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Blitz Boom

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On 2021-06-12 at 2:23 PM, EQ_Theta said:

“I wouldn’t say I have talent for dancing. More like I just picked up on what made sense and ran with it. That music is nothing like the kind I heard when growing up, but the energy and the rhythm were just right for the game. I wouldn’t know who came up with it, but I guess it’s popular enough to be included here.”

"I'm not personally a fan of this kind of music in all honesty. It feels too crowded for my taste, though I understand why it is a growing enjoyment in Equestria. It's something which incentivizes dancing, and heightens the adrenaline. There's merit to it, even if I don't much care to listen to it on a regular basis."

"The sound is familiar. Listened to houses in Ponyville. One with big glasses, poked at a metal box. Sounds like this came out."

She didn't have anything resembling a preference to music. To Omen, it were all just sounds. Though she did feel more interested in the sort with more of a performance to it. The kind where at the end, they'd smash their instruments, or an explosion of magical fireworks went on. Things with many colors during the performance too helped. These things were visually interesting to her, and the more chaotic, the better. The music itself though, wasn't really anything. She were one of the few where if she heard a bundle of cats meowing loudly, while something ran their hooves over a chalkboard, might think it were actually music.

On 2021-06-12 at 2:23 PM, EQ_Theta said:

“This night was meant for you, Rosa,” Sen replied, though his tone suggested that the night’s intended distraction was starting to wear off. “You know we… I… don’t like thinking about tomorrow, but we thought doing something fun would be good. Just us friends doing fun things just because, you know?” 

“Doesn’t matter what others think of you because of your past. You’ve given us a lot of memories and lessons, things that’ll remind us of you. If you ever find yourself in the forests the longma call home, you’ll always have a place with us regardless of what others will say.”

"*sniff* T-Thank you. You've given me m-much joy tonight, that I can carry with me for a l-long time."

His voice were almost breaking, as tears began rolling down his face. Not from Shrimp biting his snout - which he would stop when he saw the tears, as that seemed wrong to the little refraction - but just because of how emotional this moment felt. A city of joy and glorious memories that would last a lifetime, spend with the best friends he'd ever have. Even if they hadn't extended their invitation, to let him know that he would have a place to go, if ever he came around, he would still feel as if these were some he could always rely on. That it were said in words, just made his facade break down a little, as he were caught in the moment.

It would be a few minutes before he would let go of them, and if they listened to his breathing, they'd be able to tell that he were struggling to not sob, or audibly cry. These may be good friends, and some tears had fallen from his eyes, but he were still a prideful pony in a sense, and he didn't want to end up a mess right now. This was supposed to be a festive evening. Not something bad.

When eventually he had himself under control, he'd let go of them once again, and take a step back to look at them all. Sen and Lin's caring gazes. Omen's confusion and innocence, and Shrimp's concern. He may not understand what were going on, but there seemed to be a sad thing going on, and he didn't know how to respond to it.

"I wish this night could go on forever, but the clock is ticking, and we'll need some sleep before the trials. I need my energy for what is ahead. Could we please return to the cave? It would be nice with a few hours, resting in the calm moonlight."

It were hard to keep track of time here honestly, but he had managed to catch a glance at a large watch that were hanging from one of the trees. It looked fairly old, and were glowing in an oddly, pale light, but the visors on the wooden frame, pointed at it being about 02:30 in the night. As they were to get to the trial at around 8, they needed to leave now, if they were to get some sleep. He couldn't think of a way for this night to get better in any case. They had fun in some games, they had some good, long talks, and had finished it off with not just a dance off, but a good, emotional moment. He'd be able to go from here with happy memories, a full belly, and no regrets on the time spent.

If they agreed to go back, Rosa would start find himself a spot where the moon's light shone down, and lay flat on the ground. His wounds were still at a points where even if he felt fine, he were best off listening to the doctors orders about not hanging down for a while longer. He had also been told to take his medication to help the healing process, which were what would get him to raise up again after almost closing his eyes, to apply the last of it, before going back to his spot to rest. It were time to sleep, and prepare for the day to come.




"Everyone deserves a chance to show their good side, and I'm happy that we had yours blossom forth. Oh ancestors that was so cheesy, I wanna... *meep*"

The last part were barely audible, as Zeehva were listening to her own words before this, and hearing exactly how overtly cheesy and silly they sounded. Thankfully Magnolia seemed to want to move things along to some extend too, as she suddenly took control of both of their bowls of salad, and booped them together as if they were making a toast of sorts. A silly little display perhaps, but a welcome distraction, before Zeehva would get more of a blush on her reddening face. She did not like blushing up too much, as it were both somewhat embarrassing, and got focus on her that she didn't really wish for, as focus meant that others would begin to bite notice in her scars, and she'd prefer to not have questions, nor pity, sent her way for this. The more it were brought to attention by others, the more she'd wander near memory lane, and she did not wish to spend all day weeping. She did that enough as it were.

"W-Well uhm... Cheers, yes?"

She'd play along with this, and would bring up her bowl to pretend to be taking a sip of salad. She'd really just take a bite out, but still, it was the thought that counted for her. As she hadn't wanted ranch, her nose wasn't covered in something either as she took her muzzle out of the bow, so she could simply smile, and work on quickly trying to finish her bowl. They had things to do, and places to be likely, so it were best to finish this, her tea, and of course, the half brownie she had left.

She'd crunch through that as she looked around. In the corner of her eye, she'd note an old sign further from them, with the word *used* visible. That would catch her eye, as she waited for more to move along, that she may see what else it said. *Used Items* would be all she could see, but that may be enough. However, it were impossible to see from here if it were open. Though even if it were not, it might just mean she had a place in mind to visit in the morning now. Her working on the actual potions could wait until then. Long as she knew where to get her tools of the trade from, that were the important part.

As for the leering crowd, less and less would seem to do so. It appeared word had spread that Magnolia didn't like it, and the locals mostly didn't want to be rude, so most would just wander along, or keep it at short glances. Plus, a good deal also thought this were the two mares having a romantic moment, and didn't want to ruin that. Even for the dragons, that were seen as tactless.

"It's been a long time since I've been able to just sit around and eat with a friend. Not since Zebrica r-really. It's... Nice, yes. Hopefully we can get to do this more often.

Once you're done, I think I can m-maybe see a store with used goods. It's kinda hard to tell much from here, but it says used items at least. That sounds right at least. Though don't rush, okay? Eat in your own tempo. I'd be sad if you ended up choking on your meal, even if I could probably help you. CPR was a mandatory class in my school, when I grew up."



@SuriPolomare @Kujamih @Windy Breeze

On 2021-06-12 at 12:29 AM, Cali said:

'"We can definitely explode some stuff later but we need to get out and see the world sometimes, you know. Especially for something to do while your brother is healing up nicely. Perhaps you can use the history we learn, as inspiration for your inventions or explosives."

"Yeeeey! Future explosion friend!"

Blitz would jump forward, and hug Cali's leg. Quite tightly too, as she were latched on pretty good there while all the happy nearly oozed from her pores. Metaphorically speaking, of course. Had a changeling been near them, they would have started to feel ill from the overabundance of joy that came from the excitable little filly.

"Old stuff's lots of fun sometimes. Gives many, many fun ideas. Saw a weird case once, right? Right? And then some weird stones with funny powder, then suddenly- Got it! And whoosh, went home to make firecrackers. Seeing stuff sometimes make the brain go Ping!"

She'd giggle, and remain latched on until she were done hugging in a few minutes, or Cali managed to shake the filly off of her. Frankly, it were probably easier to just wait it out. She might not be a strong filly, but she were rather good at being clingy. She'd get that much.

On 2021-06-12 at 6:35 AM, Kujamih said:

Light would look at blue and Luna and back at Cali.

" I'm fine with it, as long as you'll be holding the keys Cali. That means you'll be the responsible one."


On 2021-06-12 at 12:29 AM, Cali said:

She turned to the female guard who spoke. "Sure, lets go!" Cali exclaimed, without much consideration for how the others felt on the matter.

"Okay. Then follow please. And for all that we hold dear: Please keep an eye on her. I'd be afraid if she suddenly got lost."

The guard did not specify if she meant for Blitz, or the rest of the townsfolks, but would just begin to show the way, once Blitz seemed about ready to wander, had been shaken off, or Cali just elected to walk with Blitz still latched on.

Through a few narrow streets, the guard would lead them on what she claimed to be a shortcut, despite there at times, being trashcans near walls of the alley's they were walking through as part of this trip as well. Not the best sight seeing honestly, but she wouldn't be lying. They'd got he most direct route, outside of straight up flying, and would be at the museum within six minutes.

The building were rather large and even the door to the entryway seemed old and kind of refined, though it were opened right now, to allow easier passage for the ones wandering in and out of there. The museum were one of the places the kingdom sponsored, so entry were free for all, though they had a gift shop if one were so inclined, at the end of the tour through the rather massive building, seemingly set into sections. The first part apparently being dedicated to pre-equine life, as it showed pictures and bones of various sorts of animals, and some tools leftover, though there were no depictions of whom might have used those. They still hadn't a clue where they came from, but the ancient looking tools were at times, somewhat impressive and relatively intricate, so it were a fun, curious thing to behold. Though the leading beliefs were that they were either leftover from when Discord were in charge, and were just twisted pieces of utensilies and tools from that period, or it belonged to a really old tribe of diamond dogs. That race had been around for a looooong time, in one fashion or a another. Though funnily enough they never seemed to get all that sophisticated. Perhaps evolution had just ended where it had for them, with that being considered the best it could be. Though other countries did have variations, so it might just be an oddity. Either way, there were things to see.



@Catpone Cerberus

The spot would move slowly closer to them, though in a very, very slow pace, so it were hard to tell, if you hadn't really tuned up your senses, or kept a close eye on it. Which it seemed most of them were. Regardless of it, Marley would wander on, uncaring for what might come their way yet, as it were too far away to really seem to be a cause for any sort of worry.

As they got closer, it would eventually lose momentum entirely, and as they got closer, they'd be able to see that what they had been focusing on, were nothing more than a large rock. Roughly round in shape, and having been pushed out of the forest it seemed, with no sign as of whom or what had pushed it.

Though oddly enough, as they got really close, and Leviathan would fly off ahead to have a look, she'd find something that were a little curious. They could see it too, once they got there, and she could point it out. In the trail of the stone, along with stomped down grass, there seemed to be a single footstep. Around the size of Leviathan's own, with four serrated claws, and paw pads. Looking at the rock too, they'd find one matching that, having left a full on imprint on said rock, about five centimeters deep. Whatever had pushed this rock, seemed to have some muscle behind it.

"Something's done a number on this rock, but whatever it were, it seems to be gone now. Nothing but bird song and critter noises from what I can hear. Though I'd look up when we go through the forest if I were you. Only these two prints, and nothing else on the ground. Seems like whatever id this, have wings. Probably can't really hurt us, but it's still annoying when prey think it's the predator."

Not much else to do here it seemed, so she'd just start to wander into the forest, and keeping her senses high. Nothing except the usual critters seemed to be anywhere near them currently, but one never knew what they'd end up meeting in this forest. It had kind of a bad reputation. One which would take its time to lure them in, before doing anything it seemed. Although there did seem to be a number of phoenixes that were following them with their eyes as they wandered through the forest. Apparently, they were curious to look at for the flaming birds. Likely due to the fire affinity.

Although if they kept looking, they'd find that the number of them watching were growing. From just a few not long after entering, to soon upwards of three dozen, either following them, or seemingly getting more numerous. And they wouldn't let out a single word. Just look at the group with unblinking eyes.



@Catpone Cerberus

On 2021-06-12 at 10:34 AM, Catpone Cerberus said:

"My memory of them isn't sharp either, but I think they are, or were, some kind of entertainers, though I don't know if I was ever entertained by them."

"*sigh* I had hope there may be more, but thinking on the brighter side, it is good to hear that something is stirring. Perhaps there are memories somewhere, which can one day be unlocked, and provide you some answers. Though of course, I could understand if that were not something you'd wish for. As it stands, I just hope we may find this entertainer, and bring him and Muffin together again."

On 2021-06-12 at 10:34 AM, Catpone Cerberus said:

He would speak say to Lyriel in quiet voice "Stargazer, didn't we meet them at some point, or do I remember the name wrong? When was that again? It can't be long ago, we haven't known for that long...I think." when he had said things tended to blend together in his memory, this was a good example of what he meant, he remember everything that had happened, but the correct order of things especially for the earlier things started slowly disappear, and as he couldn't tell a difference between a week and an year, loss of order meant also that he lost the exact time frame when they happened.

Lyriel would ponder this for a little, as it were brought up that perhaps they may actually know the one whom they had come to talk with.

"Now that you mention it, the name does sound rather familiar... Aaaaah, wait, I believe he is the one we met as we entered town at first. How could I forget that? The rather burly, dark pony with the bat wings, yes? The one we delivered the petrified poacher to."

So much had happened that this minor detail had actually just gone right past her, until it were brought up. Had Scarecrow not said a thing, she would have ended up thoroughly surprised when he would open the door, and come out of the mayors office. Which would happen not ten seconds after she had uttered this, and shaken her head somewhat, at her own forgetfulness.

He were still surprised seeing them though, and the mayor appeared to give a look between both them, and up towards the officer, before being the first to utter something.

"Stargazer, are these known to you?"

"Yes. These two are the ones I mentioned whom came and delivered a petrified poacher earlier today. Don't tell me that's why you're here again..."

He looked a little deflated as the idea of that came up again. He had enough to deal with in his mind with just the one.

"Worry not of that. We simply ran into Muffin here, and he says that you may have spoken with his friend. A jester?"

"Jingle-Dee Bells. He left about fifteen minutes ago, and said he would wander around the market and see if perhaps some had seen his dog there. Good that you found it. He will be relieved."

"Pardon me, but did you say the dog spoke to you?"

Lyriel would nod, but before the mayor could ask more, Stargazer would interject.

"They're not ponies, and they mentioned this earlier. It's easier to just accept it than ask too much."

"Be that as it may, if you aren't ponies, I'd still like to know what then you may be? This town means much to me, and I would like to know what new kinds of equines there may wander around within it. Please, if you would be so kind."

She'd talk to Scarecrow about this, and seem nice about things. Yet she were somewhat worried too. New faces were one thing, but new species might mean trouble, and she'd like to be on top of that, if possible, before things went badly. Either due to them causing trouble, or the towns lesser tolerant side showing. If she could ease their minds with calming rationale, it would help if that came to pass.



@Catpone Cerberus

On 2021-06-12 at 10:34 AM, Catpone Cerberus said:

"We won't keep you from going to your business, but just to finish off our little talk, dragons are indeed quite a common sight as guards back home, the natural strength and certain personality traits that dragons tend to have are useful in combat." "The long life also creates very experienced commanders, it's hard to compete against someone who has longer combat experience than your lifespan."

"I mean, it makes sense, but here's it's kinda just a pony thing. I'm sure once the pony and dragon ties gets closer, that might change, but it's just me now. And I'm not going for some big position like general or something. I like working in the forge, with my two, relatively sane assistants. Combat is more of a last resort, kind of thing for me. And even then, I tend to just try and keep others safe. Helps with touch scales, you know? Lots of my siblings would love being a combat leader for a battalion of sorts though. Especially my oldest brother, but I just don't have that sorta spark. Heh, in your world, I'd probably be a grand ol' failure as a dragon then, huh?"

Benny were a jovial sort, who weren't big on fighting. Only reason he even knew how to do some, were due to his upbringing as the - currently - youngest of fourteen siblings, and mandatory guard training. If it came to real combat, he'd much prefer to stay out of it, along with just being away from the frontlines in general. He did much better sorting armor and weapons for the real fighters, and that were an important work too. Weren't much protection in broken armor, or slashes in dulled blades. That sort had to be done by a professional, and well... That was him.

As that seemed to be done with, he'd slither into the back room, and start rummaging around after what he were looking for. The armor, certainly, but also what sounded like something really crunchy, as there were an audible cracking sound, like someone biting into a real crispy, pork rind. A sound that made Pop giggle a little.

"Seems like the found the baggie of caramelized gems I put in his snack box. Huge hit with dragons I tell you, but of course, not edible by anyone else."

"Dragons, changelings- Seems odd to specialize to such seemingly rare clientele, in a pony town."

"Maybe, but I aim higher than Ponyville, and to really get somewhere, I need to make a name for myself. The more species who think of me and my work in favorable ways, the better. Plus I like the challenge of it. There's something fun in trying to make candy for other species. Especially those with special dietary needs. Dragons are probably the easiest. They love gems, so it just have to include that, though at least my favorite tester in there, definitely is on the side of caramelizing them is the best way to go. Then again, he loves anything with caramel.

Now, the things you say about where you're from... I hope it's not harsh to say this, but it sounds like you come from a very, very bad place, with a lot of focus on combat. It looks like they must be pretty advance, considering... Well, you know, but I cant say I'd ever trade that for a nice, mostly peaceful life. It's got to be hard for you, and others who live there.

Thinking it's going to be good for you to have Pinkie Pie throw you a party, and let you see a much nicer sorta way of being."

"Being near her, is a dangerous experience. There's too much joy springing from her. It's nauseating."

"Yeah, heard that's how some other changelings have experienced her too. She's a little... Special, but she got a good heart."




22 hours ago, abrony-mouse said:

In the quiet Fuchsia clutched Billowing's hoof, "I am glad I found you Billowing." she says in a small voice, and gives Billowing's hoof a small squeeze.

"If this is truly our final moments, I feel honored to die alongside a true adventurer, such as yourself, Fuchsia."

Of course he hoped it wasn't, but as the sounds outside felt silent, he got worried that this had gotten far more grim than he had hoped. The rams hadn't all... Died, right?

Soon enough, the sound of bones clattering against bones would be heard, and as they gazed outside of the cave, they'd be able to see a mass of undeath had arrived. Around them. laid a mixture of unconscious, beaten up rams, and strewn around bone from those of the skeletons, that had been smashed up properly. A minor army, which seemed to be those they had encountered in the temple.

Yet much as they were likely once much stronger and empowered - either meant as servants to the entity, or some sort of captors - time and being removed from the temple, as they had followed the entity, were wearing on the magic animating them. The fighting, as they had fought off the rams from touching the entity, did not help either. They were falling apart before their eyes, the light snuffed out in their eyes, as they were one by one, slowly beginning to fall to the ground as nothing but harmless bones. Though there were still about a dozen and a half left by now, as they wandered forward best they could, towards the two ponies. If it were threatening were hard to say, yet they were shambling undead. What could anyone say for certain?

The main one to be concerned about though, were the entity itself. The form were whole beneath the bandages that had gone loose over the ages, though the hide and hair were dry. It were thankfully nothing with open patches of flesh, but this would not be a good thing if you thought on it. It meant the dark magic that were trapped inside it, were strong enough to not have to forgo preservation.

The look in its pale eyes were completely, and utterly neutral. No good, no evil, no nothing. It weren't clear what were going through its head, if anything. Only thing that were clear, were that it's eyes were fixated on one, singular target, over all others: Fuchsia. It made sense really. Billowing may have been there too when it were released, but it were her that freed it. It may send some glances his way, but it were fleeting, compared to how much the unblinking gaze were on her. And here it now were, walking calmly, and steadily, towards her.

There wouldn't be much time to act. Billowing would wait until it almost reached the entrance, and the shambling skeletons - where two more had fallen apart - were really close to them, before calling "Now!" and then smashing past them. Quickly, he'd be rushing to the side as he exited, and if Fuchsia did the same, yet went the other direction, the entity would turn calmly, trying to follow Fuchsia. The low mobility would end up being it's failure though, as Billowing would let out a magic blast from his horn, pushing back both the skeletons and this entity into the cave, before the stones ceiling in the first meter or so collapsed, and trapped them all within. Weak scraping were heard from inside, but it seemed the trap had worked.

Yet as he had thought, the magic usage had been too much for Billowing, who now stood swaying, with a distance look in his eyes, bereft of anything resembling awareness. With the skeletons added, he had needed to go far, and sadly, that were something he were paying for now. Fuchsia would have to lead them back to Canterlot, and hope that for the time being, this cave would hold in the entity. Which it certainly would.

...For now...



@Rising Dusk

3 hours ago, Rising Dusk said:

"My skull appreciates the lack of denting," Rising chuckled to Lily's jest, having pulled vague resemblances of a brick from the exchange with his sister.

"Are you certain? It may have saved you from what Dawn will decide to do to you."

She were still jesting, yet she did not think that Dawn would do everything to ensure her brother felt 100% certain and calm about everything that she had planned. Quite the contrary. The witch felt almost certain that she were going to make at least one thing excruciating for him, even if it wasn't harmful, and were in the end, meant as a good thing for him. She were his sister after all, and by all exchanges between them, it seemed obvious that they were the sort who had a kind of sibling rivalry.

She wish she had that herself, but she never had any siblings, and sadly, Sickle never had the chance to have one either. Though that may yet change now, even if it would be somewhat odd to try and explain a small foal someday, why her big sister, were three times as old as her mother. A fun one for the future mayhap, though for the time being, that were not a consideration that she had to think of.

Instead she would listen to what he told of his dream visitor. From how the goddess interacted with him, to his power over the dream world - nothing which truly surprised her, considering his control over magic thus far - and how the goddess had even manipulated his dream a little, and caused ripples. She bit note in his date too of course, but she were a resident of harrowmark. What became of the goddess were more important to her, than once more mention to him, how it would be good if he settled down.

However, even more would come that were of more import than his date soon after, as he would speak of his meeting with some of his colleagues, and a resident of her country. The meeting itself were not very odd, as she knew that they were using her daughter as a vessel for the magic required to make the portal between their lands, but the latter part were baffling her. Especially, as this rang a certain bell of familiarity.

"You... You have... A moment, I need to sort in which order to speak my mind now...

First, I congratulate you on having found a possible mate. May your endeavors bear fruit. Second, what you say of your dream adventure matches what little I know of Viz'nay, from what Twisted spoke of. A dream walker, who once spoke with mortals through her minor avatars. That she could change even some though, so far away, makes me wonder how strong she have already become. Though that is a question for the high priestess herself.

Yet what I wonder most of, are the one of my countrymen you have met. A Geistwalker have come here, and she's friendly? Even openly renouncing Harrowmark, and attempting to become part of your country, as we speak? One whom can sense magic? The name rings no bell, nor does her powers, though I think that a good thing. The things Twisted would have done to bend her to his will, for what she could do, would have been the stuff of nightmares. I am personally just baffled to hear of a friendly Geistwalker. They're typically more akin to ambush predators, jumping out of unguarded mirrors, and scaring the ever-loving daylight out of you. They're usually rather manic, even if ultimately harmless. It seems you've met one that escaped the madness, or passed on the chance to be a menace at least. I should like to see her at some point, and evaluate myself. I have known others. I can tell if there are cracks in the surface, or sinister motives at play.

*sigh* But that must come another time, I suspect. For the time being, Dawn have plans for us, and while I worry what it may end up like, I am well aware that unlike you, I do not have the power to stop her. So I place myself at her mercy yet again, and await what is to come."

She were jesting a little more now, though now towards Dawn. To a certain extend, as she weren't lying here. Dawn were stronger than her, and if she wanted Lily to do something, it were going to happen. The mare would not be able to stop her. It were just fortunate that the mare seemed to be benevolent, rather than with a want to cause harm, as she would be a truly notable menace, were she fighting against Lily in some fashion. Though really, could it be considered a fight, when it were akin to challenging a whale with a deflated balloon?

So she'd wander towards Dawn, and simply stand there, ready to accept what were likely to be another teleport, sending them to gods knew where. May Rising and herself, survive what she were planning this day.

  • Brohoof 1


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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@Blitz Boom

“Let’s head back. I think I’d like to get away from the lights and sounds. Never thought I’d say it, but a little silence sounds good about now.”

Lin opened a gate back to the cave. It was exactly how the group left it: a fire pit surrounded by stones at the center with a few bedrolls scavenged from various places around it. Once Sen and Lin stepped through, the stark contrast in atmosphere nailed just how much the difference could be felt. It felt normal walking through two unconnected places, and the quiet was a nice change of pace even if the scenery didn’t evoke as much energy. 

It was this kind of atmosphere that got Sen thinking about what was to come, and he’d sit by the cave’s entrance to just look up to the sky and ponder. There, Lin sat next to him and noticed that he was taking up a familiar position, one that she hadn’t seen him do in a while. 

“Didn’t think I’d see you meditate,” Lin quietly muttered, joining her brother to reflect on the coming day. “You’re worrying a lot about the trial. We don’t know how that’s going to turn out, and getting worked up about it isn’t going to help with anything.”

“I know… but things are going to change whether I like it or not. And I don’t know if I’m ready to accept it.”

Those words didn’t quite sink in for Lin, but Sen’s defeated look spoke of his worry. It was difficult for him to accept what would be inevitable, and even if the sentence would be temporary, the anticipation and tension leading up to the trial never gave him pause. The evening’s activities provided a distraction, but even that could go on for so long and the longma's sadness was more apparent than ever. There was a lesson in the moment for both of them; it was just one that was hard to swallow.

“Omen, if you want to talk, I’ll be further along the back of the cave. Let Sen and Rosa get some rest. Otherwise, best you get some rest too.” The longma proceeded to go further away from the others, taking her place along the rear wall and resting her back against it. She’d use this time to watch the others, but not while thinking about what Sen told her earlier. It would take about 20 minutes before Sen dozed off where he sat, certain that his meditation didn’t help. It seemed like his usual methods for calming himself down didn’t work, and he had to sleep eventually lest he wake up feeling groggy. The moments spent in quiet observation throughout the night got her to reflect on Sen's words, realizing the weight behind them and the reason for his worries. 

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11 hours ago, EQ_Theta said:

“Didn’t think I’d see you meditate,” Lin quietly muttered, joining her brother to reflect on the coming day. “You’re worrying a lot about the trial. We don’t know how that’s going to turn out, and getting worked up about it isn’t going to help with anything.”

“I know… but things are going to change whether I like it or not. And I don’t know if I’m ready to accept it.”

Omen would calmly wander over as she heard these words be uttered by Sen. She would admit to not fully understand what were going on, with them being nervous, and afraid of what might happen at the trial in the morning. She did not have the perception of fear that it took to be afraid of losing their friend for potential years. However, she did grasp that Sen were not feeling well, and were she fully able, she would have empathized with him. It wasn't as if she wished to lose Rosa either. It were just that the impact didn't resonate with her as much, as it did for Sen and Lin.

"Things change. We do not. Away or here, he is our friend, yes? If he wants out, I take him away. Keep him from them."

Beyond the odd presence back when Discord had run Equestria, Omen had rarely found that there were anything that would prevent her from finding ne, whose scent she had imprinted upon. Rosa's were one that were strong to her, as they had spend much time together, and unless the ponies somehow mutated him beyond what could classify as being him, she would be able to find him. And as her gates were not magic, in the traditional sense, she could pass through their barriers to simply take him away, if he ever said that he wanted to go. Only reason she wouldn't thus far, were that he didn't want her to. But things might change, yes?

As the talk would come on leaving Sen and Rosa behind, to allow the ones who could sleep, to rest, Omen would shake her head at the invitation to go with Lin. As she'd say, she would take the chance to stand outside and think. There were many things in her head, she would like to sort through now, so she would wander out, and stare up unto the moon with her unblinking gaze, whilst trying to digest some of the many, many things that they had encountered today, whirling through her mind. Likely for the better, with what were likely to happen during the trial.

She'd stand there, even as the sun rose, and a thin layer of dew would start to spread on her again. At that point though, Rosa had already woken up, and were stretching himself. He had gotten a few more hours of sleep than usual, as he were frankly exhausted, as well as feeling rather good for once, so that had helped keep the nightmares at bay a little longer. Eventually, they would sadly catch up to him though, and he'd find himself waking up with a gasp, and hooves going to his chest, seemingly checking if he were still whole, before his pulse would calm down again.

The first one that would greet him, would be Shrimp. The refraction had woken up by the sun shining down on him, but this time, weren't too fuzzed, as he had gotten plenty of naps during the night, so he didn't want to keep sleeping right now. Instead, he were out and wriggling through the grass, cleaning his scales on the slightly wet vegetation, and gnawing on a flower. Seeing Rosa, he'd rise his head up, and chirp in his direction, before going back to cleaning his back. A small goodmorning, but he appreciated it nonetheless.

"And goodmorning to you as well."

"You were whimpering."

Omen too would be awake, as expected, and would talk before she slowly started to move, and gaze towards him.


"Yes. But I'd prefer not to talk about it."


Rosa would straighten his mane out, and narrow his eyes, as he wandered back towards the cave. He had laid his glasses down in there, to enjoy the moon a little more, yet now the sun were out, and it were assaulting his light sensitive eyes.

While he went and got those, Omen would wander over to where Sen would be, to see if he were awake. If he wasn't, she would simply stand and stare at him until he were. And if they were to do that, Rosa would equip his glasses, glance upwards at the sun once they were safely affixed on his face, and would then go look for Lin. He could see there were not long to go, before they needed to be in Canterlot, and they needed to gather up, and prepare before making their way. Judgement awaited.




On 2021-06-14 at 1:43 AM, Magnolia said:

"I'll enjoy this salad, and savor every bit of it. Rarely do I get good chances such as these, to enjoy my food. And as so, I will savor and enjoy it as much as possible, as I do these sorts of talks." she said with an honest nod. Magnolia too, rarely had much chances to eat with ponies. If at all, she never ate at a table with a friend before and found herself to be quite awkward. It might be obvious that Magnolia was being quite awkward, but she was also being quite genuine at the same time.

It were indeed hard for Magnolia to hide a blush, with how pale she were. So too were it for her to really hide herself anywhere, looking as such. It were a little funny really, how she had even managed to keep away from others for as long as she did, when she were as pale as winter snow. A stark contrast to the darkness which were her magic, but she carried this duality well. Better than her tongue, as she seemed to be rambling some. Perhaps this, and her blush meant... O-Oh dear... The conversation which she dreaded, seemed to becoming more and more relevant, as more things showed itself. Yet much as she did not want to lead her on, this were not a time for them to have this talk. It were a private matter, which should not be done in public, where others might overhear. Especially not as it were likely to become rather emotional, which would draw attention, and well... magnolia did not seem to deal with added attention at the best of time. In a situation like that, she may end up lashing out, in a moment of emotional instability.

Still, they needed to have this talk soon. Zeehva liked Magnolia, but not in the way she were suspecting the mare would like. It were as a friend, and not more. Being with a mare were not something that she would judge others for wanting, nor saw any issue with, but she had never even thought of such for herself. To her, the image had always been a husband, and at least a dozen foals running around them. And while she had lost her beloved now, there may come a time where her heart would open for another, and when the time came, she were not sure that she could see that being with a mare.

*sigh* Perhaps she too should think deeply on not just how to speak this to Magnolia, but the truthfulness of her own answer... Though she doubted there were not truth in her vision for her life. What Magnolia sought, were probably beyond her to give, even if she wished her friend to have much joy in life.

"It's always good to give yourself the time to enjoy your meals. When life is on the road, you never know when the next time is that you will have a proper meal after all."

Not that she were saying that they would starve. just that there were a difference between a fresh salad with ranch, and her usual stews or sandwiches.

On 2021-06-14 at 1:43 AM, Magnolia said:

Magnolia would chomp onto the leaves of the salad, putting a bit of dressing on them. She found the taste to be rather remarkable, it was prepared very well even if it was a cheaper salad. To her, she could taste all the sensory perceptions that came with eating this salad. It was quite delightful too. "Use goods? That sounds rather good to me. What do you need, like, glasses? Potion bottles? I'm sure we could find something like that. Just clean them out though, perhaps I can test my magic inside of them to clean them out?" she suggested as she would finish her salad.

Once Magnolia was done with her salad she would proceed to take out her brownie and tear off a bit of it, and present it to Zeehva if she wanted to enjoy a small nibble of it.

Zeehva would eat calmly and peacefully, and as she were done, would deposit the used container in the nearest trash can she could find. Had this been for example a wooden bowl, she would have kept it, but this were a perishable container, that wouldn't last reuse. So it were best to put in in the trash, that it might not sit around and litter, or worse yet, be thrown in the forest. Those who littered out there, with things that were not perishable, or worse yet, were dangerous to animals and/or plants, got nothing but disdain and anger from her. Nature were sacred, and should be treated with the respect it deserved. Not treated like a landfill.

Offered the piece of brownie though, she would respectfully decline to taste it.

"Thank you for the offer, but I'm not a big chocolate fan, honestly. It's fine, but I prefer vanilla. Besides, I can't even finish my own right now. Feeling a little stuffed, so I'll save the rest of my brownie for later, and enjoy it then. You should eat yours now if you have the space though. As you said, it's been a while since you last had a good meal, right? No need to not end it well too.

Ah, b-but uhm, that's your choice, of course. And Yes, I need to get some vials, or other containers I can use for potions. Old jam glasses can do in a pinch too if it is. basically anything glass, with a lid, that's not too big. Really big potions takes the same amount of effort, but not a lot are inclined to buying those. Probably worried they'll lose effectiveness, before they're used fully, so I don't make that too often. It also takes more ingredients, so they're more expensive.

Corks would be good too, but we'll see what I can find. I can always wait with those a little more."

If they went and checked, they'd find that the store were still open, but not for much longer. They would have at most, fifteen minutes to look around in there, and find something that would work. And there were a lot of used goods in here. Seemed a rather spacious place, with much to offer.



@Windy Breeze @Kujamih @SuriPolomare

She could look all she wanted, but Blitz had already bolted inside, and were currently looking at a display of varied rusty tools, and reading over the description of where it had been found, and what they were suspected to have been used for, on the sign next to the display. She couldn't touch it, bt she wouldn't have done so either. She were just really fascinated with what she gazing upon, and as she read on, learned as well. These things in particular, wouldn't inspire her, but maybe something further in would.

Then again, if she had been aware of Blitz the entire time, Cali might have been able to stop the filly, and Blitz would just he struggling against the hold to try and get in there and watch stuff. She didn't want to wait.

Cali might at this point, understand a little more, why Molotov had a leash of sorts for his sister, even if it seemed a little demeaning.

"She's uh... Rather enthusiastic, huh? *sigh* I have my orders, and it seemes like she needs several pairs of eyes on her, so I'll accompany you for now. I'm sure she'll understand why I report in late."

So yes, the guard would be with them for a time more. Here were hoping things would go well.

  • Brohoof 2


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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@Blitz Boom

“No” came Cimex's answer, “I mean yeah, a group came into the bar and asked about you two. I told them I haven't seen those ponies and they immediately left” she faces Sorrow, giving her a 'serious look, “I didn't know you two had so many 'admirers' looking for the two of you” her lips pulled back into a playful smile.

@Blitz Boom @SuriPolomare @Kujamih

Despite the pain in her back, Blue manage to hid any sign of it, though she knew she had to go and visit a doctor. Luna gave her occasional glances before looking at the high-in-sugar Blitz 

On 2021-06-10 at 7:16 AM, Kujamih said:

@Starforce Glimmer @Windy Breeze @Blitz Boom

" Wait... I think I take it back..... Museums and a walking bomb are no good mix... Ever.... You have to agree to that Cali right? Luna... Blue.... You know what I'm talking about.... And will end up cleaning another bigger mess." 

“I highly agree with you, Light, but do we have a choice?” Luna said said as she stares at Blitz. It's okay if a citizen is upset because they're not allowed to do certain stuff that may be dangerous but being around somepony like Blitz who can pester you for a whole day? Not so much. Luna may have high tolerance but she's just like anypony; she has her own limits.

Entering the museum, Blue is quickly distracted by the display of equines, moving to take a look at them while Luna silently keeps her eye on Blitz.

  • Brohoof 1



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@Blitz Boom


"Just a hayburger, please," Karmic told the vendor with a smile while Atzy looked at the options.

"I don't know ... I've always wanted to try hay fries so some of those would be nice," Atzy thought out loud. Both she and Karmic were oblivious to the conversation Enzo and Scarcity were having, mainly because of the delicious food they were smelling.

@Blitz Boom


Twilight laid down on the beanbag, comfy as could be, and cracked a smile when a blanket was floated over to her. "Thanks for this, Cherish. If something goes wrong, wake me up in any way you want. I'm a deep sleeper so I understand if you possess me or something."

@Blitz Boom


"What about Happy Castle?" Aurora asked, pointing down that way. More and more authority leaked into her voice without her meaning it to.. Maube it's a sign that her mind was coming to grips with being a queen and just decided to instinctively demand authority rather than hunker down in fear whenever danger was nearby. "Given what you told me about chaos beings, it seems as good a choice as any and it could just end up winding up back here like the other paths have the potential to. Or it could lead to an actual castle we can lose the draconequus in."



What else am I meant to put here?


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@Blitz Boom

On 2021-06-16 at 3:20 AM, Blitz Boom said:

"Things change. We do not. Away or here, he is our friend, yes? If he wants out, I take him away. Keep him from them."

“I appreciate the thought, Omen, but sometimes, things we don’t like still have to happen. Rosa will always be our friend, and tomorrow isn’t going to change that. But if he has to serve his sentence, then maybe the best thing we should do is honor it.”

“Unless something’s wrong or if Rosa wants us to do something, in which case we should step in and act.” Lin interjected, somewhat ruining the moment. Sen didn’t even bother chiding her even if it was a sensible course of action. The chances of things going off-kilter would be very low, but the siblings will keep alert in case something seems off. It always helps to be prepared. 

By then, Sen would find himself silently meditating on the day to come, thinking of ways to calm himself and ease his worries. This wasn’t like being forced to leave home and being declared an exile, but it still feels like some part of himself was ripped away. It didn’t feel right, but he was obligated to let things happen out of respect for the thestral. It wasn’t an easy thing to reconcile, especially if every thought racing through his mind was telling him to do something like stall the proceedings or just run away. The longma would eventually doze off no closer to finding some measure of peace. 

As for Lin, the night passed by uneventfully despite stirring restlessly. There was no urge to read or pass the time with her favorite activities, and shutting her eyes only got her more agitated as the hours barely flew by. She would soon come to realize that Omen taking this time to process her thoughts seemed like a blessing compared to waiting for time to pass. As the first signs of sunrise came, she’d feel the anticipation rising as time dwindled. Rosa’s stirring and sudden gasp got her up and alert, and sure enough, someone else would be jolted awake.

“Huh? Oh, it’s morning already?”

“Yes, and you look like you didn’t get enough rest.” Lin approached, looking like she could use some sleep as well.

“It’s hard to sleep when you’ve got a lot to think about. Good morning, Omen, Rosa. I heard screaming. Are you alright?”

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16 hours ago, EQ_Theta said:

“I appreciate the thought, Omen, but sometimes, things we don’t like still have to happen. Rosa will always be our friend, and tomorrow isn’t going to change that. But if he has to serve his sentence, then maybe the best thing we should do is honor it.”

“Unless something’s wrong or if Rosa wants us to do something, in which case we should step in and act.” Lin interjected, somewhat ruining the moment. Sen didn’t even bother chiding her even if it was a sensible course of action. The chances of things going off-kilter would be very low, but the siblings will keep alert in case something seems off. It always helps to be prepared. 

"He asked me not to do it. I keep my word. Unless he changes them, or he screams. I can take him then. Long away."

Omen were an odd case, with many a word that could be said both for, and against her. Yet one thing that would always remain true, were that she kept her word. If she made a promise, it would be kept, and she had given hers to Rosa, that she would not take him away. Considering how she dealt with the olden word she had given to Discord, and had yet spoken a single word of the things he had made her promise to keep to herself, Rosa could be assured that she would keep hers to him too.  He'd be dead from old age millennia ago before she'd even consider it, and by then, there'd only be ash left to move, so that shouldn't be a concern. Unless she kept his ashes with her, for all time. She had never had friends before, or anyone close to her, whom were mortal. How she would react to his eventual death, were hard to say, and they may have to set some boundaries in due time. Same for Lin and Sen, though chances were that in some capacity, she'd remain friendly with the bloodlines of them all. Make sure to keep them safe, in the long, endless days ahead.

As for the immediate future though, Omen were not inclined to do much, unless she heard Rosa scream. She'd consider that being from them hurting him, and her want to protect her friends, came first. She'd take him away then, if he wanted her to or not. She may bring him back later if he insisted, but she wouldn't watch him, or any other of her friends get hurt, and do nothing. And she were likely to watch him at times, just to make sure things were going well.

22 hours ago, EQ_Theta said:

“Huh? Oh, it’s morning already?”

“Yes, and you look like you didn’t get enough rest.” Lin approached, looking like she could use some sleep as well.

“It’s hard to sleep when you’ve got a lot to think about. Good morning, Omen, Rosa. I heard screaming. Are you alright?”

"I'm fine, yes. Though I don't recall hearing screaming."

"I did. Just before you woke up."

"Ah, I... I see. Considering my nightmare, I suppose that makes some degree of sense."

Rosa would avoid looking at the others, while Shrimp started to slither over to them, and go for Sen today, of all of them. He felt clean now, with the dew glistening off his scales, and wanted to get back up where he could see things, and it were safe. Usually that would be one of the females then, but he felt as if Sen needed him more for some reason. He wasn't sure why, yet it drew him more towards the male longma. Rosa too felt odd, but he didn't trust the thestral as much just yet. He'd need more time to warm up to the fanged pony, before thinking to go on him first, over those he knew.

As he slithered up Sen's leg, and would eventually *sit* on his shoulder, Rosa would begin to speak further, to try and explain himself somewhat, before questions arose.

"You needn't worry yourself. The thoughts of the trial brought a highly unlikely scenario to mind. Impossible even, considering where my incarceration are to be taking place.  Which had me... How do I put this gently... Against a wall, and experiencing an expedited end to my story, by the way of an excessively large amount of arrows, being insistently *shared* with myself."

Execution By Arrow-Fire was an olden, barbaric thing, that Equestria would not employ against him. It didn't even technically have a death penalty, though you could argue that banishment to other dimensions, or getting turned to stone, were not much better than that.

"Moving past that, the position of the sun tells me that there is but an hour or so, until we must arrive at our destination. Is there something which you think it pertinent to cover? Now would be as good a time as any, as I know not when next we can. It does not have to be about the trial. I would gladly speak to my last second, about anything that may come to mind for you, my friends."




On 2021-06-16 at 12:17 PM, Sekel said:

"Just a hayburger, please," Karmic told the vendor with a smile while Atzy looked at the options.

"I don't know ... I've always wanted to try hay fries so some of those would be nice," Atzy thought out loud. Both she and Karmic were oblivious to the conversation Enzo and Scarcity were having, mainly because of the delicious food they were smelling.

While the two of them ordered their food - a meager amount thus far, all things - Enzo would keep addressing Scarcity. A peculiar little one, but thus far, he could not say if she were one that meant to make a proper deal, or attempt to scam them. The latter of which she'd find seldom went well.

"You spoke of a trade. Elaborate."

"How delightfully direct. Well then, if you look at the general mass of your object, and take into account likely thickness, purity, and weight, I would surmise that melting it into bits would net you about four hundred and fifty bits, give or take fifty on either side. I would like to offer you quite a bit more, yet if you would, please come closer perhaps? I wouldn't wish to bother others with such things."

He were somewhat weary, but it seemed unlikely that the little mare could arm someone like him, so Enzo would humor her for now, and lean down, so that she may whisper softly in his ear. What she offered seemed to make his eyes widen, then narrow with suspicion, before leaning back again, in his full height, and stare down at her with stony eyes.

"Interesting offer, but I hold doubts that you could uphold your end."

"I pride myself in honest dealings. To the point where I would be willing to do so, in the most binding of ways."

She'd raise a hoof up towards Enzo, with a pleased smile on her face, and uttered but one, questioning word: "Deal?"

This surprised Enzo frankly, and he rose an eyebrow yet again, before calmly take down his paw, and grasp hold of the pony's small hoof.


A small glow seemed to occur in his palm, but it seemed brief, and when he let go, the two of them merely kept their eyes on one another As they had throughout the deal.

"... We will have word after the bargain commences."

"Wonderful. And as for your friends, that menu won't do much without something to drink. Come on now darlings, remember your soft drinks, yes?"

The vendor did his best to just ignore what went on with Scarcity and Enzo, and just prepared the food he had been asked to, and in large portions as well. At the mention of soft drinks, he'd pull up a few cooled sodas in wooden containers from under the desk. Seemed to be four flavors: Apple, Orange, Grape, and Blueberry. Free pick from any, and he had several of each type under the desk, if they wished for the same. Including if they wanted one of each.




"I don't know if I can p-possess anypony, but even if I could, I wouldn't want to. I've seen it done before, and it seems wrong. If they come back before you wake up, I'll try and handle them, promise. You just make sure to get some sleep. You'll need your strength."

She'd hum as she tended further to the princess, and made sure the blanket were well tucked in around the princess. Eventually, she'd go into a little lullaby. An old one, that she used to sing to her other dead friend, while he were still on this plane of existence, when he felt scared and sad. A silly tune really, as it were meant for small foals, but it always seemed to help him relax. And caught in the moment as she were, Cherish would show Twilight the same motherly nurture that she did him.

There'd be nice and quiet until the others would eventually return, about five hours later. They weren't talking, but there were still an untold resentment between the two of them. Old grudges did not let go fast, though at least they had finished their task. Packed in well, in a small box, would be the flowers they had been sent to gather. And they would deliver them, once the princess woke up. Drone did make a move to go towards the door to her chambers, but Last visibly snarled at the manetid, and blocked her path. They would wait until her majesty woke up, if Last had to stand here all day. Which wouldn't be good for the in door climate, as she were smelling like grave dirt. Rather earthy, with a tinge of decay.




"Or she may lure us to her playground."

"Well, ain't like it'd ever be easy to say if that's the truth. Might be a feint, and an attempt to lure us off the path, ye? You really can't tell with these sorts. And even if it is turning out to be that, this whole forest seems to be her playground. What's the difference really, if there's a building involved too? Way I see it, we ain't go nothing to lose."

Lulu would concede this point. They wouldn't know what they were going into regardless of what they picked, as there might be no truth to the directions at all. As such, they may as well simply pick one, wander in, and tackle things head on. Literally too, if they must. Flaxxy would likely be thrilled to smack her around some, for causing them issue in the first place.

As that were settled, they could all go and make their way towards the castle then. Wouldn't be a long way, and really, nothing special happened. Were a bear that poked its head out, and looked like it were wanting a fight, but one look from Flaxxy and it backed off again. It knew when it were outgunned.

Arriving at the castle, things seemed... Calm, really. It was the empty halls of the old two sisters castle, as abandoned and old looking as it always seemed to be, However, there were now a big welcome banner over the main entrance. No light or anything nearby. Just one new-looking banner,. welcoming them to the fun castle. Sure nothing wrong was in here. Though even if it were, the path behind them had gotten overgrown, so wasn't like they could backtrack. The draconequus seemed to like doing that particular trick to them.



@Windy Breeze

Sorrow cringed some at the response they had gotten. She had asked she supposed, and... *gulp* did they get an answer alright. One that were not too encouraging, as this meant that whoever were after them, likely had some idea of where they had gone. Maybe if they were lucky, their trail had ended here, and they wouldn't have to deal with them anymore, but could it really be so simple?

"That's slightly terrifying actually. I mean, it's good they haven't come back, but that still means they at least knew we had gone in this direction. I sadly don't think this is the last we've heard of them.

*sigh* We're sorry to have brought you into this, Cimex. We didn't mean to bring trouble to your doorstep. It's just the only option we had, to not be caught up in whatever they had planned for us. Which I can only assume were something bad. My poor uncle must be worried sick too, but... No, it's not safe to try and contact him. They'd know. Probably already watching him, I guess. Maybe I'm being paranoid...

So ehm... How's the tarts coming along, huh?"

Sorrow didn't have a lot of options for subjects to pick from, that'd work as distractions, so she took a stab at the only thing that really came to mind, to try and get away from the bad thoughts. Honestly? It wasn't helping.



@Windy Breeze @Kujamih @SuriPolomare

On 2021-06-15 at 9:22 PM, Windy Breeze said:

“I highly agree with you, Light, but do we have a choice?” Luna said said as she stares at Blitz. It's okay if a citizen is upset because they're not allowed to do certain stuff that may be dangerous but being around somepony like Blitz who can pester you for a whole day? Not so much. Luna may have high tolerance but she's just like anypony; she has her own limits.

"I can see her being a... Testing experience in the long run. I can't say I envy her brother."

Cloudwatcher would send a cautious gaze towards the excited filly, as she heard the thoughts that Light had on this, and saw how Luna gazed on Blitz. She did well now it appeared, but in the long run, she likely wouldn't be able to deal with the energetic little disaster filly. Not if there weren't some to help ease the burden. Her brother likely only made it, as he were odd in his own way, and dealt with this better, but she had only met him unconscious, so she truly couldn't say.

9 hours ago, Kujamih said:

" Oh look at that little filly go..." Light said as Blitz dashed inside the building.

".... Btw what's your name again?" Light asked the royal guard joining them.

"My name is Cloudwatcher, sir. Recruit first year in the guards. I hope my inexperience isn't making you lose confidence in me though, sir. 'll do my best to follow my order, and help you keep the little one in sight.

...Forgive me if this doesn't concern me, sir, but are you and the others family to the filly, or friends of the family, perhaps? I'm just trying to understand the relations happening in your group."

  • Brohoof 2


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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@Blitz Boom

Cimex's smile dropped but the tone of voice remains casual “I don't mind. For many changelings who are born before the alliance with Equestria, danger always come to us” she looks at her oven, “Meh, it takes 12 to 14 minutes to cook these crispy cupcakes. I don't want to overcook them”

“After breakfast, I'll go and check on my staff, buy some food, then open the bar” it turns Cimex has a lot of chores to do, “Don't let Windy raid the kitchen while I'm gone, okay?”

“Hey!” came Windy's response, 'hurt' by Cimex's statement.

@Blitz Boom @SuriPolomare @Kujamih

“Nice to meet you, Cloudwatcher. For a first year recruit, you are already good at being friendly” Luna complimented the guard, her gaze not leaving Blitz, “You local here in Manehattan?”

Meanwhile, Blue went back to the group, fearing she would be left behind.

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"family?" Light pondered..

" It all depends on what you think family means miss Cloudwatcher."

Ligh said with a bored expression in his face. But his eyes and attention is locked on Blitz and Cali like a hawk.

" Where are my manners... My name is White Light.... Just call me Light... I'm a tourist who happened to get cought up with their shenanigans...now I guess we're friends. And seeing you ended up how I end up... you're gonna have an important role in the future."

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@Blitz Boom

“That’s… a surprisingly graphic nightmare. I don’t think that’ll put a good image in my head. But, starting a day like this isn’t going to help. I’ve got some food here; wouldn’t want to head off with an empty stomach, right?”

Lin pulled out a box of dried berries and passed it to Rosa. There would be enough for everyone if they were to split it evenly with extras for Shrimp. At the very least, she can’t let everyone leave the cave feeling hungry. Sen would normally use this time to go out and gather some food, but with time running short and his unfamiliarity with the edible vegetation outside of Canterlot, eating something was about the only thing he could do. Or patting and rubbing Shrimp. The refraction crawling up to shoulder height was unexpected, but that put the longma at ease and made him feel a little better.

Well, that and thinking about what to ask his friend. What would he ask about? With time running short, he could only have a few topics in mind, and an hour might not even suffice. This felt like the night he was forced into exile but with a generous time limit before having to part ways. What he had here was an opportunity, but he wasn’t quite certain how he would take it. 

“Where do I start? This might be unlikely, but with the chances of rumors spreading about how Lin and I are associating with outsiders, there’d be a lot of misinformation. Others already deciding for themselves who we are before we could explain ourselves. Like, if somepony were to think of us as untrustworthy because we associated with shady folk, how do we deal with that?"

Sen wouldn’t question Rosa and his positive qualities, but not everyone will know the thestral the way the siblings do. Word will spread around the villages and elders back home about the exiles who returned home, about traditions being challenged, and about an elder sympathetic to shaking up established norms. Ghilan wouldn’t be spared the same way as the siblings, but those things will put even more pressure on him. Sen was concerned for his friend, even if he didn’t say it. 

And as for Lin, there were still some loose ends that weren’t tied up. The golems, Scarcity and shady connections, and, of course, the trial. She’d try to avoid bringing that one up, but it’ll be difficult not to talk about it. Perhaps with Sen already going first with his question, she’d hopefully come up with something, even if it is just the one thing that could help sate her curiosity. 

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@Blitz Boom
"Assuming something is harmless is a sure way to get hit off guard." Ruby pointed out "Especially here, with all kinds of magical freaks around you never know what's behind the next corner." that was all she said regarding the rock and Leviathan's comment, she still didn't lower her guard after finding out that the rock was just that, a rock, since there was still the question of what had moved it.

 At first she didn't comment on the phoenixes, but as their numbers grew, she spoke again "Phoenixes usually aren't a threat in my experience, but they are acting particular enough that we should probably keep our eyes open." "Quickly thinking about it, I see three potential situations this could indicate, in two of them it's us that causes it, they may sense something from us we don't realize, for example me, the zebra's spell may not be perfect, or it could be we are nearing something they don't want us to find unsupervised." "The third is that we are walking in danger, either set up by them, or otherwise related to them, if they would be here to warn us, they wouldn't just stare." of course there was a chance that they were just very curious, but Ruby wasn't one for such naively optimistic thinking. "They could also be controlled by someone to observe us, but I find that unlikely because I don't see a reason why they would send so many and be so obvious, until of course that's exactly what they want us to think."  

Charir looked at the flaming birds with wide eyes, he had never seen them before and found them quite fascinating, but while he was absorbed in watching the phoenixes, he also shared his sister's wariness, recognizing the oddity of the situation, and feeling certain level of dread over it, because while their species of dragons may have had great senses and eye for threats, even they didn't always notice everything, and sometimes the odd behavior of other creatures was needed to notice them.

Scarecrow also had a inner realization when Lyriel mentioned the situation where they had met Stargazer, not that there was any way to tell, since he didn't have time to say anything about it and his facial expression didn't change. 

As it seemed it would be his duty to speak on this one, Scarecrow kept it simple "I am what most know as Evergrown, Lyriel here is a dryad." "As far as I am aware, we are currently the only ones of our kind around here, so you don't need to worry about a new whole species suddenly appearing in your town." "Lyriel is able to communicate with nature to extend beyond other beings, I myself don't share that gift." his tone was neutral, he tried to make it sound friendly, and succeeded to certain extend, but it was still closer to being neutral. "And as I have a feeling you will ask about it, the bird I have with me is a companion, or as you may call it, a pet." 

The siblings didn't respond verbally to Benny's statement on him being a failure in their world, and instead both of them made the 'maybe...' gesture , it wasn't as black and white, they didn't know Benny fell enough to pass any judgement, since how useful he would have been in their world for the empire depended fully on how his skills would translate to their current weaponry, you didn't need to be a mean heartless monster to succeed in the military's service, the good ones just tended to either turn into ones or be so conflicted mentally that they ended up quitting or worse. In their eyes, for the little they had seen, they could imagine Benny being a friendly village blacksmith somewhere, it wouldn't be a successful life  when it came to money and such, but the good ones rarely cared about that.

"Don't worry about it, we have no illusions about where we come from, we have more bad things to say about it than good." Sheska seemed to be thinking about something for a moment "And honestly, any good things that we can think of, only show more how bad everything is there." "The advancement is actually a good example of that, yes it is nice that you can get a replacement easily if you loose limbs like I did, but the fact that it is common enough for it to be needed....that's quite awful." "So while it will take a quite a while to get used to the lot less advanced place that is this place, for now this seems far more preferable." as far as they were concerned, their Equestria could burn to the ground and nothing good would be lost. 



“Cats!”  “Cats!”  “Music!”  “Cats!” “Cats! “(^・ω・^ )ノ” 
Ask me something! https://mlpforums.com/topic/139270-ask-the-cerberus/#entry4129993
Signature by @Stevonnie


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@Blitz Boom

Aroma.  Gone was the dull scent of old wood present in the apartment building.  Gone were the scents of bakeries, restaurants and the city of a million creatures.  Flowery mixtures, a perfect blend from petals and leaves that stretched across Equestria, wafted in the air.  All in the effort to create the most relaxing of atmosphere.  Instant teleportation left little to be prepared for, at least for others that weren't the one doing the teleporting.  Dawn was already taking in a deep breath of the relaxing aromas upon their arrival.  That lovely shiver that ran down her spine was one of excitement and the knowledge of the relaxation to soon come.  The trio now stood in a lobby, continuing Dawn's trend to a lack of door usage.  They were surrounded by light lavender painted walls and floors, trimmed with soft yellows and bold golds.  Against the wall they faced, a check in counter complete with spa worker in attendance for such a duty.  Rising noted the familiar light blue mare Earth Pony present at Dawn's party the other night that had been tending to her hoofs upon his and Lily's arrival.  His sister likely the cause of her quick arrival home this far from Manehattan to be at work now.

"Ah, Lady Dawn, a pleasure as always," the cheerful mare greeted.  Her accent was thick and foreign, even by Equestria's standards.  For Dawn, it just added that little extra flair she expected from an authentic spa pony.    "Oh darling, you spoil me," Dawn easily slipped back into her underground demeanor the spa pony was more familiar with when interacting with the mare.  Taking up a clip board that laid upon her counter, she checked a few things.  "The Radiant Blossom Suite, as order last evening.  Spoil you we will," she responded.  Rising didn't usually ask what any of these codes and packages meant, all too fancy flair for his tastes, and likely cost a hefty amount of Bits to boot.  Just asking for a massage often times resulted in having to translate through a list of a dozen or more types and even then every spa had their own name and technique to go with it.  "Your fourth has already arrived.  Please follow me," the spa mare put her clipboard down on the counter and stepped away to exit out of the door just beside it.  Rising and Dawn followed as instructed through an opening that had veiled the room beyond with silk curtains.  "Fourth?" the detective inquired, but his sister remained silent.

Beyond the silk curtains revealed a large circular room filled with various spa activities.  Matching with the colors from the lobby but not also decorated heavily in tropical plants for extra color and that feel of nature.  Various baths littered the room where ponies soaked in mud or herb infused waters of various temperatures and levels of bubbles.  Some had creams painted on their faces or beauty masks as Rising had been informed of before along with cut cucumbers covering their eyes while they relaxed or napped.  In other locations ponies laid face down upon bed while other ponies stood beside them, leaning over and working their hoofs into muscles with different massage techniques.  Often resulting in a pleased coo of pleased muscle relief.  Others simply sat in chairs with spa ponies tending to their hoofs or manes along with idle chit chat.  The workers at the spa were easy to identify by their matching white kerchiefs with lotus shaped broches, the insignia of the spa.  

Dawn's spa friend lead them over to the massage area where a lime green with a striking hot rose colored mane Pegasus laid upon a bed and was attended to by a cherry wood spa pony.  The mare looked younger than she was, mostly from the effort of good fitness and make up, but she was well into her middle ages.  She laid with her front legs crossed to rest her chin upon and eyes closed.  A pleased smile on her face with her right wing outstretched where the spa pony ruffled, preened and massaged the appendage.  "I smell trouble," the older mare cooed without opening her eyes.  Letting out a long relaxed sigh, "Mm, make that double."  She finally opened her eyes slightly, revealing the bold purple as they looked up at the visitors.  "Starting without us," Dawn scoffed.  "It was too tempting sweetie," she said truthfully.  "Impressive you managed to get your brother here so quickly.  I was expecting to be well into my mud bath before you could drag him here," the Pegasus chuckled, but it sounded more like music than a laugh.  "You think he's too busy saving the world or something to spend time with his dear old mother," the mare feinted a pout.  "Spas are more your and Dawn's thing," Rising waved his hoof dismissively.  "Lily Monkshade, Soaring Grace.  Mother, Lily Monkshade," Rising would make the appropriate introductions should the witch of the wilds had wished to follow along.

Edited by Rising Dusk
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On 2021-06-14 at 12:19 AM, Blitz Boom said:

"If this is truly our final moments, I feel honored to die alongside a true adventurer, such as yourself, Fuchsia."

Of course he hoped it wasn't, but as the sounds outside felt silent, he got worried that this had gotten far more grim than he had hoped. The rams hadn't all... Died, right?

Soon enough, the sound of bones clattering against bones would be heard, and as they gazed outside of the cave, they'd be able to see a mass of undeath had arrived. Around them. laid a mixture of unconscious, beaten up rams, and strewn around bone from those of the skeletons, that had been smashed up properly. A minor army, which seemed to be those they had encountered in the temple.

Yet much as they were likely once much stronger and empowered - either meant as servants to the entity, or some sort of captors - time and being removed from the temple, as they had followed the entity, were wearing on the magic animating them. The fighting, as they had fought off the rams from touching the entity, did not help either. They were falling apart before their eyes, the light snuffed out in their eyes, as they were one by one, slowly beginning to fall to the ground as nothing but harmless bones. Though there were still about a dozen and a half left by now, as they wandered forward best they could, towards the two ponies. If it were threatening were hard to say, yet they were shambling undead. What could anyone say for certain?

The main one to be concerned about though, were the entity itself. The form were whole beneath the bandages that had gone loose over the ages, though the hide and hair were dry. It were thankfully nothing with open patches of flesh, but this would not be a good thing if you thought on it. It meant the dark magic that were trapped inside it, were strong enough to not have to forgo preservation.

The look in its pale eyes were completely, and utterly neutral. No good, no evil, no nothing. It weren't clear what were going through its head, if anything. Only thing that were clear, were that it's eyes were fixated on one, singular target, over all others: Fuchsia. It made sense really. Billowing may have been there too when it were released, but it were her that freed it. It may send some glances his way, but it were fleeting, compared to how much the unblinking gaze were on her. And here it now were, walking calmly, and steadily, towards her.

There wouldn't be much time to act. Billowing would wait until it almost reached the entrance, and the shambling skeletons - where two more had fallen apart - were really close to them, before calling "Now!" and then smashing past them. Quickly, he'd be rushing to the side as he exited, and if Fuchsia did the same, yet went the other direction, the entity would turn calmly, trying to follow Fuchsia. The low mobility would end up being it's failure though, as Billowing would let out a magic blast from his horn, pushing back both the skeletons and this entity into the cave, before the stones ceiling in the first meter or so collapsed, and trapped them all within. Weak scraping were heard from inside, but it seemed the trap had worked.

Yet as he had thought, the magic usage had been too much for Billowing, who now stood swaying, with a distance look in his eyes, bereft of anything resembling awareness. With the skeletons added, he had needed to go far, and sadly, that were something he were paying for now. Fuchsia would have to lead them back to Canterlot, and hope that for the time being, this cave would hold in the entity. Which it certainly would.

(edit I didn;'t mean to post this D: WIP!)

Fuchsia attempts to dash past the skellies. Fortunately her natural agility and years of exploring help her.

(I'm gonna roll a d20 here... 6!)

Even though it should be easy, her natural revulsion at the machine-like onslaught makes her clumsy and one of the gibbering skellies grasp hold of her legs. She bucks it - sending its skull flying in a satisfying arc back into the dark of the cave. The experience rattles her and makes her escape even more fervent. 

She scampered past the entity, averting her gaze from its lifeless sockets. Her hoof finds Billowing's shoulder and she crouches close to him, feeling vulnerable :( At that moment Billowing released his blast, trapping the entity inside. Fuchsia crouched low, her fur sizzling with the heat of the raw power of the Canterlotian Unicorn. Her Cutie mark roared at the expenditure of Equestrian magic, and her pony heart also soared - bathing in the magnificent lustre of the magic of the unicorn.

On seeing his exhaustion she took Billowing in hoof. She considered going back to the nanny goats for help, but as she saw the wasteland of rams pathetically scattered on the mountainside she thinks better of it. Instead she carries Billowing back home - she will head back through the jungle towards the Friendship Express stop that she left when she departed for the temple


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Leading/carrying Billowing to Canterlot were not tough to do really, as he were very easy to lead along in his current state. He were pretty much a docile puppet, that would follow along, and not make resistance.

As Fuchsia brought him to Canterlot, and started to ask around, she'd find that while there were concerned faces, the overall message appeared to be that this were not the worst state he had returned to town in. Nor were it a massively infrequent event, that he got back in some degree of bruised, or battered state. Something to bring up later perhaps with him, when he got more sensible, but for the time being, she'd get good directions from most of whom she asked. Billowing were well known in town, and overall liked, though she'd find that there would be some passing nobles sending him harsh stares whilst moving past. Which depending on how she knew them, might not be special. Nobles tended to have a bad reputation for a reason.

She'd find soon enough that the direction she were lead, would get them near more of the richer in town, and as the last one finally pointed at a specific house, she'd find that Billowing were not exactly scraping by. He had a rather large mansion. A somewhat fresh looking one, with a big, beautiful garden around it, that were clearly being cared well for. Statues were lining the stone pathway towards the front, though first, they'd have to get past the gate. Which wasn't hard, as it wasn't present, like it were many other places. He had ditched it ages ago, so it were just a nice, open path towards the door, which he did not tend to lock either. Though mainly because there were a caretaker where, who'd open the door once he took note of somepony wandering up the pathway.

An elderly earth pony stallion, with a dark-brown coat, brown eyes, pale-yellow hair with silver streaks through it, and a suit on, would come out towards them, and looked concerned at Billowing.

"*sigh* I knew this would come to pass when he left in that mood... Please, bring him in, miss. We'll place him in the master bedroom, then have you situated in the best guest room. I'm sure you're tired after getting him here, though if you'd prefer something to eat or drink first, you need only ask. I can also direct you towards a shower if that is more of a concern?

I suppose I should introduce myself too. I'm Grim Night. I'm the caretaker of Billowing's estate when he's not home, and of him, the times when he returns in a less than ideal state. Thankfully you seem to have gotten him back mostly unscathed. You have my thanks for that, miss. A little rest should hopefully sort this out simply enough.

If you would follow me, please?"

Going through the place, towards the master bedroom, she'd find the style to be old Victorian, though the fresh looks of the furniture, should show that it were not antiques, but rather well made replicas. Same with the vases, carpets, etc. Still looked good, and were less fragile. As well as less expensive. There were paintings around too, though none of him, except for a single one, right above the two-way staircase leading towards the second floor: One of him, an elderly mare, and elderly stallion, whom he had in a tight hug. By the looks of things, likely his parents. None of them wore something fancy, and just generally speaking, looked like a happy bunch. Were it not for the massive frame, and the fact this wasn't a picture, but an actual, large painting, one could think this as just a regular family photo.



@Rising Dusk

Another trip, another teleportation. Dawn seemed to truly enjoy these hasty travels, which left little to be seen of the town, but brought you to your goal faster. An interesting contrast to Rising, whom appeared to enjoy more traditional sort of going from one point to another. Each had their merit, but she supposed, this one made far more sense when it came to Dawn. A busy mare like her, could not waste time on travel, when there were so much to do.

Lily however, had more questions about the oddity of the place they were. One filled with strange aromas, that seemed to assult her senses in ways she couldn't yet say were nice, or bad. Odd looking ponies and weird sounds were abound too, with one of the odd ones addressing them more or less straight after they arrived. She assumed that meant that Dawn had sent word in advance. Maybe at some point during the previous night even, when Lily rested? It were hard to say, butt he talk made it sound that way.

There were also a reference to a mysterious, fourth one that would meet them here. That one made her raise her eyebrow curiously, but she did not speak a word of her questions regarding this. Whomever it were, would clearly be someone of importance, for Dawn to bring them along. Maybe somehow involved with information she wanted? Potentially, but Lily found it unlikely. She did not seem the sort who wished to do so brazenly in front of her brother, so it were likely something else. Perhaps a tailor of sorts, that could the take a better look of the two of them, and decide in what way they would appear at their best?

As for the interior, Lily were not a fan. She weren't sure why, but it felt as if the place were trying too hard to hide something sinister. An unlikely truth, but she were somewhat paranoid of nature, and it would take a bit of time before such a notion would leave her head.

She gave odd glances as they started to move through the place, to those she saw getting their treatments. The Not the sones sitting, and having their muscles tended to. No, that made sense enough. It helped to ease up things, and she could grasp the benefit of that. Especially if your daily routine were rather stressful. But sitting in a tub of mud, with food on your table? It looked as if some of them had fallen into a swamp, and only bothered to remove the rotting leaves. How was that beneficial, in any sort of way? It just looked silly. Not the only thing that did that as they wandered through, but that were one that really stood out to her, and if she were offered to try that, she would decline. She had spent a lifetime doing her best to avoid falling into swamps, and this new beginning of hers, were not one where she wanted to suddenly take a hard turn on that position.

On 2021-06-20 at 8:57 AM, Rising Dusk said:

Dawn's spa friend lead them over to the massage area where a lime green with a striking hot rose colored mane Pegasus laid upon a bed and was attended to by a cherry wood spa pony.  The mare looked younger than she was, mostly from the effort of good fitness and make up, but she was well into her middle ages.  She laid with her front legs crossed to rest her chin upon and eyes closed.  A pleased smile on her face with her right wing outstretched where the spa pony ruffled, preened and massaged the appendage.  "I smell trouble," the older mare cooed without opening her eyes.  Letting out a long relaxed sigh, "Mm, make that double."  She finally opened her eyes slightly, revealing the bold purple as they looked up at the visitors.  "Starting without us," Dawn scoffed.  "It was too tempting sweetie," she said truthfully.  "Impressive you managed to get your brother here so quickly.  I was expecting to be well into my mud bath before you could drag him here," the Pegasus chuckled, but it sounded more like music than a laugh.  "You think he's too busy saving the world or something to spend time with his dear old mother," the mare feinted a pout.  "Spas are more your and Dawn's thing," Rising waved his hoof dismissively.  "Lily Monkshade, Soaring Grace.  Mother, Lily Monkshade," Rising would make the appropriate introductions should the witch of the wilds had wished to follow along.

The first impression Lily had of the mare they were approaching, were one of indifference. She were getting a sensible treatment for a pegasus, with focus on her wings, and seemed to be well relaxed. Had they not stopped there, as the mare began to speak, she would have assumed this were just any mare in the place they were wandering through, and no one special.

As she started to speak though, her second impression became that this were who they were to meet, and that it were someone of import. The way she spoke were one of familiarity, and due to how Dawn were, Lily began to think this were another fixer. A notion that lasted until the mare called her sweetie, which made the pieces fall into place.

Now, be it far from her to judge Dawn on getting together with a mare who appeared roughly the same age as she were, but Dawn had made it rather clear that she did not have anyone special like that in her life. Or at least not one she wanted others to know about. As such, the only option left, were the one that became evident shortly after, when introductions came in. This were their mother. A mare who were seemingly older than she appeared, though it didn't really help either that due to Lily's own time on this earth, she had long since reached the point where anyone under the age of sixty-five, were pretty much considered a youngling to some degree.

As it were though, it mattered not. Lily - as the introduction were spoken - would give a bow before the mare, and speak her own greeting.

"Well met, Soaring Grace. May good fortune find you, and nightmares pass by your door."

She would straighten up after this greeting. She were trying to use some of the more tame ones she knew, as to accommodate this kinder country, so she hoped this one would fall into good grounds.

"I am surprised though. I assumed the mother, of the Savior of Harrowmark, to be less spry and vigorous. You must taking better care of yourself, than I did at your age.

Not that it is not an honor, but might I ask why we have come to meet you? I assume Dawn prepared this meeting, so the motives are yet unclear. She's a crafty one."

It were meat as a compliment. They would see if it would be taken as such too.



@Catpone Cerberus

On 2021-06-19 at 10:42 AM, Catpone Cerberus said:

"Assuming something is harmless is a sure way to get hit off guard." Ruby pointed out "Especially here, with all kinds of magical freaks around you never know what's behind the next corner."

"This forest in itself isn't helping either. It have a rather bad reputation, when it comes to holding various kinds of freaks and monsters within. The occasional large scale villain heading for Ponyville too, to test their meddle against the wearers of harmony. I'd say you're right in being cautious."

Ruby obviously weren't afraid, but on alert were a general good thing to be, when traversing this place. Sure there could be minor things like timberwolves to contend with, but then there also came things like Tirek and Discord... Rather big variance in potential troublemakers here, even if the regular things were mostly harmless, to some like them. Charir would be highly unlikely to have any sort of problem with for example a timberwolf, but another Tirek would be a whole nother story. At least in his empowered form.

On 2021-06-19 at 10:42 AM, Catpone Cerberus said:

"Phoenixes usually aren't a threat in my experience, but they are acting particular enough that we should probably keep our eyes open." "Quickly thinking about it, I see three potential situations this could indicate, in two of them it's us that causes it, they may sense something from us we don't realize, for example me, the zebra's spell may not be perfect, or it could be we are nearing something they don't want us to find unsupervised." "The third is that we are walking in danger, either set up by them, or otherwise related to them, if they would be here to warn us, they wouldn't just stare." of course there was a chance that they were just very curious, but Ruby wasn't one for such naively optimistic thinking. "They could also be controlled by someone to observe us, but I find that unlikely because I don't see a reason why they would send so many and be so obvious, until of course that's exactly what they want us to think."  

"It's not the first. Phoenixes gets drawn to strange magic sometimes, but they get up close and examine it then, most of the time. Even if they would be wary of us, this behavior is not normal. Not in this many at once at least."

The situation were starting to worry Marley. He might not know a whole ton of phoenix lore, but he knew a little from experience, and they did not tend to be like this. They were not only being too silent, but they were gathering in greater and greater numbers, whilst just observing them intensely. They might be curious creatures, but they were generally speaking, not flocking together like crows, and starring like ill omens. What were it that were going on right now?

He'd move slower forward the more got into view. It were about three dozen now he could count, sitting in the tree crowns, and starring down at them. And the number only grew.

"...I am not a bird watcher, so I don't really know, but it disturbs me to hear nothing. Not just them, either. Have you noticed the silence around us? No bugs, no critters... This is a bad omen."

Then suddenly, there would be a sound, as the fourth dozen or so phoenixes began a sound, with a singe one. A larger than the rest phoenix sitting on a low branch in front of them, that would start to coo, and spread it wings. The rest seemed to be watching closely, as it flew forward, and cautiously flew in a circle around, to get more safely towards the back of the wagon. If Charir especially followed them, he'd be able to tell why it had done so, and why the others would then soon after take flight, and rush towards the same area. Unbeknownst to them, there had somehow showed up an immense amount of bird seeds of various kinds, in a large, flat bowl, on the back half of the wagon. Just out of reach of where Charir would be standing, and it were drawing in the hungry birds. The silence had been from them waiting for someone to take the first flight, and prove it to be safe. As it appeared it might be so, they had begun their feeding.

Unless Charir had tried to grab and eat the first one going. In which case, the lot of them would have started to blast fire towards him, to make him let go of their kin. He shouldn't do that. They tasted badly anyway. Just warmth and ash, essentially.

They could also just try and shoo them off, but there were a lot of seeds here, and to them, it seemed to be for them, as it were in the open, so they wouldn't be deterred that easily.



@Catpone Cerberus

Crow were none to thrilled being called a pet. It would accept companion, but pet were stretching things, as it were a willing participant in their cooperation. Not some dumb animal he had gotten from a vendor, or lured in from the wilds. A thought that would show itself in it pecking Scarecrow twice on the head as he referred to it as such. A minor show of irritation. Nothing more than that.

"I've not heard of a dryad before, but the word evergrown rings a bell. I seem to recall some of the locals speak of one like that a few days ago. Must've been you then, sir."

"I haven't heard of either before, but it's nice to meet you both, even if I must admit to finding you to be very peculiar in nature. Pardon the pun."

"It is most welcome. Among my kind, puns such as that were well liked. Floratine would have treasured meeting you."

Lily's eyes gazed away as she said this, with a sadness tinging her otherwise kind smile. Mayor Mare seemed to want to ask about this, but Stargazer looked upon her, and slowly shook his head, which caused her to rethink this. He knew the look of someone who had lost those they cared for, and did not want for them to start this meeting off with digging into wounds like that.

"Perhaps something we can talk of another time. As it stands, the mayor still have some meetings to attend, and things to consider. Might I suggest that for the time being, you try and get Muffin to Jingle-Dee, before he moved from the market to a new location? There will be time to speak, and learn from one another some other time."

The part about learning seemed to be mainly directed towards the mayor, whom he knew would have liked to be briefed better on the two natural beings, but she could see it made sense to have their priorities straight. Her with several piles of paperwork, and the two of them with a dog and owner to be reunited. She could always invite them back for a chat some other time, and see if she could learn more about what kind of creatures this were, beyond the brief summary.

"Officer Stargazer is right. Unless there are other matters that cannot wait, perhaps it would be best that we each do what we're set on doing, and you can then come by another time if you'd like? My secretary can prepare a time for you, if it's at a bad moment when you can come around again."

"I would like to take you up on that offer someday. Scarecrow? is there anything pressing on your mind, or shall we find the jester?"



@Catpone Cerberus

"It's sad that you think about your home like that, though I can't really blame you. Hopefully, you'll feel welcome in our version of Equestria. Not that sort of technology around here, far as I know, or really anywhere else. Maybe Troy, but I'd be suspicious of how they got some of their tech advancements. Shady business, those folks from TRUsT.

Ahem, but lets try and not dwell on that kind of thing, and instead think of something better. Pinkie Pie is wanting to throw you a party after all, and well, I think it's best if you were prepared for it. You've already met her, but that was a brief encounter. When she's in party mode, it's somehow both easier, and harder to deal with her than that. Easier because she's giving folks some room to respond to things, but also a bit harder, as there's usually a lot happening around the area. Not all of them all that logical.

Which is where my first tip is gonna come in. If something happens that you can't explain, don't question it. Just chalk it up to Pinkie being Pinkie."

"That's nonsensical. If there is something one doesn't understand, answers should be exactly what you look for."

"Normally I'd agree, but Pinkie have a way of sorta defying logic. We've had scholars and smart beings of all sorts trying to make heads and tail of what goes on with her sometimes, and all they've gotten have been frustration, and cake."

She could understand Onache being curious, and not taking this fact all that well, but Pinkie were a strange enigma, and she'd urge anypony who got near her to not try and reason everything that went on around her. It'd only drive you mad. Though ironically, she sorta had the feeling that only the truly mad would be able to understand Pinkie's shenanigans.

"I've seen her swallow a three layer cake, that was bigger than herself, in a second, and seemingly not even gain a gram of weight. Just a pleased look upon her face. I gave up after that, but everypony's treshold tends to be different.

Also, if her presence starts being a little too much, and you need a breather, comment on how you think there's a blank spot without streamers, or not enough balloons of a specific color. It won't last long, but it might give you a minute or two while she goes and sort that out. She's kinda obsessed about everything being perfect. And to her, that tends to mean an abundance.

Hopefully I'm not scaring you off. She's a lovely, well meaning mare. She's just a little... Pinkie."




On 2021-06-19 at 12:37 AM, EQ_Theta said:

“That’s… a surprisingly graphic nightmare. I don’t think that’ll put a good image in my head. But, starting a day like this isn’t going to help. I’ve got some food here; wouldn’t want to head off with an empty stomach, right?”

Rosa appreciated the offer for food. They had eaten in abundance the night prior, but after resting, it were often good with something to start your system off with. Plus it would distract from further talking regarding his vivid nightmare, which were something he's be happy to further distance himself from. It had not been a nice one, to put it mildly, and it were the best if it could simply be moved past. It wasn't as if it would become reality anyway. He knew Equestrian laws well enough to be fully aware of that. His subconsciousness however, did not much care about that logic, when crafting nightmares for him. How lucky he were...

He'd gratefully accept the offered berries, and would slowly chew through the little dried up bundles of nutrients. It might not be much, but after what they ate yesterday, he at least still had much to digest, and wouldn't mind the smaller meal.

Shrimp too would be happy to get food. he ate in small portions, so this would be a regular meal to him, so he'd just happily go along and munch down the berries headed for him, all while enjoying the pets he received. Quite frankly, he was spoiled rotten by the group, but he certainly wasn't going to cause a fuss over that fact. He was just a happy little gem-eating noodle.

On 2021-06-19 at 12:37 AM, EQ_Theta said:

“Where do I start? This might be unlikely, but with the chances of rumors spreading about how Lin and I are associating with outsiders, there’d be a lot of misinformation. Others already deciding for themselves who we are before we could explain ourselves. Like, if somepony were to think of us as untrustworthy because we associated with shady folk, how do we deal with that?"

"If they thought of me as shady right away, there were never anything you could do. And if you worry about how rumor will spread after the trial, you won't have to. Spies are not persecuted in the public, as Equestria does not want to have it known how often it have been infiltrated. The only times it does come up, are when they mention a plot that had been stopped, which involved hostile spies. Officially, Equestria does not even have their own spies. I can assure you that they do, but it is an off record thing, and if caught, any knowledge of their connection are openly denied. A risky job, yet that tends to be a stipulation we all have to agree to.

In any case, before I derail too much- I worked for a highly despised, yet dreadfully effective organisation, and if word came out that they had apprehended me, there would be a flood of demands from other countries to either have me extradited to face public charges for crimes I likely had nothing to do with, yet would be the scapegoat off. As well as request after request for interviews, from some who would want me bled dry for information. Combined with the public embarrassment, and general risks that might come from it, an official trial of me is out of the question. They will deal with this silently, and do theirs to maintain this facade of Equestria being the perfect kingdom. Not saying it is bad, but every rose have its thorns. Equestria is no different.

Whatever comes of my incarceration, I will be put into the prison system either isolated from others, or under false charges. Something less remarkable, like tax evasion, I can imagine. They could keep me there for many years for that, as they *uncovered more details* of the extend of it. It's rather effective, actually. Also covers why they will be transporting so many papers around when meeting me. Things that can easily be explained as financial documents, that carry inherent privacy and security protections, so that not just anyone can lay eyes upon them.

So you shouldn't worry about being unfairly viewed by association. If some do start to go on and mention things about how I am a criminal, you can always say it is disputed, and that I maintain my claim that it is a clerical error. And really, it is a lesser evil to judge others from. So even if somehow your people heard of this, it would likely not paint me as badly as you may fear. I could imagine you may be seen as somewhat foolish to stand by me if it were, yet it is impossible to please everyone. Best you can hope for, is minimizing the amount who thinks badly of you, to be less than those favorable of you.

And if others simply distrust you on face value, either prove them wrong through action, or move on. As said, you cannot please everyone."

He assumed the question were regarding how they'd be judged, for being around him, considering his upcoming conviction. As such, he had answered that, and added a minor subsection of an answer if they meant just in general. It didn't exactly make things seem less bleak, that he were unlikely to even get any sort of public scrutiny, as it would appear that Equestria simple swept their problem under the rug, to deal with it out of sight, but... Well, such were the truth. Some things were just hid away, and done without public knowledge, for various reasons. Wasn't nice, but the truth had a bad habit of being quite ugly.

"What of you, Lin? Have anything on your mind that concerns you? I cannot promise the answer to be kind, yet it will be truthful."



@Windy Breeze

"Cimex, I... Y-Yes, of course I will. Please take care."

Sorrow had wanted to say something to Cimex. About how she felt bad for the changelings, and the struggles they had to try and deal with, after Queen Chrysalis both forced them into the spotlight, and tarnished their name throughout Equestria. It did not make it easy for those who had lived in the shadows before that, nor the few more open, as that attack made it seem as if changelings were nothing but monsters, hellbent on conquest and kidnapping, rather than just a hive being led by a queen, who had no loyalty to anyone but herself.

*sigh* But it seemed a bad time to rummage in things such as that. She had other things on her mind. Perhaps when she returned, she could see if she had it within her, to have anything to say about the subject by then. For now though, she had an important task, and she would stand herself in front of the oven, facing outwards to do it, as if she were some sort of goalie.

"And I'll be keeping a close eye on you. I know you're hungry, but the food have to be done before we eat it.. It's healthier, and likely better tasting.

Is it the blueberry, or the fact that it's a tart that grabs you though, Windy? I'm not sure, but I'm kinda curious."




They had limited time to work with, but it would be okay. The store were thankfully sectioned into various areas, so glass were in one part of the store. From there, it were about finding the proper undersection. Which wasn't beakers directly, of course, but vases and such should hold what she were looking for. And it did... Mostly.

She had to settle for three small jars, as they had lids, and four beakers. The beakers needed a wash, but least there were corks in them.  She also found three potion bottles, which were rather rare to run into, yet were also some that she could charge extra for, if she had them. The flair tended to work wonders for certain customers. Though due to the price, she had to forgo the option of six beakers instead. But at least she knew where they were now, so she could return, once she had more bits to work with. For now though, she'd have for a few apples, and that were about it. It would have to do.

Paying for the wares by the elderly stallion running the place, she'd get out with what she had with her, and held them up closely to the light, one by one, against the nearest streetlight. behind them, the shop would start to close, as it were about time for the owner to get some rest as well. Most weren't nightly roamers after all, and this sort of store did best in the daytime.

"I think they can do with a little more washing, but they will do nicely. Sorry if I sorta rushed in there, but he were almost closing, so I had to hurry a little. Once I have sold some potions, we can go back, if something caught your eye, or you want to look around. I just need this done first.

Going to need to go out at dawn and harvest some fresh morning dew for a few of them... Maybe a Night Glory too, if I wander into the forest soon...

O-Oh, sorry. I guess I'm just... What I mean is that there are several types of plants I can use, that is best at various points in the day. Morning dew too, is useful. It's very natural, pure water. I can collect it myself though, no worries. I don't want to force you to go into the woods either here late at night, or in the early hours. It might be a little boring for you too, with me just harvesting plants. I tend to hear most finds that odd. Except for botanists, though we don't agree on how to use things all that often."



@Starforce @Kujamih @Windy Breeze

On 2021-06-18 at 12:34 AM, Cali said:

"Well her brother, Molotov got injured and I took him to the hospital. I suppose we are friends, I literally just showed up in this dimension a short while ago though." Cali says with a wild entertained laugh.


On 2021-06-18 at 5:12 AM, Kujamih said:

"family?" Light pondered..

" It all depends on what you think family means miss Cloudwatcher."

"Mostly that means either blood relative, or close enough friend of the family to be called an uncle or aunt. It sounds like it's kinda complicated with you, so... I'll just think friends of the two for you both, if that's okay? I don't want to cause offense by saying things wrong. I uhm... Wouldn't know how your dimension worked with greetings, for example."

She were trying to thread carefully. Normally she wouldn't think dimension talk were all that real, but this were an alicorn, apparently, so that did give some credence to having great magic capabilities. And dimensions were a thing. Everypony who read the history books knew that, as it were mentioned when it came to the siren sisters, who were banished to another dimension. Considering everything, she'd just believe most things for now, and just hope she didn't accidentally cause offense.

On 2021-06-18 at 5:12 AM, Kujamih said:

" Where are my manners... My name is White Light.... Just call me Light... I'm a tourist who happened to get cought up with their shenanigans...now I guess we're friends. And seeing you ended up how I end up... you're gonna have an important role in the future."

"W-Well, important? I uhm... It's a nice thought s- Mister Light, but I don't think that's in the cards for me. You look more like somepony who'll make an important impact someday."

Sure he looked a little odd, but Light was nice to be around, and she liked the notion that perhaps someday, she'd end up mattering somehow. She doubted it, but the thought was nice, and Cloudwatcher did wish to someday get far. Perhaps get as high up as lieutenant? It would be more than any others of her family, so that would be a nice title to have on her mantle someday. But she needed a lot of tempering still. She wasn't as unshaken as needed, for those in command.

On 2021-06-18 at 4:03 AM, Windy Breeze said:

“Nice to meet you, Cloudwatcher. For a first year recruit, you are already good at being friendly” Luna complimented the guard, her gaze not leaving Blitz, “You local here in Manehattan?”

Meanwhile, Blue went back to the group, fearing she would be left behind.

She'd then go on to address the last ones, which might make her pulse get a little more under control, after the nice words from Light. She wasn't used to compliments, or being around powerful beings, so it flustered her a little to be in this situation. Least Luna seemed to know her plight some, as she were apparently a guard too. Though much less shaken. She must be a good one. Perhaps even a sergeant? ...She could see it.

"Always been friendly, ma'am. Just hoping I can also end up being useful. It's what we all want when we enlist, right?

And yes, I'm local. only really left town to go to the initiation in Canterlot. Not really been a reason for me to leave since either. Which is fine. It's good to know I can help protect my home, and those I know.

Where are you and her from, if it's okay to ask ma'am?"

Blitz on the other hoof, didn't really care for the chatter, and just kept trying to wriggle free, so that she could wander around and inspect the museum. If Cali insisted on grasping her like this, she would have to lead them around on th e tour, or Blitz would use all her attention and energy on just trying to get to see things, instead of participating in the chattering.

  • Brohoof 2


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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@Blitz Boom

“Blueberry...” came Windy's dreamy reply, not even blinking as a drool drop from her mouth, acting as if hypnotized by the food.

“She's funny” Tepe suddenly appear out of nowhere behind Windy, though Sorrow needs to remember he is still unaware of his ghostly state or else she'll say the wrong word and he'll become a doomsday character.

@Blitz Boom @Starforce @Kujamih

Luna gave her a smile. It's very pleasing to talk with a fellow guard, one whom she had never met her before, her interest growing as the mare revealed a few details about her life.

Her smile stayed when asked where she live, “I'm from Richville, a small quaint farming town in the southwest region of Foal Mountains” she said as she gave the guard a quickl summary, “The town has a few traditional festivals, the most notable is the Festival of the Harvests, the most Important event in town” there was pride in her voice.



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All this talk about their homes made Light's heart ache painfully, that it shows a bit in his face.

"...." Light would then try to rub his chest a bit, calm himself and put on a poker face....:yeahno:

Light would slowly follow their walk of phase at the back.

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@Blitz Boom

“Being seen like a fool isn't something that'll bother us. Even Ghilan thought we were mad until we explained things to him, and eventually, he came to an understanding. Then, he met you and has come to respect you and what you gave him. Still, something you mentioned didn't sound like a comforting thought. Putting you in prison for many years while they figure things out? Sounds good for a moment, but then, who knows what they’ll do?”

“Keeping this hushed sounded good for a moment, but what if someone thinks keeping you locked away for longer and longer periods is better because of what they find out later? This is making us more worried for you.”

Being worried like that was already getting aggravating, and Sen had hoped whoever would provide the verdict would at least stay true to the length of the sentence. The siblings didn’t understand a lick of the Equestrian justice system, and while some of their fears were assuaged by things being kept away from the public eye, some of the things Rosa explained still sounded rotten. If they were given the chance to speak in the trial, to do something that could probably help commute the sentence, the siblings would do their best. 

Still, honoring the sentence is likely the only thing they could do lest they run into more issues with the justice system. All that talk of Equestria being some kind of utopia starts to crack and fall apart when someone would look at its worse aspects. Sen appreciated the answer he was given, though aspects related to the trial and the possible sentencing to follow made him more disturbed. As Rosa said when he turned to Lin, the answer wasn’t a kind one.

And for Lin? Her previous ideas for questions just got thrown out the window after Rosa responded to Sen’s question. She wasn’t worried about how others would perceive her if word got out that they were associating with a criminal. In fact, Rosa’s response eased her out of some concerns. Her question would be something more pertinent toward what they were just discussing.

“I’m sorry if we don’t think highly of Equestria’s justice system or the the proceedings. I guess it’s that we’re nervous. Maybe things are different here unlike back home where someone could just rig a trial. After knowing what that was like, it's hard to avoid thinking about how many ways the next one could go wrong. If it could help, can you tell us what we should expect and how to conduct ourselves? The last thing you’d want us to do is to mess things up for you.”

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On 2021-06-22 at 5:16 PM, EQ_Theta said:

“Being seen like a fool isn't something that'll bother us. Even Ghilan thought we were mad until we explained things to him, and eventually, he came to an understanding. Then, he met you and has come to respect you and what you gave him. Still, something you mentioned didn't sound like a comforting thought. Putting you in prison for many years while they figure things out? Sounds good for a moment, but then, who knows what they’ll do?”

“Keeping this hushed sounded good for a moment, but what if someone thinks keeping you locked away for longer and longer periods is better because of what they find out later? This is making us more worried for you.”

"It's a complicated mess. Layers of laws, bureaucracy, risk evaluations, public perception, how it makes you appear to other countries, and so on, and so forth. I have scraped enough under the surface in my time to understand that government isn't simply steeped with secrets that few would like to come out, but also a complicated mess, strung together in a way that would make most have a headache from trying to grasp it. The bigger the kingdom, or nation, the more layers to it there is, as they have to think of several factors before doing something that might end up backfiring.

Admitting you had caught a spy, would mean admitting you had someone with potential dirt on you, and would show weakness in how you had likely not caught him or her in time. Public punishment, would make you seem like a dictator. Openly putting the offender in prison for their actual crimes? It would open up to your secrets being leaked, or the subject being extracted to share what they knew.

That is before even factoring in how they may have accomplishes, waiting to grab them and whisk them away. Or if they have guards, wardens, and so on, that might work for the same ones as the spy in question, which they'd have to consider as well to avoid a potential compromised situation. Letting the spy die would also be bad, as they may have information you'd need, so outright executing them, or letting them potentially get killed in prison, by their own hooves or others, would be catastrophic too.

These are but a few reasons, and I loathe that I know plenty more things they'd have to consider, and yet am still aware that there are more, considering how careful Equestria is to preserve its image. It's not rotten to the core, but there are dark sides, even to them.

Trust me when I say, that you are the ones to envy, for being oblivious to the finer workings of government."

He wasn'øt kidding. If he knew before starting this, what sort of dirt he'd gather up, and how much he'd have to dig into the seedy side of a functional governing system, he'd have dropped the daggers off at his fathers place, and gone off to become a melon farmer.  It sounded like such a nice, calming profession.

On 2021-06-22 at 5:16 PM, EQ_Theta said:

“I’m sorry if we don’t think highly of Equestria’s justice system or the the proceedings. I guess it’s that we’re nervous. Maybe things are different here unlike back home where someone could just rig a trial. After knowing what that was like, it's hard to avoid thinking about how many ways the next one could go wrong. If it could help, can you tell us what we should expect and how to conduct ourselves? The last thing you’d want us to do is to mess things up for you.”

Rosa would slowly chew through the berry he had been granted, as he listened to Lin's concerns. Following into something which were rather relevant: Questions about how they should behave during the trial. Which were honestly rather valid, as it wouldn't be long now until they would be going there, so it were good that they were given a crash course of sorts here.

"They won't rig the trial against me. Whatever's gonna happen, will be considered just, and they will weigh evidence, as well as worth, regarding what I might be able to give them in exchange for leniency. I am not sure of the regular court systems, but the generals handle this, and I know them to be honorable, in matters such as this.

As for how to behave, I think it is best to just go over some basics, as to not overcomplicating things.

First off, only speak when addressed. If you speak out of turn, or interrupt, they may end up removing you from the room, and then your side will not be heard. Judges, and potentially the generals too, also tend to look less favorably upon those being obnoxious like that, and that will cloud their judgement.

You should expect to be searched before we go in, for anything that might be seen as a weapon. Then when we are cleared and get in, expect to be taken to the side, in a section usually reserved for witnesses. You are likely to be called up after they present their first argument, and asked some questions. Answer everything honestly, even if it might seem hurtful, or damaging to the case. Lies are not tolerated in court.

I know not when they may be asking you for your personal opinion, and experiences, but the same ruleset follows. Simply be honest, and tell them what you think, and know.

That will  be the basics. And advice specifically for Omen, would be to not eat anything they hand you. They're not presenting you with snacks. It's either evidence, a book of law, or something else related to the procedure."

He'd be about done eating as he said that, and be ready for wandering off, when eventually the questions stopped. Maybe if they got there a little early, he would be able to see his brother, and show then that he did not try and run away from this.



@Windy Breeze

Sorrow couldn't help letting out a small snorting laugh as she saw Windy's response to the question about the blueberries. It was just too good to not do that, even if it were a little embarrassing, and her hooves went right in front of her muzzle, soon as it escaped.

It'd take a bit for her to get it out of her system, before she could answer Tepe, but eventually she'd be able to. Still had to chose her words right, but this didn't touch on his... State, currently, so it should be somewhat simple, yes?

"Changelings can be, but they have their reason. One of their more ambitious queens, of the biggest hive in Equestria, tried to take over the capitol. Nearly got it done too, and some citizens they kidnapped are still unaccounted for, last I heard. Before that, their kind had mostly been seen as spooky tales you tell your foals, to keep them away from dark alleys and such. After that though, there were no escaping anymore, and the way the public saw them in full swing... Well, it tainted their reputation, and made it very hard for those just trying to live normally around Equestria.

That's how I have come to understand it, at least. The hive Chrysalis had have been reformed, and their new leader are talking well with Princess Twilight, so there are better times ahead for their kind, I believe. It's just not easy for them, you know? A lot of changes they have to adapt to, that's not easy.

That, and we sorta brought some really bad attention on this place, when we came here to hide. I'm sure it's a little strained with Cimex over that too. Which is not going to get easier, if her tarts gets plundered, so gonna have to keep an eye on Windy here."



@Kujamih @Windy Breeze @Starforce

On 2021-06-22 at 6:19 AM, Windy Breeze said:

Her smile stayed when asked where she live, “I'm from Richville, a small quaint farming town in the southwest region of Foal Mountains” she said as she gave the guard a quickl summary, “The town has a few traditional festivals, the most notable is the Festival of the Harvests, the most Important event in town” there was pride in her voice.

"Richville... I don't think I've heard about that place before, but it sounds very nice, ma'am. Festivals are always such pretty, important events, and I'm sure a hravest festival's gonna have a lot to show. I can imagine the tables are lined with local produce, fresh off the vine, or dug from the dirt then, yes? I can see the fruit of your labor being something worth celebrating, when it's all there, and you can take pride in all that hard work.

Can you tell me more about the festival? I'm curious. I-If that's okay, ma'am?"

She were still speaking to Luna, as if the mare had rank over her, which really, she might have. It were hard to say. The way she spoke at least made it seem as if she had seniority, which were still experience, and hence, marked her as higher ranking.

On 2021-06-22 at 12:17 AM, Cali said:

Cali smirked and cackled slightly at her words. "Yeah, friends. Friends is perfectly fine. My dimension or rather, planet is quite something! It's called Earth, home to many nations, so many cultures, and different kinds of people. It has things that would drive ponies here quite frankly insane by how complex and fascinating they are. Fun fact, I could probably take you into space if you wanted, or show you a book. Would you wanna see a book about my world? I think you would." Cali stated in an excited fashion, largely ignoring the other conversations for now. Cali lets Blitz go, but tells her to stay nearby.

As for the other mare... Well, she wasn't a ranking officer, but she were an alicorn. It would be rude of her to just dismiss her request to see a book from her dimension, right? Besides, what harm would it do? It were just a book. Not a... Heh... Not a portal... *gulp* Hopefully...

"I'd prefer to not go up there, miss. But uhm, the book sounds interesting. What's it about? A history book, m-maybe? It sounds like there's a lot to talk about where you come from, so it would have to be pretty big, I guess."

Big enough to squish her, she could imagine... Hoh boy, her thoughts were really not helping her right now, but she just wasn't sure what would come of this. Talks about other dimensions here in Equestria, were not exactly part of happy stories.

As for Blitz, it were cute that Cali thought the filly really listened to her at this point. Soon as she wasn't grabbed, she'd go over and start looking at the various things. She wouldn't go past the lines, but she'd make big, fascinated eyes at what she were seeing. She were almost about to move on to the next section around the corner, when she saw something horrifying. Something so grotesque and wrong, that it demanded action be taken this instant.

It was *drum roll* Light with a sad face! A brief one, but still- Catastrophe!!!

She'd turn instantly, and heroically go straight for him. Right for his chest, where she'd rise up, and cling on, with a big, happy grin on her face. As if she were trying to transfer her own joy right into him, via the hug she were giving the less than happy looking stallion.

"Don't be sad Light! I bet you can go watch the pretty festival too, and eat pumpkin with both hooves."

She assumed this is why he were sad, as she couldn't read his mind. Probably not he case, but her sheer positivity might help take him out of his glum, and wasn't that a victory in and by itself? She'd say so.




"Cleaning them with your magic? Huh... Didn't think about that, but we can try. In the forest, that is. I can clean out the residual magic after that."

It might work really well this way, actually. It would let Magnolia try her magic out on something, and then in turn, it would give some really clean beakers to work with. And that would be important, as unclean ones could cause all sorts of messes. Like say, a droplet of mayo, might drastically change a potion, as it were delicate business. Clean water weren't like that, and neither might this magic not be. Of course, it would leave some residue, but it was minimal, and to be on the safe side, Zeehva could remove that. It might well prove to be very effective.

"Well, we're not far from the forest, so we might as well go towards it now then, yes? Gives you a chance to show me that -"

She'd move in a little closer, with a little grin on her face, and deepened her voice.

"- You are the night."

A small giggle would escape her. It was silly, she knew it, but it just sorta felt right to say, you know? A little thingie from a comic book she had read once upon a time, and what Magnolia said just resonated with that a lot. Hay, might even be the very same thing it were referencing. Wouldn't that be a fun coincidence? Though even if it wasn't, it were still a fun little situation. She enjoyed that. Helped keep the thoughts from the dark, or awkward.

"Hehe. Silliness aside, we'll only go if you're okay with it. Still a lot of nigh time left, so we can wait a bit, if you'd rather rummage around town a little more. When you're ready though, it might be a spot of fun. I can teach you a few flasks once things have been gathered then. Simple things just to start you off with though. we all gotta crawl before we can walk and all that, heh. Aaah, but the basics really are important. And pretty close to tea making, so it's good to ease in with."

  • Brohoof 2


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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@Blitz Boom

(Sorry for disappearing for a while, life got very busy)

"I'm always up early or up late it depends if I manage to sleep... And I was...um... I'm not sure why I came in here...oh! Right! I was wanting breakfast. " Ginger said she was chatty as always. She sat down and waited a bit.

"could I eat or do I have to wait?"She asked  awkwardly. She shifted her large wings and relaxed. She gestured for Meiko to sit next to her.

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Blitz took Light by surprise and took the wind out of his chest literally, as she rammed herself into Lights chest.

"UUGHH!!! *Cough*" Light was stunned and snapped out of anything he was thinking....

Light panicked for a bit as to wonder what hit him on the chest. It was blitz.

"......sure Blitz...." Light was still a bit shocked and just gave a smile to blitz.

Edited by Kujamih
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@Blitz Boom

“Huh… I don’t think I could ever wrap my head around the laws of Equestria. Even thinking about it now is making my head hurt. I’d normally say I am curious, but the way you described how complicated the system is, maybe you’ve convinced me to be a little less curious.”

“It’s never simple, is it? Perhaps it does sound better if things were kept hushed. If the finer workings of government is really this complicated, I’m glad I never tried to become an elder. I could only imagine what Ghilan got himself into when he decided to step up.”

In many ways, Sen and Lin were coming to a point when questioning the way things are would lead to nowhere. Yet, they’ve both been in situations that had them living through experiences they never thought they’d get. Having a friend in a position of governance was one, yet Sen harbored contempt for rulers in general, even Ghilan at one point. Now? The longma counts that same elder as one of his closest friends. Likewise, he never thought he’d find close friends with creatures outside the longma, but here he was with Omen and Rosa, learning from them.

And speaking of learning, he and Lin would find that honesty was about the most crucial thing for them to follow. If the generals presiding over the trial were as honorable as Rosa said they were, then they’d put their trust on his word. Honesty was what they were advised, though if given a chance, the siblings wouldn’t hesitate to talk about their friend’s merits, about how despite his past, his character should still hold some promise of redemption. Knowing what the learned form their adventures together, Rosa ought to be given a chance to atone outside of a cell. If it means commuting a sentence, the siblings would give it their best. 

“Even now, I can’t shake this feeling that something is just bound to make things more complicated. I guess there’s no use worrying about it at this point. Be honest and I guess listen well. No pressure then…”

Lin would see Rosa and Sen finish their meal, and when she was ready, she’d open a gate to Canterlot. For a moment, she hesitated and didn’t want to open the gate at all. If she could buy themselves a little more time for themselves, she’d do it, at least for Sen’s sake, but that would be a disservice to Rosa. The trial had to happen, no two ways about that. 

“If we’re ready, everyone, just step on through. The gate should take us to Canterlot’s town square. And Rosa? You wouldn’t want to forget these. They’re yours, after all.”

The longma pulled out their souvenirs from the night before and gave them to the thestral. Gifts, prizes, mementos, and most importantly, a picture of them; the siblings hoped that at the very least, their friend would be able to hold on to them in prison, if only so that things could be a little more bearable. It might not be the way things worked in Equestria, but they hoped Rosa would be afforded some leniency. 

Edited by EQ_Theta
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6 hours ago, EQ_Theta said:

“Even now, I can’t shake this feeling that something is just bound to make things more complicated. I guess there’s no use worrying about it at this point. Be honest and I guess listen well. No pressure then…”

Lin would see Rosa and Sen finish their meal, and when she was ready, she’d open a gate to Canterlot. For a moment, she hesitated and didn’t want to open the gate at all. If she could buy themselves a little more time for themselves, she’d do it, at least for Sen’s sake, but that would be a disservice to Rosa. The trial had to happen, no two ways about that. 

“If we’re ready, everyone, just step on through. The gate should take us to Canterlot’s town square. And Rosa? You wouldn’t want to forget these. They’re yours, after all.”

Rosa would tenderly take the things offered him. It were questionable how many of them he'd be allowed to keep though, due to safety reasons, so much as he disliked it, he'd have to make some choices here. So he'd take the picture of them all together - which caused him to get a smile spreading on his face, by looking at how happy they seemed - and would then carefully put the other things down on the ground.

"There is certain rules about what prisoners can keep, since they may use certain objects to harm themselves, or others. I won't be allowed much at the start, so please, take care of these for me, until the day comes where I'm allowed to see them again. The picture is not something they can deny me, and I promise I'll take good care of that from my end."

Bit of a tear rolled from his eyes, that he had to lift the glasses to wipe from his face. He truly didn't want to be separated like this, but actions had consequences, and it were time he faced his. For the sake of his own guilt, what was right, and for the chance it could provide him, in showing his remaining family that he were not untrustworthy. He just hoped this wouldn't end up being too bad, once everything were said and done.

He'd wander through the gate first after that, and out on the awakening streets of Canterlot. It were still rather early, so the streets were not massively crowded, though there were still various workers that went on about the start of their day. Social workers, bakers, marketplace ponies, preparing their stall for the day, etc.

Rosa would give glimpses towards them, but his focus would stay more on the building that they were heading for. The one where his case would be spoken, and judgement passed. It were hard to pay much attention to the town, with this looming ahead.

Omen would look around more, but had no real thoughts on any of this. It looked like how she had seen the city many times, and while she had questions about that, there were other things she were thinking of instead. Mostly things regarding last night, that she were sorting out some in her mind. The case was something that she just saw as them showing up, and speaking to others for now, and then Rosa would be away for a time. She didn't know what to be nervous about, just curious about how it would go.

Making their way towards the castle, they'd eventually reach where they had been told to arrive. Somewhat subtle area, where only the guards had full vision currently. A good place for whisking someone away, once judgement time began. Though there weren't any guards here, except for one. A large, dark form, standing and looking upwards at the building silently.

Rosa wouldn't say a thing as he approached, and would halt, about a meter to Stargazer's right, where he'd join his brother in looking towards the building.

"It's good to see you again."

"I didn't think you'd show."

"I'm done running. Whatever happens in there, I'm prepared to accept it."

The two would stand in silence for a little while, before Rosa would begin speaking again. His gaze still didn't go towards his brother, but he'd talk to him at least, before turning to the others.

"...Maybe I was wrong about you.

As for you, are you all ready for the trial? Once we enter, there is no turning back."



@GingerLightning (Welcome back. :) )

"Nono, feel free to. The others aren't gonna be up for another hour anyway. No need to let you two go hungry. I just have to be up to ready the joy.

We didn't really know what your pet would eat though, so uuuh... I took a wild guess, when I was at the market. They said wolves liked that?"

She'd point towards a bowl on the floor, in which were a slab of meat, and a fish. Both diced up of course, and Meiko were all too happy going in and starting to chomp that down. Better than dog food for sure, which she had also considered getting, but they didn't know what a timberwolf pup would technically need, and hadn't the time to go over it with Ginger, so she had to guess here at first. So he had a bit of a gourmet meal here for the time being. Wasn't like it was too expensive. It wasn't the choice, primo cuts of the very best you could get. Just some regular salmon, and a chunk of boar, which where normally sold as mince meat for stews at best already, due to this particular cut being rather chewey and ugly looking in its normal form.

"Awh, ain't he precious? How did you even get him, if I may ask? And what do you normally feed him? I don't want to cause trouble with his food regime. Or hit allergies. That'd be really bad for the poor pupper."




"I don't think you'll mess up at all. Not more than usual, anyway. The basic potions here are pretty simple, and they're pretty forgiving. Long as you don't overstir things. It's the more advanced things that starts to become more about being exact. Like uhm... Yes, and example. The difference between a potion that will rejuvenate your energy, and one that will cause you to fall unconscious for ten hours, are a single gram of swamp-pickled clover root. Put too much in, and you end up with something only used by those who have really big issues sleeping, and need to force a good night's rest in.

Meanwhile if you use too little, you could end up making one where the drinker have hiccups with bubbles for an hour. It's weird looking, bur harmless. usually some sale in that as a prank item.

Anyway, that's just the first example I thought of. There can be a ton of variance in things, but I'm sure you'll catch on soon. Memorizing them all is another thing, but that's what we have books for."

She'd use her horn to float a small book out of her bag, and open it up to show various pages of scribbled down recipes, in a pretty small font. Had to make use of the space well after all.

"It's nothing special. Just a few hundred useful ones, and a few I've mixed up myself. I can't remember all of them of the top of my head, so best to keep a reminder around.

But we can get to work on that later. We got a forest to reach first, and like you said, it might be good to get a bit of distance to the town for now. We can take it in small steps, and reach further in some other time. Maybe when we're done with the potions? We'd probably need to find a more busy street to get a sale done."

The road towards the forest were much the same as the one towards the harbor, where they had a room currently, but they'd have to turn before the pier. They would be able to see when they got within distance, that Gretha were still there, yet laying down right now, whilst the ponies and such around her were working. She were seemingly either done with her part, or waiting for her to be needed.

Turning right before they hit the inn though, would get them to wander along with the edge of town, and soon enough, start to see the forest's edge approaching. Looming, dark, and ominous, as no light beyond that of the pale moon, shone down through the branches. A light that wouldn't reach everywhere, and who knew what might lurk in the shadows?



@Starforce @Kujamih @Windy Breeze

On 2021-06-24 at 12:43 AM, Cali said:

"I hope this book interests you, it would be really interesting to see your reactions to this book." it wasn't a fairly large book, but it wasn't exactly thin either. Cali enjoys the mare's willingness to discuss, and even possibly learn about this subject. 

The mare reacted alright, by seeing the faces of humans. Promptly letting out a *Meep* and jolting back a few steps, dropping the book in the process. She didn't really know a lot about humans, but there were certain old legends about them, and some very crude drawings of them alongside some of those old fairy tales, and they didn't speak nicely about them. Probably one of the reason those tales were obscure. Didn't want the sort of tales thatd give your foals bad dreams, if you read it to them.

"S-Sorry, so sorry miss. I didn't mean offense, it's j-just... G-Got a little shocked. Really sorry about that."

She'd cautiously move slowly forward, after her heart stopped beating so loud that she swore it were echoing in her ear, and cautiously poke at it a few times. As nothing seemed to happen, she'd pick it up, and turn on to a random page. This one seemingly being about something called *The Bronze Age*, and started to read a little about it. Couldn't hurt a little bit, right? No way this were as bad as the twisted old tales.

23 hours ago, Kujamih said:

"......sure Blitz...." Light was still a bit shocked and just gave a smile to blitz.

"Yeeey. Happy Light, happy Light, gonna smile all nice and bright."

A little jingle of sorts, that she had heard Pinkie use before, on some dour stallion that came through Ponyville, a few weeks before she ran into Molotov. Light Breeze, his name were, if she recalled right. Wasn't the same pony at all, but the name were there, and it just sorta popped into her head, as Light seemed to cheer up a little. At least from her perspective, which were still clutching on to him, with her face pressed against him, and nearly radiating pure joy.

She were also clinging on well. For a unicorn, with a below average physique, she were surprisingly good at latching on, and sticking to someone, as if she were made of velcro.

  • Brohoof 2


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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@Blitz Boom

“My tribe has not seen or heard of them, as of now, I am the only member of my tribe to be aware of the changeling race existence” there was some sadness in his voice, “It's a shame my people have been ignorant and unaware of stuff they must know to survive. But, if I'm able to go back I can pass my knowledge to them, I can convince them to move to the west sea to get close to Equestria and out from the dangers in Maresai Mara”

“Did I went out the topic? I don't want to be rude, and speaking of being rude, looks like Windy decided to take a quick advance to the furnace” Tepe stared at Windy, the wonderbolt pressing her face against the oven window with a dreamy look on her face. Tepe smiled with amusement, “Pa never told me food can cause an extreme case of addiction”


@Blitz Boom @Starforce @Kujamih

“During the festival, the streets will be crowded by locals and tourists alike, the marketplace and the main road will look like a sea of colorful water and what street you go, you will find stands of any kind. Many locals will also host parties, especially the farmers. The Festival of the Harvest is a great reminder of Richville's first big success of planting massive amounts of food which ended a famine that had our ancestors almost succumb to greed and selfishness” Luna explained.

  • Brohoof 1



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@Blitz Boom @Starforce @Windy Breeze

Light chuckled a bit at Blitz jingle. But because Blitz snapped him out of his trans Light noticed Cali showing off another one of her books from another dimension.

" Hey..heyeyeyey!" Light said while Blitz is clinging at Light, walking towards Cali.

" You're doing it again Cali!"  

Light somehow noticed that Luna was talking and had interrupted her.

" Oh sorry Luna, Ahmm." 

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