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Post 2014 MLPF World Cup Thread


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Well it was fun everyone! Even if I didn't do much in participation really, well unless you count voting(Most of the time) and lurking over the randomness in the posts.


Regardless I enjoyed the time I did spend here, in the end I really don't care who won, just that I enjoyed some laughs from this whole thing, and I didn't even get to experience the whole thing. It was fun!

  • Brohoof 6


Thanks to Gone Airbourne for the awesome sig!

My Oc's,

Ponysona, Bella

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Dear Princess Celestia,

Here is IGN's review of the mlpf world cup

"It was crap-9/10 IGN"

"10/10 it was okay - IGN" is the proper quotation if my memory serves me.



Well it was fun everyone! Even if I didn't do much in participation really, well unless you count voting(Most of the time) and lurking over the randomness in the posts.


Regardless I enjoyed the time I did spend here, in the end I really don't care who won, just that I enjoyed some laughs from this whole thing, and I didn't even get to experience the whole thing. It was fun!



I love fun things!



Edited by Blue
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As for enteraining team

1. Zecora, if only for kel grym typing in ryhme, and getting into a near rap battle with pinkamena pills. It was very entertaining to watch.

2. Pinkie pie, they deffinatly showed up in force, and they just all seemed like they were having a great time

3. Twilight

4. Fluttershy

I'm glad I wasn't the only one to recall the Zecora match. Kel Grym's crazy was all over that. Pills and banul also made that one of the more entertaining ones. :D




Ugh, now I have to re-read the Celestia Letters.

  • Brohoof 5



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This was such and amazing event! Thanks Sterling for making it happen. First of all I want to congratulate all of the ponies that participated. Even though Twi, is not in a high positon in what concerns best pony for me. Im still happy for her to win, she has a strong fanbase, so she deserves it. As much as I would love Pinkie Pie to win, we all need to know that sometimes you win, and you sometimes lose. Now for this:




Most entertaining team:

Pinkie Pie: I was there the whole time for her, and all the posts were awesome, we, all Pinkie fans had GREAT fun!

zecora: There was an amazing rap battle during the match. Very entertaining and amusing.


The overachiever:

That mentions goes to Scootaloo, Sweetie Belle and zecora. And especially Twilight Sparkle, I was expecting Flutters to win by a good number of votes.


The underachiever:


I was really expecting more of Applejack, Princess Cadence, Rainbow Dash and Derpy.


Fair Poster award:


This mention goes to all of Pinkie fans, especially Dsanders, Pinkamena Pills, Pink Mist and Chikorita Brony. Who were all there at Pinkie´s matches, making awesome posts, and brohoofing my posts, and other Pinkie posts.

  • Brohoof 8


Thanks to the amazing Kyoshi

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Most entertaining team: The character whose fans had the most entertaining posts and most epic pictures.
1. Team Chrysalis. Yes I know, my own team. But I'm not picking for myself, but for those who stood alongside me. Our team had a great group of supporters who helped me post mountains of chryssi gifs and art. Even as the hours go by and watch as our lead diminished vote after vote, we still held our resolve and stood steadfast in the name of our Queen. 

2. Team Zecora. They were worthy foes indeed, and the rhyming recantations and rap battles were something to behold.

3. Team Rarity. Hard not to respect fabulocity when it came to these guys. My stint with them may have been brief, but it was fun and we really classed up the joint.  

4. Team Twi. We were victorious for many reasons, of them was the cohesiveness of our force, the resourcefulness demonstrated with our posts and the long hours spent as we went the distance into overtime. 

5. Edit: Team Spitfire. The demonstration of the stupid sexyness that was the wonderbolts captain was a sight to behold.  
The overachiever: The character who did better than expected.
-1. Scootlaoo. Hooves down, she did the impossible. She didn't reach the sky, but she brought the sun down.
-2. Derpy. She gave our God-Queen-Warrior-Princess-Doctor a hell of a fight, and even earned my vote.

-3. Zecora. She defeated my Queen and coolest looking villain. That says something.

-4. Big Macintosh. For a character who doesn't say much, he was certainly popular enough to get pretty far.

-5. Spike. He might get the least respect in the show and by some of the fans, but it seems he has more support then we all thought.  
The underachiever: The character who should have done better.

  • 1. Princess Luna. Her scandal over getting the lead due to duplicate accounts only reaffirms that she should've gone farther than she had. I was surprised to find that the most supported princess didn't make the cut. 
  • 2. Queen Chrysalis. I was certainly surprised when she got overtaken by Zecora, especially after gaining a strong lead.
  • 3. Octavia. For being one of the most popular backgrounds, she got decimated pretty quickly. 
  • 4. Vinyl Scratch. Again, she's rather popular, but stood little chance against the mane cast. 
  • 5. Any of the CMC. For having such strong leads early on, they had some steep losses to the mane cast.

Fair Poster Award: I'll let you guys decide this one. You're all pretty tight with one another and are better judges of these things than I would be. 

Edited by Denim&Venom
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I made a whole choose your own adventure game and all I get is this lousy PMV mention


I found Team Scootaloo my favorite despite the fact that it was not an actual team. SO much fervor every match. I was impressed by Team Vinyl for the same reason. They didn't back down and roll over even when facing off against Twilight Sparkle.


Team Rarity was very good on the quotes, though, along with Discord. I had to make sure I didn't oversaturate the closing video with them.  :blink:


Dear Princess Celestia,


My previous letter may have been slightly irreverent. No worries, this one will not change the formula at all. I'm going to talk about something very publicity-gaining personal, which is making those World Cup videos! This will curry great favor with the [REDACTED] and win many [REDACTED] and [REDACTED] a unicyle.


More specifically, the closing video, as while I'm sure telling you all about my adventures in finding a font for the opening quotes is enlightening, it's also boring. 


Psst, the closing video used mainly Futura Medium. I swear that's not a fortunetelling service. It's a font. 


1. Getting invited in a PM topic to make something for the Cup was incredibly flattering, and I really appreciate Sterling Crimson giving me the opportunity. I think it gave me valuable experience in editing for other people, which will certainly help if I want to do any projects for money in the future. 


Oh, and if you liked having yourself be quoted in the closing video? That was his idea.


2. There are a lot of large images in that thread.


3. You guys are way too witty. Seriously, that video would've been ridiculously long if I hadn't set myself checks and balances on how many quotes per character I was going to put up and a policy to not use more than one quote from the same person. Especially with the more prolific posters, that was a toughie.


4. Can we just thank Pinkie Pie Rules, Sunshower Raindrops, Obsidian Sky, JLmle, Fantasma Mr. Green, and Undecided?


Why should we thank them?


Because what I posted in the Closing Ceremony from them were excerpts of entire essays that each one readily provided to Sterling Crimson for the sake of the video.


And they were totally fine with me having to get rid of almost all of them. But since I don't think it's particularly fair for them not to be seen...


Pinkie Pie Rules



Why do I love Pinkie Pie? There's so many reasons. She's just like me, someone who loves to make her friends smile and laugh, who always wants happiness to reign supreme. She's optimistic, funny, and kind, and she'l do anything to make her friends happy. She has the poofiest mane ever, and she's just so darn cute! I just wanna hold her and hug her. She know how to throw a great party and her songs are absolutely awesome. She always makes me smile.



Sunshower Raindrops (posted as a letter, but might as well)



Yes it is true, Scootaloo isn't my favorite pony, but I don't care if she isn't. She is in my top three now with Fluttershy and Sunshower Raindrops. I owe that to this very MLPF World cup. I just couldn't believe how close the battle was, I honestly thought she was going to lose. That did not stop me from voting for her though something just made me want to help her. Then the intense comment battle began. I started advertising the battle in the forum games hoping to at-least give Scootaloo a tie. The whole time her character started to grow on me. The whole battle with Celestia fitted perfectly with how the Writers of MLP described Scootaloo. She is an unpopular filly Pegasus who can't fly with no talents other than her scooter skills. She was the underdog, and it was fitting to have her fight against what many consider the strongest pony in all of Equestria. I picked up my A game and started a huge Scootaloo advertisement campaign to try and convince the other members of the forum to see what I saw in Scootaloo. Not only did Scoots manage to tie Celestia, but she even beat her at the end. Scootaloo wining reminded me of how even though she was the biggest underdog in the show. She still manged to accomplish her goals. While she still cant fly, she gained something even better. A sister named Rainbow Dash. I cant wait for Scootaloo's next battles. Even if she battles my favorite pony (Fluttershy) I will still vote for Scootaloo, just because of what this battle taught me.




Obsidian Sky



The reason i have always been very close to Rarity is that she made me a brony in the first place. She sparked my interest in the show.

In late season one i had heard of course of the pony-craze that was sweeping through the Internet, i did not have much interest in it, but one could hardly ignore it seeing that it was popping up everywhere.
One day, i don't remember where is was, i saw a picture of her though. It may look a little bit shallow, but i instantly knew that there was something to her that was worth discovering.
I instantly loved her design, the purple combined with the white of her coat, the little blue highlights, the way her mane and tail were styled, her elegance. Everything about her looks.
I needed to know more!
My next step was to find a mlp wiki and to search for her. Even though i did not know her name yet, i found her pretty easily and i started to explore her character.
I started to like her even more and decided to start watching the show on youtube, which i did from Episode one on.
So the fabulous one made me what i am now. I could somehow connect to her even though im not really into fashion and not feminine at all.
The longer i was a brony, the more i loved her and the show, and i doubt either of that will stop in the future.
Rarity is my little princess now. She is close to my heart. She has so much i find admirable and beautiful.
I love her passionate and artistic nature. She is a true artist and she wants to make the world around her more beautiful. She goes to great lengths to do so. Instead of hoarding her beauty she gives it freely to others. She wants to be beautiful herself of course, but she never would selfishly deprive others of beauty.
Her first reaction to the dishevelled Twilight in the very first episode was not to mock her, like other pretty girl characters in other shows would have done, but to instantly help her with her mane.
It is this generosity with her gifts and skills that is one of her biggest virtues and something that everybody should strife towards.
Her greatest gifts to her friends are not of materialistic nature, even though she also gives freely in that respect, but gifts of her time and her career chances.
In fact, every day Rares lives in Ponyville she makes a sacrifice. After she made it into the inner circle of Canterlot and into the fashion world of Manehatten she had all the possibilities she ever wanted.
She has now the reputation, the connections and the money to move to one of these important cities, but she chooses not to. She chooses to stay in Ponyville, and she chooses to take the hard, slow road to her goals to not leave her friends behind.
It would be so easy for her to move away to the beating heart of high society, to fulfill every single one of her dreams. Yet she does not do it.
That is her biggest sacrifice, her biggest generosity. She deserves utmost respect for that desicion.
It is this willingness to put her own dreams behind that makes her for me the true Element of Generosity.
She has her flaws. Who doesnt? But for me at least her good sides overwhelmingly outnumber her flaws.
She is a beautiful, generous, friendly, faithful, kind, empathic soul. I greatly adore her.







So there's a joke about Applejack being a background pony that's been going around the fandom for some time now.  Believe it or not, I understand why people feel this way. I don't agree with it, mind you, but I understand it. Applejack just doesn't scream "look at me" as loud as the rest of the Mane 6 do. Rainbow Dash has her boasting, Pinkie Piedoes the most random things you ever saw, Rarity has a certain flair for dramatics,Fluttershy squees and talks to animals, and Twilight Sparkle is freaking princess for crying out loud. Mean while, Applejack is just there, quietly being awesome.



I won't lie to you, when I first started watching the show, Applejack wasn't my favorite pony, in fact she was near the bottom of my list. Watching the show for the first time, it was so much easier for my to pay attention to the plot and the "louder' characters. In fact,Applejack was still at the bottom of my list after I'd caught up on all episodes ofFriendship is Magic, it wasn't until I started rewatching episodes that she began to stick out to me.


During that second watch through, I already new the plot and the resolution, so I was able to focus in on some of the minutia of the series.  This is the stage where I truly fell in love with not just Applejack, but My Little Pony as a whole. There's a difference between shows you can enjoy the first time, and ones you can watch over and over and always catch something new; Friendship is Magic is one of the later; and when you rewatch the episodes, I highly recommend paying extra attention to Applejack.


As many of you know, a lot of what I love about Applejack is how much she reminds me of wife. They are two of the hardest working folks I know, they both have a country upbringing, and a strong devotion to their respective families. It was during the rewatching of Applebuck Season that it snapped in my head.  When I saw how stubborn Applejack was in that episode; I knew she was not only my wife in pony form; but also best pony.


But you don't have to be in love with my wife to love ApplejackApplejack is honest and dependable. She is the hardest worker you'll ever see, and the best friend you'll ever have. Sure, she can be a bit blunt at times, but only because she tells it like it is.  And you know what they say... "A true friend will always tell you the truth, even if it hurts." And trust me friend, I'm telling you the truth... Applejack is best pony!



Fantasma Mr. Green



I love dear Celestia because of her role as a protector. She tries her hardest to keep harmony even if she is powerless against an enemy and is willing to sacrifice even herself for the safety of her ponies. She also reminds me of me in some ways. I have a brother who has problems with himself and social issues. It reminded me of how hard Celestia was trying help her sister, Luna, out of the same thing. I had to constantly tell him that he was just as good a person as anyone else. That there was nothing wrong with him. I even made talk to people outside his confort zone and he did really well! See? Just like Celestia and Luna!


Also, the fact that she can be witty, snarky, and motherly to all her subjects is great! She is not your power hungry, tyrannical, selfish ruler as everypony here claims her to be. And i've seen her in comics as well! She likes adventure, she enjoys cake! She likes games! She just like any mare/girl would be like! The fact that she tries to relate with her fellow ponies is wonderful! Also, she is a very appealing mare to look at even for a mare! Beautiful eyes and wings, a beautiful flowing mane, and a very lovely voice. *Mwah* *Mwah* Perfect! Celestia is a bottle of untapped potential, her personality in itself is a valid enough reason to give her some more spotlight. She is also one of the reasons I joined the forums! I wanted to spread my love for Celestia! At the same time I found people who have similar interests. Thanks to these forums for bringing me a good time! Thank you Forums!!! Ah dear Celestia.....Why are you...so Celestia? I swoon over thee...For every little thing you do is magic... I will wait for you, for a thousand rainy days....And we can have soul cake together...And I can show you my love... under the moon lit stars...For love is stronger then justice.... 







In the spirit of honesty, the Element of Harmony connected to Applejack, the following will explain my preference for AJ, which is largely formed from emotional experiences.

Firstly, AJ’s love for her siblings is something I connect with easily.  In different ways, we are both from broken families but AJ’s strength for her siblings both inspires and helps me to do the same. AJ’s position as the ‘rock’ of her siblings reflects my own and so I endeavor to ‘stick together the pony way’ with my brother and sister.
Living in the shadow of heartbreak from 2 years ago, AJ is helping me to stay positive for my future. Like Pinkie Pie and the Apples, I too was accepted into a new family led by a hardworking, humble and honest girl. Whilst life took us in different directions, AJ’s similarities made her instantly endearing and have helped me to remember all the positives rather than focus on the negativities of our separation. Consequently, AJ is helping me not only to heal but also to not forget the lessons I learned, and to always appreciate the joys of family.
AJ gives me the strength to persevere when I doubt myself and ‘Raise This Barn’ and ‘Apples to the Core’ have helped me through some of those particularly dark days. These uplifting songs of family and hard work have pulled me from the brink when I feel overwhelmed, their positivity inspires me to turn my frown upside down and persist as AJ does in ‘Apple Family Reunion’.

Life has created many holes in my heart and Applejack is helping to piece it back together, 1,2,3,4, just like her barn. That is why she is my best pony and why I will always be grateful to have her influence in my life.



Something something, 

Your dear something, 



Edited by Stellafera
  • Brohoof 12

Latest Video: Come On: An Ode To Best Friendship


"Says they don't like MMDW or Merriwether Williams: Inb4 Stellafera" - Sugar Cube

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Dear Princess Woona,


I salute to Twilight Sparkle for winning. Good job, soldier. Just one thing; why the bloody hell didn't you, Luna, win? I had so high hopes. You and Discord were going to go to prom and everything. Wait, no, that's Fluttershy-


Also thanks for saying thanks to me, but seriously, just the joy I bring people by making my banners is enough. ...oh who am I kidding, hell yeah, kneel before me, I get ALL of the awards!


Yeah. So congrats and stuff, maybe? Also the lesson abot friendship I learned is that if the pony you're rooting for goes down, just pick your next favorite pony. See? If you can't beat 'em, join em. Discord learned that!


Love your #1 fan... Uh, a loving citizen,


  • Brohoof 4

Have the courage to think and act on your own. And have the courage to disobey.

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I found Team Scootaloo my favorite despite the fact that it was not an actual team.


What do you mean Team Scootaloo is not a REAL TEAM







4. Can we just thank Pinkie Pie Rules, Sunshower Raindrops, Obsidian Sky, JLmle, Fantasma Mr. Green, and Undecided?


Why should we thank them?


I should be thanking you. If it weren't for you I probably would not have even realized how much I appreciated Scootaloo. If not for you I would of not even been in that PM. You were the one to recommend inviting me! If not for you this whole World cup would of been different. You are most certainly one of the most important people here. You most certainly are the most unappreciated player in this world cup. You have my gratitude stella





Edited by Sunshower Raindrops
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Overachiever = Fluttershy.  Though she didn't match up with Discord, by the end I appreciated her more to make her #4 character in MLP, not just #4 fave pony.

And coming back from the dead to win 2nd in a nail biter event was kinda  B) epic.


Don't have any votes for the others as I came in about 2/3 the way through.

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Dear Princess Celestia,


Today i learned that even if you are a little different; a little 'off your rocker',that people are still willing to be you're friend as long as you show them Joy,Generosity,Benevolence,Candor,Honor,Cognition and Friendship.


I admit i was blind to this revelation in my past,but now i clearly see the 'friendship lesson' that i have dearly learned while on the MLPForums.


And you know what?





 It's Totally Worth Going Crazy Over






Your dearest wacko,Pinkamena-Pills

Edited by Pinkamena-Pills
  • Brohoof 12

sig-27460.i2QLbt3.jpgOatmeal, are you crazy?!


"Silly, you are already under my control."- Pinkie Pie
Signature made by me, because resistance truly is futile, silly.

Currently still undergoing maintenance. Yes, i can do that, im a program, silly.

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Semi impromptu song for Twily;

To the tune of the smile song:


My name is Twilight sparkle

And I am here to say

I'm gonna give you friendship to brighten up your day.

It doesn't matter if

your friends think your uncool

'cause helping out your friends is just what I am here to do


Cause I want you to make some friends (friends friends)

Yes I do

to filly your heart with harmony and smile

which it does

Cause all you really need are friends (friends friends)

to be happy all the time.


I like to see them win

I love being a team

Learning from harmony is Twilight Sparkle's dream

But if you're feeling grumpy

Your place is out of town

I'll take your idea of friendship and turn it upside down




It's true some people feel lots of hatred

And want you to feel bad

But Twilight will be there to show you that they are just mad

There's one thing that makes me happy and makes my whole life worthwhile

And that's when I bring harmony without any guile


I really am so friendly

And hope is found in me

I make a friend I get a friend

and that's special to me


'Cause I love to see harmony—e.e.e.

Tell me what more can I say

to make you see

That I do

It always makes me happy, harmony e.e.e.

Yes it always makes my day


Come on everypony make harmony

Fill your hearts up with good times good times

All I really need is good ponies

and these happy friends of mine



Yes the perfect gift for me

is harmony seen for miles

To make me happy as can be.


It's Harmony!




And will probably never leave that stage. 

(But I felt Some artistic work of my own was called for).


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Deer Princess Celestia,


Today i learned that even if you are a little different; a little 'off your rocker',that people are still willing to be you're friend as long as you show them Joy,Generosity,Benevolence,Candor,Honor,Cognition and Friendship.


I admit i was blind to this revelation in my past,but now i clearly see the 'friendship lesson' that i have dearly learned while on the MLPForums.


And you know what?





 It's Totally Worth Going Crazy Over






You're dearest wacko,Pinkamena-Pills


A little video that goes great with your letter. A gift from Sunshower Express


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Congrats to Twilight on the win! :D


Dear Princess Celestia this is me writing a letter except not exactly really

Rarity got 4th overall at least, which is way better than nothing. :)

Hopefully things will go better for her whenever another tournament rolls around though... :okiedokielokie:

For now however, letz partay, or something. :derp:



Edited by Radiance64
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Dear Princess Celestia,


Hey, it's me again. Thought I'd tell you about my time during the world cup and what I got from it. To be honest, at first I wasn't interested in the world cup. I kept seeing the advertisements and skipped through March Madness. I'm not really into sports. And truthfully, I felt like it wasn't something I should be a part of, that it was a private event for the real dedicated members of this forum. I'm only a casual visitor, and MLPF looked like something for those who truly connected to MLP forums.


Chances. They don't come by very often.  And not knowing if you would've liked something, and always wondering in the back of your mind what it would've been like, is far worse then trying and not liking it at all. This opportunity may not come by again, and it sorta looked like fun. I dunno, something about the world cup ads seemed different once it started. It seemed much more open and inviting, and I accepted the invitation. and lo and behold, what was I greeted with but pages celebrating this event as a gathering of fans around the world, Celebrating our diversity. I still remember the rainbow colored phoenix, Pyralis as our unifying mascot, and right then and there, realized that this was an important event, and I admired that. I wanted to belong to this event and partake in the celebration, feel like I was a part of something.


So I began to participate. And right from the start, I damn near screwed it all up. Opening round, I cast my votes for my liege Queen Chrysalis against your subject Applejack. And in what I thought was the spirit of competition, rallied behind my queen and challenged AJ's supporters by calling her a background pony. Truth be told, Applejack is my favorite of the element bearers, so what I said was in jest. I hoped to fire up the Aj fan base and eagerly awaited the taunts coming my way of cheese legs and bug lady.


But rather than the rounds of verbal jousting I anticipated, I was met with something different. I was met with displeasure, grievances, disapproval and overall negative reactions.  Rather than encourage the spirit of competition, I had instead earned myself the ire of my fellow members and insulted their favorite character. My comments were enough for me to receive reprimand from the cups moderator staff. And this incident had cast doubt on weather or not it was a good idea for me to partake in this tournament at all.


I was now dubious of the supposed embracing and tolerant nature that this tournament so proudly preached. I heavily considered dropping out, thinking this game to by a hypocrisy. I was even typing to tell them all such, that this tournament wasn't for people like me and that apparently not everyone was welcome to enjoy the spirit of friendship. But then one of my own lines stuck with me. "People like me."  


I looked at what I was doing and saw how it wasn't different from the rest of my life.  I'm a loner by nature Celestia. I prefer my own company most of the time and am not lonely that often. I'm socially awkward. I don't notice the subtleties and nuances of social interaction. I don't get that vibe about a person that others do. I won't know how a person is feeling unless they are laughing, crying or yelling at me.  My interests in life are narrow and specific.  I tend to get bored of a situation quickly and want to move onto something else.  All of that makes it difficult for me to hold an extended conversation with someone without getting bored, going though the motions to appease them, and finding a way out as quickly as possible before I say something I regret. Everyone feels out of arms reach for me.


That's why I post on forums. It's an impersonal way to talk, get my feelings out without struggling to get a sense for how someone is. I have time to say what I want and think of an appropriate response, rather than getting caught off guard by someone talking to me and trying to back out of the conversation before I stumble over my words and embarrass myself and then 5-10 minutes later, finally coming up w/ something good to say, and regret not saying it. But the big flaw in talking to someone via text is the loss of emotional context. How you say something is up to interpretation, and most people took offense at what I had to say. Can I blame them? 


I'm also not very big on mistakes. We all make them, but when I do, I'm always harder on myself. Failure isn't much of an option for me. Confidence is also another problem of mine. I don't trust that I'm going to succeed unless I see something that supports I can, or am challenged to do so. Combine those and you get someone who is afraid to even try, always backing out for fear of doing worse. And this is f##king me over in my life right now. Keeping me from having any success to my name. Even something involving my favorite show, something that occupies quite a portion of my thoughts, was getting ruined by my mistakes and my own ability to forgive them. As much as I didn't like the Equestrian games episode and hated how exploring the competition of the games was sacrificed to be a backdrop for your scribe Spike and his issues, looking back, I very much relate to his problem of being down on himself, and how he lets it stop him from moving on. I was repeating his failures here in the world cup. In hindsight, our circumstances couldn't be any more similar. 


I didn't want my inadequacies to ruin another chance, especially for something I love. My own issues weren't going to force me to be an outsider this time.  So with my pride swallowed, I went back in and mended what little I could of the fences. But the unspoken vibe I got from everyone there, just like in the episode, was to move on and not let it hold me back. And I was still accepted back in. This taught me something else. Think about what you are going to say long and hard, for doing so may help you get your point across not only in a less upsetting way, but in a more concise, clear and even more passionate manner, for that is how people will really see what you have to say. Yes, admittedly I might have to work on this a little more, as this issue has resurfaced a few more times during the games but less having to do w/ being insensitive, and more to do with misunderstanding or just taking a hard stance for something I had issue with. I do need to be more sensitive around others, especially if you want them to be friends. It takes effort for me, and I am going to have to try harder. 


The fun wasn't all lost on this thought. I did have a good time, working to support my favorite teams despite most of them loosing. Pic after pic I posted for my Liege, for your stupid sexy wonderbolts captain, your DJ-ing subject, your classical chelloist, your cross eyed postal worker and your worthy flightless adversary. At least one of my favorites, your faithful protege, concubine, and fellow princess managed to become the victor. A testament to all she's learned from you and all that she is going to be capable of. It certainly was something to be standing with a group, a team in solidarity of our favorite pony. 


I'm glad I got over my mistakes early on and didn't miss the chance to partake in this tournament and make this forum feel a little more like a home. I got to become part of the fervor that was the spirit of the games. I'd like to play a bigger part around here and maybe someway, someday I'll do just that. 


The biggest lesson I'll be taking away from all of this: Don't let your fears or mistakes rob you of the chance to be a good friend, or for others to be good friends to you. 









P.S. Hope you like music. Here's a song about fighting fair and honor in combat, a lesson I hope we all taught and took to heart during the MLPF world cup.




  • Brohoof 10

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@@Denim&Venom,Is it bad that ive been listening to that song ever since you posted it in the world cup thread earlier?  :lol:   

Edited by Pinkamena-Pills
  • Brohoof 2

sig-27460.i2QLbt3.jpgOatmeal, are you crazy?!


"Silly, you are already under my control."- Pinkie Pie
Signature made by me, because resistance truly is futile, silly.

Currently still undergoing maintenance. Yes, i can do that, im a program, silly.

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Dear Princess Celestia,


Hey, it's me again. Thought I'd tell you about my time during the world cup and what I got from it. To be honest, at first I wasn't interested in the world cup. I kept seeing the advertisements and skipped through March Madness. I'm not really into sports. And truthfully, I felt like it wasn't something I should be a part of, that it was a private event for the real dedicated members of this forum. I'm only a casual visitor, and MLPF looked like something for those who truly connected to MLP forums.


Chances. They don't come by very often.  And not knowing if you would've liked something, and always wondering in the back of your mind what it would've been like, is far worse then trying and not liking it at all. This opportunity may not come by again, and it sorta looked like fun. I dunno, something about the world cup ads seemed different once it started. It seemed much more open and inviting, and I accepted the invitation. and lo and behold, what was I greeted with but pages celebrating this event as a gathering of fans around the world, Celebrating our diversity. I still remember the rainbow colored phoenix, Pyralis as our unifying mascot, and right then and there, realized that this was an important event, and I admired that. I wanted to belong to this event and partake in the celebration, feel like I was a part of something.


So I began to participate. And right from the start, I damn near screwed it all up. Opening round, I cast my votes for my liege Queen Chrysalis against your subject Applejack. And in what I thought was the spirit of competition, rallied behind my queen and challenged AJ's supporters by calling her a background pony. Truth be told, Applejack is my favorite of the element bearers, so what I said was in jest. I hoped to fire up the Aj fan base and eagerly awaited the taunts coming my way of cheese legs and bug lady.


But rather than the rounds of verbal jousting I anticipated, I was met with something different. I was met with displeasure, grievances, disapproval and overall negative reactions.  Rather than encourage the spirit of competition, I had instead earned myself the ire of my fellow members and insulted their favorite character. My comments were enough for me to receive reprimand from the cups moderator staff. And this incident had cast doubt on weather or not it was a good idea for me to partake in this tournament at all.


I was now dubious of the supposed embracing and tolerant nature that this tournament so proudly preached. I heavily considered dropping out, thinking this game to by a hypocrisy. I was even typing to tell them all such, that this tournament wasn't for people like me and that apparently not everyone was welcome to enjoy the spirit of friendship. But then one of my own lines stuck with me. "People like me."  


I looked at what I was doing and saw how it wasn't different from the rest of my life.  I'm a loner by nature Celestia. I prefer my own company most of the time and am not lonely that often. I'm socially awkward. I don't notice the subtleties and nuances of social interaction. I don't get that vibe about a person that others do. I won't know how a person is feeling unless they are laughing, crying or yelling at me.  My interests in life are narrow and specific.  I tend to get bored of a situation quickly and want to move onto something else.  All of that makes it difficult for me to hold an extended conversation with someone without getting bored, going though the motions to appease them, and finding a way out as quickly as possible before I say something I regret. Everyone feels out of arms reach for me.


That's why I post on forums. It's an impersonal way to talk, get my feelings out without struggling to get a sense for how someone is. I have time to say what I want and think of an appropriate response, rather than getting caught off guard by someone talking to me and trying to back out of the conversation before I stumble over my words and embarrass myself and then 5-10 minutes later, finally coming up w/ something good to say, and regret not saying it. But the big flaw in talking to someone via text is the loss of emotional context. How you say something is up to interpretation, and most people took offense at what I had to say. Can I blame them? 


I'm also not very big on mistakes. We all make them, but when I do, I'm always harder on myself. Failure isn't much of an option for me. Confidence is also another problem of mine. I don't trust that I'm going to succeed unless I see something that supports I can, or am challenged to do so. Combine those and you get someone who is afraid to even try, always backing out for fear of doing worse. And this is f##king me over in my life right now. Keeping me from having any success to my name. Even something involving my favorite show, something that occupies quite a portion of my thoughts, was getting ruined by my mistakes and my own ability to forgive them. As much as I didn't like the Equestrian games episode and hated how exploring the competition of the games was sacrificed to be a backdrop for your scribe Spike and his issues, looking back, I very much relate to his problem of being down on himself, and how he lets it stop him from moving on. I was repeating his failures here in the world cup. In hindsight, our circumstances couldn't be any more similar. 


I didn't want my inadequacies to ruin another chance, especially for something I love. My own issues weren't going to force me to be an outsider this time.  So with my pride swallowed, I went back in and mended what little I could of the fences. But the unspoken vibe I got from everyone there, just like in the episode, was to move on and not let it hold me back. And I was still accepted back in. This taught me something else. Think about what you are going to say long and hard, for doing so may help you get your point across not only in a less upsetting way, but in a more concise, clear and even more passionate manner, for that is how people will really see what you have to say. Yes, admittedly I might have to work on this a little more, as this issue has resurfaced a few more times during the games but less having to do w/ being insensitive, and more to do with misunderstanding or just taking a hard stance for something I had issue with. I do need to be more sensitive around others, especially if you want them to be friends. It takes effort for me, and I am going to have to try harder. 


The fun wasn't all lost on this thought. I did have a good time, working to support my favorite teams despite most of them loosing. Pic after pic I posted for my Liege, for your stupid sexy wonderbolts captain, your DJ-ing subject, your classical chelloist, your cross eyed postal worker and your worthy flightless adversary. At least one of my favorites, your faithful protege, concubine, and fellow princess managed to become the victor. A testament to all she's learned from you and all that she is going to be capable of. It certainly was something to be standing with a group, a team in solidarity of our favorite pony. 


I'm glad I got over my mistakes early on and didn't miss the chance to partake in this tournament and make this forum feel a little more like a home. I got to become part of the fervor that was the spirit of the games. I'd like to play a bigger part around here and maybe someway, someday I'll do just that. 


The biggest lesson I'll be taking away from all of this: Don't let your fears or mistakes rob you of the chance to be a good friend, or for others to be good friends to you. 









P.S. Hope you like music. Here's a song about fighting fair and honor in combat, a lesson I hope we all taught and took to heart during the MLPF world cup.





You never do know someone till you are standing in there shoes. One of my favorite quotes is Never Forget, always forgive. From your letter you seem to fit in perfectly with Discord. A quote that I think fits perfect with discord "A great deal of chaos in the world occurs because people don't appreciate themselves. Having never developed sympathy or gentleness toward themselves, they cannot experience harmony or peace within themselves, and therefore, what they project to others is also inharmonious and confused." I just want to say I forgive you, and hope to see you participate in future forum games. :)

  • Brohoof 2
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Sorry about the delayed response, spent some time with the wife after the match ended... Typing this on my phone, so I can't link all the names I'm gonna use to profiles :( Oh, and I had some whiskey errrr... Cider to celebrate so if I forget anything; I blame the Applejack Daniels ;)


First and foremost; Thank you Sterling for a tremendously fun World Cup! I'm fairly new to the forums (a couple months) and as I type this, I have 1,050 posts... 459, nearly half of them, were in The World Cup thread. Also thanks to everyone who contributed to making it run smoothly, PE Brony with his profiles, The person who made the flags and jerseys; I wanna say Frostgage? Stellaferra for the awesome opening and closing videos. And many I'm surely forgetting...


Thank you also to everypony who mentioned me in their "fair poster" list; I'm truly flattered! I did my best to not only support my character, but to be fair to the other characters as well; even posting on their behalf at least once per match. And believe you me; it wasn't always easy; when Applejack or Rarity were behind; it was tough for me to post things that might encourage someone else to vote agains them; but I felt it was the Right thing to do...


Last thank you goes out to Team Applejack; as the official coach I want to thank everyone for their help in support of my favorite pony; whether you were on the official team or note (winks at RFC)


Some of my Favorite posters were Pinkamena Pills whom I seriously breathed a sigh of relief whenever we were on the same "side;" Batbrony whose daily updates as Derpy, Dinky, etc. were something I looked forward to each day; Jeric who need to write a blog on this site as the Prophet of Fabulosity, Thunder-wing who had great updates and hopefully finished in the black after all his wagers ;), Obsidian sky for his insight on Rarity, Desert Guardian for his unmatched enthusiasm; Minister Kel Grim for often making me laugh and the Zecora raps; on that note I'm surprised Banul hasn't been mentioned for his epic poems for Zecora and others. I'm sure I'm forgetting at least a half dozen...


On a personal note, I want to Thank a few people who swayed my vote during the times I wasn't sure whom to vote for; Sunshower Raindrops for helping me vote Scootaloo; C Thunder Dash for inspiring my love for Princess Cadence, DJ Broni3 swayed me to vote for DJ Pon-3 at one time, and Astrid~The~Pony for swaying me to vote Twilight in the finals; I was torn for the first day; and confidently fasted the first vote of the 2nd half for Twily and supported her for the whole match.


Best Princess Celestia letter was Stellaferra or Denim&Venom


Most entertaining teams; Rarity for creativity; Pinkie for the epic parties; Chrysalis and Scootaloo for not giving up (sure I'm forgetting some in this category too), Derpy for reminding me and hopefully others that it's okay to be different, Discord for truly bent the embodiment of chaos! And I special shout out to team Twilight for the last two days; my appreciation for this character has literally grown leaps and bounds in the last 48 hours.


Underachievers; as much as I hate to say it; Applejack and Rarity I was truly hoping to see my two favorites in a Rarijack final! Also Lyra, Trixie, Cadence, Celestia, and Chrysalis whom I truly expected to see in the knockout rounds.


Overachievers; First off Big Mac, Sweetie Belle, Spike, Scootaloo, and Zecora for making it to the knockout rounds. Also a special shout out to Fluttershy for coming within a handful if votes of winning the whole thing after everypony had counted her out!


Edit; added Denim&Venom to Princess Celestia letters. Spent like 40 minutes typing this so it hadn't posted when I started. Why so long? Again, I blame the Applejack Daniels.

Edited by The JLmle
  • Brohoof 11



:huh:  :toldya:  :smug:  :wat:         Nightmare Night Fan Club        :pout:  :proud:  :please:  :confused:

signature by Scootaloodle

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@@Denim&Venom,Is it bad that ive been listening to that song ever since you posted it in the world cup thread earlier?  :lol:   

Which ones? Cause I posted a bunch of songs during the thread. 


Either way, no it's not bad. Not bad at all. 



You never do know someone till you are standing in there shoes. One of my favorite quotes is Never Forget, always forgive. From your letter you seem to fit in perfectly with Discord. A quote that I think fits perfect with discord "A great deal of chaos in the world occurs because people don't appreciate themselves. Having never developed sympathy or gentleness toward themselves, they cannot experience harmony or peace within themselves, and therefore, what they project to others is also inharmonious and confused." I just want to say I forgive you, and hope to see you participate in future forum games. :)

Thank you. That really means alot. I suppose your is pretty accurate in my case. I don't appreciate myself, and I still am searching for a reason to do so. 


I hope to participate in the future too. 

  • Brohoof 3

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Dear Princess Celestia,


I'm sorry that I was not there to support you in the competition.


Please don't send me to Tarturus.


-Your humble servant, Kel Grym




I'm really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really sorry.




Please don't send me to Tarturus! I'll do anything, anything at all! I'll even write Cadence an apology letter! I was just being funny, I didn't mean what I said! ...completely.




No, I didn't learn a damn thing, why do you ask?




What do you mean the background pony joke was uncalled for? I love Applejack! Well, yes, I understand some people are sensitive about it but they just need thicker ski--


Ok ok ok, I'll work on it.




I made up with the guy and came to an understanding with him....doesn't that count for something?




Pinkamena-Pills is awesome. So is Jeric, Undecided, and a few others I can't rightly think of off the top of my head at the moment. Sterling Crimson and PE Brony are also cool cats.


Please don't send any of them to Tarturus either.




Yes, I did drop a piece of cake the other day, but I swear it was an accident.




Yes, yes, I've been meaning to tell them anyways so I'll get right on that.


Thank you.


Thank everyone of you.


This was genuinely fun.


;) ;) ;) ;) ;)




JLmle (another awesome person) is right.


Banul and all the others that posted poetry should be given credit as well. I forgot who it was, but someone posted a rather long and well done poem on Luna's behalf.

Edited by Minister KelGrym
  • Brohoof 12
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Thank you. That really means alot. I suppose your is pretty accurate in my case. I don't appreciate myself, and I still am searching for a reason to do so. 


I hope to participate in the future too.







Well Goodbye everyone. It's been fun being in this competition. I will now be going back to the abomination they call the forum games. I might check back to see if Scootaloo won the Over achiever award.



  • Brohoof 6
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Also, @The JLmle ... I swear I owe over half my broohoves to you. ;)


Lol; I wouldn't doubt it; I love that button :D I see it as my way of thanking each and every member for their contributions; because after all; I wouldn't be on this site were it not for the members!

From my stats page:

Brohoofs given:

12,832 brohoofs

Wow! That's a lot!

  • Brohoof 7



:huh:  :toldya:  :smug:  :wat:         Nightmare Night Fan Club        :pout:  :proud:  :please:  :confused:

signature by Scootaloodle

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