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Banner by ~ Ice Princess Silky


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Everything posted by Wingnut

  1. I was being greeted by one of my cats who wanted to hang out with me.
  2. Welp, I’m glad to say that after a little more time I was finally acknowledged. But the silence in the meantime made me feel like I was an elephant in the room they didn’t want to address.
  3. I like mashed potatoes. In fact, I prefer instant because there are no lumps. No gravy either. Just creamy, starchy goodness!
  4. I don’t know why Lauren is still addressing this. She said this before and she’s had nothing to do with the show since season 2 or whenever.
  5. I have a few. Courage Friendship Love Sincerity Knowledge Reliability Hope Light And at the climax of the story, the Big Bad shatters these elements to claim victory! But it turns out that the virtues they represent aren’t tangibles that can be physically destroyed. This allows the good guys to come back and win. Aw nuts, I just ripped off Digimon.
  6. All four gas giants in the solar system have rings although Saturn’s are by far the most easily seen. I’m all out of space ideas for tonight, lol. 12.
  7. Mars was believed to have an Earth like atmosphere until it lost its magnetic field. 8.
  8. 511,996 Good night from my area too.
  9. 4. I was going to post something about how supernovae create the heavy elements but screw that. This is a bunch of malarkey. I’m gonna go help DRS reach 1 million posts.
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