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Blitz Boom

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@@Blitz Boom, @@Damonater,

'i am happy to have you around here a little longer' summer said to blitz and she walked to the kitchen to get some water for herself and blitz. when she got back summer realised that she still didn't know what blitz did in the forest at night and the part about the bity things didn't feel right either 'witch bity things do you mean blitz, and why do they not want to play with you, when you do whatever you do there' summer asked blitz. but then she realised that blitz maybe didn't want to tell and that she would go away if summer kept asking so much 'you don't really have to tell what you do if you don't want to' summer said quickly. because if blitz left then summer would be alone all day and she would be hanging around her house doing nothing. but that was better as talking to somepony older then summer. summer found it rather hot outside and she walked to the window to open it as she saw the first sunlight making the sky orange and pink, and in the distance she heared piano music 'hey blitz, who's playing the piano?' summer asked to blitz because if she could hear it then that ment somepony lived nearby and that thought made summer feel even warmer as before she opened the window


thanks Pastel Pinkie for the amazing sign!

and thanks icyfire888 for the super cute profile picture!



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@@Denim&Venom, @@Blitz Boom, @@Seamore Sandwich, cresent did his best of following the groups blood beats hopping he wouldn't trip over anything. On Priestess comments blind for the time being he knew she would loose badly at poker


. And even if Shaman was....he thought about it some more "oookay then" he still didn't know where to put Priestess in terms of foe or ally....being tired from the fighting of the night didn't help....and blind....he began to whistle thinking of what he was taught on blindess. And then ther was Shaman...he really needed to ask the elephant in the room but didn't know how without another fight breaking out. Being a victim of overreaction to bat ponys he knew changinlgs had it worse...

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@@Summer Breeze,



"Well, the timberwolves didn't like the grenades, most other things just get scared of the explosion.... I think a few things got scared by the traps. Oh, and the many head thing stepped on the glittermine and got scared. Looked really funny though."


Blitz giggled and bounced a little in place, remembering the various bitey things that had gotten scared away, though especially the Timberwolves and the grenade affair. It had been such a well timed explosion. And such a pretty one too! And it didn't hurt either that she had gotten a good deal of the bark as they had shed a lot of it in the blast. Those things were Awesome to use as casings.


"Hehe. And I don't mind telling what I do. I invent things. Small machines, weird paint, but mostly things that go Boom!"


She rose up up her hind legs and used her front hooves to imitate an explosive blast whilst giggling like a slightly mad pony.


"Not sure if you can hear it from here though. Some ponies say they can hear something in town, but there's all sorts of weird sounds from the forest, so- Huh, a piano?"


The thing Summer said about a piano had interrupted her train of thought and got her to perk her ears up instead, trying to hear the sound she spoke off. After a while, she thought she vaguely heard something, but it wasn't very loud. At least not from where she stood.


"Dunno if that's a piano but... We can look? Not many houses out here so I bet we can find the music sound."


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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@@Blitz Boom

@@Summer Breeze

Barrel kept playing the piano. The tune sounded wonderful and peaceful. Then he stopped and pondered for a minute, questioning his existence.
"Eh..." Barrel shrugged as he continued to play.
Smoking Barrel lived in a very tiny garage just on the borderline of the Everfree forest. It is very cluttered and can hardly move in the place. Parts for projects everywhere, a dirty mattress he sleeps on, a garden hose for a shower and messy project workbench. And yes, obviously he lived on his own.
What does he do for fun? Not much really, Barrel's only real 'fun' would be testing out his weapons in the Everfree. And his piano but that's just to keep him from going insane.
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@@Blitz Boom,


'you invent things that go boom' summer said whit a scared look on her face, 'i do not think that's save at all! you could hurt yourself or the bity things try to get revange for exploding them!!!' summer was talking really loud, not because she was angry but because she was worried for the safety of the little pony she just met. 'sorry, i don't want to sound angry or something, but i really don't think it's a good way to spend your time, but you are the expert of this, if you think it's okay then i'll trust you. as long as your parents are okay with it, i am' summer said to blitz 'come, let's find the piano' before you eccidentaly blow up my house summer thought behind that but was wise enough not to say that out loud.

summer and blitz walked through the everfree forest when the music stopped. 'where do we have to go now?' summer asked blitz, but then she spotted a little garage just outside the forest, it was messy and it smelled a little bit i don't want to know who lives there, even if he plays really beautifull music'i don't think it's here, lets go somewhere else' summer said to blitz hoping it was not to late and the pony who lived there had not seen them yet.

Edited by Summer Breeze


thanks Pastel Pinkie for the amazing sign!

and thanks icyfire888 for the super cute profile picture!



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@@Blitz Boom






It was comforting to see Last loosen up a little. Seeing her 'kid friendly' side showed that she wasn't some heartless killing machine, although it would already be hard to see her as that because she was turned into a jackelope earlier. "Somepony, perhaps Shaman, should stay here with Crescent until he regains his eyesight, although my guess is it would take less than an hour. I was once told by a Bat pony friend of my dad that the first time a flash of light blinds a Bat pony it causes a small amount of damage to the eye. That damage then heals back stronger each time, so the damage takes less and less time to repair. Way back when he was training for the Royal Guard, Bat ponies would be subjected to flashes of light to strengthen their eyes, preparing them in the event that somepony decided to use such a thing in an attack. That practice was discontinued though, after an incident where the Bat pony's eyes couldn't repair themselves. Though he did have a rare condition that was what prevented his eyes from healing, it was considered too much of a risk as the condition could not be detected in any other way."


@@Blitz Boom


Charlie noticed the young foal looking at the two of them. "The illusion is about to fall apart, I'm sorry. We've already been noticed." There was nothing he could do to stop it now, Brittle already knew they were there, at least subconsciously. Soon she would notice them, although Charlie would just blend in with the other foals. When she they become visible, it would be as if they were already there and she just didn't notice.


@@Blitz Boom

@@Summer Breeze


Luna kept her head high, displaying herself in a show of royal elegance as she went through the portal. "'TIS A PLEASURE TO MAKE THINE ACQUAINTANCES, BUT NOW WE MUST MAKE HASTE TO OUR DESTINATION. A MATTER HAS ARISEN TO WHICH WE MUST RESPOND QUICKLY," she said in her Royal Canterlot Voice. She continued using the Royal Canterlot Voice for situations like speeches and other times when she needed to be heard clearly over a distance.

Edited by Seamore Sandwich
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@@Seamore Sandwich,






"Wherever Shaman will go, either I or Priestess will have to go too considering what she said about his laryngitis and needing the kit for translation of some kind. That is, unless you're planning on hogging more of your kin at somepony?"


She gave a slightly judgemental look towards Priestess between talking and nuzzle back at Petey on her back. It didn't last long, but she'd get the picture that Last didn't exactly approve of tossing your kids at others. That is, if the minor outburst from before hadn't said so already.


"If Priestess are gonna watch over things, I will go with Seamore's group. And if I do end up staying here, the ones following him should keep in mind to stay close to eachother. I don't trust this place enough to risk security or splitting up too much."


After that she looked at Syo, at first not sure what to make of her. SHe didn't exactly Need protection, but at the same time, she wasn't that big either. Teleportation was great until the magic ran dry and then what? Snack time? No, not on her watch.


Question would then be Where she'd do best. She could be good here, if nothing else then to give Crescent an emergency exit if something started to go south as he wasn't exactly combat ready right now. Yet at the same time... The other group included Missklang, and as was more or less just shown, having a way to get quickly away from whatever he was doing could prove even more valuable.


"Syo... Could you follow Seamore's group? No matter if Priestess or I go with them, I think you could be helpful there in case something went wrong."


In the end, she could more than likely do well around this group, but Missklang was a bigger concern than just pushing Crescent out of the way if something came his way. Granted, she was not the leader here, and they might not listen to her, but she had gotten too used to doing stuff like this on guard duty and figured some input on it at least was in order.


It would depend some on what the plans were for Priestess and Shaman too of course though. If Shaman stayed here, and Priestess went off, then things should work fine enough. Considering what Last was pretty sure Shaman actually were, there were a few lines of defence here, whilst there was so on the other group as well. At least this way.


But eh, they'd see how things would turn out soon enough.





@@Seamore Sandwich,


"I had hoped it could be avoided, but since it cannot... Brittle?"


From what Charlie had said, believing that she couldn't see him would keep that alive. So buy that logic, if he then went and addressed her, it should cleanse that illusion completely.


Considering how Brittle suddenly stopped, turned her head and got big eyes as she saw him, it would appear to be true, though he would hope that it would not disrupt her playtime too much.


"B-Briar? I-I-I..."


She started to lower her head as the stuttering began again, confused at what she saw and reverting to her paranoia, before the bud of Briar's vine place itself gently under her chin and stopped her from lowering it further.


"There is no need to be afraid Brittle. I'm just watching over to make sure that your playtime is not interrupted, remember?"


Brittle didn't say anything, but she did raise her head and started to smile again, convinced that this was really what was going on and that he was just a part of this like anypony else present. As for Briar, he was internally a little saddened that he had to diverge from the reality of things like this, but it would be better for her if she was kept in the fantasy than stricken by reality. At least as long as that would last.


Afterwards she went back to what she were doing as Briar simply placed himself on a good sitting position to continue *watching* over them, listening well into what was going on and preparing to barge in if needed. Though for now it seemed fine, especially as one of the mirages started to push Charlie on the swings too. It seemed as if he blended in better than expected. At least for now that was.





@@Seamore Sandwich,


Omen didn't even flinch as she heard Luna's voice rise like that, just kept the minor chat up with her siblings for a few more seconds whilst more flocked to watch who this were they had heard.


"...Perhaps if she needs one. But we need to go."


With that, the half-liquid ground beneath the two of them abruptly rose up, and then like a quick snake slithered through the ever-changing world whilst Omen kept an eye out for something she doubted Luna would be able to see even the faint shade off on her own. It was why you normally needed a guide in here after all. Both because it was hard to find a way out, and because it was not easy to traverse the place without one of her kin. You'd have to fly, avoid every formation randomly being made and so forth if going on your own here, whilst as now, one of them could guide by having the land become a temporary *road* towards where you needed to be.


It wouldn't take long of the ride before it stopped though, perhaps a little over 10 seconds, and Omen slowly turned to Luna.


"They're here."




Outside, near where the mesmerised Ziggy stood surrounded by a good deal of Siren, a dot expanded into a large gate, and Omen walked out, looking at the odd pairing with curious eyes.


"...I bring a response."


She wanted to ask more, what was going on, but she was a messenger before anything else, and she had been taught to first say when there had been a response to one of the messages, then ask things after that. In this case, that meant waiting until the *response* had wandered through the gate herself.






@@Summer Breeze,


Blitz wasn't fazed by the raised voice. She had been a few times before, but as the weeks went by you kinda got used to a pony now and again thinking that she was nuts or something and wanted to try and make her stop, or yell because they got scared. There was really more reasons than she ever really understood.


"That's just silly talk. I've made kaboomies for a while and I'm fine."


If you ignored the broken horn that was, which is exactly what she was doing: ignoring it.


"And I don't make That many bombs. Mostly fireworks to fill the skies with pretty colours, or trying to make my wings work, or more more more!"


She ran a little in circles whilst the giddy thoughts of how many fun things she could nad had made went through her head. Those she remembered anyway. She was pretty sure she made bombs before she came to the forest too, but... No memory, so not sure.


When Summer said that they should wander off to see where the piano was from, she stopped her circling and went out the door, waiting for Summer to lock off the house so they could get going. It wouldn't take long before they were at the place where the music came from, and now that she could hear the music, it sounded kinda good to Blitz.


Not as good as the place where it was at though. She loved randomness, and this place really did look random, at least from the outside that she could see so far. A pull that was stronger than Summer trying to convince her that they should leave.


"Oh, but that's Boring. I wanna say hi."


Starting to go a little further in, she raised her voice before she could really be stopped in it, wanting to say something to the neighbour that she couldn't see right now.


"Hi pianopony!"


She had no idea if he could hear her from in there, but eh, they'd see.


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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@@Summer Breeze

@@Blitz Boom



Barrel's ears perked up as he heard all the chatter come from outside his place. He felt somewhat surprised as to others showing up to greet him. But he could not see them due to blurred out windows on the back door. Barrel finished off his song and stared at his back door, replying to the ponies outside.


"Hello to who ever is out there..." He said with his deep voice, "I am guessing you have err... *hick* heard my music?" Barrel asked the others outside the garage. 


Barrel then laid down on his mattress with nothing else on it and continued to talk, "I know you're probably wondering why such music is coming from a dirty, smelly, odd looking place like this...Sometimes I ask myself that same question." He stopped to take a breath and shed a tear.


"If you're not just voices in my head, then come knock on my door. I just haven't seen any pony in such a long time." Barrel then began to softly cry again. 

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@@Blitz Boom,

summer walked to the door, as the creepy voice asked her to do, but she felt more and more like this was a bad idea, he sounded a little drunk and when she approached the door the smell got stronger and stronger 'we can still go away if you want' said summer to blitz. but she knew blitz would want to go inside maybe i should go with blitz, an explosive filly and a drunk pony do not go together well summer thought. when summer entered the room she was overwhelmed by the dirtiness of the place, it was so full, you couldn't turn around and a pony on a dirty matrass looked at them when they entered. every hair in her coat screamed that she should go away but she was allready inside, no turning back now


thanks Pastel Pinkie for the amazing sign!

and thanks icyfire888 for the super cute profile picture!



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@@Blitz Boom, @@Seamore Sandwich, Luna and Omen come face to face with a fully mature-looking Serenade in Siren form. Luna's previous face-to-face encounters with Serenade in the dream world, Serenade's Siren form was smaller and less mature-looking, and in the real world she had been concealed by her Gem into a Pegasi. The fins on her back, her forelegs and her tail are glowing brightly, her antennae are constantly moving, her scales are shiny, and her pupils have contracted to mere slits. She doesn't notice either arrive and appears to be floating around Ziggy and occasionally nuzzling her.

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Dyr looked up with a blank expression at you dodging the lasers. She was concentrating her power and holding it while she looked at the crystals minion coming closer.


Dyr waited for a bit more before she then called out. "Hey, bird! Dive down now."


Without giving much time for you to respond, she unleashed her own energy into the earth and then the seeds she threw all grew out and it soon blossomed very strange flowers. They then started to shoot out strange looking pikes into the air and striking down the minions by a big amount and most of them were soon wiped out, showering the forest with their shards. After firing their pikes into the air, the flowers wilted and returned back to the earth. 


Dyr leaned her weight onto her scythe as she felt the fatigue from using a large amount of her magic at once. "Hey, bird! Finish those last ones off."

@@Blitz Boom,

@@Seamore Sandwich,








"Syo... Could you follow Seamore's group? No matter if Priestess or I go with them, I think you could be helpful there in case something went wrong."


"Okay~ Since you asked so nicely~" Syo replied cheerfully as she then hopped on her staff and hovered alongside Seamore's group. "I do have one question though... is this castle always this magically active? Ruins tend to be a little more... 'quieter'."


Syo was asked a question what was impossible to understand by non-magic users and the feeling that she was getting was very mild. 

My RP OCs: Melke the catSyo the feline explorer, Saber the feral pony

Check out my art stuff at deviantart or request something from my request shop.


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@Seamore Sandwich@cwhip9@Magos Amphrose@Missklang @Melke @Blitz Boom

"Yeah, leaving the mute fox in care of the blind bat was such a promising plan from the get go. So yeah, Swordsmare & Petey should stay. I've got a feeling they'll be kept pretty safe. And that leaves Lumberjack, Chaos Pony, Nekojin & your's truly to do... whatever it is we're doing. Unless anypony/ anykitty thinks I should stay behind?" 

She heard Syo's comment on the castle's magical aura. "Yeah, this aura of this place is putting me off a little. Maybe its that creepy hobo that keeps playing the organ downstairs. Or it could be that this was the sight of two full scale battles involving the Elements Of Harmony." 

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@@Blitz Boom






"What we're doing is trying to find a place in the castle it will be safe to stay in for the night," Seamore said directed at Priestess. "I want to get to sleep as soon as possible so I can start making arrangements to sell the Everwood logs. Now, are any of you good at haggling? If any of you want to oversee the deal with the logs, I suggest you try to get to sleep quickly, too." Typically Seamore didn't care about getting every last bit he could out of a deal, but this time he was splitting the profits, and he assumed that at least one of the others would want to earn the group every bit they could get.


@@Blitz Boom


Charlie continued to be pushed on the swing and was clearly enjoying the experience, "Higher! Higher!" he/she yelled to the pony that was pushing him. When he got as high as the swing would go, he/she spread his/her bat-like wings, jumped out of the seat of the swing and glided back down to the ground. The wings appeared on his/her back just before, but would seem to have already been there, just as both Charlie and Briar had appeared to Brittle. He/she had nothing to go by for what was considered normal, the only wings he/she had seen were Crescent's and Luna's, so he just picked the ones he/she liked more. "That was fun! Let's do it again!" he/she said to the pony that was pushing the swing before.


@@Blitz Boom

@@Summer Breeze


Luna stepped through the portal and saw the siren but was not surprised. "Thank you, Omen. Serenade, I will need to see your amulet if I am to repair it." Luna was not sure wether or not she would need more materials in order to repair it, but a closer inspection should answer that question.

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@Seamore Sandwich@cwhip9@Magos Amphrose@Missklang @Melke @Blitz Boom

"Oh is that all? Well no worries bruh. Bae knows this place pretty well. And he knows some dudes that know this place pretty well as well. We wouldn't have called international dibbs code on Sunbutts room if we didn't know where it was. So everyponykitty who wants to sleep semi-comfortably, follow the Vulpine with strepthroat! Lead the way Bae!"  


Shaman looked unto the party, specifically at Petey, who proceeded to stand his front paws on Last's head. "Annee objwectshonz?" he said. 

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Sole dodged all the lasers they shot at him, but he was quickly getting surrounded. Before he could be overwhelmed however, Dyr unleashed her attack. He had just enough time to close his wings and let gravity pull him back toward the earth like a feathered and furry torpedo. Just before he hit the ground, he forced wings open, cutting his fall short and allowing him to swoop back toward the sky with a single powerful flap of his wings.


As Dyr had pointed out, there were a few left. Two to be exact. "Aye aye, Cat!" He replied to her sarcastically. However, that was easier said then done. They were on opposite sides, to his left and right, floating dozens of feet away. Not only that, but they were shooting lasers at him again. If he turned to focus on one of them, he'd be leaving his back exposed to the other.


'Alright Sole, just take them out at the same time, without fisticuffs or magic... so how do I do that again?' He thought to himself in annoyance, before having a sudden epiphany. It was still storming. 'That's it, the clouds!' He thought, immediately flying straight up to the nearest thunder cloud. It was a pretty small one, only about 40 feet in radius, but it was large enough for what he intended. "You may be immune to my magic, but your not immune to lightning!" He growled, before punching the dark cloud, forcing two bolts of lightning to surge out and strike the crystal monsters directly.


'Even though I said that, I don't know if it's true. I'm gonna look like a dumbass if I'm wrong' He thought to himself, hoping his plan worked out how he'd planned. That plan being blast these gems to powder.

  • Brohoof 1


Sig courtesy of Weirdokitterz

My OC: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sole-r3207

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Dyr looked up and saw what you did. She slammed a paw on her forehead. "Hey bird, do you know the difference between yellow and blue? Oh, whatever, you will see it for yourself..."


The lightning was absorbed by the two and they merged to formed a bigger crystal monster. It then turned its attention back to Dyr and charged a lightning bolt.


"Geez... bird, catch!" Dyr yelled as she tossed her scythe upward to you. Without her support, Dyr let herself fall onto the grass.

My RP OCs: Melke the catSyo the feline explorer, Saber the feral pony

Check out my art stuff at deviantart or request something from my request shop.


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@@Seamore Sandwich,






Good then, so it was settled. They had two groups settled with the same end goal: Find a place to rest. If anything happened on the way there, she'd do hers to make sure the two set groups were not spread apart, but as it so far seemed like they'd go as a coherent group until they reached Celestia's old room, it wouldn't be a problem. Not yet anyway.


"If we start by going to that room as a group, then I'll cover the rear and see to it that Crescent here ain't wandering off by accident or hitting something. It might be an idea t-"


Her words and thoughts were interrupted when Petey rose up on her head and started to talk, and... D'aaaaw, just hear his widdle voice.


"I-I uhm... Let's just get going if everypony else is ready too."





@@Seamore Sandwich,


Briar almost wished that he could see what he heard right now.


The sounds of the swings, the laughing foals, and the breeze flowing gently in the air, helped him to sense an outline of things, and he knew where each of them were during their playtime. Including when Charlie had risen up into the air and spread his wings.


It made him aware of things, and what he heard were soothing and comforting, but at the same time he would be lying if he said that he wouldn't want to see how this were. See the five of them playing and goofing around like children should be allowed to whilst his sight could follow each of them, and see the smile he knew was planted on the normally so scared Brittle.


Yet, he knew that even if this dream somehow allowed him to see this, he wouldn't try. It would seem hollow to only experience things through a temporary lense such as that, and in case he did not get his eyes in real life after all, then what? Then the only mental image he would have about Brittle were her smiling and happy, and having that planted in there, when he could her scared or crying, would be heartbreaking. Her tears may be as well, but at the same time, he did not have the permanent picture of somepony that were only ever happy carved into his brain at that point.


Perhaps he was simply over-thinking things and he should just enjoy what he could hear right now. With some luck, Vivid would keep her words and be able to tutor Missklang in assisting him to finally be crafted workable eyes, but though he wanted to trust he had been burned on this light of hope before, and he were... Cautious, to be Too optimistic.


No, it would be better to wait for when the time came, and then take it from there. Besides, why should he worry when there was so much joy around him right now? It seemed rather ill fitting.





@@Seamore Sandwich,



Ziggy didn't respond to hearing the voice of the princess at all. She still stood, mesmerized, with a nearly zombified, docile smile on her face whilst Serenade kept twirling around her.


"...No problem?"


Omen wasn't used to being thanked. Usually, it was more along the lines of screams, meeps, running fast away cause her home scared them, or somepony who felt so far above her that they didn't even give her a recognising stare. The only response she had to work with in this situation then, were one she had heard another pony say before when somepony else had thanked him, though she wasn't sure if it was applicable. Perhaps something to find out later.


For now, she were more interested in the zonked out Ziggy. Considering the energy she had put forth before, Omen had been sure that the tall mare would have gone ecstatic at the sight of Luna, and yet... Nothing. Perhaps she needed a nudge?


Having little other idea of what to do, Omen opened her mouth and let her tongue out again, this time slashing it forward as it wrapped a few times around Ziggy's head. The last time she had done this to somepony, her master had been laughing, but the pony in question she had *tasted* had started screaming and flailing. Yet this time, there was still nothing happening.


"Perhaps she sleeps standing."


She retracted her tongue, and awaited what was going to happen now. Seemed like there were a few things that was beyond her going on right now, and the best was to watch, and try to learn something. Or let it play out a little on it's own. She'd see.





@@Summer Breeze,





Blitz stood with almost glimmer in her eyes as she looked at all the stuff in the garage. From top to bottom it was filled with all sorts of metal, cloth, wires, etc. etc. To some it would look like trash, but for her, it was a dreamscape of fantastic items to use for so many things her head would explode from trying to think of them all.


The smell in the place didn't really register with her as she looked at the piles around her. She spent most of her time in her workshop, and was around the smells of gunpowder, coal, flowery scents, rotten eggs (bad experiment) and so many other smells that it really took something special to make her nose wrinkle. Especially considering the gunpowder, which tended to be a bit strong in it, and a faint smell of it was almost always in her coat wherever she went. For all she knew, Frankly, for all she knew, She was considered the smelly one here.


It took a bit for her to register the pony that had spoken before, but when she did, she rose a hoof with a big smile on her face.


"Hi mister pianopony! Why're you lying down? Are you tired? Sometimes I fall asleep during the day too when there's been too much to work on. Or the one time when I fell in sleeping powder. It was funny though, I went blue for a few days. You ever tried changing colour?"


Blitz was rambling a bit, but it was her way at times. Sometimes, there was just too much going on in her head of ideas she could begin on, and then her behaviour started to show it off with her babbling on to no end. That, or she had just seen Pinkie Pie be like that one too many times and had started to have it seep into her own being a little by little. It could be hard to tell sometimes.


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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Dyr looked up and saw what you did. She slammed a paw on her forehead. "Hey bird, do you know the difference between yellow and blue? Oh, whatever, you will see it for yourself..."


The lightning was absorbed by the two and they merged to formed a bigger crystal monster. It then turned its attention back to Dyr and charged a lightning bolt.


"Geez... bird, catch!" Dyr yelled as she tossed her scythe upward to you. Without her support, Dyr let herself fall onto the grass.

(I completely brain farted in that post, sorry. I was really really tired when I made it :()


"Gee, guess I am a dumbass. They're magic is electricity based, you feathered idiot!" He chastised himself, before catching the wooden scythe. "My bad!" Was the only thing he could think to say in that moment, he knew that was a stupid rookie mistake, so he planned on making it up to his feline partner by cutting the goon to pieces. By amplifying his speed with magic, he was able to intercept the lightning bolt with the flat of the blade, before bringing it down in an arc to cut the crystal creature in half.

Edited by ~Sole~


Sig courtesy of Weirdokitterz

My OC: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sole-r3207

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@@Blitz Boom, @@Seamore Sandwich,

Serenade looks up, and both Omen and Luna can see the war being waged in her head. Her rational self is fighting against her primal Siren nature, and it seems the primal nature is winning at the moment. She rears back at the sight of Luna, hissing "Alicorn". She shakes her head, almost as if to clear it and blinks rapidly, "Princess..." She tries to remove the gem from her neck, but her forehooves are not as dexterous as pony hooves so it keeps slipping.

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@@Blitz Boom






Seamore turned to Shaman and said, "Just one question, Shaman: do you know where this secret passageway leads? Correct me if I'm wrong, but I assume that, since it got jammed open the way it has, that it hasn't been opened in a very long time, which means that this is most likely an unexplored passageway. I think that, logically, a path that leads directly to the portal here would come straight from the Princesses' bedrooms or at least somewhere near them. Such a thing could act as an excellent escape route in the event of an attack. Also, the Everwood Grove was a place they could relax in, so it would make sense that, if they went there often, they would want to have an effective shortcut to it." There were of course other questions to be asked, but Seamore knew that would best be done in private.


@@Blitz Boom


Charlie continued to play around on the playground until he/she came to the seesaw. He/she sat on one end of the seesaw, but there was nopony on the other end. He/she pushed off with his/her legs but didn't go very high. He turned to the other two and asked, "How is this thing supposed to work?" He/she didn't have any idea what the thing was even supposed to do as he/she had never seen one before. Everything was still new to him.


@@Blitz Boom



Luna levitated the gem over to her. "This simply will not do, it's magic has run out and it will need to be replaced. Luckily, there are some supplies in this very castle that may be of some use to us. For now I can grant you a temporary spell to transform you into a Pegasus, so when we come across others they will not be frightened by your appearance." With that, Luna pointed her horn toward Serenade, it glowed and she cast the spell. She was almost completely sure it would work, though it had been a long time since she last cast a spell like this one.

Edited by Seamore Sandwich
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@Seamore Sandwich@cwhip9@Magos Amphrose@Missklang @Melke @Blitz Boom 

Shaman started stroking his beard, his face in ponderous thought. He held up one digit. Before walking over to the passageway. As he did so, he tapped into the hive mind.


"Do we have any information on where this passageway leads?" Different voices began to reply as the sights and sounds were shared with the drones on the way to looking into the passage. 


"We've been having difficulty mapping out all the hidden passageways to the castle for some time, my queen. It seems we discover a new one every month."


"We have yet to break the code that operates the mechanisms that link the organ to the various aspects of the castle. Even when we manage to replicate a result, the key combination changes, and the same passage or trap is triggered by a new set, or not triggered at all. It seems the only ones alive who know the pattern, are the princesses, and the pink one."


"We've tried to map out the structure via magical scans or induced radar, sonar & x-ray. But the wards weaved into the castle, the ambient... I'm hesitant to say... magic, of the Everfree, combined with the lingering thaumatergic properties from the firing of the elements, have rendered our ability for wide or in-depth scans nil." 

​"Since it appears to spiral up, the design suggests it leads to one of the towers. Based on your location, it doesn't lead to the one containing Celestia's room, but to the war room, a place where the castle guard would operate and maintain security from. It probably leads to the safe room hidden underneath and behind it."

"Hey when can I have some of sword lady's love?" 

"Cliff, what did we say about using official hive channels?"

"Okay fiiiiine, I'll ask later, "Dad." "

"Ugh. Petey, ready to give a message to the others?"


Petey's ear began to twitch. "Paff weeds to safe woom. Hidden in da...rawr room." 

Edited by Denim&Venom

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@@Seamore Sandwich, @@Blitz Boom, Serenade let's out a yelp as the spell changed her. Her old Pegasi form was back, but her eyes had remained unchanged and were still slitted like Dragons. She bows before Princess Luna, then looks back at Ziggy. "Πριγκίπισσα , είμαι τόσο θλιβερό . Νομίζω ότι έχεις υπνωτισμένοι από Siren μορφή μου",  she blinks rapidly "Γιατί είμαι ακόμα μιλάει αρχαία σειρήνα"



(translation: Princess, I am so sorry. I think she got hypnotized by my Siren form and why am I still speaking Ancient Siren?.)

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@@Blitz Boom






"I guess that makes sense, too," Seamore realized. "Most castles have a safe room, and the safe room definitely should have an escape route as well. Although, I would be surprised if there isn't another secret passageway in this room that will lead us to those bedrooms. I guess we're not going to stumble across the trigger by chance though, so Shaman, you lead the way."


@@Blitz Boom



"Yes, it is true that you still speak in your native tongue. Can you not speak Equestrian now?" Luna asked, wondering if the spell went wrong or if Serenade was just mistakenly speaking in the wrong language.

Edited by Seamore Sandwich
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@Seamore Sandwich@cwhip9@Magos Amphrose@Missklang @Melke @Blitz Boom 

Shaman looked at Priestess. He extended a paw towards the door. "Kay, guess I'm taking point. Zenpō ni kōshin!" She charged into the passageway. Instead of running up the ramp, Priestess instead jumped up to one of the ledges. A split second later she looked up and jumped to the next highest ledge. She repeated this process  of jumping from ledge to ledge, till she reached the top in less than half a minute. "Found the door! Osoi mure nē, isoide!" she hollered down. 

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@@Seamore Sandwich, @@Blitz Boom, Serenade cocks her head to one side and then shakes it, water droplets from her mane splashing everything nearby. "Λυπούμαστε, φαίνεται ότι δεν μπορώ." She turns her focus back on Ziggy, nuzzling her in an attempt to get her to wake up. "ανησυχούν περισσότερο με τον Ziggy , δεν έχω ιδέα τι μακροπρόθεσμες επιπτώσεις που μπορεί να έχει"


(Translation: Sorry, it seems I can't and More concerned with Ziggy, I have no idea what the long term effects this might have)

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