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private An Unexpected Trip to the Human World (RP Reboot)(On Hiatus)


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Now that Cadance was safe and a little more comfortable, she started running rather panicked thoughts through her head. Was Shining Armor okay? How about Twilight, and the other princesses? How was she supposed to protect her empire if she wasn't there? On and on these thoughts traveled through her mind. Queen Chrysalis returned. A new villain threatening Equestria? She wanted to ask Riza how far it was back to her home, but previously she had called it a "show", and decided against it.


"A glass of water would be lovely, thank you," she said, instantly thinking of Discord, and his silly requests when he was sick. If I'm missing Discord, I must be out of my mind, she thought, giggling a bit to herself. She flopped down on a chair in the kitchen a bit harder than she intended. Her proportions felt wrong, and she instantly regretted the hard landing. She was sore from ...whatever had brought her here. She started playing with the digits of her claws? That's what Spike called them. They were agile and thin. She decided she rather liked the look. She then looked down at her legs. They were a lovely creamy color. Her hair seemed to have maintained its integrity at least. She had her usual pink, purple and yellow streaks. 


I got an extra hour in the ballpit


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@@00Pony, @@Miss Reaper,


Just how in the hay this creature know about Ponyville?? There should've been no way an alien should've known about--


"You guys're Twilight Sparkle and Applejack. Or, at least, you're pretending to be. Cosplayers, or LARPers or something."


Applejack's eyes widened. "How do you know our names??" She gasped. She looked around her alien surroundings as the human continued.


"So, what? AJ and Twi get sent to the real world or something like that? Is that what's going on?"


Applejack turned back to the human, mouth working yet silent for a moment before an sewing with, "somethin' like that. Ah don't expect ya ta believe us, but we ain't tellin' no tall tales. Equestria's as real as this place..." Applejack insisted, looking around once more. She could swear up and down that they were who they were until the cows come home, but Applejack felt that wouldn't work. For one thing, she and Twilight looked a lot like the human before them. Add to that, there was just a sense of... Dullness about this place--one that AJ couldn't place her hoof, or rather new appendage on, and it made her feel uneasy.


But... How did he know their names?? Applejack leaned over to whisper in Twilight's ear, to which the human picked up on. She remained silent as the creature addressed them again, confirming her suspicions. "But we're--" Applejack began, only to cut herself off. There was just no way to convince him, was there?? But there just HAD to be a way to convince him! There just had to be!


At least the human was now offering to chat like civilized beings over a drink... Well, it was a step in the right direction, at least! "Ah say we talk to 'im, Twi... We ain't got much other choice, Ah reckon..." She said to the princess, hoping she would feel the same way... Maybe they could get a few answers outta him!

Edited by Hypn0ticD
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@@Pripyat Pony,


 "Hmmm." She thought about it. "Not really. It sounds interesting but If I wanted to know more about the Elements lives I would have read they're autobiography  already." She sits up and pops her back. "Plus I need to get back into my training routine. Cause I have no idea of how I can get back home and if I'm stuck here for the rest of my life I might as well try to go pro in this world. And to do that I need to get in shape and get a boxing license." She actually really wanted to go home, but she was hiding it by wanting to work out. 

Edited by Gloomfury
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Chloe got into the car with Rainbow and silently drove away from the city. She turned off onto a rural road, then into an open field of tall grass and turned off the car. She turned to Dash. "Just who the hell are you? You pop out of nowhere. You're not a tourist or a local. You say you're a pony? Why am I not dropping you off with the Gardaí right now?"





Corsica helped Summer to her feet and on to the couch. "It takes a while to get used to." She noticed the way Akatsu talked about these 'boobs' and raised an eyebrow. "What's wrong? Are mine weird or something?"

Thanks goes to ~Lugia~ for the sig
My OC: Vinyl Blade
Vinyl Blade's filly, Violet Minx

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"I was a pony." She corrected, feeling her curiosity become slightly subdued by Chloe's brash reaction. "There isn't much left of my former pegasus body. It's hard for even me to believe that it was only a few hours ago me and my friends were battling a dragon pony and a large force of changelings. It seemed like we were winning, but then the dragon pony, Avarice, created these 'tears' in the sky. Most of us got sucked into them, and were transported here. At least I assume we all did."


Rainbow didn't normally ask other ponies for help, especially when she hardly knew them. But in this situation, it seemed that she would need assistance from Chloe. She would have to do whatever it took to gain her trust. "What is it going to take for you to believe that I'm not crazy?" She asked. "I'm not sure what I'm capable of anymore, if anything, but I want to prove to you that I am who I say I am."


Signature artwork by Magfen. Profile picture by @Princess Silky

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Akatsu couldn't keep a straight face, and not in a laughing way. Akatsu turned a bright red as she looked at them briefly, and then away. "N-no... they are perfect-, I mean, they are okay... er, well they are just... they're fine... Its just you... don't normally go grabbing at them... or poking at them, like that..." she said in between brief pauses and stutters. 'I couldn't ask for a more awkward situation...'


Akatsu left the two girls to their explorations and went over to finish preparing the tea. She had done it so many times, making tea took the same amount of remembrance and effort as breathing. She didn't even need to pay attention to what she was doing, as she knew she did it right every time. 'How did i get mixed up in thi- wait a second, i already know that. I dragged two nuts into my home... two, very pretty... no, they are just guests.'

  • Brohoof 1

Cyril Coltefeller, the Head of Magical and Technological Development.

Fierasil de Rosa Canter, the optimistic flyer.

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Summer froze, both hands cupping her breasts as she looked up at Akatsu. "What fun are they if you cant..." She trailed off and shrugged, letting go. "Never mind...what's this?" She asked, reaching down to pick up a TV remote sitting on the coffee table. She eyed it for a minute before pushing the big red button. Instantly the screen of the TV turned on to show...static, a blank, white noise filling the room. "AHHH!" Summer cried, quickly scrambling off the couch to the ground behind it, panting and staring at the opposite wall before hesitantly peaking up over the edge of the couch, mumbling something about the Cinemas in Equestria and how the screens here were tiny...and their movies sucked...and were loud. All in french of course.

  • Brohoof 1

Something something something something


Ask me stuff...and all my OC's

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@@Pripyat Pony,@, Terra thought about this for a bit. It was not like he could say much otherwise but there was still things about the feeding habits of the changelings that he didn't know. Perhaps this was a chance to do this right now?

"If Miss Catherine wants to i am not going to stop her. However i do not know the side effects of the "love siphoning" or whatever you call that. For that reason even though i will allow this i am going to stay alert just in case this has any un-desirable side-effects. It's not that i don't trust you or anything. I just don't know... alright?"

He was trying to be the kindest he could. After all this could easily go to a fight, and that was the last thing Terra needed right now if he was going to go home. This was important. This however didn't mean he wouldn't remain vigilant, he would do anything if he spotted even a hint of trouble.

@@Pripyat Pony, Dennis laughed a bit. "Well how do Earth ponies survive without magic? Or pegasi? It's kind of the same way. There is a proverb that says "Where there's a will... there's a way. So if you want something hard enough... you can achieve it. Even without magic." He stood up and once Diego stood he tidied the bed sheets. He had to remember to iron the clothes but that was a thing that would have to wait for a bit.

Once they were in the kitchen Dennis laid out what he had. Salad with olives, peppers, cucumber, tomatoes, cheese and olive oil. He also had fried potatoes and a mix of yogurt, garlic, olive oil, carrot, and cucumber. He pointed at the yogurty mixture that had a nose-breaking mix of smells. "Hey wonna try this as well? It's home-made tzatziki. It's a mixture of vegetables with yogurt, garlic and oil. You'll love it over a slice of bread! Anyways... you eat... i am going to go bring something."

He wondered what Diego would think when he would bring out a hard-cover copy of the book of the Twin Sisters. What would his reaction be to him being fictional?

Edited by IridscentNionios
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Chloe put her head on the steering wheel for a moment, then turned again to Dash. "I don't know, but you're gonna have to prove it to me somehow... I'm going to take a walk." She took the key out of the ignition and got out to walk through the misty field.




"Oh, okay. I'm guessing they have to be covered too?" Corsica looked down her shirt one more time then crossed her arms over her average sized chest. When Summer turned on the TV, she opened her eyes wide. "So that's what it does! It looks broken though... Is it supposed to do that?"


((I'll have the rest up later today))

Edited by ~Shadow Wolf~

Thanks goes to ~Lugia~ for the sig
My OC: Vinyl Blade
Vinyl Blade's filly, Violet Minx

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@@Gloomfury, Clare gave Shamrock a comforting pat. "Don't worry," she said. "When Mary gets back, I'll ask her to get us into the gym, then we can both train. I know that this is all very different to you, but it won't be so bad. Maybe there's even other Equestrians out there who got here the same way you did. We could find out; I've put it on my blog, but I could also make a video and put it on youtube and ask there."


@, @@IridscentNionios, "Rest assured, there will not be any unpleasant side affects barring a slight loss of energy," Cicada said. She looked at Cat. "I will give you my word that I will only take as much as is necessary to open up the Hive Mind." The changeling commander shivered a little as she said this; the term reminding her once again of the hideous silence currently inside her head. Cicada was used to hearing the voices of the various changeling captains, drones and nursemothers talking together; it was comforting in a way, as it reminded her that she was part of a united Hive. Without it, she felt lost and alone.




Diego sniffed. "Pegasi have their flight," he said. "And earth ponies have their strength. So it's fair enough that unicorns have magic." When he saw the food in front of him, he didn't hesitate any more but dug in. He was hungry after everything that had happened. While he ate, Diego wondered whether any other ponies had ended up in this weird world. He certainly hoped so.



Signature and avatar by Pucksterv.






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@@00Pony, @@Hypn0ticD,
Twilight quietly listened to the man. He seemed to be almost thinking aloud rather than talking to her or Applejack, as if he were confused about the situation; but the more she heard, the more she herself was perplexed. With the way he was talking (and Applejack whispering to her the very suspicion she had), they had not only found themselves in a different land - but a different world altogether! But how was that even possible? The spell... had it really been so powerful as to tear holes in the very fabric of the reality she and all her friends had known? This was almost too much to wrap even her dextrous mind around.
And then only more questions were stacked on top of those. If she and Applejack really had found themselves in another world, how did this being know their names? Her expression mirrored Applejack's at that point, sheer puzzlement etched into her features. And still on top of that, why in the world would he think them to be pretending to be who they are? The young princess was indignant at the notion, but she held her tongue regardless; after all, with the sort of attitude she had seen from this guy, she doubted either of them would get him to believe their true identities. Especially since there was, of course, still the question as to why he would doubt that to begin with.
Realizing she had been silent in her contemplation, Twilight pulled herself from the swelling sea of questions and confusion in her head. Now the human was offering to have a civil discussion inside, and like Applejack, she felt that was a step in the right direction after start off on the wrong hoof - or whatever they were called now. Looking to Applejack, Twilight nodded in agreement. "I think you're right, Applejack... Besides, maybe we can clear some of this confusion up." With that, she turned to the human. "Thank you, sir. We would appreciate that," she answered politely. And then, she followed him as he headed to the door of what must have been his home.
Deep azure eyes moved from the immediate path before her to gaze up at the being that had approached. Upon first reaction, a bright flush of red lit her fair complexion, more so out of embarrassment than the compliment he gave. She hated finding herself in such a helpless position in front of others! As ladylike as she was, the 'damsel in distress' role didn't suit her well. Unless she was being saved by a handsome armor-clad knight. Then she might be okay with that.


But as it was, she didn't even know what manner of creature was standing before her. He looked similar to what she had apparently turned into... whatever that would be. To his question, she tried to respond, "I-I, um..." She was at a loss of words for a moment, so she cleared her throat to stall a second or two before she attempted an answer once more. "I can't quite say that I know, sir... I believe I'm lost."


The fashionista glanced at her... claw-like things that had replaced her hooves before looking to the same appendage that he offered to her. Awkwardly placing her hand in his, her new digits curled into a loose fist, she would allow him to help her up while she asked him, "Could you possibly tell me where we are? I'd like to be reunited with my friends as soon as possible, since I seem to have been separated from them..."

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Connor Smiles as she struggled for a second, but when she placed her hand in his he gently wrapped his own hand around hers and leaned down a little putting his other hand on her back to help steady her as he carefully helped her up into a standing position, before he slowly let go of her hand, and removed his hand from her back.


"Well M'lady, your in Westminster at the Moment, and I could help you find your friends, do you have any idea where they could be?"


Connor seemed to feel some kind of aura coming from this lady, elegance perhaps.


"Do you have a name Miss!"

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@Pripyat Pony, , @Hypn0ticD,


Cat felt her phone vibrate and took it out to check it. It was a text from her agent, reminding her about the modelling jobs in London and New York. She also checked her email and saw that Collie wanted to meet up.


>>Looks like I should be there sometime tomorrow if I'm lucky. I've got a job in New York so I guess we'll stop by after that. We've got to go to London first so I'll be pretty tired by the time we get there. Mind giving us a ride from the airport?<<


She looked to the two Equestrians. "I'm giving you my permission, but right now, we have a bit of travelling to do. Jaques!"

He stepped in and asked, "Oui, mademoiselle?"

"Préparer la voiture et appeler mon pilote. Nous avons besoin d'aller à Londres, puis en Amérique."

"Tout de suite." He hurried off as Cat walked out, followed by Terra and Cicada. She led them to her room, then stepped into her closet. "Would you two mind waiting out here a moment?" She then closed the door.


A few minutes later, she came out with a beanie, an off-the-shoulder shirt, skinny jeans, and boots. "Are you two ready to go?"

Edited by ~Shadow Wolf~

Thanks goes to ~Lugia~ for the sig
My OC: Vinyl Blade
Vinyl Blade's filly, Violet Minx

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Rainbow sighed as she slowly exited the vehicle. Just how am I going to be able to prove what I've been telling this human? She stood idly for a few minutes, unable to come up with anything. Without her wings, Dash just didn't see a way. All this traveling has made me tired. Maybe if I just lay down for a bit, something will have come to me. She thought to herself. Instinctively, she formed the mist surrounding her into clumps, soon creating a cloud big enough for her to lay on. The former pegasus casually laid down on her newly created bed, and looked up towards the sky.


Signature artwork by Magfen. Profile picture by @Princess Silky

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@, Cicada's eyes flickered. "I'm ready," she replied. "But I must take emotion from you while we travel. Maybe if you're going to be tired anyway, it won't matter so much. It's a matter of great importance that I contact my queen."


Cicada hesitated, then continued. "She is my Hive sister. We were hatched together and have never been parted, til now. I must know what has happened to her or else I can't rest."



Signature and avatar by Pucksterv.






Want an Equestria Girls version, a pixel pony, or an Equalised version of your OC? Go here for links to shops here: https://mlpforums.com/blog/2506/entry-16610-details-of-my-shops/


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@@Pripyat Pony


Shamrock thought about it for a bit."You might be right. If it happened to me it might have happen to some others as well." She gave Clare a thankful smile for giving hr a little more hope.  She turn towards Clare with the same smile. "I was really lucky that I met you. You've been nothing but kind to me." She stood up and got a little closer to her. Then she placed a caring hand on Clare's cheek and gave a light kiss on the other.

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@@Pripyat Pony,@, Terra listened to Cicada, it was all he could do. Sister huh? A really close friend that could become a family? He was familiar with this. He could only nod in acceptance of this notion... he could not stop actions willingly taken that did nothing wrong. But they were interrupted. From Miss Catherine that seemed to get some new information. The strange device she had in her hands intrigued him, but it wasn't important right now.

"Do what you must, and... Miss Catherine? Where are we going? Is it far? Do we need to prepare or feed? It would be nice if we restocked on our energy before or during our journey."

Come to think of it he was kinda hungry. After the battle and when the tiredness had time to settle the grunt of dissaproval of his stomach echoed within him. He had to hear it sometime soon. But if there were other things to heed first he had to do push it aside for now.

@@Pripyat Pony, Dennis ate a bit himself. Then without a warning he went to another room and brought the laptop and his hard cover copy of the Twin Sisters book. 

"I am looking at the Internet. It's a form of electronic communication across the globe for us humans. If something strange like ponies and magic has appeared on the planet they will have reported it somewhere. Of course you have to check their credibility. But anyways... come here. There's something i'd like to show you." he lifted the book of the sisters and at the same time had the map of Equestria open at the laptop.

"This is where you are from right? Equestria? Well... this is going to be shocking..." he took him at the wiki homepage that descriped what the show was. http://mlp.wikia.com/wiki/My_Little_Pony_Friendship_is_Magic

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 @@00Pony@@Pripyat Pony,

     Heart racing, Celestia flew toward the foreboding mountains looming around Trottingham. Her mind was as clouded as the sky around her, 'What have I done," was a thought that kept crossing her mind. She kept going back to the changelings she just incinerated, no hesitation, no mercy. Never before in her existence had Celestia just flat out murdered ponies, just uncontrollable rage had consumed her. Seeing her subjects and friends attacked so violently just made her.....snap
     Yet how did her killing the changelings make her any better than Chrysalis or Avarice, it didn't. The alicorn looked up to see where she was going, a harsh laugh pierced through the fog, Celestia angled herself toward the sound. She knew a fight with Avarice was imminent but Celestia knew she needed to take the high road, there would be no more death today, she would not stoop to her level. Now Celestia was bent on getting her subjects back, and she would do whatever she could to get Avarice to talk but she would not kill her. 
     "-And I thought you two were so close" Avarice's voice came from nearby, Celestia turned sharply midair and landed on a rocky cliff.
     "We're closer than you think Avarice!" Celestia boomed, glaring at the dragon-pony and drawing out her weapon, though with no intention to use it. "Bring back my subjects now and we don't have to hurt you" 
  • Brohoof 1











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@@Gloomfury, Clare smiled at Shamrock and returned the kiss. "I'm so glad I met you, too," she said. "Will you travel with me, when I move on? We might be able to find some of the others who came here, and we could join with them when we do." She thought about the video she was going to make, and hoped that someone who had found an Equestrian would find it.


@@IridscentNionios, Diego stared at the page in disbelief. "How the tartarus did you come up with this?" he asked Dennis, incredulously. His eyes narrowed in suspicion. "Are you humans spying on us ponies? If not, then how did you find all this out? Better make it good."


@@Princess-Sunbutt, @@00Pony, Avarice laughed. If she was surprised at the sudden appearence of Princess Celestia, none of that surprise showed on the dragon pony's face. "Who are you to make demands?" she asked, scornfully. "Neither of you can harm me. The Elements are no longer at your disposal, and the ponies who wielded their power are gone. In any case, if you did, then what chance would you have of finding out where they went to? None at all."


The dragon pony angled her body as to face both the Royal Sisters. "If you wish to negociate, I will trade," she went on. "In return for the kingdom of Equestria, I will show you where your precious subjects went. If you refuse, I will send you there yourself and you can work out how to get back all by yourself."



Signature and avatar by Pucksterv.






Want an Equestria Girls version, a pixel pony, or an Equalised version of your OC? Go here for links to shops here: https://mlpforums.com/blog/2506/entry-16610-details-of-my-shops/


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@@Pripyat Pony, Dennis attempted to remain as calm as he could. "Listen Diego. As far as we go you guys are nothing more than fictional creations. Theoretically speaking you, your magic, your world... they shouldn't be existing. This isn't just a matter of magic not existing in this world, it is a matter of the fabric of reality having been shattered. But there is a theory about this... that could possibly explain this." he immediately googled  about the Multiverse theory. "See this theory says that well... simply put if i have thought about something existing, in the multitude of universes, planets, and more... there is a universe where it exists. Let me say an example using your current situation. When i woke up i had two options... to either continue sleeping, or wake up and take a walk. In another universe the police could have arrested you. How wide are the possibilities this can take? Let's just say that there is a universe out there where 1 and 1 equals 3. Yea... that wide." he coughed a bit slapping himself for derailing "But back to you... i am uncertain about this so don't take my word for it... you might have fallen through a crack. Do you remember what might have caused such a crack? You DID mention something occurring before you came here."

Edited by IridscentNionios
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@@Pripyat Pony,


 "I would love to come with you. Cause in all honesty, I would't know where to go or look if I were alone. Plus, I took a real shine to ya." She said with a playful smirk. She steps away from Clare and sat back on the bed. "So, what should we do till you're friend gets back?"She said while talking off her shoes to play with her new toes a little. 

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Akatsu sighed and walked back over to the living room area. She picked up the remote and shut the TV off again. "It's broken, so don't bother with the remote. I'm going to have to get a new one... probably not as good as this one though." Akatsu put the remote back down and sat down next to Corsica. "Well... Tea is ready, but let us let it cool down for a little while. How about we get to know each other? If you are going to be here for a while, i would very much like to know more about you both" she said and smiled.


It wasn't often Akatsu would have guests, and it was usually her parents coming over for the rare and brief pass-by's. She had never had roommates, and grew up an only child. Some would call it sad, but she called it a living. Akatsu would have yet to find out what a real living is...


(Bum bum BUUUUM! Foreshadowing...)

Cyril Coltefeller, the Head of Magical and Technological Development.

Fierasil de Rosa Canter, the optimistic flyer.

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Riza nodded, "Got it. One glass of water. Give me a sec." Even as she spoke, she was opening the specific cupboard and taking out a glass. After filling the container, the young woman turned to her guest, sliding the glass across the island counter top to the older woman. Her task, Riza hoisted herself onto the opposite counter top, sitting on the edge.

She silently observed her guest for a few seconds. Cadance seemed confused, or maybe worried. Even kind of curious. Riza was unsure. After a bit, the silence began to grow uncomfortable. Brushing a lock of her own, strawberry blonde hair behind one ear, Riza cleared her throat before speaking, "So, uhm, Cadance.. Where'd you come from exactly? Or rather, how on Earth'd you get here?"



@@Miss Reaper,@@Hypn0ticD


 Bowen held the door open until both woman were inside, before stepping through after them and shutting it, all the while keeping his expression blank. The interior of his home was actually very clean, everything placed neatly on their respective shelves or tables. This was, of course, exclusive to the upper levels of the home, which consisted of a living area, kitchen, restroom, bedroom, foyer and so on - though not all in the same place, obviously. Bowen always found it mildly amusing when he saw the upper level of his home, how pristine it looked in comparison to the downstairs, which looked like what he imagined the inside of his brain did - an organized, absolute mess of a wide variety of interests. 


As soon as the door was latched shut, Bowen strode through the archway that lead to his kitchen, opened the refrigerator and reached for the Jack Daniels - he figured he was going to need it for the coming conversation. He glanced at his guests, scrutinizing them for a second. They both looked like they might be within the legal age range to have a similar beverage, but there was no way to be certain. Somehow, he doubted that they would have any sort of identification, "Just sit wherever, preferably in the dining room, though." He called to them, pointing with the bottle of amber liquid to a simple wooden table with five chairs set around it. 


Bowen shut the refrigerator door, making his way to a cupboard from there to retrieve himself a shot glass, before finally making his way to the table and setting his items down. He didn't sit, however, instead opting to ask, "Before we start the 'civilized' discussion, what kind of drink are the two of you in the mood for?" He tapped the bottle, "And if you say this, I can't guarantee you'll be getting that. Don't want to get you two actually drunk. That'd raise all kinds of hell."






Aidan raised an eyebrow for a brief second when the woman, Mirror Image as she called herself, placed her hand in his - though without grasping. That hadn't actually been his intention, having held out his hand out as a knee-jerk gesture of comfort, but failing to actually make contact because he was unfamiliar with the woman. But hey, might as well roll with it. Aidan closed his fingers around Mirror's hand, gently, but firm enough that when he gave her hand a light shake, her hand wouldn't slip from his grasp. As he did this, the man spoke, "Mirror Image? That's a rather.. peculiar name, if you don't mind my saying. But I like it. Has a nice ring to it." He gave a small, half smile as he said this.

He let a couple seconds pass before speaking again, "I'd like to ask you a few more questions, but before that, would you like to come inside? I can't imagine lying on the ground is an exactly comfortable position to have a conversation."




@@Pripyat Pony,@@Princess-Sunbutt,


 Luna growled deeply as her attack was revealed to be in vain. She should have expected as much. The Princess lept backwards, glaring at the dragon pony before her, "Your attempts are futile, vile one. Simple words will not undermine our relationship with our Sister... It is our own duty to fight you. Celestia has her own." Luna readied her scythe for another attack, bearing her teeth in a sort of hybrid between a grin and grimace, "Shall We try again?"


The Princess of the Night crouched low, readying herself for another quick lunge. Her plan this time was to press the attack, rather than make one single swipe. If Avarice used her little afterimage trick and appeared just behind it again like last time, one of the other strikes was sure to hit. And if she appeared further away, Luna could use her momentum from the dash and quickly change course to continue the attack. However, before she could begin, a voice thundered out of the dreary skies. She almost took her attention from Avarice, but resisted the urge - to do so would likely be a fatal mistake. Luna did not have to look to recognize the source of the voice, however. The sound itself was enough, even in such a tone that she hadn't heard in over a millennium. Celestia had come... But why?


Luna stayed her attack, instead listening to what Avarice shouted in response. She snorted, "And you would call us arrogant. You forget, that while you were trapped in your prison, we have both of us had over one thousand years to hone our skills and grow our power. We will not need the Elements to defeat you this time." It was a bluff, at least on Luna's part, though she did a very good job of not showing it. She knew that she was at relatively the same power as when first she had fought Avarice, but now she was in fact without the Elements, which didn't help her chances. Perhaps if Avarice had broken free when she was still Nightmare Moon... Maybe then she would have had the power to defeat her... It would be many more years before Luna gained that power once again, and this time actually control it.


However, the younger of the Royal Sisters remained in place, glancing briefly to Celestia after Avarice gave her ultimatum. It was a tough decision, truly. But Luna knew what her answer would be. While she loved the former Element Bearers and considered them all to be some of her closest friends, knowing their fate was not worth giving up Equestria to Avarice. Six lives were not worth the millions that would be ruined. But diplomacy was Celestia's place... Luna deferred to her judgement in such situations. Celestia initially seemed to be turning down the offer, which both relieved and saddened Luna. The counter offer that the elder sister provided seemed risky at best... Avarice was named for greed, after all. A claim in the badlands would not be enough to sate her...


What was said next, however, alarmed her greatly. So much so, that she actually broke her ocular hold with Avarice to giver Celestia a wide eyed and startled look. Luna stomped her armored hoof down on the stone beneath her with enough force to crack the surface as she shouted, "Sister, no! You cannot offer yourself!" Luna looked quickly back to Avarice, "You should know as well as We do that this vile creature will not uphold her end of the bargain! You will doom us all if you do this.."

Edited by 00Pony
  • Brohoof 1

Xbox Live gamertag: ArgentVulpes636. 

"Greater love, hath no man than this, that he would lay down his life for his friends." -- John 15:13

"Do not judge, or you too will be judged. For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you." -- Matthew 7:1

"If you can't fly then run, if you can't run then walk, if you can't walk then crawl, but whatever you do you have to keep moving forward." -- Martin Luther King Jr.

Rest In Peace, Monty OumWe'll keep moving forward.

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@@IridscentNionios, Diego thought for a minute or two, then replied. "Well," he said, "I was in the bar as normal, and the Summer Sun Celebration was going on. I don't normally bother with that, but there were lots of ponies about. They were holding it in Trottingham this year; they hold it in a different town every year. I only went out cuz there were lots of ponies screaming and running about and I wanted to know what was going on so that nopony could blame me. You see, cuz of my talent being for chaos magic, whenever something like this happens, ponies assume that it's me. I saw this weird pony out there who looked almost like an alicorn but had dragon wings and a tail, then the ground sort of collapsed under me and I blacked out. Then when I woke up, I was here."


@@Gloomfury, "Well," Clare replied, with a smile. "You can help me make the video for one thing. For another, perhaps we ought to get to know each other better." She kissed Shamrock again, this time on the mouth. "I've never met any person like you before, but I'm glad I did."



Signature and avatar by Pucksterv.






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@@Pripyat Pony,


 The kiss took Shamrock a little by surprise. But it made her smile as well, along with a light blush. She put her feet down and stood back up to move closer to Clare. "I like choice two. And I've literally never met anyone like you before. I've met some diamond dogs but you're the first human. And I'm glad." She rest her ares around Clare's shoulders to pull her closer.

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