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Flying Whales

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Everything posted by Flying Whales

  1. Hmm, I see what you are saying about the apology being insincere and the victim of the action of the child deserves a real apology. It’s almost a slap in the face of the victim because the child who committed the action is saying “I know what I did was wrong and I don’t care” but I believe through repetition patterns and habits can be instilled, so if you stay consistent I think you can change the behavior over time.
  2. Just think what if we didn’t? Then we are condoning the behavior. Perhaps they aren’t sincere but at the very least you are making them realize they are wrong and they shouldn’t do whatever they did. If they did nothing then you are essentially saying “sure this is fine, if you continue to do this you will not have to face any consequence for your actions.”
  3. Bleh, of course, I go to download it and it does not work, I’m guessing it’s because I use a Mac, I’m so sick of this thing. I can’t wait to get my own computer.
  4. While I am currently obsessed with the show, I don’t think it has to be your favorite show, though my opinion may be seen as invalid because I’m not a “seasoned” Brony but welcome to The Herd, it’s always great to have new fans.
  5. I love Opeth’s Blackwater Park, it is so erie and ghastly especially with those figures in the background. This is another favorite of mine, could someone please tell me what style of art this is because I love it.
  6. I’m so happy you shared this with us. I work at a grocery store as a bagger, and recently I’ve been seeing these in many people’s carts and I immediately thought “I must get my hand on a box” but seeing the actual fruit snacks are from an earlier generation just makes me feel misled.
  7. This story has made me incredibly sad, happy, and proud all at the same time. Thanks for sharing your story with us, it was very compelling. Firstly, it overjoys me to no end that a simple show and its fan base has the amazing power to save somebody, we should all be proud of that. Secondly, I think I speak for everybody when I say thank you for supporting the forum, this forum means a lot to many people. Thirdly I want you to know sir, I am now rooting for you and all your future endeavors, not because of pity or because I found your story sad (which I did) I’m rooting for you because with the help of MLP and this forum you dragged yourself out of a very dark and lonely place, one that I couldn’t even begin to imagine, and that is commendable.
  8. Easily Galactus, he’s just too OP, he has unfathomable knowledge of the universe, he has powers that we couldn’t begin to understand, he has access to technology that is lightyears ahead of ours. The guys is so powerful that only other planets can sustain him. I think Mephisto is an honorable mention though, he’s cool, so is Shuma Gorath.
  9. I went to my first convention this year (Anime Expo), and I can honestly say it was one of the best moments in my life. Like NostalgicPony said bring a lot of money, you will see some great cosplays so have a camera ready, one thing I learned and learned fast is don't be shy. I can't stress this enough. One of the best part about conventions are the connections you make with the people at them. Also there was a MLP meetup which was awesome, there were some great cosplayers, nice people, and we sung songs from the show. It was amazing. I'd highly recommend going and cosplaying; it only enhances the experience.
  10. @@~Chaotic Discord~, I think you are so right, nowhere else could you have a thread about hugging a whole fandom without some negativity or some form of backlash against you. We should be very proud of that.
  11. I love these threads because our whole community just deserves one giant collective hug. This fandom has made me feel so comfortable in my own skin it’s not even funny. Since I’ve joined this forum I’ve must less self conscious. We really are all friends once you meet a fellow bronie there is an instant connection you make and an immediate understanding of one another.
  12. I actually wouldn’t be surprised if that is the way it works as far as dragons maturing at a very slow rate. Plus as we’ve seen before in Secrets of My Excess dragons grow with their greed so it’s kind of hard to tell. Also when Spike hatched Twilight was just a filly. That said I don’t think Rarity is so much older than Spike that if they were to hook it up it would be weird. I think Spike’s crush on Rarity is really cute, but I mentioned before in another thread while I’d love to see this happen I feel like if it were cannon it would somehow ruin the integrity of the show.
  13. Holy crap! I just google imaged that guy and he looks like if me and my dad shared a face. XD
  14. For me it is really close between Princess Luna, and Trixie, I think they are beautiful ponies and I love their color schemes. Luna’s mane and tail are really majestic as well (and that’s not to say Celestia’s isn’t I just like Luna’s much better) and Trixies eyes are just stunning.
  15. Ah, I see you did end up painting only her mane, I think it turned out pretty great, the tail makes it look much better than before as well. If my sibling gave that to me I would love it. I think it is a really good gift idea with thought behind it.
  16. Between the Adventure with Rarity (I don’t care at all for making dresses but the adventure would be worth it), hugging Fluttershy, and Flying on the fastest flier in all of Equestria would be such a difficult choice. I think I’d have to choose I’d lean towards flying around with RD
  17. To put it simply you should just stick with DA and this site. That site sounds pretty toxic and there’s no reason you should have to put up with it.
  18. @@Motion Spark, Motion Spark, I think you and I are the only ones who aren’t overjoyed to hear the news. I was never a huge fan of the show but I thought it was funny, what can I say? I love drama and Jersey Shore brought oodles and oodles of it.
  19. You know that was a total overreaction. I just think the phrase ‘kicked in the jeans’ is hilarious and I wanted to use it . In all honesty I’d give Trixie a chance. Yeah, I see as Trixie being one of those characters who if you were to chip away she would be just hugely insecure and she uses her ego as a mask for that insecurity.
  20. I couldn’t live with Trixie, straight up I think I’d have to kick her in the jeans and promptly walk away without saying a word.
  21. Hmm it’s interesting you say that I’ve never put any thought into it before and thinking about it now I’m starting to realize just how much character depth Spike has. I think it would be hard to pinpoint one single trait.
  22. @, I hope you don’t expect any art from me because that is simply not happening. Whales is no artist by any stretch of the imagination. XD. You can’t blame Rarity being afraid of giant freaking whale flying though the air. It would surely have to be the work of the Great and Powerful Trixie.
  23. Hmmm I’m trying to think of something to add to what Regality said, but I think that is an awesome point. Rarity maybe afraid of her image and appearance as a highly regarded designer. She was pretty terrified of Hoity Toity and his opinion when she had that fashion show. I mean that is so much more shallow that what Regality said but I could be something I suppose?
  24. I love Spike and I hope the writers show him some more love in season 3. We could all use some more Spike action. I think Spike rivals Pinkie as far as humor goes. I love how sarcastic he is, I’d say he is even borderline pessimistic. Spike adds a nice flavor to the show, and gives the mane 6 some diversity.
  25. It sucks to admit but I totally act different in real life. I’m pretty to myself and quite, and I don’t really like or want the company of others, while on this site it is exactly the opposite. I love to talk, and enjoy the company of everypony.
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