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ooc An Unexpected Trip to the Human World Reboot (OOC)(On Hiatus)


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@, @@DoubleRainbow_Dash,


I gotta head into work, but let's plan something out when I get back home!

Celestia sits in the Canterlot garden, the soft wind blows through the tall hedges making a soothing sound. Using her magic she brings a fine tea cup up to her lips, letting the warm liquid pour down her throat. She let's out a quiet sigh and sets the cup down, a small frown crosses her face briefly.

'I swear I'm missing something' was a thought that kept floating through her mind. The Alicorn shrugs the feeling off, returning to sipping her beverage, "I'll figure it out eventually" she promised herself.


What was the point of this......I don't know. Let's just consider it a product of boredom and leave it at that :P

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Equestrian Application

Name: Rarity

Species: Unicorn

Approxiate Age (In human years): Late 'teens/early 20's

Gender: Mare / Female

Height (Feet and inches): 3'8" / 5'5"

Weight (in pounds): 102 lbs / 129 lbs

Eye color: Sapphire blue

Mane color: Violet

Description of your pony form: Rarity is a unicorn that exudes elegance. Her pure white coat is kept pristine at nearly all times, and her mane is always coiffed into perfect curls. She is also often seen wearing makeup, namely eyeshadow and probably mascara or even false lashes. Being a poised mare, she walks with grace (and a straight posture).

Occupation: Seamstress / Key of Generosity

Backstory: Rarity has always had a passion for fashion, even though her parents didn't exactly share her taste in clothing. But though the outfits she made as a filly were 'nice,' that wasn't good enough for the budding fashionista. She strived for a way to make her outfits stand out, to no avail. But just when she was about to give up on her dream, a surge of raw magic pulled her (quite literally) to her destiny, which presented itself in the form of... a rock.

All was made clear when the Sonic Rain-boom happened. The rock before the young unicorn split in two from the shockwaves overhead, revealing a spectacular geode of sparkling gems. She realized that these were exactly what she needed! The burst of inspiration, and the secondary realization that she was capable of finding hidden gems, caused her cutie mark to manifest itself.

And so, Rarity continued making outfits and costumes, eventually opening a business in Ponyville - Carousel Boutique, which of course she still runs today. Along the way, she made friends; the very best of friends, sharing a wonderful bond.

Rarity has faced many challenges and tests throughout her journey with her friends, but if there's one thing she knows, it's that no matter what happens or what they do, she'll look fabulous doing it!

Description of your human form: As a human, Rarity will have fair, flawless skin. Her pale blue eyeshadow will remain, and she will have long dark lashes (presumably thanks to mascara or false lashes, as in pony form). Her violet curls will fall to halfway down her back. She will have a slim body that she will hold with the same poise she always has; perhaps she will look almost fragile to some,
but she'll have them know that she is a lady that can very well fend for herself.

Cutie Mark: A trio of stylized diamonds




Welp, I managed to do the thing! :squee:

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Name: Rarity

Species: Unicorn

Age (Human):25

Gender: Female

Height: 5ft 7in

Weight: 147 pounds

Eye color: Blue

Mane color: Purple with gradients

Description of pony form: Rarity is a unicorn mare with a white coat and purple mane which she always keeps properly styled and fashioned to reflect her lifestyle. She also has long eyelashes to compliment her eyes

Occupation: Clothing maker/ designer

Backstory: Rarity lived a mostly sheltered life with her parents who didn't really uphold the standard of her current living, it wasn't until she went to visit her uncle in Canterlot that her interest in fashion was sparked (though her cutie mark came later). Seeing all the high class ponies in their fine clothes and their mannerisms was fascinating to her considering that everything was so different from Ponyville. As such she tried to act like the ponies around her, seeking their approval and not really achieving it (due to her age). Noticing her interest her uncle purchased a sewing machine that she could practice making clothes with. Since then Rarity has honed her skill as a designer and as soon as she was done with formal education she purchased the Carousel Boutique a establishment she paid off by making dresses. Currently Rarity still aspires to be the best in her trade and will do just about anything to make the next big fashion hit in Canterlot.

Description of Human Form: As a human Rarity has a dark skin tone. Her arms a longer than most other humans but not so that it's a surprise to anyone. Her facial features include long eyelashes, a smaller nose and small lips. Among other features her hair is average length for a female, her hands a small and dainty with long nails and her breast size is, let's just say, generous. She also has long legs and a relatively thin waist.

Cutie Mark: Three stylized Diamonds

Sorry I was a bit late with this one I was off doing something. This is what I got so here is my hat being tossed into the ring.




Hopefully this will be enough to get the ball rolling 

Edited by DoubleRainbow_Dash
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@@DoubleRainbow_Dash, @@Miss Reaper, @@Pripyat Pony, @, @@Gloomfury,


Well, both of you have an amazing app! But I'm gonna have to go with Miss Reaper to play Rarity, and have her be found by Connor Corrigan


Princess Celestia will be found by Clare Blake-- at least she won't be far from her sister...


That being said...




Everyone's waiting on you!

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Well, both of you have an amazing app! But I'm gonna have to go with Miss Reaper to play Rarity, and have her be found by Connor Corrigan


Oh well, I wasnt confident enough to play Rarity but I was willing to try   :yay:


Celestia goes to the human world to? How exciting but she is going to have a panic attack, nopony moving the sun in Equestria is a problem. 

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@, @@Pripyat Pony, @, @@00Pony, @, @, @@SilverHeart, @@Gloomfury, @@Windbreaker, @@GeneralDirection, @@Firehearted, @@Miss Reaper, @, @@Astral Legend, @@DoubleRainbow_Dash, @,


It's finally time to work things out! Had to rework this several times, that's what took so long!


The original idea was to have Celestia remain behind, as two princesses have already been sent to earth, and Luna's set to get into a fight with Avarice, which will result in her being sent to the human world as well. Equestria will be devastated enough at the loss of three princesses, and losing all four would throw the poor country into absolute chaos.


Luna was also to remain in limited contact with her sister after she's sent to Earth... HOWEVER, since 00's not very active, you do make a very good point...


This is more than likely gonna rustle a few Jimmies, but I could change it so that Celestia is sent to the human world by Avarice shortly after giving a speech to her subjects, before joining Luna in hunting down Avarice.


It doesn't take long to find the dragon, and even less time for them to get into a fight, which culminates in Avarice opening a tear meant for Luna, but Celestia is the one to be caught in the spell...


Seeing this, Luna becomes even more enraged and corners the dragon pony, until she too, is caught in a tear, but not without dragging Avarice with her...


It's a crappy setup, but it's late. Lemme know what you all think! I'm gonna work on my long overdue posts, then try to start on Colette's YouTube skit after some sleep!

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@@Hypn0ticD, Say would you be willing to hold that spot for a changeling open? I think i spoke earlier about changelings seeking to gain back their Queen. Plus i'd really like an extra changeling just saying.

It's not as crappy as you make it to be. Still someone should be left to raise the sun and the moon. 

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@, @@Hypn0ticD, Set up seems fine to me; I have a couple of alicorn characters I don't normally bring into RP but perhaps one could be brought in to raise the sun and moon in the Princesses absence? One is from my fanfic; I don't have a character sheet for him cuz I haven't imported him here. He's Prince Starlight and is the protector of Trottingham. He's married to the former mayor of Trottingham; his talent is empathy. There's also Clover; I generally play her as a unicorn in RP here, but she ascended after saving Equestria from an evil mage who brought back the Windigoes. She was made Princess of Magic, cuz that's her talent. http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/clover-r2089 Maybe both working together as a temporary solution, like Cadance's magic shield to protect the Crystal Empire.



Signature and avatar by Pucksterv.






Want an Equestria Girls version, a pixel pony, or an Equalised version of your OC? Go here for links to shops here: https://mlpforums.com/blog/2506/entry-16610-details-of-my-shops/


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Like I said to another person, this is gonna be a long term RP. The last one I ran lasted over a year.


If you're still interested, I wanna see what ya got for Celestia:


Equestrian Application




Species (Unicorn/ Pegasus/ Earth Pony/ Crystal Pony/ Changeling/ Griffin):


Approxiate Age (In human years):




Height (Feet and inches):


Weight (in pounds):


Eye color:


Mane color:


Description of your pony form:




Other distinctive features (if any):


Backstory (A little more about your character):


Description of your human form (hair and eye color will remain the same):


Cutie Mark:

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Name: Celestia/Princess(by subjects)/Sister (used only by Luna)


Species: Alicorn


Age (human): 30


Gender: Female


Height: 6ft 3in


Weight: 247 pounds (she's not fat though) :P


Eye color: Pink/ Magenta


Mane Color: Two light shades of blue (one is darker than the other), light pink and turquoise. Sparkles are sometimes seen in it


Description of Pony Form: Being an Alicorn Princess Celestia is larger than any other pony, her height is only matched by Luna, Cadence and Chrysalis. Her fur is almost pure white and her mane flows at all times which gives her a elegant appearance. Golden pieces of regalia are worn on her hooves and neck which signify her royal status, Luna is the only other pony that sports similar attire. Also because of her race she has massive wings and her horn is considerably larger than other ponies as a symbol of her impressive magical talent.


Occupation: Co-Ruler of Equestria


Backstory: Celestia and Luna were not born in Equestria. She was born in the southern badlands, the product of hundreds of years of selective breeding and intence magical exposure to those her birthed them. They were born as a part of a long experiment to bring back the long extinct Alicorn race to restore balence to the badlands. Several years after birth Luna got restless and wanted to reject her destiny and not wanting to be left by her sister Celestia left with her to Equestria. Upon getting to the new land they lived together in the woods, testing their magical skills. This continued until they were almost full size, while Luna practiced more unconventional magic Celestia practiced on manipulating the environment for good and that's when she set her sights on the sun. For years the unicorn population controlled the sun which was a task only chosen royals could posses. Leaving the forest they came across a small settlement where Celestia claimed she could move the sun by herself dispite never doing it, the ponies of Equestria had never seen Alicorns before so they didn't question their seemingly impossible claims. So on public display Celestia used every ounce of her magic but she finally wrenched the sun from the grip of the unicorn elite and moved it in one quick rotation. Jealous, Luna added that she could move the moon even though she hadn't planned on it and was able to move it (though less successfully) like her sister. Instantly the two were showered with praise and the sisters offered to take the task off the ponies shoulders, to which they accepted. It was then they earned their cutie marks. Seeking them out Starswirl offered to help teach the sisters to refine their magical ability.

They agreed to Starswirls offer and Celestia eagerly awaited every new lesson and the two formed a special bond. The Everfree castle was nearing completion at this time and the unicorn king at the time fell ill over the winter and was passing away, Starswirl informed him that Celestia was qualified to rule in his passing. After his death Celestia was surprised to be appointed as Queen of Equestria because she had no former leadership experience. She made a decree that her sister Luna would help her rule and that the government power would be split between them. Shortly after Discord invaded and the two sisters took him on and turned him to stone. Celestia had tried to offer a more peaceful way out to the chaos spirit but when her terms weren't ment she went with Luna's plan of imprisoning him. Fast forward several hundered years and Celestia was at the height of her popularity, the public always cheered her on at public apperences while Luna was forgotten due to her seemingly meaningless job of moving the moon. In rage she became Nightmare Moon and Celestia had to banish her to the thing Luna once controlled. Spiraling into a depression Celestia could not bear public appearances And she relocated the Capitol to Canterlot. Taking both the sun and moon was difficult for Celestia as she had to stay up all day to keep them moving and she quickly grew weak. Fearing for her health Celestia opened up the Canterlot Academy to find a scuccessor to her throne, a task which wore on for many long years. She finally came across to pony by the name of Twilight Sparkle which she was fully confident would be the one to take her crown. Unexpectedly Luna escaped from the moon and was defeated by the elements of harmony, overjoyed with her sisters return Celestia became a more outgoing pony once more though her wearyness from her long years without rest still exsist.


Human form description: Celestia is a taller than average human with very white skin (though not pale). Her beauty from Equestria is one thing that stayed the same between worlds as her has model-esqe features and a almost flawless body. Her hair remains long and goes down to her waist, her regalia has turned into gold bracelets on her wrists and her crown is now a hairpin with her cutie mark on it. Celestia's limbs are longer than most which makes her slightly more clumsy when trying to get the hang of things. Her eyes are small, the same with her nose but she has large lips. Her apperence makes Celestia seem younger than she actually is (in human years).


Cutie Mark: A large sun



Whew that is a long one, I tried my best so I hope I make the cut. Also I'm totally cool with the RP lasting a year, I've done several lasting about that long (not on this site) so I can be there the whole way through.


I was just thinking, you really don't have to worry about Equestria while all four princesses are gone. I'm sure Discord could take good care of things.











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(Whisper) I'll be working on a post tonight. sorry for the delays.

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Xbox Live gamertag: ArgentVulpes636. 

"Greater love, hath no man than this, that he would lay down his life for his friends." -- John 15:13

"Do not judge, or you too will be judged. For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you." -- Matthew 7:1

"If you can't fly then run, if you can't run then walk, if you can't walk then crawl, but whatever you do you have to keep moving forward." -- Martin Luther King Jr.

Rest In Peace, Monty OumWe'll keep moving forward.

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