie but Twilight’s was funnier in my opinion.
  12. I’d really love to go to Equestria LA this year but I’m wondering if it would even be worth it? Right now it looks as if I’d have to go alone. My cousin would be willing to stay with me in LA for the two days but she’s not at all into MLP and I think it’s so nice of her to even offer come with me in the first place. So she would not coming with me into the convention. I can see one of two scenarios happening. The first (and most likely in my opinion) would be I walk around by myself being a total loner semi enjoying the convention but not at all to its full extent because I’ll be alone and no one to share the experience with. Second I see myself getting lucky and maybe meeting some people and having an amazing time with my fellow Broines laughing and discussing the show among other thing. To me this seems very unlikely and a little naive. What do you guys think?
  13. This helps for me and I hope maybe it helps for you. I’ve learned that just acknowledging what you are feeling is helpful. Feelings don’t always have to be rational and it is not uncommon for them not to be rational, so for me just saying to yourself “okay, I feel this way, I know I feel this why, I don’t necessarily know why I feel this way but I’m going to begin moving forward and past this emotional block” is a good way of coping for me.
  14. *sigh* I think this question is a little loaded just because Pinkie’s mental breakdown is just too hard to beat. Pinkie’s meltdown is an iconic moment in My Little Pony.
  15. Adventure Time is a fine show. It is pretty creative and doesn’t fail to make me laugh. I too really miss Flapjack. I think it’s funny how Adventure Time and Regular Show always get lumped together. They are both fantastic cartoons though.
  16. I’d say that Luna and Celestia are goddesses. They rule a kingdom and they both have extraordinary ability to raise the sun and the moon. Don’t forget this is done on a daily basis as well. To put their power in perspective Twilight who is seen as a magical prodigy could only perform the spell to give Rarity wings once. It took all of Twilight’s might to tame the Ursa Minor and fatigued her greatly. With all of that said think of the amount of energy it takes to raise the sun or the moon is probably at least 100 fold and don’t forget they do it on a daily basis and keep in mind Celestia was raising the sun and the moon in her sister’s absence for 1,000 years. They also have amazing longevity. Luna was banished to the moon for a casual 1,000 years and comes back still looking youthful, yet her and her sister look nothing like Granny Smith who is clearly getting close to the end of the road. ( ) In short if you are asking me, yes, they are goddesses.
  17. Hmm, the way this scenario is set up the most obvious choice would be to just go head and become a vigilante. Maybe too I’d just become an athlete in the NFL or something and make millions of dollars that way? It would hard to decide what to do next.
  18. I don’t think I’d sacrifice my life for a significant other, but for my family and my brother in particular I’d give up my life in a heart beat. They really do mean the world to me and while giving up my life would be extremely difficult, they mean that much to me that I whole heartedly believe I would die for them.
  19. Nah, it’s not boring, I can say in all honesty I like this kind of music. It is just great to walk to at night, or just clear your head. It’s nice to mellow out to. Plus I feel like the title of the song is completely appropriate for how it sounds. I like it.
  20. See, I don’t think the Jim Crow Laws are the best example here either, they did make violence towards minorities justifiable but the act of the violence was up to the individual. Discord never deprived the ponies of their rights, he never oppressed them like the acts of the Jim Crow laws. Actually, that’s not entirely true, I do agree with you in the sense that he sort of brainwashed them, which is a violation of their rights. Maybe I’m just stubborn, even though you’ve pretty much drilled my argument I’m not ready to say hands down yes, Discord is evil. I’m not ready to put him in the same category as a true villain like the Joker who has been mentioned in this thread, or even Chrysalis for that matter.
  21. When I say relatively harmless I mean he didn’t physically harm anyone. To me it seems like with the power he displayed he could have done much worse. Like you said he did influence the Mane 6 but their actions were still their own. It kind of reminds me of when Vegeta was under the “influence” of Boppity. For me evil has strong connotations of violence, and I know you don’t have to be violent to be evil but as I stated before I feel he was capable of worse.
  22. I was thinking Discord is relatively harmless. He didn’t go out of his way to harm anypony, he just turned Ponyville into “the capital of chaos.” I may need to watch The Return of Harmony again but as far as I can remember he never did anything harm to anypony. He just kept rambling on about how glorious the chaos he crated is. To me he was just chaotic, and very sarcastic.
  23. If I were you I’d make her cutie mark something that is somehow special to you or her. Make it related to an activity you guys do together, or something she is particularly good at.
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