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Banner by ~ Ice Princess Silky


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Everything posted by MuLeKsI

  1. I decided to draw some ponies again. Here is my version of the royal guards, what do you think? (Scanner is not working, so I had to take a pic with my Ipod. Sorry about the quality.)
  2. Hello! My name is MuLeKsI and welcome to the forums. I love Ponies and classic videogames aswell. Im sure that you will have a great time here.
  3. Heh. There are so many good movie themes, that its hard to make up my mind choosing only one. So I ll post two of my favorites. The godfather theme is epic. http-~~-//youtu.be/HWqKPWO5T4o The good, the bad and the ugly.
  4. I can speak: Finnish - My native language. Swedish - Only some, even though I studied it for three years. German - Studied it for 6 years. Have not spoken it for a year now, starting to forget words xD English - Ofcourse And a few words of russian.
  5. Im posting way too actively on this topic xD http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hOJHIB4uAUE
  6. If you are still looking for people to help you out with the game, I would be more than happy to. I have (some) experience in coding, making sprites and such. Im also pretty good at drawing. I could atleast help out people with the coding and drawing some background stuff.
  7. So yeah, I was bored (again) and decided to make a song. Ended up making this in about 30 minutes, so its nothing special. Tell me what you think.
  8. I listen to a awful lot of different kind of music/genres. But here is a list of my top 5 at the moment. 1. UNKLE 2. Infected Mushroom 3. Metallica 4. Diablo Swing Orchestra 5. Turisas
  9. I would have posted some Two steps from hell, but because some have already posted it, Il get something else. xD Some Spor And maybe some Bratkilla
  10. Its still not perfect, but it sure is better. Next time Im going to add some proper background to it, maybe a small town, or some other pony? Here we go again. Here is a quick drawing of what it is going to look like. Still needs a lot of work, but it's slowly beginning to look like a proper picture.
  11. Here you go, some of my favorites. Close enough to ambient? xD I never really think about the genre when I listen to music. Oh well, enjoy.
  12. I was bored again . I like Rainbow Dash and as a history maniac I decided to draw her as a knight. I added a background to this unfinished version. Im going to fix the lines/colouring later.
  13. How do I feel about myself? Ok, I guess. Sometimes I care too much about other people, I like helping people out with their problems for some reason. I tend to think low of myself, Im a bit fat, I often forget about things, Im lazy and I really don't have too many friends. Luckily, most of the time I really don't care what other people think about me. Im smart, but a bit "crazy/stupid" at the same time. (If that makes any sense.) Im not really good at anything but history, drawing and playing games. My best qualities are that Im Honest, calm and reasonable. I give myself a rating 6/10.
  14. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c9Ca89gxbjU&feature=relmfu
  15. I do know that many like the game, (Like I do) but there also seems to be quite an amount of people who hate the game for some reason. Ok, it might not be as controversial as most of these opinions are, but does it really matter?
  16. My epic game/console collection. The collection was just too big to fit in one picture, so I had to take two to include the consoles. Still cant see some of them tho :I You can´t see the Gameqube and the handheld consoles on the right. :I But there is: 2 Gameboy Colours, gameboy advance sp, Ds and a PsP
  17. Here we go... - I cant decide between Diablo 2 and Diablo 3. (Why not play both! Yeah.) - NES is the best console. Best controller :3 and some of the games are just simply amazing. - Xbox360 and Ps3 are both good consoles. - Wii has some really good games, like Monster hunter tri and Sniper Elite. - Skyrim is a bad game. - Morrowind is one of the best RPG games that I have played. - Fallout 3 is not bad, but I like the first two more. - Cod World at war is the only good cod. (Black ops is forgiven because of the zombies :3 (Especially because of the "hack" that allows you to play 4 player split screen.)) - Zelda series aint really that good (Dont get me wrong, I really like the first game) - There can never be too many pokemon games :3 - Someone should make a zombie game that is based in the surviving. - Left 4 dead games suck, especially on consoles. Split screen for only 2 players (Seriously?) - Ubisoft should really start making the good old might and magic RPG games again. - Halo wars would have been a good PC game. - Final fantasy... Just no. - Chrono trigger is a good game. - Sega Megadrive is an underrated console. - How can someone call half-life boring o_O? - Duke Nukem forever was actually quite good. - Angry bird sucks as a game (And it does copy Castle crashers and all the other similiar games.) But I thank it for waking up all the other finnish game makers. People just seemed to like the game and bought it, no need to hate Rovio or the game for that. - I think that the older Resident evil games are really good and better than the new ones. But srsly what game could beat those master pieces? - The old castlevania games are better than the new ones (with the exception of the castlevania: lord of shadows, which was a great game.) - Tzar: Burden of the crown is a really good but a highly underrated RTS game that I love, but nopony seems to know. - RTS games are highly underrated anyways. (Nothing beats a good lan game of AoE2 with 7 friends.) (Not to forget Heroes 3) - Battlefield 3 campaign... Why did they have to make it so bad? (It really could have been my favorite FPS game...) - Brothers in arms: Hells highway is the best FPS game in my opinion. Haters gonna hate Sry for the long post. All the "arguments" just made me want to post this here. Hehe
  18. Most enjoyable game? Its pretty hard to choose one from the hundreds of amazing games I have played. So, il just throw in a list of the games that I have enjoyed the most. - Gothic 2 - Tombi 2 - Spyro the dragon - Divinity 2 - Metal gear solid 3 - Might and magic (All of them :3) - Robin hood: prince of thieves - Age of empires 2 - Empire earth - Mount and blade: warband - Demon´s souls - Castlevania Thats a long list and Im still propably forgetting some awesome game
  19. Cherry Dr.Pepper is pretty much the best soda i have ever tasted. The only bad thing about it is that it´s like almost three euros per can.
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