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private (THIS RP IS CLOSED) Lightning Bliss's Birthday Party RP!

Lightning Bliss

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@@Doc. Volt, @@Polaris, @,


Her eyes lit up with excitment that Polaris and Volt seemed to have found her and Roac first.


"OH GOOD! *chockes*" She stopped for a second, realizing she was chewing a mouth full of cupcake. Quickly she cleaned her mouth and throat, "GAH," she giggled, "thats what I get for talking with my mouth full! I guess thats one thing royals do well, manner wise. It can be a life saver!"


She pulled Roac closer to her then readjusted her gaze on her two closest friends, "Polaris, Volt? You remember Roac right? From the Gala?" She rubbed her hoof on the gryphon's shoulder proudly, "well... I'm...what I'm about to ask of you two might be... excessive and a huge favor but..." she pawed the ground a moment, "I need your help with something... You see...Roac here doesn't have wings..." She hinted towards his back...then stopped to let the two of them figure out what she was asking for a second.

I'm just a silly little alicorn, trying to get by in the fandom ^^


The Lightning Bliss Show

Lightning Bliss DevianArt

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@@C. Thunder Dash,


"You have a brother?" said Riley. "I have a brother. Not a twin, he's seven years younger than me. But in a way, if it weren't for him, I might not have gotten where I am today." He cleared his throat for his next story.


"You see, when it was just me, my parents were sort of... overbearing. Heck, my mom even snapped at some poor colt during a shopping trip just because he asked me where something was. And because they were so protective of me, I didn't get the chance to properly go out and socialize like I should've. Then when I was seven, my baby brother Reece was born, and all the attention diverted to him. This got me sort of jealous, so I devised a plan. 'Hey, if I hang out with him, surely that'll mean Mom and Dad will pay attention to both of us!' So that's what I did. I fed him, changed his diapers, played with him... and after a while, I realised I was actually enjoying his company. So that's why I went on to try and make friends with just about anypony I met!"

OCs: RileyAnala

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"Wow! And my brother looks almost like me but his fur patterns are different. He's got telekinetic abilities, which he found out he had while watching a storm dissipate. He started by using his abilities on clouds, he soon taught himself how to use them outside of the weather factory." Thunder explained.  

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"Yep." Thunder stated. "Blitz had a mutation in his genes, which he didn't know it. Appearently, something of a unicorn had slipped in him. Remember as I said, the lightning struck me in a spot that caused a mutation in my genes." Thunder stated. "Some ponies try to mimic this, but they've failed." Thunder stated.  

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@,@@Lightning Bliss,




Volt shocked his head trying to get back in himself


"so... you want wings eh? A little grhyphon want to fly but he has no wings who can deny? uhm well my friend.."


he placed an hoof on Roac's sgouldr


"growing wings ain't an easy stuff, no sir, only a princess has enough magic to give wings to a pony.. but.. there are alternatives... an easy and ready-made one is a jetpack.. but if you want something more.. sophysticated. get ready for a long trail of sacrifice mate.."


he moved near his talon a small business card with depicted the Ponyville's electric dam


"how much are you ready to sacrifice and suffer to have wings pal?"


Volt continued with a more serious tone


Red cross voluntier:""The first to arrive,The last to leave"

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@@C. Thunder Dash,


"Like when I swallowed that flying soda, that was just luck," said Riley. "Not even I would try mimicing what happened to you. It would probably be gruesome..." He cringed at the vision of a charred red pegasus. He decided to change the topic before more disgusting sights entered his mind. "Thunder, do you enjoy playing pranks?"

OCs: RileyAnala

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"Oh totally. I one time pranked Mrs Cake so hard, she nearly fainted. So I was over doing some volunteer work at Sugarcube Corner. I brought an air horn from the cheap store. I rigged the fridge so that when the door's opened, it pulls a string releasing a prop that kept one of the shelves up. The shelf came down on the air horn button and the air horn went off. Scared Mrs. Cake so hard, she nearly had a heart attack!" Thunder stated.  

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@@Doc. Volt,


"Wait Volt!" Bliss quickly intervened, "He doesn't want to 'grow' wings, or go through painful trials... No offense.." she tapped her front hooves together awkwardly, "You see...since your amazing at electronics and engeneering, and Polaris is good at heavy lifting and metals I would hope...and with my magic... I just thought instead of him paying an insane amount of bits for a pair of mechanical wings... we could help him to build his own?"

I'm just a silly little alicorn, trying to get by in the fandom ^^


The Lightning Bliss Show

Lightning Bliss DevianArt

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@@Lightning Bliss,


"oh mechanic wings... i thought it was time for me to bring out again my spectra alchemy, no worries! it can be done, uhm, i can inplant the nureal interface directely to the spine of the subject, yes, so this way there will no be problems if the subject faints while on air or lose neural connection, yes, the spine can substain the connectors, some vertebers can be usefull for that as well, yeah! also if we have your magic, all of the work will be completely painless! there will be a fixed joint on your back Roac, something so small that nopony will notice it, when you want, just connect the wings up like a bag and you are ready to fly! now, the problem is to control the electric signal from the nerve and amplify it by a factor of ten and make sure that the brain will be able to recon them as a part of the body and..."


Volt opened his bag, taking out a note and a pen, starting to scribble

  • Brohoof 1


Red cross voluntier:""The first to arrive,The last to leave"

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@@C. Thunder Dash,


"Complex, but still awesome!" said Riley. "Anala and I played pranks all the time in our school years. We would wrap the classrooms in toilet paper. The jig was up when everyone started wondering things like, 'Why does the toilet paper run out so fast?' and 'Why are Riley and Anala never on the playground?' and the most obvious, 'WHO DID THIS?!'. I took a lot of blames for her. She was one lucky little filly," he explained. "Oh, and in our older years, she played what could be considered one of the cruellest pranks known to ponykind. There's a bit of a story leading up to it, but that's interesting too."

Edited by Blue Eclipse

OCs: RileyAnala

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"Oh those were fun times. Did you two ever get in trouble for pulling those pranks at school?" Thunder asked. "Blitz and I snuck a spider apple on Mrs. Cheerile's desk for Nightmare Night. It was just sooooo hilarious. You know Cheerlie's terrified of spiders right?" Thunder asked.  

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@@Doc. Volt, @@Polaris, @


She clapped her hooves in excitment then turned to Polaris. "Polaris? You game?" She asked him eagerly, "I know this isn't exactly the best time for me to be worrying about others on my birthday but... I just couldn't help it! All of you have given me these wonderful gifts... I just...feel the need to give something back in return, starting with Roac and his lack of wings. Maybe after we figure out on setting him up, I can help you with some photos for your employer Photo Finish? I'm sure she'd love to have some inside scoop on the party here in Ponyville!"


She turned to Volt as he was writing down some notes for the idea, "and Volt I can't thank you enough for coming here and at the same time help another friend in need on my behalf! Surely I can give you something back in return? How about new tesla coils? Or nitro for your rocket experiements?"

I'm just a silly little alicorn, trying to get by in the fandom ^^


The Lightning Bliss Show

Lightning Bliss DevianArt

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@@Lightning Bliss,




Volt shocked his head, once again lsot in his thought, putting away his note he replied:


"well, i don't need anything in particual Bliss, as long as the dam is operation and Cloudsdale recive its energy pack regularly it is nice for me, since they provide me of what i need, i just add something... at.. the orders.. yep... besides.. nah... it is impossible let go"


Volt said skratching his head thinking about his requests


"this is YOUR birthday and i am not asking anything! "

  • Brohoof 1


Red cross voluntier:""The first to arrive,The last to leave"

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@@C. Thunder Dash,


Riley was nearly in hysterics. "Stop before I have a heart attack!" he chortled. After taking a while to calm down, he replied, "And I got into trouble, anyway. I loved Anala too much not to take the rap for her."


"Now, about that cruel prank I mentioned..."


(OOC: To save me repeating the same thing, please refer to my post labelled '#26': http://mlpforums.com/topic/100337-lightning-blisss-birthday-party-rp/page-2)


Riley explained all about meeting Escapade, being a plush doll, Anala taking him to give him the attention that would undo the curse... and then about the scissors that were essential to Anala's sadistic trick, and then Anala's anticlimactic line...


"You really fell for that one, didn't you?"

OCs: RileyAnala

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"Oh man! That must've been crazy being turned into a plush doll. How did the transformation fell. Did you feel yourself being filled with fluff or your bones and stuff dissolving into the fluffy stuff?" Thunder asked intrigued at how Riley turned into a plush doll.  

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(OOC: Oh, Lord, I missed a lot.)

@@Doc. Volt,

@@Lightning Bliss,


As Volt placed a hoof on his shoulder, Roac suddenly had a vision.


... The Pegasus Device uses this energy to create rainbows...

Another overlapping voice, that of a mare's, began to speak near the end of the message.

... You don't DESERVE your wings...


Roac snapped out of it as Volt asked him how much he was ready to sacrifice.


"No! I'm not willing to sacrifice anything, no thank you! This wasn't even my idea..."


He pushes away, as if he'd seen something. Volt can feel that he knows something, as if Volt might have revealed the secret of the Pegasus Device.


Roac is about to run away, but then Bliss cuts in with her own corrections.

Edited by Roac


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@@Lightning Bliss, @,


"w..what did i said??"


Volt asked to himself turning his head from Bliss to the escaping Ghryphon


"i said that we will just use mechanic wings and that we will not make him grow real ones! .. did i said something else wrong??"


the stallion kept saying while rubbing his hoof on his mane


"he was almost shocked.. m..maybe i should go after him.. EHI ROAC! WAIT! I DIDN'T MEANT TO SAY SOMETHING BAD!"


Volt yelled trotting after the ghryphon


Red cross voluntier:""The first to arrive,The last to leave"

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@@C. Thunder Dash,


"The transformation didn't hurt, it actually felt sort of pleasant is a way. But that didn't help my panicking. And when it was complete, it was frustrating not being able to move or speak. And Anala got sort of hysterical, then a bit teary. A perfect example of how she can be soft and sweet when you push the right buttons. And after Escapade suggested that the curse could be lifted with attention, Anala stuffed me into her saddlebag and took me back to her apartment. I felt happy knowing that Anala was going to take me everywhere with her. And when she moved those scissors towards me... I was plain horrified. My love was going to slice me in half. When it turned out she was just messing with me, I had no idea what to think. Should I find it funny? Should I be mad?"

Edited by Blue Eclipse

OCs: RileyAnala

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"It's an ironic situation. Not being able to speak and being turned in to a plush would be very frustrating. Although it seemed like a trick with those scissors, still..." Thunder stated. He then looked down, his belly was rounder than usual. "Oh, guess I overdid it..." Thunder said trying his best to hide his belly from Riley and blushing lightly. 

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@@C. Thunder Dash,


"She could have left me on a toy shop shelf and skipped out..." suggested Riley. When Thunder attempted to hide his belly, Riley chuckled. "Hey, don't worry, man. I had a house party one night, complete with corn dogs and nachos,  and when I woke up the next morning on the couch, I'd gained at least a pound."


"Hey, I heard you mention you know some transformation spells. Which ones, exactly?"

OCs: RileyAnala

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"Yeah well..." Thunder stated. "And transformation spells...check this out." Thunder stated as he gathered some electricity. His body started to glow. He shrunk down several sizes. He then was revealed in his younger form. "This is one of them." Colt Thunder Dash said.


(OOC: Here's what Thunder looks like as a colt: filly_thunder_dash_by_pikachu25sci95vt-d

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@@Lightning Bliss, @,


"w..what did i said??"


Volt asked to himself turning his head from Bliss to the escaping Ghryphon


"i said that we will just use mechanic wings and that we will not make him grow real ones! .. did i said something else wrong??"


the stallion kept saying while rubbing his hoof on his mane


"he was almost shocked.. m..maybe i should go after him.. EHI ROAC! WAIT! I DIDN'T MEANT TO SAY SOMETHING BAD!"


Volt yelled trotting after the ghryphon

(OOC: Dude, look at the edit. I was still writing my reply to when you were talking about growing them, and you guys jetpack'd off without me. I take a little longer to reply, so please pay attention to what I'm saying, so that you can figure out when exactly I replied.)


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Thunder gathered more electricity and returned to his adult form. "It would take more power to do it. Remember, as I said before, if I use too much power, I would faint and would need a zap from a thunder cloud or electric source." Thunder stated as he got himself together.  

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