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Equal Sign Cutie Marks = What?


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Edited by 41Hornet

The only victim in graffiti is the architect. Graffiti is not a crime.

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It's Communism. Somehow this episode will teach children the dangers of Communism and everything. I don't know if Little Girls should be taught about it though. Basically the episode features a Communist society where everyone is unusually happy and are treated as equal.




If this idea actually happens, the ensuing shitstorm would eclipse even the derpygate. It's gonna be awesome :lol:

  • Brohoof 1


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I think by the way all the ponies were acting, it's one of those weird societies were everyone is 'the same' and equal.  they all have equal talents because they're not allowed to express themselves and be different.

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If this idea actually happens, the ensuing shitstorm would eclipse even the derpygate. It's gonna be awesome :lol:


Oh yeah!!! So it would be worse than Derpygate. Do you know any little girls who understand communism? In fact. I think it will be worse than Derpygate and Alicorngate combined. ''WHY ARE THESE PONIES COMMUNISTS!!?'' ''IS THIS REALLY FOR KIDS?''. I Remember in a Pingu episode there was a sign that said Perestroika and Glasnost. So it was hidden propaganda. Not to mention Russian Winnie the Pooh and other Propaganda films.

The only victim in graffiti is the architect. Graffiti is not a crime.

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I think it shows that the Pony is a great all-rounder and is good at most things equally. Either that or she/he is very good at adapting to new surroundings and changing skills accordingly but that's just my theory  -_-.

"If everything made sense then there'd be nothing for anypony to learn and discover"

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While the source, as in the original, will be about the "Evil Red Menace" I think we're going to get an "Invasion of the Pony Snatchers" episode. Strange pods will grow, producing emotionally stilted copies of normal ponies. Although in this case, they'll probably find the originals being held somewhere. In the book "Invasion of the Body Snatchers" and the original and subsequent movies, you died once the copy was complete.


                Thank you Sparklefan1234!!!



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The episode is about a tiny, evil pony(maybe a breezie) who breaks into pony's houses at night and paints an equal sign over their cutie mark because of a convoluted backstory involving the death of a loved one and probably ninjas.

Or that's my best guess.


Hey there! I'm ~Sylveon~. You can call me Sylveon. xD If you ever need anyone to talk to, don't hesitate to contact me. I'm here for you. :)

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It's obviously a town made of communists.

Edited by Shift

Have the courage to think and act on your own. And have the courage to disobey.

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Every pony is equal none better none worse just equal

Suppose to represent you know a form of communism that's easier for children to understand while being subtle

TC: tHeSe MoThErFuCkErS aRe PrEtTy DoPe AcTuAlLy, I lIkE tHeM

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I'm hoping that we run into Discord's opposite.  Instead of a spirit based on chaos and disharmony, have an oppressive spirit spreading harmony by force.  And if you want me to break my computer geeking out, have him voiced by Patrick Stewart.

  • Brohoof 1

Sharp Cookie says it's time to rock out with your cook out.

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Maybe the cutie mark is a placeholder, but all the ponies will have the same one (dialog says they are all the same, but they don't say 'it's and equals sign!') and they just haven't decided on what they want the mark to be.

  • Brohoof 1


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Maybe the cutie mark is a placeholder, but all the ponies will have the same one (dialog says they are all the same, but they don't say 'it's and equals sign!') and they just haven't decided on what they want the mark to be.


Maybe a smiley face. They are all happy after all.

  • Brohoof 1

The only victim in graffiti is the architect. Graffiti is not a crime.

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Maybe the cutie mark is a placeholder, but all the ponies will have the same one (dialog says they are all the same, but they don't say 'it's and equals sign!') and they just haven't decided on what they want the mark to be.


That is exactly what I am guessing. They may have not decided on the cutie mark design yet. Heck the first few scripts of season one were written and story boarded before the Mane Six even had cutie marks. Since the cutie marks are very easy asset inserts they wouldn't even need to be down on the animatic. 



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I suggest that some agent (natural or otherwise) has caused them to have equal cutiemarks. This could be a natural occuring magic force or a deal with the devil in order to resolve some conflict. They'll likely be perfectly content with the situation because they forgot the talent they used to have. Nobody fights, but nobody really lives up to their potential.


Something will happen to reverse this effect, and the mane six will have to help them overcome the jealousy they may have held before and accept the differences that once tossed them apart.


Bonus points if the agent that gave them equality is also the one that boiled in the strife and is feeding off their missed potential.

Edited by DexterousWings
  • Brohoof 1
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Oreo making ponies better be cannon.


Maybe this means they're all equal? I don't know..


Don't get me started on Oreos. One of my friends did this prank where they replaced the cream of the oreo with toothpaste. It was disgusting.

The only victim in graffiti is the architect. Graffiti is not a crime.

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Don't get me started on Oreos. One of my friends did this prank where they replaced the cream of the oreo with toothpaste. It was disgusting.

Wow, I can't imagine how disgusting that would be.

at least you have cleaner teeth



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  • 2 weeks later...

Ah, I found an episode of the Powerpuff Girls called See Me, Feel Me, Gnomey. And it was banned for a while because they thought the gnome sung allegedly communist themes. If that is so(And considering Lauren Faust both worked on PG and MLP). Then there will be an episode regarding communism.

The only victim in graffiti is the architect. Graffiti is not a crime.

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  • 3 months later...

This may be a dead thread, but I thought I'd add a theory of mine.  You've suggested that Communism is a theme, and I think that's broadly correct, but I think that the equals sign may be referring to George Orwell's Animal Farm, in which the seventh of the seven founding principles is "All animals are equal."  Later on, as the leadership becomes corrupt, all seven of the principles are replaced by one:  "All animals are equal, but some are more equal than others."


Orwell wrote Animal Farm as a satire, particularly of Stalinism in the early 1940's.

Edited by wdfarmer
  • Brohoof 1
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