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ooc Superhuman RP

Alex Kennedy

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Totally, I've used like seven characters in a single rp before. Im good at this stuff. Ill just finish up my characters and then post them.

@@Alex Kennedy,



*attack hugs*

(Also he totally has, we're both guilty of over-charactering. XD)


@@Alex Kennedy

Alleeexxx how could you start this and not tell me? I AM IN PLS. I just need to make profiles a reality, and then I will post it~

Edited by Cirrostratus
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*attack hugs*


@@Alex Kennedy

Alleeexxx how could you start this and not tell me? I AM IN PLS. I just need to make Riot's profile a reality, and then I will post it~

How's it going? Nice to see you again. :)
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How's it going? Nice to see you again. :)

It's been okay, but I was actually stalking your profile the other day to see if you were still around since I lost your Skype... :( It's been ages, Krein and I were actually talking about the "good old days" a little while back and it made me sad that half the time I never see any of you guys. :(

I forgot you had to make a new acc.




Alright, you can join. I'll be waiting for you character.


...It's been a while. Glad to see you're still around.

I'll be using two, if that's okay. Glitter needs to be around, I can't go anywhere without my darling Glitter. D: My OP has been updated with both of them.

Yes, and I'm sorry for that. I guess we've both been working, and you know I'm bad at keeping in touch. :(


Name: Bloodstalker. (Real name Kain Neman)

Appearance: He is always seen in a red sleeveless morphsuit with jeans, sneakers, and a jacket worn over it. (His real appearance is shaggy black hair, red eyes, light skin. He is approximately 6'3" and has a muscular build.)

Bio: Kain doesn't like people. He is socially inept and rarely leaves home. But when he does, it is often under the guise of the Bloodstalker, a man who fancies the act of killing.

Abilities: Hemomancy, the ability to control and solidify his own blood and any external blood he comes in physical contact with. (So he cannot control other people's blood while it is still inside of them.)

Notes: None really, all that needs to be said has been said.

I was gonna use Silas, thank god that I didn't, haha. Two evil hemomancers running rampant would have been very chaotic.

However, Riot now has a foil, which is bad. XD

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It's been okay, but I was actually stalking your profile the other day to see if you were still around since I lost your Skype... :( It's been ages, Krein and I were actually talking about the "good old days" a little while back and it made me sad that half the time I never see any of you guys. :(

I forgot you had to make a new acc.


I just started back on the forum a few days ago. I read back through the less cringeworthy half of superhero rp, then saw this and decided I should join.

And yeah, I don't use that old Skype anymore anyway. I made a new one. I believe that it is GoldenGilda, I'll have to double check though.

Edited by Erperler
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I'm okay with Riot, but Glitter seems pretty overpowered. 




It should be starting soon. Maybe tomorrow? I don't know.

Yeah, sorry, but Glitter's powers were already in use and I don't want to have multiples. My poor poor darling. ;~;

I'll think of someone else to use, I guess.

I'm sorry, sorry.


Edit: Yes I get that you people think Glitter is OP thank you for sharing this about four times. I already stated that she was up to the discretion of the DM, and I do not require the input of others in order for him to make a decision regarding her powers. If her power was to be used I would not be using it on a grand scale, and there are obviously a great amount of limitations that would be in place to keep her from just evaporating people left and right like Ozone does.


Name: Eugene Colburt

Age: 19

Appearance: Eugene is like pretty much half the population. He's an average height and weight Caucasian, has average ear-length spiky brown hair, and his eyes are a plain translucent brown. He favours simple clothing like jeans and tee-shirts, and always has a plain blue baseball cap on his head.

Personality: Eugene is a bit of a "class clown". He's quick to laugh and quicker to smile, and even in situations where it may seem dire, he usually tries not to panic. However, Eugene also has strong feelings of self-doubt and worthlessness due to having very little "superpower" that is actually useful in situations where offensive things are required. His power also gives him frequent migraines and causes him to have difficulty understanding what is reality and what is not. This makes him out of touch with reality and confused.

Abilities: Eugene is a pyschometrist. Basically, he is able to touch objects and people and see them in their past, present, and future. However, as mentioned above, this power can cause Eugene to have a lot of difficulty understanding what's currently occurring and what's going to or has occurred. While his power gives him no offensive or defensive abilities, he can use it to prevent future incidents and is good at planning counterattacks. In addition, Eugene has the ability to plant snippets of these visions inside others by touching them, making him effective at being close to others so they, too, are able to plan ahead. However, he is really crap at doing this. He is also prone to going into fits if seeing a large event.

Bio: As a kid, most people thought Eugene was a little off. There was no doubt he was a smart and polite kid, but he'd often confuse people by somehow mentioning things they never told him about their past, or warning them - always correctly - about their future. Eugene understood he had a gift, but it was also a curse; when he foresaw his friend's mothers grave after giving her a hug, he warned her but she ignored it; three days later, she died in a car accident. Realizing that he could see deaths but not cheat them, Eugene got effective at forcing himself not to see visions, but it never really worked. Accepting that he was always going to be different was difficult, but he knew inside that his magic was like that of no other.

Notes: Eugene is a first-year university student studying history. He doesn't really like it...but he's damn good at it.


Name: Glitter DeLancie

Age: 23

Appearance: Glitter is a short girl (like, really really short) with light coffee-coloured skin and bright violet eyes. She has dark auburn hair with a fringe that goes to the left side of her face. The rest is tied up in a tight, high ponytail with a bow. Glitter favours tea dresses, skirts, and pretty much anything with lace. She also likes headbands and hats a lot. She often wears heels.

Personality: Glitter is optimistic. She tends to see the "silver lining" of most things, and will often try to make people who are upset happy. However, most people regard Glitter as flighty and annoying, and she has difficulty making up her mind about certain things. Despite this, Glitter is highly intelligent and has a keen interest in weather especially, aspiring to do work in meteorology. Her power is incredibly unique and allows Glitter to do many things. Beware, though; Glitter takes offense easily and can be temperamental if you say the wrong thing.

Abilities: Like her personality, Glitter's powers can make her bubbly - she has the ability to control her density and the density of the area around her. Falling off a building? That's fine, she can just change the density of her body mass to being incredibly light and not bash her brains out against the ground as she floats down all lady-like, or she can make the ground soft as a pillow. She can alter the density of other humans, but she doesn't make this a practice as it uses a lot of energy. This ability can be used defensively; for example, if she was being shot at, she could make her body density very hard so that the bullet would not penetrate. However, there is little to no offensive use besides maybe conking people out with high-density objects. Changing the density of air and whatnot around her also allows Glitter to - to some degree - alter gravity around herself, allowing her to jump higher and create high pressure fields.

Bio: Glitter was a normal kid. She was pretty good in school and excelled in sports, especially those to do with stuff like high jump; it's often said she's "lighter than air". However, she never expressed much interest in sports, and mostly participated in order to please her parents. As she got older, she started doing less and less, and eventually just poured most of her effort into her studies, especially those about density, gravity, and - the odd one out - weather. These studies proved fruitful in the end, as she became more aware of what she was able to do with her powers. She loved the subjects, and decided to take them with her in life, choosing to study them further in post-secondary school and, when she has time, practice with her powers. But, like all things, kids - school comes first.

Notes: Glitter attends university studying physics and meteorology.


@@Alex Kennedy

As you know, I have decided against using Riot and replaced her with Eugene, and altered Glitter's powers to be less stronk. My characters are both very underpowered compared to others in this roleplay, so hopefully that is acceptable.

I will likely drop out very quickly due to the fact that I am working 12 hours a day and people post like madmen so it's no big deal if they aren't okay.

Edited by Cirrostratus
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Considering Alex is my friend and that I help him with RPs and vice versa, we discuss all the entries.


So what if I said someone is Op? Its called input. We all have to play with you so we have some say to make sure the story is still fun and enjoyable qithout anyone getting aggressive about others people's powers.

Edited by RunsWithSquirlz
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Honestly, if you're going to leave shortly anyway, I'd rather you didn't join at all. It'll only serve to cause problems for other players. That said, I would probably be able to accept you current characters except for the fact that I really don't want players to have any sort of ability to see the future, mainly because it's tantamount to godmodding, and it also potentially allows them to know things they really shouldn't yet. I can work around it, though, as long as you don't do it too much.

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@@Alex Kennedy, Is this RP still open to join?


Name: Louise "Bones" Burton.

Appearance: Long black hair with a red streak (natural, not dyed), pale skin, boyish figure, average height. Likes to dress in gothic style clothing.

Bio: Louise grew up in a household where her parents constantly argued and fought, and she got into the habit of keeping herself to herself, as well as staying away from the house to escape the fights. When she was thirteen, her powers appeared and Louise was very frightened by this as she had no-one to ask about them. She found it difficult to deal with her powers, and her parents were unable to handle her, so Louise was fostered out. As a result, she became very secretive, as well as spiteful towards those who she's jealous of, like other kids who have good families. She hates authority figures and often rebels against them.

Abilities: The ability to manipulate her skeleton any way she chooses.

Notes/other information: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/louise-burton-r3807

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Considering Alex is my friend and that I help him with RPs and vice versa, we discuss all the entries.


So what if I said someone is Op? Its called input. We all have to play with you so we have some say to make sure the story is still fun and enjoyable qithout anyone getting aggressive about others people's powers.

I was not being aggressive, so it appears there has been a miscommunication on your end. I am a naturally shitty person to deal with, however, which is why I don't come here much anymore and why I am not friends with anyone here excepting a few. I was also uninformed that you were helping Alex Kennedy with the roleplay and that you were a part of the OC selection process.




Honestly, if you're going to leave shortly anyway, I'd rather you didn't join at all. It'll only serve to cause problems for other players. That said, I would probably be able to accept you current characters except for the fact that I really don't want players to have any sort of ability to see the future, mainly because it's tantamount to godmodding, and it also potentially allows them to know things they really shouldn't yet. I can work around it, though, as long as you don't do it too much.

Well, I don't know if that would happen. If you rather I don't join, then that's fine.

Also the "future seeing" is not anything definitive. As I said, it is only snippets, and most of them are very confusing anyways, generally vague symbols. In addition, it does not work very well if at all on humans, only really objects. (The only reason I added humans was to have the information pass so he could be applicable to the story, not the actual ability of past/present/future sight.)


However, I can see that I am not getting off to a good start with the people here, as per usual, and perhaps it is best that I am denied access. Who knows?

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Alright, this is my final ruling. Enissa, as much as I hate to do it, I'm going to have to ask that you leave. I just don't see this ending well, and if I'm being perfectly honest, it's kind of awkward for me as well. I'm sorry.


@@Pripyat Pony,


I was actually just thinking the other day about how I haven't seen you in a while. I look forward to RPing with you again. And I actually really like the idea of bone manipulation, and osteomancy. It's not seen enough, I think. So anyway, your character is accepted.

  • Brohoof 1
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RP is probably starting tonight. Depends on my ability to come up with a good opening post, really.


Also, I do have a character that will be coming into the city with the rest of you. I'll have a sheet up for him shortly.

Name: Victor Branson

Appearance: Generally average build, dark hair and blue eyes, mostly unremarkable features. Generally has a somewhat cocky expression.

Bio: Victor has led a charmed life, always being spared tragedy and benefitting from happy coincidences. However, because of this, he eventually earned the attention of the Metahuman Research Institute, who made him participate in all manner of tests to determine what it was that made him so "lucky". Eventually discovering his ability, they began to study ways to exploit it. The only reason he was ever able to get away from their constant testing was to agree to move to Haven Point, where they could continue watch him from a distance.

Abilities: It could be said that he's just unnaturally lucky, but that doesn't really do his powers credit. He subconsciously analyzes, manipulates, and exploits elements of deterministic chaos. Which still essentially translates to him being lucky, but he doesn't like to think of it that way. It doesn't always work, though. Just most of the time. It is, by his own admission as well as according to researchers, a very unusual ability.

Edited by Alex Kennedy
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RP is probably starting tonight. Depends on my ability to come up with a good opening post, really.


Also, I do have a character that will be coming into the city with the rest of you. I'll have a sheet up for him shortly.

Name: Victor Branson

Appearance: Generally average build, dark hair and blue eyes, mostly unremarkable features. Generally has a somewhat cocky expression.

Bio: Victor has led a charmed life, always being spared tragedy and benefitting from happy coincidences. However, because of this, he eventually earned the attention of the Metahuman Research Institute, who made him participate in all manner of tests to determine what it was that made him so "lucky". Eventually discovering his ability, they began to study ways to exploit it. The only reason he was ever able to get away from their constant testing was to agree to move to Haven Point, where they could continue watch him from a distance.

Abilities: It could be said that he's just unnaturally lucky, but that doesn't really do his powers credit. He subconsciously analyzes, manipulates, and exploits elements of deterministic chaos. Which still essentially translates to him being lucky, but he doesn't like to think of it that way. It doesn't always work, though. Just most of the time. It is, by his own admission as well as according to researchers, a very unusual ability.



He must get kicked out of casinos often. Also, I know there was a hero with that power but for the life of me I can't remember who. I think she's a girl though.

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An angel doesn't really fit in with this setting,  and anyway, I have enough people that I don't think I want to add anymore right now. Sorry. 



I was wondering if you could do me a favor. Everytime you encounter or hear of a character you think might be important (besides other players, that is) I'd like you to have Nico use his powers to search for information on them. Then I'll post a database entry on them here. I could just post them on my own without you doing this, but I like this way better. Of course, you don't have to. I just feel like this makes more sense, because your characters would have all the information you do.

Edited by Alex Kennedy
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