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open Casual stroll

Blitz Boom

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@Blitz Boom @Melke@Seamore Sandwich@Denim&Venom@cwhip9@Magos Amphrose,


"Nice to meet you Blitz Boom! Hmm. The tree exploded from a wrong tune? Well I'm not surprised. Many things in this magnificent forest are very sensetive to vibrations, take parasprites for instance... I should take a sample of the seve, could be useful for some experiments.The ammonium sulfide smells like rotten eggs if I remember correctly. You are right, harming others isn't much fun, it is much funnier pranking them! Although I'm not a very skilled at bombs of massive destruction, I created a variety of what I call joker bombs. I have some in my bag. Wait a second, they must be in my bag somewere."


As he finished talking, Missklang dived in to the bush were he landed not so long ago. After a while, he came back with a small brown bag.


"Look what I got!"


He exclaimed as he turned his bag upside down and started violently shaking it. A bunch of cherry-sized multicolored bombs fell on the grass.


"I made them myself! Each colour has different effect. And don't need fire to start working. Just pull the string and it will explode on contact after you throw it. The purple one make you speak in reverse for a day, the blue one freeze water in five-meter radious, the red one have an opposite effect but don't worry, it simply melt snow, ice, wax and other similar stuff around it. The white one is one of my favorites, the thing it explode into starts growing permanent hair. I tested it on a pony back at Poniville.It took three hours to to cut it all. It even works on frogs! It's realy funny because they start to float roll around. The black one cover a small area in darkness, and the yellow cause a flash of intense light. The brown one explodes into wipped cream and the pink one color objects in random colors. Come on, let me show you."


Missklang picked up a small pink bomb, and after pulling the fuse throwed it in the bushes. After a small detonation, the bushes and the ground around became colored in rainbow colors. Smiling proudly, he turned back to Blitz.


"It last only until water touch it so after a rain, the colours usualy disapear. Go on, have as many as you want. I have a lot after all. Beware though because I can't remember what other colours do."

Edited by Missklang
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Gold listened to the pegius disucss the invention. "Would it not be possible to create a similar magical feild tha peigus use to pull a carrage thus making it float off the ground. I"m no expert on manipulation just a theory." He stated while letting out yawn. "hmm is prety late isn't it?"

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"Hehe. Well, it is my invention so I can do what I want with it."


I cross my fore-legs, leaning back in the seat. I then get up and head to the driver's compartment.


"Well, if anyone wants SugarCube Corner, its right outside. Otherwise, if you'll kindly exit the vehicle I have places to be."


I gesture for them to exit the bus.

"This is what we've been racing towards." - Forza Motorsport 6 tag-line.



Links to my OCs.

Wildfire Blaze (main): https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/wildfire-blaze-r8846

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Gold rolls his eyes some at the remark a little miffed at the ovious magical advancmed that could be made. Probably pegisus pride or hidden dislike of unicorns if theroized. With a bow at the inventor and litte yawn, he exited the bus and looked around more. It was pretty late and thus began walked down the street towards his Uncles place.

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Creset Finaly woke up to see more ponys to the party and priestess seemed to be impaled by the staff the cat had. He slowly moved back up shaking his head awake "looks like karma hit both of us then" he said grinning at the fox


@Blitz Boom @Melke@Seamore Sandwich@Denim&Venom@cwhip9@Magos Amphrose,


"Nice to meet you Blitz Boom! Hmm. The tree exploded from a wrong tune? Well I'm not surprised. Many things in this magnificent forest are very sensetive to vibrations, take parasprites for instance... I should take a sample of the seve, could be useful for some experiments.The ammonium sulfide smells like rotten eggs if I remember correctly. You are right, harming others isn't much fun, it is much funnier pranking them! Although I'm not a very skilled at bombs of massive destruction, I created a variety of what I call joker bombs. I have some in my bag. Wait a second, they must be in my bag somewere."


As he finished talking, Missklang dived in to the bush were he landed not so long ago. After a while, he came back with a small brown bag.


"Look what I got!"


He exclaimed as he turned his bag upside down and started violently shaking it. A bunch of cherry-sized multicolored bombs fell on the grass.


"I made them myself! Each colour has different effect. And don't need fire to start working. Just pull the string and it will explode on contact after you throw it. The purple one make you speak in reverse for a day, the blue one freeze water in five-meter radious, the red one have an opposite effect but don't worry, it simply melt snow, ice, wax and other similar stuff around it. The white one is one of my favorites, the thing it explode into starts growing permanent hair. I tested it on a pony back at Poniville.It took three hours to to cut it all. It even works on frogs! It's realy funny because they start to float roll around. The black one cover a small area in darkness, and the yellow cause a flash of intense light. The brown one explodes into wipped cream and the pink one color objects in random colors. Come on, let me show you."


Missklang picked up a small pink bomb, and after pulling the fuse throwed it in the bushes. After a small detonation, the bushes and the ground around became colored in rainbow colors. Smiling proudly, he turned back to Blitz.


"It last only until water touch it so after a rain, the colours usualy disapear. Go on, have as many as you want. I have a lot after all. Beware though because I can't remember what other colours do."

seeing the miny explosion made cresent jump more awake now with his blade out from reflex. Then looking at Missklang and blitz boom he said "ok who are you two or did you show up from the tree blowing me up?" he said pointing with the blade

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"Oh cool! Thank you."


Blitz went directly for the newcomers nearest leg, giving it a tight hug as she couldn't reach his neck. Her metallic wings were a bit heavy, so it tended to strain ponies necks, so she wasn't going for that anymore. Besides, this was fine too, still counted as a hug.


Looking down into the bag, she picked one of each colour, turning them now and again in her hoof, having the clear look of somepony thinking about opening them and trying to figure out what was in them. That, or try to set fire to them anyway just to see if that'd work too, but that was an idea she had about a lot of things.


"I have some fun things too. Hold on."


Blitz turned to her own little bag, untied the piece of rope holding it together and then when it opened, separated the things in tere into what there was.


There were two dynamite sticks made from Timberwolf bark and with a long fuse in them. They were coloured in a circling, random pattern of pink spirals to give them some colour,, but their general usage should be easy enough to guess.


Beside it were a small contraption that looked like a closed, metallic pinecone with a winding key on the top, then three small balls around the size of berries in different colours, a sort of ball with dull spikes coming from it in various colours, with the black one having a long fuse to make it easier to see, and then next to it the largest thing in there, which was hard to not see for what it was: A bomb.


Not a small thing either, this thing was packed in steel, which was something she only did with the very high explosives, and though it looked a bit rough she had made it easy to remember to be careful by drawing a skull and crossbones, like a warning label on it. A  bit crudely, granted, but she was an inventor, not an artist.


"This here's dynamite. This thing I don't really have a name for, but it makes a big shockwave when it goes off that's fun against the tree puppies. These are firecrackers and a smoke bomb, though I can't remember which on the smoke one is... I need to label them better.


Anyway, this thing I call a Rainbow Inferno, and then there's my best toy-"


Blitz rolled the bomb a little closer, then held it between her front legs whilst she sat down so she could raise it up and present it better, with her *mad scientist* vibe starting to glance over her eyes again.


"I call *Cave maker*, because the one time I made another one, it made a big hole in a mountain after a earth-shattering kaboom. It's the most fun thing ever. You want any of them? Oh, or you could come by my workshop, and I could find you something else? I got a lot of- Huh?"


Blitz turned around when she heard the other pony, bomb still in her hooves and grinned when she saw who it was.


"Yey, Mr. bat pony is okay!"


She gave him a big grin and giggled, not letting go of the explosive in her hooves.


"Uuuh, nice sharpy. And we gt here not long before the big kaboom! I was looking for the funny-coloured leaves for some fireworks with my friends, and Missklang went Zap, Thump out of the sky just before."








"Sounds like you got a good plan there then. I'll hope that it'll come to fruition, and that we'll see this thing done right eventually. For now, I have to get back to my prisoner anyway and prepare for morning. Been a pleasure ma'am, sir."


He bowed slightly with his neck at the last two words, one towards Wildfire, and one towards John Doe, or what his name would turn out to actually be. Just before he got out, he turned towards Wildfire a last time.


"Try an' stay safe."


With the minor thing said, he went the last few steps out of the bus, spread his wings and started to fly off at high speed towards his home. He had gotten some air now, and a bit of distraction from the whole shebang with the vendor, so he had gotten the distance from things he wanted out of this lil' detour and then some. Now it was time to get back, get papers and such sorted, and then be prepared to meet up with both the ones who had property damaged by the vendor and then see if they would press charges, and then afterwards the town's mayor to introduce himself, and get talks going about letting him set up an actual cell to hold offending ponies in.


Frankly it was sounding like a long day, but he had worked overtime at the guard before. Unless this took three days straight and involved a swarm of Changelings, he had tried worse.


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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@@Blitz Boom


"I'll see you later then."


I wave goodbye to both of them and close the main doors. I then press the gas pedal and the bus moves off from SugarCube Corner. I drive through Ponyville for a while and come across a bar with a sign outside saying that Vinyl is playing tonight. I stop the bus outside the bar and enter it, heading to the bar and ordering a cider.

"This is what we've been racing towards." - Forza Motorsport 6 tag-line.



Links to my OCs.

Wildfire Blaze (main): https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/wildfire-blaze-r8846

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@Blitz Boom @Melke@Seamore Sandwich@Denim&Venom@cwhip9@Magos Amphrose


As Blitz was revealing his collection to him, Missklangs eyes sparked with exitement. 


"Wow! That's some heavy artilery you got here! Be careful, It would be such a shame if the fire get to the bag. I guess the blast will be impressive. But I assume you reiforce your bag with some dragon skin? It is incredibly resistant and totaly fire and lava proof. I just can't refuse an invitation. I'm sure if we join our forces, we will cook up something impressive."


Suddenly, he heard a voice. A grey pony was standing some meters away.




"ok who are you two or did you show up from the tree blowing me up?"
"Yey, Mr. bat pony is okay! Uuuh, nice sharpy. And we gt here not long before the big kaboom! I was looking for the funny-coloured leaves for some fireworks with my friends, and Missklang went Zap, Thump out of the sky just before."



The pony was pointig at him some sort of blade. He sensed powerfull black magic coming from it. He could not tell if it was a normal batpony or a vampire as the dark magic was preventing him to see the batpony's aura. The sword didn't look friendly so Missklang tried to find a possible escape route if he got attacked. If it was a vampire, he was doomed. No way he could outrun such speedy thing. Quickly using his magic, he grabbed his minibombs and stuffed them into his bag, leaving just the yellow one. He hadn't recovered enough magic to teleport Blitz with him so if he got attacked, he would use it to temporaly blind the enemy, giving him and Blitz time to escape.


"Well hello sir! I certainly didn't blew you up! I'm more accurate than that. Will you mind stop pointing your toothpick at me? You are making me nervous! We are no harm to you. The dark artifacts are quite dangerous, don't use them without need. It could attract all sorts of creatures from the forest."

Edited by Missklang
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@Melke@Seamore Sandwich@cwhip9@Blitz Boom, @Magos Amphrose, @DiscordDraconequus


Priestess eyed the two explosives engineers warily. She started backing away from them. "I think it best we resume our conversation somewhere over there." She said to Vivid and Briar as she awkwardly started backing up, key staff scraping on the dirt. Keeping her eyes on the toxic twins.  Having worked in pyrotechnics, demolitions and ordinance, she knew when to start making distance. 


She heard crescent wake up and make his karma comment. "And what did I do to deserve the wrath of an opinionated act of fate?" 

  • Brohoof 1

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@@Blitz Boom






The smell of fresh baked muffins filled the air, and Seamore slowed down with cutting the tree. A little bit of a smile grew on his face but he fought it and switched hooves. He was still feeling a bit of a tickle from the tree, it was time to take a break from this tree. He takes the saw over to the other tree he marked, the one Charlie pointed to, and began cutting. This tree gave him a lot less trouble and, after cutting for a little while, "TIMBER!" The tree came down right where he had planed, away from the others, letting out another blue whisp.


Meanwhile, Charlie awoke to find himself in the Realm of Dreams, a world full of color and light, though it was starry like the night. Charlie could see it all, a sense he did not have before, even when he had possessed Briar. The trees he knew before were there and he could recognize them even though some of them had taken on new forms. They explained his new state and how he could change his own form, then they explained what all the new senses were to him, but after they explained sight to him he had to ask "Is it normal for beings of our previous world to not be able to see?" They explained that most mortal creatures could see, though some did not have that ability, but usually their other senses made up for it. "Is there any way I could return to that world?" he asked, but none were sure of the answer. They told him they did not know for sure, but if it were possible, he would probably need a physical form.

Edited by Seamore Sandwich
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Oh, or you could come by my workshop, and I could find you something else? I got a lot of- Huh?"


Blitz turned around when she heard the other pony, bomb still in her hooves and grinned when she saw who it was.


"Yey, Mr. bat pony is okay!"


She gave him a big grin and giggled, not letting go of the explosive in her hooves.


"Uuuh, nice sharpy. And we gt here not long before the big kaboom! I was looking for the funny-coloured leaves for some fireworks with my friends, and Missklang went Zap, Thump out of the sky just before."


 Cresent blinked not sure how to react to this one, bomb in hoof he went from asking an unkwon for all he knew spy to being blown up and seeing an...innocent looking wouldn't be the first thought but......... something told him the mare ether ment well or he should just step very very VERY lightly around this one


@Blitz Boom @Melke@Seamore Sandwich@Denim&Venom@cwhip9@Magos Amphrose


As Blitz was revealing his collection to him, Missklangs eyes sparked with exitement. 


"Wow! That's some heavy artilery you got here! Be careful, It would be such a shame if the fire get to the bag. I guess the blast will be impressive. But I assume you reiforce your bag with some dragon skin? It is incredibly resistant and totaly fire and lava proof. I just can't refuse an invitation. I'm sure if we join our forces, we will cook up something impressive."


Suddenly, he heard a voice. A grey pony was standing some meters away.






The pony was pointig at him some sort of blade. He sensed powerfull black magic coming from it. He could not tell if it was a normal batpony or a vampire as the dark magic was preventing him to see the batpony's aura. The sword didn't look friendly so Missklang tried to find a possible escape route if he got attacked. If it was a vampire, he was doomed. No way he could outrun such speedy thing. Quickly using his magic, he grabbed his minibombs and stuffed them into his bag, leaving just the yellow one. He hadn't recovered enough magic to teleport Blitz with him so if he got attacked, he would use it to temporaly blind the enemy, giving him and Blitz time to escape.


"Well hello sir! I certainly didn't blew you up! I'm more accurate than that. Will you mind stop pointing your toothpick at me? You are making me nervous! We are no harm to you. The dark artifacts are quite dangerous, don't use them without need. It could attract all sorts of creatures from the forest."

Cresent sheethed the blade. This one was to nice for it based of the blood flow he was hearing from this one. pluse the more he thought about it maybe he should relax more, after all he did just get done fighting a giant spider


"my aplogys kind of a hey of a ride for me today. makes an bat edgy with suroundings and" looking at the fox "surprise's"


@Melke@Seamore Sandwich@cwhip9@Blitz Boom, @Magos Amphrose, @DiscordDraconequus


Priestess eyed the two explosives engineers warily. She started backing away from them. "I think it best we resume our conversation somewhere over there." She said to Vivid and Briar as she awkwardly started backing up, key staff scraping on the dirt. Keeping her eyes on the toxic twins.  Having worked in pyrotechnics, demolitions and ordinance, she knew when to start making distance. 


She heard crescent wake up and make his karma comment. "And what did I do to deserve the wrath of an opinionated act of fate?"

Cresent smiled at the response "told you to show yourself at the fire but nope you didn't listen to the bat" he said half smugly "and lets not get started on the 2nd spider in the fight" he found himself rounding on the fox

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@Melke@Seamore Sandwich@cwhip9@Blitz Boom, @Magos Amphrose, @DiscordDraconequus


"And it worked out didn't it? I was the backup plan. I was waiting in the wings in the event of an ambush. Should things go awry, I would be there to counterattack from the outside. If I reveled my... self, hang on-" She said as she awkwardly rounded a puddle of chaos venom. "Then I would've been part of your guys' plan, and not there to fix it should anything go wrong. Passively listening and gathering intel is the smart way to do things on a dangerous mission. Besides, it's it's not my fault you completely forgot about me. Talk about ADD.


"And speaking of 2nd spider that reminds me, I need to go get my Shikigami." She stopped, unsteadily turned around in order to get a look at where her paper spider got put. "And it's probably underneath the real spider. Forget it I'll just make another one." 

  • Brohoof 1

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@@Blitz Boom







Seamore got back to cutting the other tree, then he heard the comment about ADD. "Hey, I heard that! I may have ADD but that doesn't make me deaf." Now that he was distracted he didn't notice the tickling feeling the tree was giving him, so he didn't switch hooves. All of a sudden 'ZAP!' The tree gave him a shock, one of its natural magic defenses. He wasn't even aware that the 'ADD' comment wasn't directed at him. Shortly after being electrocuted, he went back to cutting, finishing his work. "TIMBER!" The last tree they needed was down, all that was left now was to get the logs out of the forest, find a buyer, make the trade, and give each of the others their shares.

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@@Seamore Sandwich

@@Blitz Boom





Syo landed with her face planting into the ground. Her ears flopped down and her tail lost any sort of strength and laid flat on the ground.


You could have at least caught me... How could this day get any worse?


Syo slowly got up but then she saw some glass shards and then she quickly pulled off her goggles, only find one of the lens broken. Her expression turned from annoyance to shock and then to sadness. Syo held onto it as she walked slowly back to the group. She heard a lot of talking and somewhat discussion. Syo looked up slightly and saw her staff... impaling a fox.


"Wow... I have done teleport displacement before but... this is just nuts... Hold on, I will pull it right out." Syo said as she hung the broken goggles around her shoulder and started to walk closer to the fox.


Syo was about to close in when suddenly an explosion caught her off and made her fall down again. Then Syo heard another shout.






The tree fell down and managed to bounce Syo slightly.


"Can someone here get me a cure for this venom... before I start to snap?" Syo growled as she got up for about the third time. "Also, I need to get these fixed!"

My RP OCs: Melke the catSyo the feline explorer, Saber the feral pony

Check out my art stuff at deviantart or request something from my request shop.


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@@Seamore Sandwich,






"Hehe, they bicker like an old couple."


Blitz giggled and put down her bomb, rolling it to the side so she didn't step on it and fall... Again.


"Oh, right, the bag thing."


She leaned backwards a good deal so she could see up at Missklang without turning around.


"I just found it in the trash in Ponyville. I get all sorts of usable things there like crates, jars, bags, metal, springs, cloth, a few times tools, candles and more more more! A lot is broken, sure, but there's all sorts of goodies, and trying to put things together again can be fun, even if it doesn't always work."


She pointed over towards the *pinecone*.


"That used to be a music box. I couldn't get it to play again, but it's still fun, long as you hold your ears or it gets owie in your head."


When the tree hit the ground it made her fall back the last part and land flat on her back after trying feebly to keep some balance. A sight that entertained the watching Vivid before she went over to the other part the fox had pointed out. This time it was not seen on her face, nor did any laughter escape her, but not everything had to be shown either.


In fact she preferred that ponies knew as little about what truly went through her head as possible.Her thoughts were often calculating the worth of life, past horrors or planning based on what was around, going to even parts of thinking about potential ways to... *neutralize* enemies if needed.


It was thoughts that experience had taught her very few wanted to know or see in too many details, and she had a hard enough time as it was gaining trust considering everything, so a while before her imprisonment, she had just started to put on a mask so to speak, and had gotten used to keeping the majority of her emotions, thoughts and so forth to herself.


Granted, it still bred some mistrust because she was now silent and elusive at times about what she really had going, but at least they didn't directly know what was going on and could prepare for it/use it against her, though few times it did get through, like before with the fox. Not something that mattered as joy was not as bad a feeling to show as fear, but she would still have to remember to get a grip in herself more now, even if she was tired to the bone.


Briar followed near, but also kept his mouth shut for the time being. Every step made him feel... Used, so to speak. In a sense one could say that he had been, but he suspected that the baser version of it was simply that after everything that had soared through him the last 10-20 minutes now, he was starting to feel the aftershock of everything, which currently was some aching, and the feeling of wanting to sit on a rock and rest, sleeping for the sunlight to shine down upon him with it's warm glow.


It wasd not the time for that now though. The trees were being harvested, and with that, the seeds Seamore had spoken of before should be ready. He had a part to do there before he could even think of leaving, though really, he hoped it would be soon. Both because he was getting tired, but also because it was likely rather late right now, and he had been away for far longer than he had told Brittle. The filly would have to be worried about him.


Or well, more so than usually anyway.


"So that was two trees fallen then. Seamore? may I inquire how far along the process is with the third one?"


That's when the third hit the ground, making him chuckle slightly at the timing of this.


"Well answered."







"Alright everypony, are you having a good time?"


A pony spoke into a speaker standing in the corner not far after Wildfire had gotten into the somewhat quiet bar, whilst spread words of *Yeah*, *Totally* and some *Wooo*'s were heard in response. There had still been some music when she had gotten in there, sure, but it was not the kind you'd associate with Vinyl. It was far too low rung for her.


"How could they when the music's this dull?"


A big salute was heard as the well known figure of Vinyl Scratch showed up on stage and put her hoof on the machine controlling the music, making it go silent as she twirled a record on her other front hoof like it was a basketball, grinning down at the gathered ponies that had come here for a show.


"What say you Ponyville? Should we crank this up a notch?"


With that - and under a good deal more *Woo'ing* than before - Vinyl let go of the record, and while it fell down on the spinner and she pushed her headphones down so they covered her ears, just gave a grin towards the crowd that had come here to hear her set fire to this party.


"Then let's raise the roof!"


With that, a noise that was suitable for this usual crowd burst out of the speakers around the room whilst Vinyl started to DJ the party like she always did: With a grin on her face, her head bopping with the beat, and her hooves running over the buttons and her eyes briefly looking over the crowd before closing them behind the big glasses so she could focus on the sound.

Edited by Blitz Boom


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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@@Blitz Boom


I smile as Vinyl's trademark wubs start up, bobbing my head to the beat. The waiter at the bar slides the cider over to me and I take it in my hoof and raising it up, shouting at the top of my lungs:




I then take a big swig, downing half of the mug in one go. I slam it on top of the counter, wiping my muzzle with a hoof, grinning from ear to ear.

"This is what we've been racing towards." - Forza Motorsport 6 tag-line.



Links to my OCs.

Wildfire Blaze (main): https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/wildfire-blaze-r8846

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@Blitz Boom @Melke@Seamore Sandwich@Denim&Venom@cwhip9@Magos Amphrose



"I just found it in the trash in Ponyville. I get all sorts of usable things there like crates, jars, bags, metal, springs, cloth, a few times tools, candles and more more more! A lot is broken, sure, but there's all sorts of goodies, and trying to put things together again can be fun, even if it doesn't always work."


"I undestand. I do scavenging all the time. The stuff ponies throw sometimes is unbelieveble!"


He wached the batpony lower his weapon. Missklang felt that he can be trusted. So he his bomb i his bag and nodded in a friendly manner.




"Can someone here get me a cure for this venom... before I start to snap? Also, I need to get these fixed!"



Missklang was surprised to hear mewings. As he turned around, he saw a semi-bald cat with sad face who were holding some sort of winter googles. Suddenly, he felt strong chaos magic coming from her. Due to her size, this amount of concentration was deadly if she couldn't absorb it. He must do something, luckly he studied chaos magic for several years now, and was able to save the cat. He shouldn't waste time, so he rushed towards her.


"Wait! Let me help you. Don't move."


Once near, he scanned the cat to locate the source of the chaos magic. Carefully, he placed his horn on her forehead and slowly drained the poisonous magic. Without it, the poison was harmless, so the cat should be just fine. He felt that his power grow a little from the extra magic, but it was too impure for him to safely absorb it. He searched around for something to use a spell on. His eyes laid on the goggles the cat was holding.


"OK, here I go" he whispered, as he channeled the magic towards the googles. They glowed dark purple as the shards of glass levitated to their former place. He holded the fixed goggles to the cat. Something felt wrong about her, like a disturbance. He got a distinct feeling that she wasn't suppose to be here. It wasn't the first time he felt that way. It was similar to the feeling he got from a pony from Poniville. The cat somehow was a time traveler. He smiled silently.


"This is becoming very interesting"

Edited by Missklang
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@Melke@Seamore Sandwich@cwhip9@Blitz Boom, @Magos Amphrose, @DiscordDraconequus


"And it worked out didn't it? I was the backup plan. I was waiting in the wings in the event of an ambush. Should things go awry, I would be there to counterattack from the outside. If I reveled my... self, hang on-" She said as she awkwardly rounded a puddle of chaos venom. "Then I would've been part of your guys' plan, and not there to fix it should anything go wrong. Passively listening and gathering intel is the smart way to do things on a dangerous mission. Besides, it's it's not my fault you completely forgot about me. Talk about ADD.


"And speaking of 2nd spider that reminds me, I need to go get my Shikigami." She stopped, unsteadily turned around in order to get a look at where her paper spider got put. "And it's probably underneath the real spider. Forget it I'll just make another one." 

Cresent laughed, he wanted to do more but he didn't want to spook the pyros standing near by into...well blowing things up.


"ok where to begin with this, heres an thought" he began slowly walking towards the fox "1 back up or not letting your team know your side of the plan will make it less likely for more complications popping up" he didn't care if his vampire teeth were showing as he continued his approach


"2 I only forgot because you passed me once, being by the fire and sense you didn't react to me its an usual conclusion I thought I herd things, till you crossed me a second time. ADD has nothing to do with it" Cresnt stoped till he was an arms length away to make this point now glowering at the fox he didn't realize his wings were spreading slowly as if ready for a chase/another fight. The wings began to flap slowly and now cresent was eye level with the fox    


"And 3, well if say I were a pony that didn't like surprise's....things would have gotten out of hoof pretty fast if brier and what ever blew me up didnt stop me" He new this wouldn't settle everything between them but he needed to make his point. And it truly was Briar that made him think twice, and now the explosive duo that showed up as well that all but stopped him from going on his instinct


He then realized he was flapping his wings to gain eye level with the fox then stopped and landed in front if her now realizing how tired he REALLY was "just be more carful. now about the staff" he approached her side listening to her blood flow. After examining where the staff was he said

"It is deep enough to caus harm if we pull it but if we can find a good cover to slap on it after words it'll probably be a few days before you can move around safly. then it'll be a matter if you can get back to your true form and not this fox your not. I wonder if the princess would know of a spell that would help, or maybe zacora"

He looked at the party around him again, "or did I miss that get planned out as well?"  


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@Melke@Seamore Sandwich@cwhip9@Blitz Boom, @Magos Amphrose, @DiscordDraconequus


Priestess looked Crescent dead in the eyes. Unfazed at his lecture or his posture. "Allow me to put this into words you can understand, colt."


"Már megverte jobb. Már szimatolt ki rosszabbul. Még ebben az állapotban, még tudtam bizonyítani, hogy a dolgok véget ért volna neked, ha nem kap ki a pata. Tehát az lenne a legjobb, hogy tartsa a hang ellenőrzés körülöttem."

(I've been beaten by better. I've snuffed out worse. Even in this state, I could still demonstrate how things would have ended for you if the did get out of hoof. So it would be best to keep your tone in check around me.)


She said in Enochian, tongue of the bat pony tribes. 


"Regardless, my apologies for not going by the book. I'll send you a memo next time so your feelings don't get hurt. Boy are you sensitive. I go invisible for the majority of one trip into the woods, and you're holding a grudge long after the fact. Getting pissy about it serves no one. So move on and focus on what the present holds." 


"And about the staff. Yes, I am acutely aware of how deep it is within me. You can't get much deep than CLEAR OUT THE OTHER SIDE." She emphasized, in both words and slightly dragging the staff along the ground. 


"But thanks for still caring so much, in spite of what I did."  

  • Brohoof 1

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@Melke@Seamore Sandwich@cwhip9@Blitz Boom, @Magos Amphrose, @DiscordDraconequus


Priestess looked Crescent dead in the eyes. Unfazed at his lecture or his posture. "Allow me to put this into words you can understand, colt."


"Már megverte jobb. Már szimatolt ki rosszabbul. Még ebben az állapotban, még tudtam bizonyítani, hogy a dolgok véget ért volna neked, ha nem kap ki a pata. Tehát az lenne a legjobb, hogy tartsa a hang ellenőrzés körülöttem."

(I've been beaten by better. I've snuffed out worse. Even in this state, I could still demonstrate how things would have ended for you if the did get out of hoof. So it would be best to keep your tone in check around me.)


She said in Enochian, tongue of the bat pony tribes. 


"Regardless, my apologies for not going by the book. I'll send you a memo next time so your feelings don't get hurt. Boy are you sensitive. I go invisible for the majority of one trip into the woods, and you're holding a grudge long after the fact. Getting pissy about it serves no one. So move on and focus on what the present holds." 


"And about the staff. Yes, I am acutely aware of how deep it is within me. You can't get much deep than CLEAR OUT THE OTHER SIDE." She emphasized, in both words and slightly dragging the staff along the ground. 


"But thanks for still caring so much, in spite of what I did."  

Cresents eyes grew when he herd the Enochine. He rarely herd an utter word of it sense he lived in the forrest. This also brought up so many questions then answer's about the







spy he decided to term her, until they somhow got past this, He decided to roll out some of the old bat tounge himself to lessen the tension if the others new what they were really saying he had a hunch it could get worse


"Ti shama mur toy ki ro?!  niko seka payta mezzo sheoa do pun neka sot bada justa ko cresbada"

(do you want help or not?!, lets just get thu this without killing each other im done fighting for tonight) same language she was using cresent soon realized the two just had two different accents which made more questions pop into the batponys head

He looked at the rod again "karma runs both ways sis" he turnd towards the cat from before hand seeing the lack of fur. "syo was it? can I ask what the staff is made out of perhaps?"   



  • Brohoof 1
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There wasn't anything to Vinyl but the music as she stood there, bopping her head, listening intently and turning some buttons on the machinery in front of her to make it hit the sweet spot after it had been used to the other album before it.


Generally her music ran on a set frequency setting on these things, but it wasn't the same model she had at home, and with the other album in before the tuning wasn't perfect. Nearly, but not enough, and she wasn't gonna half-ass it when everypony had come to hear her work.


About three minutes into the beat she felt it had hit just the right spot, and had kept around for a minute more just to be perfectly sure before she went down from the podium and sneaked over towards the bar. Or well, *sneaked* was perhaps saying a lot. She were half-dancing, following the beat going through her headphones whilst she made her way over to get something to drink.


Ponies didn't really get over to her as much as you might think when it was. They wanted to hear her music more than anything after all, and since she was still around Ponyville in general not many had the need to go up to her and interrupt their good times. Good times that were gonna last as long as she kept the music flowing, and right now she had a good... Oh, 10 minutes or so before she had to go change things up from here.


When she eventually reached the bar, she looked at the barkeep who knew what she wanted and got it promptly on the desk. It wasn't something alcoholic, as she had to keep her senses alive and not drenched in cider for the night, but hey, it was still free. one of the props about being hired here was that she got liquored up free when it was she was performing in here as part of their contract, so though it wasn't alcoholic it still carried some taste of it, and who would pass up something down the gutter that didn't cost a bit?


The mug was put down with the golden liquid that was essentially nectar mixed with fruit juice into a pretty, and rather sweet-tasting drink. She had tried pure nectar before, but yuck, Way too sweet. It needed some Zing, or she might as well have been gnawing on a candy cane.


Taking a good solid swig, she looked to her side to see a pony that looked to getting into the spirit of things and grinned at her whilst lifting the headphones a little. The music was still clear, but it wouldn't drown out everything and everypony now.


"Getting in the groove?"


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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@@Blitz Boom


I am bemused. D... Did my idol just talk to me!? I can't believe it. Ok Wildfire. Calm down. Don't want to ruin the moment now, do I?


"Heck yeah! Your music always brightens up my day. I'm Wildfire Blaze by the way and I'm looking to improve this nation's transport system. My lates creation is just outside. Wanna see what it is?"

"This is what we've been racing towards." - Forza Motorsport 6 tag-line.



Links to my OCs.

Wildfire Blaze (main): https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/wildfire-blaze-r8846

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@@Seamore Sandwich

@@Blitz Boom






Syo's eyes widened she felt this weird unicorn trace and then drained her of the chaos venom. As the venom clears, Syo felt a rush of joy and peace coming back into her. And her magic was starting to work again, she can feel it flowing through her body as the venom goes away. Syo closed her eyes as the unicorn finish sucking up the venom from her. Then the unicorn took her goggles (whimpering slightly as it was taken away from her paws) and repaired the lens and handed it back to her.


Syo took a close look at the googles, it was good as new. Syo's ears perked up again and her tail regained some of its life. Syo carefully wiped the lens and then put it back on.


"T--Thank you!" Syo cried out in normal language as she leapt up and hugged the strange unicorn. "You really saved my life, and my goggles!"


As Syo hugged the strange pony, she then realized her fur was still missing. Blushing slightly at the realization, she let go of the unicorn


This is one strange pony, I can't get a good reading without my staff but he gives me this strange vibe. Just Melke's when we first met, he is definitely a chaos magic user and his type of magic will interfere with my portal magic that requires focus.


And then, she heard:




"syo was it? can I ask what the staff is made out of perhaps?"   



"Nya? Oh- right! My staff?! Hold on... it is made of a very special material that even I can't describe, it is very durable and it is self-repairing." Syo said quickly as she got to the fox and then held out her paw. "To me!"


A few awkward seconds pass as nothing happened. The darkened staff just stayed impaled and Syo was left to sweat drop at her attempt to call it back.


"I guess it does not work when it is also infected with chaos venom... Give it about... three weeks to let the venom filter out on its own."

Edited by Melke

My RP OCs: Melke the catSyo the feline explorer, Saber the feral pony

Check out my art stuff at deviantart or request something from my request shop.


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This was the sort that made her arrange these gigs. not the free drinks or the music, since she could get most of that at home, but the adoring fans calling out her name and soaking her work to them like it were honey.


Sure, some fans were a tad mad in it, but it wasn't anything that couldn't be handled, even though it was sometimes hard to tell who the bonkers ones were and who was just a bit hyped in it. This one for example, Wildfire she thought the name were, was one of those grey zone ones that was hard to tell with, especially since rambling on about something outside.


Normally Vinyl wouldn't bother with this, but she had some time to spare, and it sounded like this one had something just outside anyway and not far away, so... Eh, why not? Sides, something about transport might be worth a look since that'd mean she'd have another shot at planning to go on tour without having two tons of gear stashed up on a cart that'd either break under the weight or would barely move.


Sure, she Could have used the train, but that was a bust after the first trip, and she'd yet to find something better. If this Wilfire gal had an alternative parked outside though... Well, it could be worth 30 seconds of her life to check out, right?


"Sure, I got a few minutes to spare. Lead the charge"


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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@@Blitz Boom


I down the last of my drink and motion for Vinyl to follow me and we go outside of the bar to where my bus is sat waiting.


"What do ya think of it then? Do you like it?"


I lean aginst the bus, crossing my legs over each other, a confident smile on my face as I ruffle my wings.

"This is what we've been racing towards." - Forza Motorsport 6 tag-line.



Links to my OCs.

Wildfire Blaze (main): https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/wildfire-blaze-r8846

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