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Twi Rubix

Who Is Your LEAST Favorite Of The Main Ponies?  

182 users have voted

  1. 1. Least Favorite Pony Mane Six + Spike

    • RainbowDash
    • Twilight Sparkle
    • AppleJack
    • FlutterShy
    • Rarity
    • PinkiePie
    • Spike
  2. 2. Least favorite Secondary Character

    • Apple Bloom
    • Sweetie Belle
    • Scootaloo
    • Princess Celestia
    • Princess Luna
    • Princess Cadance
    • Shining Armor
    • Prince Blueblood
    • Granny Smith
    • Big McIntosh
    • Hayseed
    • Mr. Cake
    • Mrs. Cake
    • Diamond Tiara
    • Silver Spoon
    • Snips
    • Snails
    • Sunset Shimmer
    • Derpy
    • Trixie
    • Suri Polomare
    • Lightning Dust
    • Gilda
    • Daring Do
    • Spitfire
    • Soarin
    • Fleetfoot
    • Cheerilee
    • Bulk Biceps
    • Coco Pommel
    • Cheese Sandwich
    • Maud Pie
    • Other - Because So Many Ponies O.O

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Wow, this thread has gone 13 pages without being locked, surprising, but I'm proud of you all for managing to keep it civil for the most part.  :proud:  Don't let it turn sour please.  :angry:


Rainbow Dash is my least favorite. Ironic, she was the my original favorite pony and the reason I started watching the show in the first place. I just think she brags too much and I don't like people who think they are better than everyone else. The episode where I determined Fluttershy was my favorite and Rainbow was my least was season 1 episode 7, Dragonshy. 

Fluttershy Fan Club


sig by Blue Snowfire



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Rarity and Applejack fans can be very pretentious and snooty




yep, that about sums me up in a nut shell ... all 37 years of me.






Imagine People Complexly ;)




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Twily's got like no haters. :o I find that kind of surprising.


I bet if this thread was made at the end of season 3, she would have way more votes.

I guess that's because she's the main character of the show, an that she has less flaws than the rest of the mane 6.
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I guess that's because she's the main character of the show, an that she has less flaws than the rest of the mane 6.


Yeah but remember at the end of season 3 when she became an Alicorn? Everyone was afraid of her becoming a "Mary Sue". I think a lot of people hated her back then, but I guess things have changed.  :P

Fluttershy Fan Club


sig by Blue Snowfire



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Too lazy to make a Pinkie defense post so I'll just copy and paste one of my Pinkie worshipping blogs


So in case you don't know me, I'm a huge fan of Pinkie Pie. I truly think she is the best pony in the whole show. But you might wonder "Chikorita, why do you think this and why do you always fanboy over her?" Well allows me to explain.

Pinkie Pie wasn't always my favorite character you know

Yes yes it is shocking. At first, it was Spike. I mainly thought his crush on Rarity was funny, then I think it was Rarity, then Rainbow Dash then finally Pinkie. I know it won't change since Pinkie's been my favorite for I think a year in a half. Anyway my love of Pinkie comes from the fact that I have ADHD. This can cause me to be hyper and energetic as well as not have the ability to hold focus on things for that long. Recognize these traits? Yeah, they're traits that Pinkie has in the show. I always seem to compare myself to her a lot of the time more than the others. Also, I tend to annoy my siblings a lot with my constant talking which is another trait that Pinkie also shares. Even how she acts as a comic relief to the other five is something similar. If you were to compare me and my siblings to the mane six, I would be Pinkie Pie because I am always the one cracking jokes. 

Even her reasons to get sad like from Party of One and Pinkie Pride I find similar to me. When she thinks her friends don't care about her anymore, I can relate because when people don't talk to me for a while or justignore me, I sometimes think no one cares about me or I'm not truly loved.

Finally, she just puts me in a good mood whenever she is on screen. With her happy singing (which is another thing I relate to), optimism about life and always seeming happy, I wonder how one can not be mad or angry at her. She is like the perfect example at how to make an annoying character. You don't make them so annoying they annoy the audience just make them so annoying, they annoy the other characters, causing funny reactions. Yeah she is also in my opinion the funniest character in the whole show, Her jokes are yes, sometimes corny, but corny in a great way if this makes since to any of you.

  • Brohoof 3



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Well I never seen this thread do anything too extreme to get it locked.


All there is is a bunch of people debating on whose the least likeable imaginary miniature horse. But if it does, don't say we didn't warn you.



  • Brohoof 3


Signature created by: Gone Airborne


Imagine if you will being on your death bed – And standing around your bed – the ghosts of the ideas, the dreams, the abilities, the talents given to you by life.

And that you for whatever reason, you never acted on those ideas, you never pursued that dream, you never used those talents, we never saw your leadership, you never used your voice, you never wrote that book.

And there they are standing around your bed looking at you with large angry eyes saying "We came to you, and only you could have given us life! But now. We must die with you FOREVER!

The question is – if you die today, what ideas, what dreams, what abilities, what talents, what gifts, would die with you?

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My least favorite is... Rainbow Dash.


I still like her. But sometimes, she can be a bit too egotistical and boastful. She's gotten much, much better than she was in season 1, but I like the others much more. So I have to consider her my least favorite pony from the Mane 6.

  • Brohoof 1


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She is a whiny, stubborn, needy sometimes greedy pony and way to self centered with her appearence.

*sigh*...I wish people would stop wasting their lives trying their best to deconstruct and slander cartoon horses. Oh well.


 They do that ofc and got along from there. But they were both acting like children and should've just acted like adults from the very beginning.



You're right, they should've. But they didn't - because if they did, what would have been the point of this episode? >_> It would've just been a flawless slumber party, which is why everyone bashed G3.


Anyway, you listed just as many things that AJ did wrong,  but you just emphasized Rarity's to make it look worse, man. Maybe you should  try viewing it from a different angle? No one was in the right there, but you just really overplayed Rarity's mistakes throughout that entire analysis. Hey, man, that's kind of what you're complaining that she does too much - blow things out of proportion and focusing on the little things ;) I think a serious case of practicing what you preach is needed here :confused:



2) A dog and pony show.

In this episode, the main annoying things don't really happen until she gets captured by one of the diamond dogs. But before that, Rarity had spike along with her to look for gems. I found it pretty neat that she can find gems using a spell. But used Spike to dig them up because she didn't want to put ANY effort into getting the gems herself. Later when she gets captured by the diamond dogs, I was impressed with her technique in trying to get free from the diamond dogs. Which of course, whining, complaining and so forth which hurts a dogs ears or anyones ears. Much much annoyance, but funny as hell.

Instead of taking the opportunity of being set free when one of the dogs said "Well do anything!". Instead of being set free, she wanted to take charge over them which was the stupidest thing she could ever do in a situation like that. The dogs do eventually realize that they are stronger and more independent than Rarity is and takes over again and makes her do the work again. (That's all I got really)

 1. Because she doesn't like getting dirty :confused: I'm sorry she's not boyish and dislikes playing in the dirt. Spike was glad to help her, anyway. 


2.) She did that on purpose just as a form of self-defens. She was *trying* to be annoying so those dogs, which could've done serious damage to her, didn't. She had to fight that one with her wits, because do you really think it'd be realistic for her to fight *every* single Diamond Dog with her bare hoofs? Didn't think so.


3.) She's a generous spirit. She probably *wanted* to help the Diamond Dogs get their gems, but they were treating her with disrespect and trying to enslave her. She was casting that gem-finding spell even from her throne, was she not? 



3) Rarity takes Manehatten.


I very well questioned her Generosity in this episode. In the very beginning everything was cool and she was nice to everypony which I like to see in a individual like herself. However, she didn't realize that since she's in a competition and that it's for everypony for themself. She gets cheated out from her own original line by allowing one of the competitors she knew to use her fabric. She should've never given her an entire roll of it because karma will bite you. So, she runs back to the hotel room crying her eyes out and then all of a sudden figures out what she'll do for a new line. Hotel Shiek was it?

She uses her friends to make the dresses for her though it would go alot faster with more than 1 pony working on them, but she was all caught up in her own needs than to her friends needs. Like rest or food. Rarity had quite an attitude in this. I very will give my respect to the other mane 6 for continuing the work on the dresses even after being treated with disrespect. The next morning, Rarity rushes in and takes the dresses without even thanking her friends. That again is Karma. I would be pissed too if I worked all night to make sure the dresses were perfect and never got a thank you for all your help. Her friends didn't show up to the competition because of the disrespect they've gotten. That made Rarity realize that she let her generosity get out of control and that it made her lose all of her common sense and attitude being out of line. At the end, she got kindness from Coco after she quit being that other ponies slave worker and gave Rarity her trophy and a present (The rainbow fabric). Rarity's redemption was apologizing and having to stay in manehatten for awhile but gave that job to Coco as a thank you. 

They all sort of fucked up in their key episodes, m8. RD was a coward and abadoned her friends by acting like she was hurt, Fluttershy put the Breezies' *lives* in danger by keeping them at their house when they really needed to be going back to their place before it got closed for for a long time, Pinkie was ruining RD's birthday party with her own selfishness because *she* wanted to be the party pony of Ponyville, etc. Gotta dislike them all instead of targeting just one. 


Oh, and by the way:



Her friends didn't show up to the competition because of the disrespect they've gotten


1.) Her friends didn't show up because they overslept. They directly stated that.


2.) They understood and forgave Rarity.


3.) Rarity got them a *private* screening to the most popular show in Manehattan's version of Broadway. 


4.) She's designed for celebrities and royals in the past. Common sense says that designing costumes for a musical would be a step *down* from what she already does. So why would she take a job like that? Probably just so her friends could see that musical that she stopped them from seeing.


So, yeahh. A lot of what you just said was saturated and stretched out and really over-exaggerated in all 3 of the episode analysis you just provided us with, as well as singling her out when her friends have made just as bad, and sometimes worse, mistakes. Nice try, but that ain't gonna fly, brudda.

  • Brohoof 7


He who is Positively Obsessed With All Things Rarity!!!

"Not everyone who is pretty is necessarily beautiful. For those two to come together is truly a Rarity"

-Jacob G. Rosenberg

Signature by @FadedSkies

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Dang some of you don't have very good answers lol. Sorry! :(



Anyway. My least fave pony is Rarity. I have my reasons. I read some of yalls answers about Rarity.

She is a whiny, stubborn, needy sometimes greedy pony and way to self centered with her appearence.


Episodes that explain this: 1) Look Before you sleep.

In the episode, Rarity was too focused on making the branches look all pretty instead of taking them down as instructed. For me that seems like she's careless because the storm that was scheduled for that day will take it down anyway and create a huge mess. When it starts raining she starts complaining about her precious mane getting all wet. Ofc, AJ, get's all annoyed about it. AJ finds a park table for her to go under. Rarity however complains that she'll get her hooves muddy when clearly she doesn't understand that she can wash them off later. It's not the end of the world.

Later on in the episode they both get into a fight that Twilight knew about the whole time. On my perspective, AJ was a bit disrespectful for some of her actions. Eating with her mouth open, yelling at Rarity pretty much the entire episode and not using reason. Rarity though was a bit arrogant herself for interrupting AJ after she burped but didn't allow AJ to say excuse me right away. Near the end of the episode when they all turn in for the night, Rarity and AJ were having a rough time sharing the bed together and Rarity was all worried about the sheets not being perfect. Right there I'm like... SERIOUSLY??? AJ said screw that, I'm taking the blanket over and then Rarity kicks her off and makes the bed again. *Smh*. The way Rarity even gets into bed like that, I just wonder... How the hell do you even do that? 2nd, that's the most retarded way of getting into bed ever. AJ does a cannon ball which I'm surprised she didn't hurt herself doing that.  Then later on when Twilight wakes up and gets pissed off because her friends ruined her first slumber party and then a lightning strike hits a tree outside of her home. AJ pulls the tree in (Which was the dumbest thing I've ever seen). Ofc they get all mad which i don't blame them. Rarity is all focused of cleaning the little things instead of getting rid of the big obvious things. LIKE THE TREE.

I'll give credit to AJ for apologizing and Rarity realizing that she needs to stop being a clean freak for just a few minutes to help her friend with the big problem. They do that ofc and got along from there. But they were both acting like children and should've just acted like adults from the very beginning.


2) A dog and pony show.

In this episode, the main annoying things don't really happen until she gets captured by one of the diamond dogs. But before that, Rarity had spike along with her to look for gems. I found it pretty neat that she can find gems using a spell. But used Spike to dig them up because she didn't want to put ANY effort into getting the gems herself. Later when she gets captured by the diamond dogs, I was impressed with her technique in trying to get free from the diamond dogs. Which of course, whining, complaining and so forth which hurts a dogs ears or anyones ears. Much much annoyance, but funny as hell.

Instead of taking the opportunity of being set free when one of the dogs said "Well do anything!". Instead of being set free, she wanted to take charge over them which was the stupidest thing she could ever do in a situation like that. The dogs do eventually realize that they are stronger and more independent than Rarity is and takes over again and makes her do the work again. (That's all I got really)


3) Rarity takes Manehatten.


I very well questioned her Generosity in this episode. In the very beginning everything was cool and she was nice to everypony which I like to see in a individual like herself. However, she didn't realize that since she's in a competition and that it's for everypony for themself. She gets cheated out from her own original line by allowing one of the competitors she knew to use her fabric. She should've never given her an entire roll of it because karma will bite you. So, she runs back to the hotel room crying her eyes out and then all of a sudden figures out what she'll do for a new line. Hotel Shiek was it?

She uses her friends to make the dresses for her though it would go alot faster with more than 1 pony working on them, but she was all caught up in her own needs than to her friends needs. Like rest or food. Rarity had quite an attitude in this. I very will give my respect to the other mane 6 for continuing the work on the dresses even after being treated with disrespect. The next morning, Rarity rushes in and takes the dresses without even thanking her friends. That again is Karma. I would be pissed too if I worked all night to make sure the dresses were perfect and never got a thank you for all your help. Her friends didn't show up to the competition because of the disrespect they've gotten. That made Rarity realize that she let her generosity get out of control and that it made her lose all of her common sense and attitude being out of line. At the end, she got kindness from Coco after she quit being that other ponies slave worker and gave Rarity her trophy and a present (The rainbow fabric). Rarity's redemption was apologizing and having to stay in manehatten for awhile but gave that job to Coco as a thank you. 


Those are the 3 episodes of Rarity that I really just didn't like.

That doesn't prove that I hate rarity and everything about her, No. I just dislike her, but I like her in a way. I'd still be friends with her even after all that nonsense. I did smile at the fact at the end of rarity takes manehatten of that redemption.

You don't have any good answers too.


Shes a whiny, greedy, self centered pony, really...


1) In Look before you sleep you list Rarity and Applejacks "wrongdoings" but somehow you only dislike Rarity because of it? And i don't know why you do not understand that Rarity has a real fear of dirt, that makes it the more great when she actually overcomes that fear for others.

Is how a someone goes into bed really a reason to dislike someone? And why would she go under the table if they could just go inside where it is warm and dry? Would you go under that table and lie in the mud in that situation?

The reason Rarity ignored that tree was because she was unable to cope with all that destruction. She was oversrained by that situation. If you have something that you cannot cope with mentally you tend to ignore that thing in question, like someone whos house burned down, but still tries to sweep the drive way.


2) Spike helps Rarity because he wants to, and because he gets gems, if you dont want that he helps her, talk to him, maybe he will listen.


And the dogs were not so strong after Rarity managed to restrain them a second time... This time the lesson stuck: Don't buck with Rarity. And why not let them work for a while to compensate for their wrongdoings? Rarity had the situation under crontrol, like she said in the end.


3) So you dislike Rarity because she was too generous and gave her fabric away to an old acquaintance?


And you do not seem to understand the whole purpose of the key episodes, every mane6 did struggle with their element, they where supposed to. Why do you only dislike Rarity for it?


Rarity reacted poorly, but only because she thought everything she stands for is a lie, like Suri showed her. She thought that everyone would exploit her generosity, something the mane6 actually did in the past already.

She was hurt and disappointed. That is the reason she reacted like that.


Raritys penance for that was the fact that she ran out of the fashion show, risking everything she worked so hard for in the past to reconcile with her friends. She did more than enough to make up for her failings.

Failings every mane6 had in their key episodes... So, why just dislike Rarity?

  • Brohoof 2
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You don't have any good answers too.

We posted walls of text defending Rarity at the exact same time lol


FOR FABULOSITY!!!!! post-20419-0-44361200-1405880802.png

  • Brohoof 4


He who is Positively Obsessed With All Things Rarity!!!

"Not everyone who is pretty is necessarily beautiful. For those two to come together is truly a Rarity"

-Jacob G. Rosenberg

Signature by @FadedSkies

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Dang some of you don't have very good answers lol. Sorry! :(



Anyway. My least fave pony is Rarity. I have my reasons. I read some of yalls answers about Rarity.

She is a whiny, stubborn, needy sometimes greedy pony and way to self centered with her appearence.


Episodes that explain this: 1) Look Before you sleep.

In the episode, Rarity was too focused on making the branches look all pretty instead of taking them down as instructed. For me that seems like she's careless because the storm that was scheduled for that day will take it down anyway and create a huge mess. When it starts raining she starts complaining about her precious mane getting all wet. Ofc, AJ, get's all annoyed about it. AJ finds a park table for her to go under. Rarity however complains that she'll get her hooves muddy when clearly she doesn't understand that she can wash them off later. It's not the end of the world.



Near the end of the episode when they all turn in for the night, Rarity and AJ were having a rough time sharing the bed together and Rarity was all worried about the sheets not being perfect. Right there I'm like... SERIOUSLY??? 


Just to comment on the beginning of your post. I think your reaction to Rarity's complaining about her mane and hooves is sort of like AJ's approach to the situation: she doesn't get it either and doesn't think a bit of mess is a big deal. But some people do feel precious about their hair, or nails, or just about getting their clothes dirty, in general. I can sympathize with Rarity there. I don't like to feel like I'm not clean and I don't want to get caught in the rain etc. It's not so much a hair or nails questions because I cut all my hair off and I don't paint my nails, but some people are like Rarity and don't want to get dirty. It's fine to not prioritize that but I think the episode actually showed that both AJ and Rarity, with their completely different approaches to the same situation, still have valid feelings.

  • Brohoof 4
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Epic ass post

Jesus. Good Job there. This^^^ all. The. Way

  • Brohoof 2


Signature created by: Gone Airborne


Imagine if you will being on your death bed – And standing around your bed – the ghosts of the ideas, the dreams, the abilities, the talents given to you by life.

And that you for whatever reason, you never acted on those ideas, you never pursued that dream, you never used those talents, we never saw your leadership, you never used your voice, you never wrote that book.

And there they are standing around your bed looking at you with large angry eyes saying "We came to you, and only you could have given us life! But now. We must die with you FOREVER!

The question is – if you die today, what ideas, what dreams, what abilities, what talents, what gifts, would die with you?

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3.) She's a generous spirit. She probably *wanted* to help the Diamond Dogs get their gems, but they were treating her with disrespect and trying to enslave her. She was casting that gem-finding spell even from her throne, was she not? 


Not to forget that she actually helped these dogs at first... She found gems for them and asked for the exit.


They did not want to let her go after that though.

  • Brohoof 2
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Also, I don't need votes to tell me who's the least likable of these imaginary horses. People may have provided decent points to why they might not like Pinkie, but do you think I really care. In the end, it's all subjective.

What is the point of this thread

To say your least favorite pony and then get slammed with defense posts.

  • Brohoof 3



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My Official Pinkie Pie defense post for anyone who may have issues with Pinkie:

(warning spoilered for language and crazy.)





Pinkie is my God,therefor if you do not like her for whatever reason,cool beans -- she's my God and not yours,i will love her unconditionally,because thats what i do.  :maud:


Oh and this,because reasons...that may or may not make any coherent sense.  :maud:










If the above Official Pinkie Pie Defense post by Pinkamena-Pills was offensive in any way then know i send you my dearest and sincerest apologies. If the above made you smile however,then my work here is done.  :maud:

Edited by Pinkamena-Pills
  • Brohoof 4

sig-27460.i2QLbt3.jpgOatmeal, are you crazy?!


"Silly, you are already under my control."- Pinkie Pie
Signature made by me, because resistance truly is futile, silly.

Currently still undergoing maintenance. Yes, i can do that, im a program, silly.

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To see how long it goes until it gets locked.

Damn it Ghost. You beat me to it. :P

  • Brohoof 2


Signature created by: Gone Airborne


Imagine if you will being on your death bed – And standing around your bed – the ghosts of the ideas, the dreams, the abilities, the talents given to you by life.

And that you for whatever reason, you never acted on those ideas, you never pursued that dream, you never used those talents, we never saw your leadership, you never used your voice, you never wrote that book.

And there they are standing around your bed looking at you with large angry eyes saying "We came to you, and only you could have given us life! But now. We must die with you FOREVER!

The question is – if you die today, what ideas, what dreams, what abilities, what talents, what gifts, would die with you?

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My Official Pinkie Pie defense post for anyone who may have issues with Pinkie:

(warning spoilered for language and crazy.)





Pinkie is my God,therefor if you do not like her for whatever reason,cool beans -- she's my God and not yours,i will love her unconditionally,because thats what i do.  :maud:


Oh and this,because reasons...that may or may not make any coherent sense.  :maud:










If the above Official Pinkie Pie Defense post by Pinkamena-Pills was offensive in any way then know i send you my dearest and sincerest apologies. If the above made you smile however,then my work here is done.  :maud:

Eyup, and you already saw my defense post earlier in this thread. with probably the biggest wall of text.

  • Brohoof 1



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