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private Partners in Time (Dr.Who/MLP crossover 1x1x1)


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Derpy looked at him with a cockeyed expression. Say what? "Um...it's...bigger, on the inside than i thought?" she said after a moment. The Doctor was such a strange stallion. Derpy wasn't sure what to make of him yet there was something intriguing about the earth pony. He was different than anypony Derpy had ever met, that much she was certain of, and there was something she liked about 'different.'

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"Ah, now that is a different way of saying it, haven't heard anybody say it that way before." He chuckled afrer he said that "Anywho, lets see about getting one of my friends will answer his phone." He looks around and pulls some levers and spins a few things to bring up the tv. Finding out after a random spin of a few things and a pull of a couple levers, he ended up calling Jack Harkess.


(Now to get his attention to come in)

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Derpy blinked a few times at what the Doctor said to begin with. Exactly how was she supposed to say it? Now she was just confused. What was so amusing? Just the fact that a box as small as it was on the outside was enormous on the inside? Derpy was more amazed than amused.


What he said next confused Derpy even more as she watched the Doctor pull on a bunch of levers and whatnot. "Um, Doctor, what's a phone?" she asked.

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"Oh, thats right," he had forgotten that this world does not have that technology. "A phone is something that you use to talk to other peop... ponies from a large distance. That is a phone." He looks back over at the tv, as it now broadcasts a signal to Jack, waiting for him to pick up. "I know its quite amazing in here Derpy, and i find it amusing when other ponies come in and sayy its bigger on the inside than the outside. It does not make sense to many ponies but it makes sense to me. I understand why it is bigger on the inside than it is on the outside" He contenued, thinking Derpy is just gettin more confused about it and stops. "Anywho, i am attemptin to contact a old friend of mine. His name is Jack Harkess he should know how to fix the TARDIS," he told her and returned to the screen for Jack to pick up.

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Jack Harkness was just waking to the sound of the 32 bit British anthem of his cell. He was in his apartment in New Britten, which looked rather spiffy do to the fact Jack hadn't had the time to find a girl. He slowly got up and looked to the phone, noticing a picture of a police box was displayed. "Oh... wonder what the doc whats today?" He asked himself with a smile.


"Captain Jack Harkness, at your service. What seems to be the trouble doc?" He said as he answered the call.

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"Hello Jack, long time no... Well talk. Anywho, i need your help with something. Mind going to these cordnets, time and date?" The Doctor had answered back talking to the screen with a picture of Jack being human. He knew that Derpy never saw a Human before, 'maybe i should tell her that is what a human looks like' He thought then shook his head. "I need your help in... Alittle break down from an unknown reason. It just doesn't make sense how the TARDIS would break down. I mean, if it made any type of sense i would of gotten this blasted thing fixed and met you in person. Oh what is the time and date there? Just curious." He asked after his little rant.


(Finally, but unfortunatly this is my only post for the day)

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Derpy still didn't quite understand. Mail was for talking long distances; that much she knew. Letters were sent back and forth from one pony to another. Phones she didn't understand. However, the grey mare was intrigued by it, so she remained silent in order to observe.


What popped up on the screen next made Derpy gasp and rear up on her hind legs in surprise. Her back hooves got a bit tangled up on one another when she took a step back though, and the mare ended up falling on her rump as she stared wide eyed at the creature. "W-What on Earth is that?!" she exclaimed.

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Perching the cell on his ear, he began to get dressed. "Oh, New Britten! You would love it Doctor. After world war 3.5, the UK rebuild the city with police boxes as a show for old style." He said, looking in a mirror as he dawned his captain's hat. Taking the phone in his hand again, he looked at the cordnets. He didn't recognize them.


"So, what do the locals look like? Don't tell me you crash landed that box on the slaveen home world. And... who was that in the background?" He asked, setting his teleportation watch for the location.

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(Ah... got enough time to push it some :P last post then i am off to gaming)


"No, no i didn't land it on their home world. Which is a good thing really." He chuckled for a moment then looked over at Derpy "Are you alright Derpy? This, is a human. I have no idea whether he will change into a pony or not. But it is fun to make no sense.. Half of the time" he looked back over to the screen "They are ponies. They haven't seen a human before. And you'll have to see for your self what happened. Just meet me outside the TARDIS. Good thing she is still the same. Big blue box." He chuckled again at the thought "Anywho, see you in a bit."

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The winged mare blinked several times at the inquiry of being alright and what the creature on the screen was and whatever it was the Doctor was talking about to whoever was on the other end. What had been the name? Jack?


"A what?" she finally asked, after the Doctor had finally hung up with his friend. She'd never heard of such a creature before. it looked like a deformed monkey.

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"Wait! Do-" The captain started, only to be cut off by a dial tone. "What was that about a pony?" He asked himself as he finished setting the destination. With a flip of a switch, he 'popped' out of the apartment. As he felt himself fly across time in space, he felt an increasing pain growing across his body. It got bad enough, that he he was either dead or unconscious before he was out of the space-time tunnel.

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"A Human, they are like monkies in a way, furless, tailless, rather intelligent beings. I've found it easier to relate to them." He told Derpy "Well. Let us see if Jack made it here." He gestered to the door out of the TARDIS. He started to walk towards the door and then opened it, waited for Derpy to join him outside, and knew Jack was waiting some where near the TARDIS. He walked ariund eventually finding Jack dead. "Don't worry Derpy. He'll be back." The Doctor looked over his body.


(I believe jack turned pony now)

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"How can you be a monkey when you're a pony?" she asked, but got no answer as the stallion headed for the door of his blue box. He seemed impatient for something, and Derpy was quick to follow. Was he expecting to find somepony outside?


Well, they did once they were outside, but he wasn't moving. Derpy gasped in shock, her eyes watering as she fell back on her rump in her surprise. Her eyes were tearing up; she didn't like to see death. The Doctor tried to assure her that the body would be back, but Derpy shook her head, not believing him. "H-How c-can the dead c-come back?" she asked, her voice quivering.

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"To answer your question earlier, we mearly transformmed and shaped into ponies, i have no idea if i will shift shape back to being a timelord, or you can say a human with the capability to survive pretty much anything." He gave another look at Jack then he took his hoof and shook him like he was asleep in a way "Come on, waky waky. We don't have all night Jack. Oh, and this man in particularly has the ability to transverse time and space, and survive the devistation it does. He is practically inmortal now and he has been alive for hundreds of years."

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The poor mare's head was spinning. Transforming? Humans? Dead coming back to life? Derpy was so confused by everything, and she wasn't fond of being confused because then it just made her look like more of a featherhead than everypony else already thought.


Then the Doctor mentioned this 'Jack' being immortal and having been alive for hundreds of years. The mare's ears perked, and she looked to the chestnut earth stallion while wiping her eyes. "You mean like...Princess Celestia...and Princess Luna?" she asked. That she could at least grasp somewhat.

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The stallion's eyes shot open as he gasped for breath. After taking several intakes, he let his body slowly return him to an alive state. "God doc... Next time send me to a..." He faded, noticing he was talking to two horses. "Well... not the first time I talked to an animal..." Then he looked to himself, finding he too was a pony. " Although it is the first time being one...Hey... if you can understand me, can either of you point me to a guy known as the doctor?" He asked the ponies, still lying on the ground.

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(What does jack look like now?)


Derpy jumped back, stumbling once again and nearly screaming in fright when the dead pony woke up. He started mumbling about never being a pony before, but having talked to animals before. The pegasus stood back up, her mouth hanging open slightly as the new stallion asked them where the Doctor was. Derpy rose a hoof, pointing to the chestnut earth pony with the spiky brown mane beside her. "Are you...the one he was just talking to?" she asked in disbelief, blinking a few times.

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"Here i am" he chuckled for the moment after Jack asked the two of us "This is Derpy, Jack, Jack, Derpy" He had introduced the two of them. "And so it seems that you turnned into a pony as well. And it looks like you get to learn to walk on hooves, like i did." He told Jack then turnned to Derpy "Ah... so your rulers, Princess Celestia and Luna have lived for hundreds of years as Jack and I?" He countered that question with a question of his own, knowing it would be confusig to her "Don't worry Derpy. You'll understand everything soon enough." He reasured her, thinking it would be best to keep her reasured about everything that confusess her.


(EDIT: Midnight, you ninja :P)

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Derpy's face went blank before she shook her head. A hoof rose to rub one of her temples as her mind pounded in her skull while considering the Doctor's question. "Y-Yes, the princesses have lived in and ruled over Equestria for over a a thousand years, although Princess Luna returned only a short few months ago." 

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Jack turned to Derpy, seeing as she was a friend of the doctor. With his trademark smile, he looked into Derpy's...eye. "Captain Jack Hardness, at your service." He then reach out a hoof to derpy's as to kiss it, but then realized he couldn't actually grab it. "Well... why am I a pony again doc?"

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"Well as far as i know, its this, area of the univurse thst the setinal beings are ponies and they dominate this area. Otherwise... i have no clue." He told Jack as he asked "we should go to bed soon, its getting pretty late" He said to everypony 'hehe pony, everypony, somepony. Haha it just never gets old' he thought to him self with a slight chuckle.

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Derpy blew some bangs out of her face at the new stallion's introduction and failed attempt to grab her hoof to kiss it. He asked why he was a pony again, and the Doctor explained why. The Doctor suggested they get to bed, and Derpy looked to the sky, her ears falling back a bit. "Princess Luna's raised the moon pretty high, so i guess so," she added. Her eyes returned to the earth stallion and dark blue pegasus stallion that Jack was. "I still think the two of you are out of your minds," the mare continued, "but if you don't have anywhere to sleep you're more than welcome to sty at my cottage, though i may not have enough beds unless you're comfortable sharing the pull-out one in the couch."

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The Doctor looked over at Jack. "Right then, I have no problem with that." He looked over at Derpy "And of course we can be out of our minds every once in a while. Right Jack? Its no fun to make sense of things when you can make no sense whats so ever! It makes it more fun in my opinion to be able to make no sense when things make sense. But, I guess we better go and 'Hit the hay.'" The Doctor chuckled at making that pun, and then he started to get a move on to Derpy's house.

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Nodding to the doctor's plan, the captain tried to stand up, however he found himself stumbling to the ground. Seeing as he was needing to walk on all fours, he tried to imitate what Derpy and the doctor were doing. To say the least, it wasn't easy. After stumbling multiple times, he managed to get to the little house. "How did you learn to walk on these... hooves, Doc?" He asked, raising one hoof as to examine it.

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Derpy's ears perked up to Jack's question about how he had learned to walk on hooves as they reached the little cottage. She looked to him, grinning. "Learned to? He's still stumbling around on them, though maybe not a badly as you,' she replied. The grey mare opened the door to let the two stallions into the living room. 

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