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Disliking your friends after time passes

chirox the pony

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Being perfectly honest, I'm actually really good at making friends. But there's this girl at work, I've barely spoken to her, and she hates me so much it's scary, lol. I just kind of ignore her.  -_-

  • Brohoof 1


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Oh god

This makes me sad again xD

I have a post about this, knew this guy for 14 years of my life. Really good friends 4EVAH and then I when I became a brony I found out he was a close minded ignorant bigot.


I actually have a request in the help forums thing on this site when I first bronified

Yah. It didnt work


Oh, and another, I thought he was cool. But no

I just have one friend overall :P


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  • 7 years later...
  • The title was changed to Disliking your friends after time passes

I had this happen before a couple times. I used to be good friends with someone, but as time went on, I felt they became more arrogant and ungrateful as time went on. Not surprisingly, I started to distance myself from them and eventually cut ties with them.

  • Brohoof 1

(coming soon)

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Some of them changed over time, but I never did. They had to adapt to society or... be homeless. Which is not something that matters to me, considering the human state of my life and my family, and the fact that I never took to my own ego.
So, it is like I am a stranger to myself. If outer space was real, I would be floating up there like an astronaut right now. Hahaha.
Also, there is the problem with my destructive and abandoning tendencies, I do not take care of things. I never call, which is not because I do not care, but rather because there is a more pressing need inside of me, because of all the emotional shortcomings and disorders that my traumatized parents and family left on me. It is a burning wreck.

But it is not that I dislike some of my friends. They take it like that because they think I do not care, without understanding the reality of my situation. And those are the kind of friends that I am better without. The rest of my friends, my actual friends, do understand what is going on with me.

Edited by They call me Loyalty
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I've been sitting on this for almost a year now, so, bit of a long post incoming.

I had an online friend once from 2019-2021, the best friend I thought I'd ever have. In hindsight it was silly of me to think our friendship actually amounted to much, but going from 0 friends to 1 friend is a hell of a drug that makes every interaction feel that much more significant.

Anyway, it was pretty good at first, we spent a lot of time hanging out and grinding in Minecraft, and for once they didn't seem to mind that I'm shy and awkward. At some point they brought up the idea of trying other activities too, but when I brought it up again afterwards it's like they were surprised that I expected them to follow up on anything they said.

From then on things started slowly going downhill, because every time I wanted to try new things or join them in other activities, they'd either use my shyness against me as an excuse to avoid including me (I know I just said they didn't mind, I don't get it either), or "agreed" to plans just to never follow through on them. I was starting to feel alienated, waiting weeks and then months for nothing to happen or change at all no matter what I said. Thinking about it I probably should have moved on from them way sooner, but it's not like I had anyone else to turn to and I was terrified of being alone again, so I just kept on rolling.

One day we spent a good couple hours talking about playing this other game with one of their other friends, made it pretty clear that I was meant to be included too. Naturally I was looking forward to it, so I eagerly waited for their friend to come online so we could get started. Except, when that friend did come online, my friend left the public voice channel we were in and I saw that they started playing the game, so I kinda just sat there and waited awkwardly in the channel while other people talked, waiting for an invite to come, but it never did. I probably could have said something but anxiety and the pain from feeling like I was just abandoned made me want to disappear for the night.

Next morning when I inquired, it turned out that their friend didn't actually want to play with me, and my friend tried to play it off like it was nothing, like they were more happy that they had fun last night, rather than sorry for leaving me hanging without saying a word.

Shortly after that, we had another project we were meant to work on along with a bunch of their friends, you know the usual. Only problem was that they were in a Discord server that I didn't have access to. I used to be in it before I left by mistake and never got around to asking for another invite. Since it was owned by their other friend you'd think it wouldn't be a big deal, figured I'd just explain the situation and I'd be let back in so I could chat with them, or at least get them to switch to a channel that I could join, rather than, you know, leaving me, and me alone, out of the conversation. Of course, my friend argued against me and insisted that I was too shy and that I hated being in big groups, which is true but, you know, maybe let me decide that for myself?

On its own it wasn't a huge deal, but that on top of feeling abandoned, as well as every other time I was told the same crap leading up to it, was just too much, I couldn't take it anymore and had a bit of an emotional breakdown. After I calmed down and tried to apologise, they blamed me for ever being upset about any of the problems we had, said some crap that implied I might try to stalk them (I guess?) or destroy stuff in-game, then blocked me.

Ultimately I think it's for the better, they weren't exactly treating me fairly or with any respect at all and I was clearly getting frustrated and depressed because of it, but words can't describe how much it still hurts to lose my first and so far only "legit" friend. At least now I know to be more aware of those sorts of people, and to not allow myself to fall into that trap again, I guess.

3rd Eye | To suffer hate in search of love, or lose them both forever? 🎔 ~


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My two situations with e-friendships going sour both involved the people I thought I was friends with turning on me. The first one distanced himself from me and began treating me differently for being friends with someone he didn't like, I tried to call him out, and that ended with me getting attacked, trolled, and harassed by an entire website for months. The second one ditched me after confronting him about something he did to another friend of mine. After two failed attempts to reconcile, I finally gave up. 


Comet's still best boi. <3

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I had a couple of friends I’d known for years, even met them in real life when went on a trip together.

It all went sour however during covid, one of them mentioned rather openly that covid was a good thing, that it would “Weed out the weak” and dumb stuff like that.

I said nothing but it left a very bad impersonation on him, after that I simply stopped meeting up with them online.

I think they eventually took the hint as months later I found I couldn’t find their names on Steam or battle.net

Nowadays I’m not so sure if I even regret my decision, I have no intention of finding them again, but I still have a photograph to remember the good times we had at least.

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I've had to cut ties with people before or people have just drifted away, but I have no ill will towards any of those people. People change, things get realized, etc. and we just have to choose whether to let things drag us down or to move on and try to get stronger.

  • Brohoof 1



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  • 5 weeks later...

Oh wow. I completely forgot I made this. I still can't remember why I posted this but I think it had something to do with a breakdown between me and my then long time childhood friend.

And man do I have some experiences to post since. I won't go into detail for the sake of privacy but around late 2015 I made a new group of friends who I thought were the best thing ever. I have since cut contact with all of them. Only one remains. Some of the things those guys did were outright illegal and could have gotten them time. They were nasty, passive aggressive, and generally unpleasant human beings. And I was one of them. I removed what was my closest friend of six years due to a variety of issues. I won't go into full details but issues ranged from trying to grow up to his extremely abusive behaviour. I'll leave anyone reading with this. If you ever find a perfect friend. Somebody who happens to agree with you on literally everything with no sign of conflict whatsoever, run. That person is not real and is manipulating you. 

No matter how hard I try these ponies will simply never leave me.

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I've cut off all of my friends I knew from school because I realized it was more than just growing apart and having nothing in common anymore; judging from my last in-person interaction with them almost a decade ago, they are outright awful, toxic people.

It may be extreme but I even recently went out of my way to just block them even though I know there's no real chance of them actually finding my current accounts.  I think it's best to be safe just in case; I don't want to get dragged into anything bad like I did the last time I saw them.

Good thing is that I now appreciate my long-time online friends a lot more after all this.  They are definitely my BFFs for life :wub: And the other good thing is that all of my former friends live nowhere near me, so I have less of a chance of running into them now as an adult.

Edited by Dita Bear
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I know that one day I might get Facebook for some stupid reason… I really hope not, but that when I would realise, I never cut off any friends, they would be so difficult to talk to after all these years.

  • Brohoof 1
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