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Rainbow Rocks


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Finally watched this last night, albeit the tv edited version  >_> It was still really good though :)  I thought it was better than the 1st EG, which I did like too. The songs were good, my favourite was probably Trixie's  :lol: although I felt there could've actually been a bit more music in it, especially the final battle. A full feature length 90mins wouldn't have been out of the question for this film I think. Sunset Shimmer was easily my favourite in the film  :D (we need a Shimmer emoticon!). When it came to the final battle I was really cheering for her to grab the mic and swoop in to save the day, it was a bit poor that Twilight had to tell her to do it, think it would've been more heroic if she'd stepped up to the plate entirely by herself. I felt really quite bad for Sunset throughout the movie, everyponybody kept reminding her of the things she'd done in the past, it really showed a lack of respect and tactfulness from the mane 6. Dash was kinda mean for the whole movie  >_> she seemed to be a bit more arrogant and bossy than usual, is it possible this is how pony Dash would really be without Twilight around to keep everything in balance? 


Other good stuff: Snips and Snails' rap, the glory that was EG Derpy and her weird band  :lol: Lyra and Bon Bon  :yay:  :wub: Plus, Octavia getting a line! More in the future possibly?


While I'd like to think that Sunset Shimmer may be crossing back to Equestria to join the mane 6 into a 7, I don't think it's going to happen. Sunset Shimmer is going to now totally take over the Twilight position of the EG group and the portal being left open is so that there is an EG episode of the show, or an episode where Sunset Shimmer comes back. I don't think it'll go beyond this sadly  :(

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I liked how sunset got a role in the movie but DERPY???? I didnt know which person was derpy i couldnt see clearly......I saw one in Trixies band but also another one

meh, I thaught the movie went too quick Introducing the Dazzelings

and how on earth could twighlight build a machine in seconds .....Magic must be awesome den

also i thaught the awkwardness was quite funny when sunset tried helping twighlight up 


In the end , When the last two bands had the fight 

I literally got scared .... The dazzelings original form Scares the bits out of you its like a cross between a lion,Unicorn,Sea horse


too fast for my liking but i thaught the movie was good overall

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There is one thing that worries me: The running time for the theatrical release is said to be 75 minutes long, but the home release on blu-ray (according to Amazon.com) says it's 72 minutes long. While Tv Tropes has a list of possibles for the 3 extra minutes on their WMG page, my concern is this: 


I saw the movie in theaters and love almost every second of it. It would make me sad to see if the blu-ray ends up ommiting a short scene from the theatrical version that I loved. :(


Guess I'll find out when its blu-ray gets released in a month and I get a hold of it. I sure hope the missing 3 three minutes don't ruin the whole thing for me.


The dvd disc label said +/- 70 minutes, but the actual running was all 73 minutes (or 1 hour and 13 minutes)! I take back what I said up there^ Thank goodness nothing was left out!


A Dragon as big as his love for Disney and has his head in the clouds literally and figuratively


Ask Will Guide | Signature by Wife of Hawks | WiiGuy2014’s OCs


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I loved seeing it again on Blu-ray. I noticed a bit of foreshadowing I missed at the theater. In the scenes where the Dazzlings sang at the school, you catch just a quick glimpse of  Vinyl bopping along to the music in her headphones. It's very obvious she is moving to her own music, because she's moving at a faster rate than the tempo of the Dazzling's singing.


                Thank you Sparklefan1234!!!



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I've seriously watched this movie every day this week. The DVD/Blu-Ray commentary makes it worth the purchase instead of just finding a video file on the internet. Really enjoyed the insight they had on things, as well as a few in-jokes that were made.


Also, the Blu-Ray/DVD/Digital combo pack was $2 more expensive than the DVD at Target. Bought them both because I'm dumb and can't read.

  • Brohoof 1


"My past does not define me
'Cause my past is not today."

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First, I know that this was in Equestria Girls also, but it's still hard for me to believe that the Cutie Mark Crusaders, Diamond Tiara, Silver Spoon, and Snips and Snails are in high school along with the Mane Six and Sunset Shimmer. Back in Equestria, the Cutie Mark Crusaders and their peers seem to be in the equivalent of elementary school. On the other hand, the Mane Six (and Sunset Shimmer) seem to be much older - they have jobs, live in their own houses, etc. - so I would think that they would be at least the equivalent of upperclassmen high school students, if not even older than that. So why does the age difference between the Mane Six and the Cutie Mark Crusaders and their peers seem to change so much in the human world?



Because they are different people, really. Alternate universe variants doesn't have to be exactly the same.


Heck, Babs Seed is older(or at least as old) than AJ in the Equestria Girls-verse, according to the comic. See the picture below, AJ is in her first year on the school there, and Babs is either in the same year, or the year above:


"The meaning of life? Humans create their own meaning. They always strive onwards, upwards, to break the limits of their knowledge, the limits of their bodies capacities, and the limits of their technology.
We have to take the good with the bad. We created the nuclear bomb, but we also created penicillin."


Max Lundgren, Author, 1981         (Translated from Swedish)

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For this post, I've decided to put photos of the band groups whose icon appears on the tournament bracket chart. I will warn you, though: Even though I know which band icon represent which band name, there is one band whose members I just can't seem to find onscreen in Rainbow Rocks well enough: the unnamed Dramas. I'll save that for last.


Here are 




post-15772-0-61224700-1414789047.pngThe Dazzlings

post-15772-0-90574100-1414789036.pngTrixie and the Illusions

post-15772-0-29630100-1414789013.png Eco-Teens on top vs. Flash Drive on bottom

post-15772-0-75887900-1414789029.png The Crusaders

post-15772-0-16384400-1414789018.png Photo Finish and the Snapshots

post-15772-0-68015800-1414789004.pngBulk Biceps on left vs. Snips and Snails on right

post-15772-0-27740000-1414788999.png Diamond Dogs boys

post-15772-0-40617100-1414788996.png Derpy

post-15772-0-32470400-1414788993.png Octavia

post-15772-0-51261500-1414788987.png Lyra and Bon Bon

post-15772-0-85517600-1414790136.png The unnamed Techie band

post-15772-0-45337000-1414790443.png The group to the left of Flash and Twilight should be the unnamed Rocker band


For the unseen and unnamed Drama band, I've used a picture from the first Equestria Girls film.



So here's the group that must have gone up against the Dazzlings in the first round of the tournament bracket chart





A Dragon as big as his love for Disney and has his head in the clouds literally and figuratively


Ask Will Guide | Signature by Wife of Hawks | WiiGuy2014’s OCs


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Watched it. Loved it. Watched it again. <----------------------------- real review


So The Dazzlings walks into a cafeteria and starts singing IRL....

Sure..... Everyone will NOT suspect a thing  ;)  ;)  ;)  ;)  ;)

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Watched it. Loved it. Watched it again. <----------------------------- real review


So The Dazzlings walks into a cafeteria and starts singing IRL....

Sure..... Everyone will NOT suspect a thing  ;)  ;)  ;)  ;)  ;)

No, nobody would suspect a thing. Their magic would prevent that as they fed off of all the negative emotions.

Edited by cuteycindyhoney


                Thank you Sparklefan1234!!!



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Someone please answer me 


When Twighlight sais \/\/\/ after they beat the dazzelings

"they're just teenage girls"


Im still confused in equestria they are "adults"  but if twighlight went to a alternate universe shouldnt everything be the same except the surroundings and the people?????


Hasbro, You make me confused.

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Finally saw it this morning and loved it~ :yay:


Sunset Shimmer was absolutely my favourite thing about the movie - she was adorable and I loved how much focus she got and how they dealt with the fallout from EQG1 - she tries so hard to prove to everyone she's changed, even when no one except the mane 5 will believe her, and you can see it getting to her even though she doesn't give up (I thought the "no offense"/"none taken" exchange whenever her past was brought up worked pretty well, as characterization through a running gag goes). And then when Twilight enters the picture, I love their relationship and the parallels between them - everyone thinks they know who they are, expects the best of Twilight and the worst of Sunset, but that isn't necessarily true - for either of them. I love their friendship and how Sunset feels left out when Twi arrives, and Twilight picks up on that and supports/listens to her instead of pushing her out of the spotlight. It fits really well with the whole Princess of Friendship thing and Sunset being new to it all so not feeling like it's her place to interfere, but actually being able to contribute a lot more than she realises. I just really love Sunset Shimmer <33


Also the Dazzlings~! It amuses me that there's actually an in-universe explanation for why their songs are so much better than the Rainbooms' I liked them being sirens, it made a lot of sense and was pretty badflank when they turned into seahorse-dragon type dragons. Sonata is hilarious and adorable and a total scene-stealer, and I love her bickering with Aria while Adiago's just like "you'll have to excuse them, they're idiots" XD And their designs are so cool, they actually kinda make me want to buy the dolls for once :P


The actual plot was, yeah, pretty predictable but I wasn't expecting any shocking twists or anything and all the music was awesome. So glad I can download the whole soundtrack now without fear of spoilers! :D The Dazzlings' songs remain my favourites, but Trixie's could definitely be up there - I haven't heard the full version yet.


The Mane 5 dynamics were generally good - Rainbow was a little too obnoxious at times, but in a way that's not exactly OOC for her (and makes more sense taking into consideration she hasn't had the same experience/character development her pony counterpart has - she's a teenager, of course she's even more cocky and immature ) and her bickering with AJ was very them. Rarity was fabulous and I love her Daft Punk outfit the best X3 Fluttershy was adorable as always, especially when she got frosting on her face and Sunset wiped it off. I was so mad at Snips and Snails for pulling that spotlight trick on her, she looked so scared :( but also so happy when they finally played her song!! <3 Potential controversial opinion, but...I think I like the EQG Mane 5 + Sunset Shimmer a lot more than I do when EQG Twilight's around :x not that I don't love Twi, I do! But it's nice to see a different dynamic than we get with the pony M6, with Sunset in Twilight's place. Without the whole fish-out-of-water element of her adjusting to the human world, the Twilight/Sunset interactions were my favourite thing.


I'm not an OTT Flash Sentry hater but gotta say it, sorry - his parts felt completely unnecessary -.- it might have helped if he and Twilight actually got to have a conversation/some interaction outside of bumping into each other all the time...That and he spent most of the movie being a flankhole to her - okay, under the Dazzlings' influence so not technically his fault, but still, he could've at least apologised after? Though I did love Trixie interrupting their almost-kiss XD


And the fan stuff, so much fan stuff...Octavia got a line!! *__* (I don't even remember what it was, something super generic, but STILL!) Derpy playing the saw was beautiful, and LyraBon...I don't even ship them that hard, but d'awwww <3 (While obviously blatant fanservice, I also wonder if any of the more conservative parents will pick up on that...? You could easily interpret it as just close friendship of course, but still, I'm happy that MLP actually dared to show even the slightest possibility of an implication of same-sex romance. I think it's awesome, fanservice or no ^__^) I also love the Vinylmobile and its blatant toy-placement, but who cares, it looks cool X3


Also, Maud. Just. Maud. :maud:


And that ending!!! :o I can't wait to see what they have planned for EQG3 with that~

Edited by Coco before Pommel
  • Brohoof 1



wonderful signature by Blue Moon & Wheatley! | cosplay | deviantart | fimfiction | johari window | pm me for 3DS friend code, or just to talk/make friends/whatever! <3

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Given the mixed reaction to EQG 1, and the loud complaining in some corners of the fandom towards Twilycorn, I can't begin to express how thrilled I am to see Meghan go on this huge win streak with S4 being well received, and RR being an across the board hit. A year and a half ago this fandom was at its lowest, now we're at our highest, and I can't imagine anything ruining that any time soon.

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For this post, I've decided to put photos of the band groups whose icon appears on the tournament bracket chart. I will warn you, though: Even though I know which band icon represent which band name, there is one band whose members I just can't seem to find onscreen in Rainbow Rocks well enough: the unnamed Dramas. I'll save that for last.


(Deleted part of quote because error of too many off site images.)

For sheer fun I decided to count how many students the school has according to these numbers. 46 (including Vinyl Scratch) students not including Twilight or the Dazzlings. Given how big the school is, that is a hilariously small number of students. However, could be that these are the only ones who happened to be in the lunch room at the time the Dazzlings decided to get a battle of the bands started. Which would make sense since the rest of the school turned out to watch the finals. No wonder the Dazzlings were so hyped up on power with that many more people whom had negative energies.

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I'm not going to read anything that looks spoiler-ish.


I just need to ask a question, and hope it will be answered:


Is it a good movie?


It's better in my opinion then the first. For some reason the plot feels more believable this time around and it's a actual sequel to the first. The premise sounds silly if you've already heard or once you hear it, but then you see why the premise is what it is, and then it makes sense with in the context of the story, instead of feeling forced.


I tried to make that as spoiler free as possible, I hope it made sense instead of just being a "because things with the stuff and then things happened and it was cool."

(cut out for space)


However... nothing, absolutely nothing, in this film frustrated me as much as a certain character (if you want to call him that). This guy... oh, this guy. Fillies and gentlecolts, I present to you...






Ohhhhhhhh... this... mother... bucker.


*sigh* Where do I even begin? Well, let's start from the beginning. I am not a rabid Twilight fan who, when EQG came out, was all "Oh noes, Flash Sentry's stealing my waifu". No no... I was pissed that we were supposed to believe that he and Twilight had a thing because THEY SO DIDN'T HAVE A THING!!!!!! If Twilight ever gets with someone, preferably in the show AND OF THE SAME SPECIES(!!!), it needs to be a fully developed relationship. THIS was not a fully developed relationship!!!! This was one character and one cardboard cutout spending 5 minutes of screentime together, two of which were spent hemming and hawing, the other three being spent blushing. THAT'S NOT A RELATIONSHIP!!!!!!!! If DHX cared so little about it, then why the buck did they throw it in?!?!?! But I digress.


Flash forward (no pun intended, I swear) to Rainbow Rocks. This mother bucker is unfortunately back. And you know what we learn very, very, very fast? HE'S EVEN MORE USELESS SOMEHOW!!!!!!!!!!!! HOW IS THAT EVEN POSSIBLE?!?!?! Anyways... so this guy spends his days asking if Twilight (who he knows now is a pony, I remind you) is back. That's... creepy, and just a bit stalkerish. And when she gets back, what happens? Buck me, she's as happy to see him. I don't even get that, the end of the first film seemed to suggest she might try to pursue something with pony Flash Sentry (who's just as useless, for the record). But no, apparently Twilight has a thing for a completely different species, which I could buy if they'd spent more than 5 minutes together in the last film!!!!! But, uh oh, what's this? Flash, like the rest of the school, is under the Dazzlings enchantment (knowing that idiot, he was the first converted). So now he's competing in the Battle of the Bands. So what happens? Does he make it to the final round and try to unwittingly thwart Twilight and the HuMane 6 due to his forced competitiveness and hate? NOPE!!!!!!! That loser gets out wayyyyyyy before the final round. I will admit, I laughed hard at that, just because I like seeing Flash Sentry suffer, and it meant seeing less of him. However, things might've been more interesting if, instead of Trixie, Twilight's supposed waifu (I think I threw up in my mouth just typing that) would've been the one to try and stop her at the end. But again, on the bright side, we got less of him as a result. The bad news is... EVEN WITH LESS FLASH SENTRY, THIS FILM WAS STILL TRYING TO PRETEND THAT HE AND TWILIGHT HAD A THING!!!!!! ARE... YOU... SERIOUS?!?!?!?!? It was even more apparent here than in EQG that they DIDN'T HAVE A THING!!!!!!!!!!! They did absolutely nothing together, they blushed and spoke less than they did before! SO WHY ARE YOU TRYING TO CONVINCE US THAT THEY HAVE A THING?!?!?! Besides that, Flash Sentry... well, he did nothing. He lost in the competition, we never even saw him perform except for one quick shot, and besides "flirting" with Twilight... that was it. HE... DID... NOTHING!!!!!!!!! This character is not justified in his existence! Do you hear me, DHX? THIS CHARACTER HAD LESS PURPOSE HERE THAN HE DID EVEN IN EQG, AND HE DIDN'T JUSTIFY HIS EXISTENCE THERE EITHER!!!!!!!! WHY DO YOU EXIST, FLASH SENTRY?!?!?!?!?! YOU DO NOTHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! MAY LUNA STRIKE YOU DOWN AND CAST YOU INTO A PIT IN TARTARUS WHERE YOU BURN IN THE HEAT OF A THOUSAND SUNS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YOU USELESS... WASTE... OF... SPACE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




Buck... I needed that. So yeah, my biggest complaint of this film is how many characters were useless, either in that their actions only made things worse, or they just didn't warrant existing in the first place. It was quite the problem, let me tell you. Still, though, all in all the positives here definitely outweighed the negatives. This was not like EQG, which I could only say was far more entertaining than I thought it would be. No, this was a legitimately good film, and I praise DHX for the final result. The bad in it was still plenty bad, but it got so many things right that I just didn't care (for the most part... BUCK YOU FLASH SENTRY!!!). All in all, I'd definitely rewatch this again in a heartbeat, and I might even pick up some of the songs on Itunes, they're that good. If you haven't watched it yet, go check out Rainbow Rocks as soon as you can. You won't regret it.


Agreed with the whole Flash Sentry crush thing. Especially when there is another propper species one back home, that NEVER will get touched on I bet. He is ten kinds of useless and utterly forced. I pretty much pay no attention to love stories in anything, because they're rarely natural, real or even believable in any universe.




Out of curiosity, am I the only one who thinks that Aria was going to be the main villian the first time I saw her? I dunno, both my boyfriend and I thought her character design, specifically her eyes looked far more the part for the dastardly leader. Adagio is great, but her design strikes me as second in command for some reason. I suppose though being blonde and having the biggest hair gets you the part of leader, hmm :mustache:

Edited by Sinvanor
  • Brohoof 1
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When Rainbow Rocks was about to start


My reaction in my mind: ohmygoshohmygoshitsstartingohmygoshohmygoshitstartedomgomg


Equestria Girl Artist Infernus's adorable brother  :kindness: / PROJECT: Echo, My Little Kohai   B)

Having a bad day? Come relax in my profile, I'll try my best to make you at least smile a bit..  :blush: 


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This scene NEEDS to be in EQG 3. I could die happy if Walternate Twilight finds herself and Spike in Ponyville, and we have an inverse style callback to Twilight emerging in the human world in EQG 1. Ho man, it would be so freakin awesome!

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