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Flying Whales

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Everything posted by Flying Whales

  1. Did anyone else catch Modern Familiy tonight and see those MLP bed sheets? Awesome/Jealous XD

  2. First time I’ve had time to get on the forums in a few days. Feels good to be home.

  3. In celebration I’ll wear my Fluttershy shirt and donate again. I’ve only been here since August and I already love this forum, it’s a great place to hang out, talk about the show, and waist some time. Cheers to your first birthday of hopefully many. Keep it real MLP Forums.
  4. What I need to know and I’m not sure how to do, and I’m beginning to think I should just call Apple is how to run the OS off it though. Also, my external HD is plenty big it’s 1 TB bigger than this computer’s HD so that’s not an issue. @, @@PrincessPixie, @@Jokuc, @, @@Lunalicious, Thanks for all your help guys, I really appreciate it.
  5. I've had it for almost a year now which is kind of shocking. All I know for sure is that is unusually noisy and my family is pretty pissed about it. The thing cost like $1,200 and I want to make it still useable should the disk die on me.
  6. Currently no, I should have mentioned I also have a MacBook running OS X 10.6 it seemed to start doing this out of nowhere too, I don’t know what would have caused it.
  7. Okay, so I believe the bearings on the hard disk are coming loose or something, quite honestly I don’t really know what the issue is, but sometimes while I’m using the computer the disk will make these scratching sounds and I’m not really sure what it is. I was worried it was a head crash but I know it can’t be that because the computer is working fine. I’m worried there is something terribly wrong with it and it may be toast here soon. What I’d like to know is if anyone knows how to enable my external hard drive to run the OS off of my hard drive in case of disaster? Your help would be greatly appreciated, thank you!
  8. I only have a few. I’ve got a few volumes of Naruto, I’ve got a few Hellsing, and a few Blue Exorcist. I’m looking to get the rest of Hellsing and some more Blue Exorcist before I go get some more mangas. I’d absolutely recommend it. I’ve read the first 3 volumes and I’ve seen the Ultimate Hellsing series and they are so awesome. Next to Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood it might be my favorite anime of all time.
  9. This is such an interesting topic. After much thought I think Gir is more random. To me they are both random, there’s no question of that. I’ve taken into account what’s been said previous me about Gir being intentionally random and Gir being Insane. When you hear Gir describe what happens in ‘Mysterious Mysteries’ and when you hear him say that a battle mech has “chicken legs” then I’d say yeah, he’s pretty stinking random. I think what @@silvadel, said was so right. A lot of times Pinkies friends just blow her off as crazy but she knows exactly what she’s talking about and they the rest of the Mane 6 just aren’t following her like in ‘The Griffon Brush Off’ and ‘Swarm of the Century’.
  10. I ended up playing at the pre-release, and just got raped. I played Rakdos, honestly just because I wanted Carnival Hellsteed Not even because it’s a great card, but because I just think it is the coolest looking card I’ve seen in Magic hahaha. So far I’m a huge fan of the detain mechanic.
  11. Welcome Sparkle Dust, it’s great to see new members. The life blood of the show and the forum. I actually found the forms the same way you did. XD and Rarity is best pony /) I hope you enjoy your stay here. Everyone is really friendly so don’t be shy, if you have a question feel free to ask.
  12. I’m pretty sure that is the best avatar on all of MLP Forums. /)

    1. duidamasterXD


      Ha ha thanks, I stole it from the Rainbow Dash facebook page. As a fan of The Clash I knew this was the perfect picture :)

    2. RrVPfX9cPtw59FpC
  13. Hey Derpy, do you think you’ll have the job of retrieving the southern birds this winter wrap up? Also can I have a hug?
  14. Return to Ravnica Pre-Release today! Can’t wait to get off work for that! Carnival Hellsteed here I come! XD

  15. It’s fun to read everyone else’s opinions and while AJ is not my favorite it’s nice to see her get some love on this thread. I’ll go in order of my favorite to least favorite. Rarity: Rarity took me a long time. When I first started watching the show she was by far my least favorite pony. I thought she was snobby, stuck up, and pretentious. The more I watched the show I saw the complexity of her character she’s classy and has standards. She’s generous and she’s loyal to her friends, all at the same time she is a drama queen and at the drop of a hat she can lose all her composure. I think Rarity adds a very unique element to the show, one that is missing in a lot of cartoons. She’s regal while maintaining some sense of modesty, which isn’t always true for her. Fluttershy: I don’t think much needs to be said about this one. She’s seemingly the fandom’s favorite and by a long shot. I like that Fluttershy is really shy and reserved. I can relate to that because in reality I’m sort of like that myself of course not the extreme extent that she is. Fluttershy is probably the sweetest and cutest of all the ponies but I don’t believe her character has many dimensions to it. I have a sort of crack theory that if you don’t like Fluttershy you were not hugged enough as a child . She’s kind of a what you see is what you get character. Though I love all her interactions with Rainbow Dash, they play off each other so well and they are a funny couple. Twilight: Twilight is another one that sort of took me awhile. I never disliked Twilight but I thought she was kind of boring, with not much appeal. With that said I’m starting to find Twilight as one of my favorites, I think she actually the funniest of the Mane 6. She’s so awkward, and geeky I love it. The “Yes” scene in the Cutie Mark Chronicles always cracks me up, It’s About Time is one of my favorites and just plays off of Twilight’s obsessive compulsive tendencies and how could you forget her breakdown in Lesson Zero? I like that Twilight is sensible one of the group and is always willing to lend her friends a hoof if they are in trouble. AppleJack: I have nothing bad to say about AppleJack she’s just an overall good pony. She’s honest, she’s loyal and I know that is RD's element but she doesn’t let her friends down and the one time she does think she lets the town down in The Last Round Up she didn’t plan on coming back to Ponyville until she earned enough money to fix town hall. That’s real loyalty and a sense of duty to those she cares about. AppleJack is a hard worker and she’s dependable, AppleJack is pretty much everything you’d want in a friend. Rainbow Dash: Rainbow Dash used to be far and away my favorite pony when I began watching. Rainbow Dash I think has the best design in the entire show, and easily the coolest Cutie Mark which is so appropriate for her. Though I find Rainbow Dash boastful, self-centered, and kind of inconsiderate when things get serious though she’s there for her friends. Rainbow Dash is very interesting because she’s almost a mini-antagonist amongst the Mane 6. She’s a notorious prankster, who when Twilight was on the verge of a meltdown in It’s About Time decided to mess with Twilight with Spike instead of help her out. She’s seen to be fiercely competitive to a fault in Fall Weather Friends, and in her ego was swollen and she was in such a need for attention that in The Mysterious Mare Do Well she went out of her way to cause trouble. With that said I don’t want to sound like a Rainbow Dash hater, I’m not, I think she adds a flavor to the show that would be missed if she were gone. Finally, of the Mane 6 is Pinkie: Pinkie Pie is my least favorite and I say that with a lot of reluctance because I love Pinkie Pie. To me Pinkie is that friend that you like but you need in small doses. Sometime Pinkie drives me nuts like in Luna Eclipsed, I can’t stand her in that episode, but she’s so innocent and means so well that you just can’t stay mad at her. The Smile Song is my favorite song in the series so far and always puts a smile on my face. She’s always there for her friends to make smile, she loves putting on parties for her friends and is the wild card of the show. Pinkie Pie is a great pony but she’s not always my cup of tea but she’s one of those people you just can’t be dislike, it’s not possible.
  16. I am such a huge fan of this game. I still play it sometimes. I never got a hang of raising Chaos though. Such a great play. I think my all time favorite(s) would have to be these right here, the first of which is completely underrated.
  17. I’ve heard they are supposed to have “superior" sound quality. I’ve wanted to give one a try myself. They give a room a real rustic feel to it which is neat. Would you recommend them?
  18. Is there anyway I can block my profile from non-users?

  19. @, I’m sure there are better ways the Seppuku @@Crispy, Pretty much hit the nail on the head, every fandom has good and bad aspects, sort of like a family. What you consider good and bad is up to you but overall you should accept and try to deal with those negative aspects because in the end what can you really do about them? Nothing.
  20. Honestly, if you are asking me I'd just ignore him. If all he has is your phone number and Twitter just stop talking to him altogether. Delete your Twitter if you must. Also, liked said before you should not have led him on but how serious could it have been if it was merely over the Internet? If he is really that clueless then just don’t reply to anything he sends you again. Maybe there are better ways to go about it but that seems pretty effective.
  21. @@Evilshy, I’ll have to check out timely reinforcements, I don’t have it. Yeah, the meta here is aggro, and they play extremely fast as you’d imagine an aggro deck would. I think If I could build a solid life gain that would be a nice counter to the aggro. I like the idea of playing some black in it though because I could side board in some spot removal if needed as well.
  22. No Opeth in a progressive thread? Let me fix that. If you are at all a fan of progressive metal and you don’t know these guys you should become familiar with them as quickly as possible because they are as good as the genre gets in my opinion. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R-ipUGylvmo
  23. I went through a time in my life where I was a bit ashamed to go trick or treating or dressing up for Halloween, but I’ve come to the point now where I just don’t care. I’m not going to go trick or treating this year, but I am dressing up and I am taking my little brother out. I’m going as Mordecai from Regular Show. My aunt is making me the costume and it looks pretty legit. Here’s a picture of it so far. The eyes on the head are not done, but it looks great. I also like to watch scary movies and freak myself out. I’m a big fat weenie and I scare easily.
  24. Can someone show me how to do spoilers in threads? I still don’t know how to do that >__<

    1. Dr_Waveband
    2. Flying Whales

      Flying Whales

      Finally! Haha Doctor has all the answers XD thanks.

  25. I’m kind of shocked, I thought The Legend of Zelda would have at least one vote. For me though it is Pokemon and it’s not even close. I’ve been playing Pokemon since Red and Blue versions have continued playing all the way up to Black/White and I’ll probably end up getting Black/White 2.
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