It’s fun to read everyone else’s opinions and while AJ is not my favorite it’s nice to see her get some love on this thread. I’ll go in order of my favorite to least favorite. Rarity: Rarity took me a long time. When I first started watching the show she was by far my least favorite pony. I thought she was snobby, stuck up, and pretentious. The more I watched the show I saw the complexity of her character she’s classy and has standards. She’s generous and she’s loyal to her friends, all at the same time she is a drama queen and at the drop of a hat she can lose all her composure. I think Rarity adds a very unique element to the show, one that is missing in a lot of cartoons. She’s regal while maintaining some sense of modesty, which isn’t always true for her. Fluttershy: I don’t think much needs to be said about this one. She’s seemingly the fandom’s favorite and by a long shot. I like that Fluttershy is really shy and reserved. I can relate to that because in reality I’m sort of like that myself of course not the extreme extent that she is. Fluttershy is probably the sweetest and cutest of all the ponies but I don’t believe her character has many dimensions to it. I have a sort of crack theory that if you don’t like Fluttershy you were not hugged enough as a child . She’s kind of a what you see is what you get character. Though I love all her interactions with Rainbow Dash, they play off each other so well and they are a funny couple. Twilight: Twilight is another one that sort of took me awhile. I never disliked Twilight but I thought she was kind of boring, with not much appeal. With that said I’m starting to find Twilight as one of my favorites, I think she actually the funniest of the Mane 6. She’s so awkward, and geeky I love it. The “Yes” scene in the Cutie Mark Chronicles always cracks me up, It’s About Time is one of my favorites and just plays off of Twilight’s obsessive compulsive tendencies and how could you forget her breakdown in Lesson Zero? I like that Twilight is sensible one of the group and is always willing to lend her friends a hoof if they are in trouble. AppleJack: I have nothing bad to say about AppleJack she’s just an overall good pony. She’s honest, she’s loyal and I know that is RD's element but she doesn’t let her friends down and the one time she does think she lets the town down in The Last Round Up she didn’t plan on coming back to Ponyville until she earned enough money to fix town hall. That’s real loyalty and a sense of duty to those she cares about. AppleJack is a hard worker and she’s dependable, AppleJack is pretty much everything you’d want in a friend. Rainbow Dash: Rainbow Dash used to be far and away my favorite pony when I began watching. Rainbow Dash I think has the best design in the entire show, and easily the coolest Cutie Mark which is so appropriate for her. Though I find Rainbow Dash boastful, self-centered, and kind of inconsiderate when things get serious though she’s there for her friends. Rainbow Dash is very interesting because she’s almost a mini-antagonist amongst the Mane 6. She’s a notorious prankster, who when Twilight was on the verge of a meltdown in It’s About Time decided to mess with Twilight with Spike instead of help her out. She’s seen to be fiercely competitive to a fault in Fall Weather Friends, and in her ego was swollen and she was in such a need for attention that in The Mysterious Mare Do Well she went out of her way to cause trouble. With that said I don’t want to sound like a Rainbow Dash hater, I’m not, I think she adds a flavor to the show that would be missed if she were gone. Finally, of the Mane 6 is Pinkie: Pinkie Pie is my least favorite and I say that with a lot of reluctance because I love Pinkie Pie. To me Pinkie is that friend that you like but you need in small doses. Sometime Pinkie drives me nuts like in Luna Eclipsed, I can’t stand her in that episode, but she’s so innocent and means so well that you just can’t stay mad at her. The Smile Song is my favorite song in the series so far and always puts a smile on my face. She’s always there for her friends to make smile, she loves putting on parties for her friends and is the wild card of the show. Pinkie Pie is a great pony but she’s not always my cup of tea but she’s one of those people you just can’t be dislike, it’s not possible.