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Sticky Apple

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Everything posted by Sticky Apple

  1. I trudged down a hallway that seemed to curve in on itself. I wondered what was happening but since I wasn't around those fucking creatures, I was able to think a little more clearly but this was certainly more strange than the starting room. Eventually I found myself in a pink room where everything was motherfucking pink! Walls, floor, ceiling, lights, everything! Except for a clock in the middle of the room. The pink was odd enough but the clock was going to make my brain melt. "The hell is this?" I said aloud to no one in particular except the voices in my own mind maybe. I crept towards the clock, wondering what was up with it. I looked it over and didn't see anything odd about it. Was it a clue or was it a red herring? I had no idea.
  2. I clutched the metallic rod in my hands and I wasn't letting go of it. There were definitely clones among us but I didn't care. The door was open and I wanted the fuck out of here so I kept the bludgeoning instrument in my hands then went towards the open door. Notes be damned and I just chose a random direction. I went to the west, wondering if that was my ticket to freedom.
  3. Room 1; I was flung back from the unicorn pony who had slapped me before. Unfortunately for that prissy little bitch, I wasn't exactly the type to forgive very easily and I wasn't too friendly. Everyone was out to get me and these goddamn ponies were no different. I shook my head and took a rod from my bed. "You fucking bitch!" I screamed at the unicorn then whacked her right in the face with a blunt metal instrument. My eyes twitched momentarily after I bludgeoned one of them. Then I dropped my weapon and went towards the door that had just opened. I looked at the hallways then just went forward because I wanted away from those goddamn fucking ponies.
  4. Room 1; I didn't realize one of the creatures had gotten from her bed and trotted towards me. I was shaking and trembling in fear and fright until I felt something solid and fuzzy come into contact with her face. Though it was strong and I fell backwards onto my bed, I wasn't all that hurt. My eye twitched then I looked at the creature who had struck me. My expression changed from one to another in the blink of an eye. "MOTHERFUCKER!" I screamed at the pony who hit me then I tackled her right to the floor. I wasn't doing much hitting. Rather I was ripping out her neck with my teeth.
  5. Sonic needs to go away for a while since he's been a slow motion train wreck since he made the leap from 2D to 3D. Sonic Team doesn't know what they're doing and we need a new team to try their hand at giving Sonic a new chance.
  6. Room 1; "NO! NO THIS ISN'T NORMAL!" I shouted at the other equine-like creature who was talking to me. This was a nightmare from which there was no escape. All I wanted was out of this but there was no escape from this room. I kept to myself like normal but I couldn't hide from their accusing stares. Like they all knew something horrifying about me and just wanted to taunt me with it. "WHAT DO YOU WANT FROM ME?!"
  7. Land Whale was a peculiar sort of pony. Her favorite shopping center was walmart, which helped her stave her cundishuns without any trouble. That was unless some fat shaming thin pony said she should be eating fruit instead of her favorite sugary treats and that she should drink water instead of her glorious beetus juice. Anyhow, it was shopping day for the overly curvy mare. Her "curves" fell off to her sides and formed into copious folds decorating her body. After she waddled into the store, she was annoyed to find that the only scooter was far away from her. And by far away, that meant more than ten feet. She grumbled to herself, muttering something about the store not respecting her cundishuns. After the journey of over a million inches, at least to her, LW heaved her glorious curvy body onto the scooter, which sank down under her tremendous weight. And behind her, she left a trail of sweat, grease and BO that would make even the most iron stomached pony heave into a trash bin. Off Land Whale went on her quest for more beetus powered goodness.
  8. Room 1; I was trembling in fright from the talking creatures in my room. The cloning tubes on the wall were only making my mind go in millions of new directions at the same time. I didn't dare my eye contact with any of them lest something strange happen to me. I didn't know where I was, how I had been shoved into such a place and why pastel creatures that resembled ponies were talking. Despite my obvious terror of the situation, one of them tried speaking to me. I didn't want to look over but something inside forced me to look once more. "Wh-why are you talking? You shouldn't be able to talk!" I said, my voice quivering in fear, "This isn't real. This must just be a dream.... unless one of you is trying to hurt me! WHY WOULD YOU DO THIS?!"
  9. I blinked several times, staring out at a white emptiness. The white light surrounded me as I awoke, but the first thought on my mind was not bright lighting overhead but the sweet embrace of death. Not soon after, I shot up in my bed, screaming that I didn't want to die. After a moment of screeching, my rational mind caught up with my insanity then realized that I was actually in a room and not dead. "Oh," I said, "I'm not actually dead..." I took a moment to survey the room where I saw ponies. That were colorful. Who fucking spoke! "What!" I said, quite loudly at that, "What is this?! WHERE AM I? WHY ARE YOU TALKING?!" There was too much I didn't understand and I didn't like that one bit.
  10. Rejoining with Amanda. Human. About 5'3" Blue eyes Sandy blonde hair Caucasian Female Afflicted with psychiactric disorders.
  11. "Who cares who did it?! I'm surrounded by talking aliens! You can't tell me otherwise!" I shouted again, training my vision on the one trying to act friendly among strangers. Didn't she know?! Strangers could not be trusted and I was more suspicious of the friendly one than ever. I looked around once more then saw that a heavy metal part of my bed that I could remove. I reached over and fiddled with it for a moment before I pried it loose. With this look of abject terror in my eyes, I lunged from my bed and towards the one named Sparkshower. There wasn't much I had on my mind except the sound of a million voices screaming at me while millions more screamed back. The sheer torture in my own head brought me to a state of psychotic madness. I plowed towards the poor creature, my makeshift club in hand. With a swift motion, I had connected with her skull but I didn't know if I had killed it. I waited for it to say something or move. If she moved, I would swing again and again until I was certain it was gone.
  12. "You're not ponies! Ponies don't fucking talk! You're all shapeshifters from some weird planet. You must have abducted me in my sleep and cloned me. Why the fuck would you do that?!" I screamed at the "ponies." I was clearly unnerved, not going to cooperate and was even more clearly out of my fucking mind. I looked around for something I could use as a weapon to beat the overly talkative one into a bloody alien pulp. I didn't care if I died in here. I wanted to be far, far away from these pastel creatures. I was still looking around, wanting so badly to find something I could use... but nothing was coming right to mind.
  13. I narrowed my focus at the equine creature who had just woken up and spoken directly to me. "What the hell am I? WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU?" I shouted, not happy with this turn of events. I didn't like this creature already and if he didn't act right, he was going to fucking die. However, deep in the recesses of my mind, the voices were starting to talk. My left eye twitched and the voices were screaming at me to kill the equine, but I refused. I shook momentarily but maintained my sanity instead of succumbing to the voices in my head. I hated the voices. They made me do things.
  14. Oh my fucking god people. JUST GO POST. I'm tired of waiting on all of you. I started things so you should know what to do by now.
  15. Eventually, I awoke after having something happened but I wasn't sure what. I blinked several times as blinding light from neons above invaded my pupils. I grumbled as I threw the sheets off of my body but there was a note dangling above me. Almost as though it was taunting me with some secret information that would aid in my escape from this room. I grabbed the note and held onto it as I looked around the room. No other humans, which was a surprise in itself. "What the hell am I doing in here?" I asked myself aloud. I wondered when the others would awaken. Not that I trusted any of them already. I didn't know if these other creatures were part of some nefarious plot. I just didn't know.
  16. I'll join this one. Human named Amanda. About 5'3" Blue eyes Sandy blonde hair Caucasian Female Afflicted with psychiactric disorders.
  17. I have several playlists, but in total, I have nearly 28000 items in there. That doesn't count the songs I still have my torrents folder that I haven't moved over yet either. xD I have a ways to go, but yeah... I got quite a bit shoved into 170GB. xD
  18. That doesn't count if it's all FLAC and whatnot. I've got a ton going and it's all compressed audio because I'm a space saver. That and I only have a 320GB drive for my music. xD
  19. When I'm actually working on something and putting my mind to it, I'm extremely dedicated. However, I have untreated adult ADD so it makes it extremely difficult to focus on anything, even if I enjoy it. Otherwise though...
  20. I'd like more manga but I just haven't had the money to get more than what I have. At the current time, I have all of Love Hina, all of Azumanga Daioh, Strawberry Marshmallow volume 1 and 2, Yotsuba volumes 1 to 5 (or maybe 6), Case Closed volume 1, Gurren Lagann volume 1 and 2 and one more I always forget... or maybe that's everything.
  21. There's a big, big difference between a zoophile and a furry. Though the things do have some overlap, the two things are not mutually exclusive. Never confuse a furry with a zoophile since they are not anywhere near the same thing. [EDIT] For those of you outside the loop, a zoophile is one who has a romantic or sexual interest in actual animals. Thusly, do not confuse that concept with the furry fandom.
  22. You'll get a different answer depending on who you ask. There is no concrete answer for what a furry really is. It's an inherently personal thing for everyone. However, for the most part, it's an enjoyment of anthropomorphic entities. But there are furries who do enjoy feral creatures with human characteristics like Balto... or our beloved ponies.
  23. Woah. Really? Man, you could live within an hour of where I do. That's crazy. Strangely enough, where I live now, it's starkly different and I live in a fairly small town. Never had any trouble with my brony-ness out here at all. Back in my early school days though, being a nerd was a bad thing.
  24. Man, I would have killed to have the sort of environment as the OP. Since I was one of the few kids who played video games instead of sports, I was ridiculed nonstop. Then again, I think I'm part of an entirely different generation than most of you...
  25. Nah, it's cool. I have a way about me that annoys a lot of people so it's all good. My implication was never consoles are bad. Rather it was my loopy way of expressing that I now prefer PC gaming. I guess it wasn't clear I was never anti-console. I'll be honest, I haven't been PC gaming for all that long. Maybe ten years or so and I gamed on consoles for a long time before that and I do still play my retro consoles... or my Wii but I don't have a lot of games for it. xD If the game is even harder when using the keyboard and a mouse, the mechanics are thus broken. That's not a design flaw by definition, but a flaw when porting the game to the medium. Dark Souls aside, the keyboard and mouse is perfectly sufficient for games on the PC medium. Also, what I mean by a Skinnerbox is basically grinding. When you're grinding in a game, it's Skinnerboxed you. It's basically repetitive tasks with a nominal reward to give the illusion you're getting somewhere. For example, grinding for experience or farming for loot. Those are Skinnerbox techniques. You have to remember, I started gaming when graphics were nothing but pixels on the screen. When I started gaming, things like updates were basically unheard of unless you used a computer. When I played computer games back then, I expected to have to install it then play it. When the Internet became popular, I expected games to have patches so it was always normal to see a patch come down for a PC game. It hasn't been normal for console games to be patched until this generation so it's a huge turn from what made consoles good in the first place. There was no patching or any other requirement. Put it in and play; that was the basis for gaming when consoles had more pros to it. I'm the odd breed of gamer. I've always held a division between PC and console. One should never be like the other, but we're creeping towards console just being a mini-computer rather than a dedicated device. The fact I'd even have to do an update is rather annoying. I remember when games were delayed and people actually rejoiced a delay because it meant better quality. Not so anymore. Cut, packaged and regurgitated. Woo.
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