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Flying Whales

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Everything posted by Flying Whales

  1. @@Hannah77, I’m pretty sure we are all dying for season three. Season three should be epic. You know it’s funny you guys mention the Pegasisters thing because I’ve only known pegasisters, I’ve yet to meet a brony yet.
  2. Welcome to the forums Hannah! I haven’t been here very long myself and I’m totally addicted. Everyone here is really friendly and welcoming too. I hope your stay will be as enjoyable as mine, there are some great people on this forum.
  3. While Rarity is my favorite of the mane 6 I’d have to bring back Fluttershy, I think her and I would get along swimmingly. Rarity is much too classy to be hanging out with the likes of me. XD But here’s another if we could go to Equestria and bring back a pony why not just stay there? That would be my vote.
  4. I think it is a great idea and I’m totally up for it. Does anyone else have the game pre-ordered? I’ve got the special edition pre-ordered and on one day shipping so as soon as it comes out I’ll be good to do a meetup. Much like RD G4 I am pumped for this game. I’ve been waiting years for the next Halo installment.
  5. Does anyone know of any news about the Elder Scrolls MMO that Bethesda is going to put out? I remember hearing some talk about it but I haven’t seen really anything for it.
  6. I don’t think the show is as “dark” as it is realistic, like it’s been mentioned before about each character having their flaws, or Pinkie having her meltdown in Party of One isn’t that dark to me Pinkie was just over thinking everything that was happening and it was used as a comedic device. While I think the show does have it’s moments namely in A Canterlot Wedding, the play in Hearth’s Warming Eve and The Return of Harmony (personally I think turning your back on your friends is pretty dark even if it was due to Discord’s tricks) overall I don’t believe we could consider FiM “dark."
  7. No doubt it was funny, but I have to say, Bailey Peppersprout you are one brave guy and/or gal because it really frightened me. I can’t remember the name of the episode but it’s the one where that guy keeps saying “return the slab” gave me nightmares for about a week, that said though I’m a huge weenie when it comes to scary stuff. Yeah, I love the situations presented in every episode, it will be something as simple as setting up the chairs, and I just love to sit back and ask myself “how is everything going to go wrong this time.” I like to think Discord was somehow banished to the Regular Show universe and he is just tolling Mordecai and Rigby. It would make so much sense.
  8. When I was younger I was positive I was an alien. Also, from time to time I like to walk around my house pretending I’m a zombie, or a robot, and sometimes I’ll butcher songs really badly around my family just to annoy them. XD Also believe it or not, I’m actually best friends with my brother.
  9. I have this overwhelming urge all of a sudden to play some MTG, too bad it’s nearly midnight and no one to play with.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Flying Whales

      Flying Whales

      Is there anyway to play online free?

    3. Chigens and Kay

      Chigens and Kay

      Not that I know of.

    4. Flying Whales

      Flying Whales

      Typical. I actually just tired to get one of my friends to play with me through Skype, but he didn’t want to, I guess he’s not that committed. XD


  10. @, Same for me I’m not too big an Adventure Time fan but it comes on before Regular Show and it does make me laugh, I think they are by far the best shows on Cartoon Network right now. I miss my old shows too. I really loved Courage the Cowardly Dog, even though back then it really scared me and made it hard for me to sleep at night it was and still kind of is a favorite of mine.
  11. She was probably as snooty and as bratty as always, and the fact that she got her cutie mark probably only enhanced that. I can’t see a character like Diamond Tiara having much depth as a character. I don’t think Silver Spoon would have treated DT any differently their personalities are so close they probably hit it off as soon as they met. I hope DT will grow out of it, kids can be cruel I’d like to give DT and SS the benefit of the doubt and hope they grow out of it.
  12. YES a Regular Show thread! Personally I LOVE the show and have been a fan for about a year now. I have a ritual every Monday for the new episode. I turn off all the lights in my room, pop some popcorn and turn on the surround sound. I actually look forward to Mondays because that means there is a new Regular Show.
  13. I agree with you there totally. I love the Histskin, in opinion it's a pretty OP power espically for Argonian warriors. Their ability to breath underwater is a nice perk and so is their resistnace to disease. Plus it's just kind of fun playing as a lizard dude.
  14. I'm not sure if mankind will make it that long but the world will surely end, it's literally impossible for it not to. The sun will one day occupy the space that earth is currently in, the earth will incenerated once that happens. Will the earth last long enough to see itself engulfed by the sun? That I don't know but it will surely end one way or another. Sounds like a good idea to me, I don't see why we just don't do this now.
  15. Do you guys know of a way to play Magic online free? With that said would there be anybody who would want to play via Skype? I know that would be pretty hard to do but I’ve really got a scratch to itch right now.
  16. Thank you so much! Apparently you are a boss, I love it . I got a cool sig, and you got more practice everybody wins. Thanks again I really appreciate it.
  17. Do you think it would be possible for you to have a whale in the sky flying right above Rainbow Dash, and have the text read “Flying Whales?"
  18. I think it’s amazing we are even having this conversation, the fact that this fandom has grown so large that we can seriously entertain the idea that bronyism is just a fad, like I said before though, I don’t think it is a fad at all, and I’m sure there are people out there who are into FiM for all the wrong reasons, but I think the fact is that overwhelmingly people who watch the show are legitimate fans.
  19. Ah, sorry to burst your bubble but I am not related to any Giradi’s. I think I have a universal face, I get people telling me all the time I look just like someone they know.
  20. As far as my Element of Harmony I’d say mine is easily loyalty I will always reach out and give a hand to family or a friend and will stick by them no matter what. I’d say I can most relate to Fluttershy as far as the mane 6, I don’t really go out of my way to make conversation or just casually chat with people. Most times I’d rather just avoid any sort of social contact (outside of the internet of course ) and if at all possible I like to avoid conflict.
  21. I have to let you know that I visit your profile often just because I love your avatar XD. Rarity is my favorite pony and that gif cracks me up each time I see it.

    1. Bohtty


      You have no idea how much I get that xD

    2. Flying Whales

      Flying Whales

      Haha I’m happy you and I share the same sentiment, I’ll just watch that gif for minutes on end. hahaha

  22. I became a fan by the third episode. My first week I was in pretty big denial about the whole thing. I never had a problem with Bronies I could just never understand how you could watch a show that was intended for little girls, I thought it was weird (crazy right?) until I gave it a whorl for myself. I was really embarrassed about it and secretive about me liking and watching the show. Now of course I don’t care and aren’t so narrow minded. Just look at all the good MLP did for me.
  23. Here’s me feeling all “gangsta” one night. XD
  24. I haven’t heard or seen too much talk about Phantom: Requiem for the Phantom. I just happened to come across it on Netflix and completely fell in love with it. I think it’s totally underrated and I’d highly recommend it.
  25. WHYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY?! I still need to get Dawnguard first, this looks pretty cool though, just adding more, and better aspects to a game that is already very detailed and in-depth.
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