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The elements as personal virtues.



13 users have voted

  1. 1. Which are you most in tune with?

    • Generosity
    • Honesty
    • Kindless
    • Laughter
    • Loyalty
  2. 2. Which are your least perfected qualities?

    • Generosity
    • Honesty
    • Kindness
    • Laughter
    • Loyalty

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I'll bet there's been a topic like this every month, but I never really check over here for some reason.


So lately a lot of synchronicity (Or at least a truckload more than the already ridiculous load I get daily) has led me to taking a good hard look at myself in terms of the elements of Harmony that inspires us to be able to get along with one another to the point where potential arguments should be minimized substantially.


Note that I am excluding "Magic" here because I don't feel that it's an element in particular, but rather the summation of all five other virtues into a single unifying principle that describes all five simultaneously if given the chance.


I have a good, hard respect for the five non-Twilight ponyfolk for who they are and what they stand for, but I feel as special bond of sorts with Rainbow Dash for many reasons more than with the others. For one, I never truly understood the concept of loyalty as much as I have the other four. Kindness, generosity, honesty, and laughter are simply innate to my character, and I would be lying to myself if I were anything but. But loyalty is a strange and bewildering concept to me.


(EDIT: Except the concept of honesty. I love being overly detailed and forthright about certain things, but I also have a bardish nature about me that will cause anything and everything to fly out of my mouth willy-nilly. I have absolutely no problem telling you trade secrets that will totally ruin any chance of me making a profit, but I also have no problem telling you that I am an Albino Giraffe that just swallowed your mother's toaster.)


It's obvious to be loyal to those that I need to be loyal to, but I also feel the need to be logical and rational about every situation that pops up, which leads to "jumping ship" to the platform which has the greatest support for survivability. But fear not, o noble reader, I know deep, deep down (I just wish it was closer to the surface...) that those worth knowing are those to be loyal to. So long as nobody makes me choose. :P Ahaha...ha....ha. Ugh.



So as for the poll, pick the elements that you've mastered, and pick the ones that you feel you could still use some work on. Don't worry, this is a hate-free zone, so share the love, everyone.

Edited by SkyDream
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I'm mostly in tune with Loyalty, as a personal virtue it defines me as a whole where I would never leave anyone behind in my life. My least perfected virtue is, Laughter due to the fact that I don't laugh a lot but I make my friends laugh.

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The reason i picked loyality as my "mastered" element is that i had to pick one to participate in the poll... I would actually say i mastered not a single one.

And my least perfected qualities are... All of them.


Im dead serious by the way, not trying to be funny or something. My positive qualities are seriously lacking. Sometimes i wonder if i even have some.

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I picked Honesty, I don't think I hide my feelings and when something's wrong about someone/somebody I generally don't hesitate to say it.

And also because, like @Obsidian Sky I had to pick one...


However I'm not generous at all (it's very hard IMO).

Edited by Blobulle
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I can't pick more than one lol? 


Had to go with laughter,but im pretty brutally honest and loyal too. :)


Sadly generosity is my least 'mastered' as i tend to be stingy with sharing,tho i wont say i wouldn't show generosity period.

sig-27460.i2QLbt3.jpgOatmeal, are you crazy?!


"Silly, you are already under my control."- Pinkie Pie
Signature made by me, because resistance truly is futile, silly.

Currently still undergoing maintenance. Yes, i can do that, im a program, silly.

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Humor and good times are, to a fault, what I build my life and interactions with others around. I rarely take things seriously. So I'd pick Laughter, but I wouldn't say I have a healthy grasp of it as an element. Just a generalized understanding.

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Oh we can pick more than one, sure. I did. I had problems with the second question letting me select multiple choice abilities, but I think/hope I fixed it. O.o

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  On 2014-06-18 at 9:02 PM, SkyDream said:

Note that I am excluding "Magic" here because I don't feel that it's an element in particular, but rather the summation of all five other virtues into a single unifying principle that describes all five simultaneously if given the chance.

I argue that the Element of Magic can be consider a virtue... that of Unity.


Of having the strength to be one in mind, heart and soul. Unity is the feeling of being at one and connected with others. Unity leads to cooperation, to having empathy with friends and family. To feel their joys and sorrows, laughter and pain. Better then tolerance, where we try and ‘accept’ differences, with unity, we notice and appreciate the uniqueness and diversity each individual brings to the whole. Although different in many ways, we feel connected. Of bringing others together and becoming better because of it.


That I feel can be considered the definition of the Element of Magic.

Edited by EquestrianScholar
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  On 2014-06-18 at 10:21 PM, EquestrianScholar said:

I argue that the Element of Magic can be consider a virtue... that of Unity.


Of having the strength to be one in mind, heart and soul. Unity is the feeling of being at one and connected with others. Unity leads to cooperation, to having empathy with friends and family. To feel their joys and sorrows, laughter and pain. Better then tolerance, where we try and ‘accept’ differences, with unity, we notice and appreciate the uniqueness and diversity each individual brings to the whole. Although different in many ways, we feel connected. Of bringing others together and becoming better because of it.


That I feel can be considered the definition of the Element of Magic.

I like that. I like that a lot. I do feel like I have to operate within the confines of the show, though, to focus this question. Ordinarily, I would definitely have placed that as its own spot of honor near the top of some sort of ranking, but in this case, considering that Twilight masters all of the other virtues to become an avatar of sorts of Friendship, being the essence of Magic, and a very powerful Unicorn to boot, plus she has the Tiara, whereas everyone else only has a necklace. So to me, she feels like a keystone of sorts that binds the others together.


I haven't mastered all of them yet, so I can't say that I would be the ideal friend. I don't, and cannot, have that magic essence that Twilight has.

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Perhaps so... of note though is the fact that the Element of Magic has not been defined,  and as such is open for interpretation.


Also, unless you can offer references to the contrary, I would say that it was never stated she became an alicorn and princess because she had perfected the virtues of her friends. I would perhaps even say she has not perfected them because her friends do not perfectly embody their elements.


Yet I can offer many times when she brings ponies together, or helped to do such, and through such accomplishes some take or goal. In meeting the five ponies that would become her friends, they come together and follow her into the Everfree Forest to teh old Castle. They stand together to face Nightmare Moon... and release Luna from the darkness that held her so she can be reunited with her older sister Celestia.


During the Winter Wrap-up Twilight is able to bring the whole city together and direct ponies into actually finishing on time. Another example of unity and cooperation.


There is Zecora's acceptance by the ponies of Ponyville, Twilight being the one to hold skepticism for the fear some of her friends had and helping to bring understanding where there had first been distrust.


When Twilight became divided from her friends, and them with each other, her friends minds and personality twisted by the power and manipulation of Discord. She reminded them of who they are and brought them back so they could be united.


More recently there was the episode Magical; Mystery Cure where she had to set everything right from the miscast spell, the song True True Friend showing her encouraging her friends to help each other remember what their talents and passions are. Having them help each other find themselves behind the altered memories.



These and more are examples of Twilight putting to use the virtue of unity, giving reason to Celestia word of 'Leadership' when going over the Elements of Harmony during her coronation.

Edited by EquestrianScholar
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All wonderful examples, but I can't help but wonder if that word "Unity" could be translated into "Trust/Faith" coupled with Leadership abilities, such as being able to trust that the given friend that may personify a certain aspect of friendship can get the job done. That's one niggling thought that leaps out at me.


Maybe I'm just too rigidly thinking about the original concept. If I wasn't so bound by the poll's choices (which I made. o.O!) I would be totally all over the Unity thing. That is just a can of awesome brilliance there. Thank you for introducing it! I really, really like that.

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Hmm...that's a tough one. I would say loyalty is my strongest next to Kindness. But I'm also always honest...umm...huh. Not sure honestly. Can I equally be three? Laughter is definitely underneath those though. Kindness, honesty, and loyalty are my strongest but laughter would be just under. I'm not always funny, but I do make people laugh. Now Generosity...I would say I could work on that one. I've been very generous without receiving anything from anyone at times, but only with specific people. I've definitely spent my fair share of not giving anyone anything when they do something for me. But I'll work on that. :)


Now Magic though. PHEW. That is one I need to work on. I mean really. I need to figure out how to grow a horn because, magic is definitely something that I can't do. I'll have to get pretty horny to accomplish this.

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Credit to Kyoshi for the awesome signature!

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That is your choice. I'm not here to force you to change anything, only trying to offer a means that the Element of Magic can be considered a virtue.



  On 2014-06-18 at 11:36 PM, FeIix said:

Now Magic though. PHEW. That is one I need to work on. I mean really. I need to figure out how to grow a horn because, magic is definitely something that I can't do. I'll have to get pretty horny to accomplish this.

The Element of Magic I feel has next to nothing to do with ones ability with magic. More, I would argue an Earth Pony could be the Element of Magic and have it work.

Edited by EquestrianScholar
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