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I found it neat when I see reactions from strangers to bronies. I have a few times worn MLP shirts in public and I sometimes get complimented on my shirt, thats a fun experience. Like one time a cashier lady told me I had a cute shirt when I was buying a pony toy.


I remember back when I was at a brony convention, it was at a hotel and so the lobby of the hotel had a lot of bronies in brony clothes and costumes. Pretty cool seeing normal people checking out whats going on, and hearing a little girl ask her mom "is this a costume party?". Lol, the hotel employee that was taking our coats in the area the convention was happening, he must have been so confused! ^_^


I never worked up the courage to get a happy meal wih the pony toy, I don't know why but that was the time I chickened out.

Edited by Zoraxe
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I was once buying a pony toy at Toys R Us when one of the employees, a brony, stopped me, asked me who my favorite pony was (Mine was Twilight, his Applejack) and started talking about conventions.


There was another time I was wearing a Derpy shirt when going to pick up a copy of Silent Hill Downpour, the cashier lady stopped me and started talking about both Silent Hill and the happy meal toys currently going on.


It's all in good fun, never had a negative reaction yet, and let's keep it that way.  :muffins:


And the costume party's reactions do sound like fun to experience.  :squee:

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One time at Walmart, me and a friend were just walking around since we had nothing else to do and we both had MLP shirts on, as well as some other stuff. This one lady seen us and she reacted surprised and then wanted to take a picture of us. Apparently her nephew is a Brony and she wanted to show him a picture of us with the shirts. That was a neat experience. Other than that it has been the random 'I like your shirt' or Brohoof here and there.


Only negative experience I can think was also at a Walmart, we were in the you section seeing if any new merchandise was there and one of the employees, an older-ish lady, basically smarted off secretly. That's about it on that.


It is a pretty good feeling where there are positive reactions though. It just feels neat seeing random people not be judgmental like some are in this society.

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Well, one time I accompanied a pegasister friend to a toy store. She grabbed all the pony plushies she could find and hugged them. 

The store employee was looking at us like  :okiedokielokie:

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I haven't bought any MLP shirts yet, but I do wear my MLP lanyard alot. Yesterday I got a compliment about it from a cashier, I was surprised since I rarely get any compliments. 


There's this one shirt I want so bad from F.Y.E, it says "Choose your pony" and has several MLP character icons. It also has Luna! My favorite.

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Wears rainbow dash pullover, gets snidy comments from haters, takes off rainbow dash pullover and reveal metal gear tshirt, do the serial killer stare at them and go like...."problem?"

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I once went into Build-a-bear workshop and asked if they had Fluttershy yet, I think that fairly amused the two girls working there. :yay:

The only negative response would be some kid in my training program I was attending, who told me that "Bronies are the scum of the internet" to my face. Didn't make me mad at all, more funny since he soon after became a drop out.

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When I actually do bother to leave the fort I always wear 80% pony. I even have a spike hoody XD (cant help it I just have to have my pone with me everywhere I go otherwise i feel incomplete) when I went out on my b-day i wore it and my season 4 mashup t-shirt and I got quite a few reactions.


I remember the way the guy in the surf shop told me about how he knew another girl that would drop a whooole lot of money on collectible cards. He was teasing the whole pony deal at first but then he respected it which was nice.


Then there was a lady in a thrift store when my mother was buying an old VHS tape that same day who was like "by the way, love the shirt" XD.


I haven't met any other fans though but I literally leave my house casually about once a month or so.

Edited by oPinkeroo4Uo
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I got A stare when I was looking at a small sized MLP shirt...(Of course not to wear just noticed and all) but otherwise many people are unaware...I'm female so I guess I've got a excuse. :lol: 

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at my school a lot of people seemed to take noticed of my lanyard I met one other brony and a few others pretending to be bronies..... how can I tell? because they thought one of the characters name were Sunset Sparkle I face hoofed

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I wear the t-shirts quite a lot (cute ones from WLF, which I imported to the UK)



When I went to the Gadget Show I got quite a few "nice t-shirt" compliments (and this was a mane 6 one I "designed" myself) - it was a fairly new thing then... think it was the 2012 one. So whether people knew what it was, I dunno.  I did spot one other pony t-shirt (from the back, got to love Pinkie Portal) but he disappeared before I could work up the courage to say hi (yay shyness)


Random other adults are, I don't know maybe 70% unfazed, 30% you can see their eyes follow your shirt as they're walking past.


A couple of young ladies at a beer festival complimented that same pony shirt (maybe I'm a good designer :3), however they were going around seeing how many people they can greet, so obviously the t-shirt was a pretty obvious ice breaker.


Kids/teens - quite often burst out laughing after I pass.  Which makes me feel a bit embarrassed to be causing embarrassment to whoever's with me (often my dad as we go drinking together), how he puts up with me I don't know.  Oh well whatever.  As for me I couldn't give two hoots at them laughing.

One said "a brony." and her friend said "yepp... a brony" after they passed me getting cash out, so seems kids are well aware of us, at least the ones they let out into town in their droves on a lunchtime (only in the last year or two of school).  Surprised me a bit, but makes sense.


One girl on her dad's shoulders: "Pinkie pieeee!  Dad look, Pinkie pie!" - d'aww.  I told him she has good taste.  He didn't seem weirded out really - bet he was a bit of a fan himself if he watches it with her :P


Lad at the supermarket checkout said: ".. Brony?" - turns out he's not one himself but is a Tara Strong fan so has heard of them.


No other supermarket staff have said anything or given any funny looks, I guess they're well trained


I saw out of the corner of my eye the staff who was serving me at PC World sidle up to his colleague and point out the keychain Derpy I had on my jacket and overheard her respond with "...(something).. why do I know that, I'm on tumblr and deviantart too much", heh, they didn't seem to be laughing at me.  Good job really, considering I was dropping a few hundred on a tablet.  (I may have made my acute hearing more obvious if they were!)


That's about every reaction I can think of!

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Random other adults are, I don't know maybe 70% unfazed, 30% you can see their eyes follow your shirt as they're walking past.


I once wore my rainbow Dash shirt to college, I definitely noticed some people following my shirt or noticing and pretending to not notice. I also got a bunch of compliments.

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  • 2 weeks later...

The only negative response would be some kid in my training program I was attending, who told me that "Bronies are the scum of the internet" to my face.

Oh, I know, here's what you do when someone says that.  You smile, say, "How right you are," then turn around and point at base of your skull and say, "which is why I designed this inhibitor chip.  It protects my higher brain functions, which means I maintain control of these arms, instead of them controlling me."  Then you turn and randomly address other people nearby and say, "Now then!  On to the main event!  Rosie, give me the blue light!"  And then just point at the ceiling or something and then walk out of the store.


In other words you just randomly roleplay Doc Oc from Spider-Man 2, and just watch the stupid sap not have any clue what the f*ck is going on.  I wish I could do stuff like that.  I have a friend who's great at it, but you need to be something of a performer, and quick on your feet, and that's not me.  I get too nervous.


On point, I haven't had too many responsed on my MLP shirts, yet.  A couple of quick, "I like your shirt" in passing.  Other than that, a few excited looks from young girls, and a few confused looks from pre-teen boys.  I always get a kick out seeing the looks on their faces.  I recently got my own personal Mare of Steel shirt made (see signature), but I haven't had many opportunities to wear it yet.  I got it done just in time for the temperature outside to plummet to zero.  Hopefully when I get a chance to wear it again, someone will comment.  Maybe, someday, next spring...

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I once saw a video of an old Nigerian man seeing bronies cosplay in San Diego and breaking down in tears... I'm still trying to find it but I think it was taken down.

That has to be one of the more dramatic reactions I've ever seen to date.

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I wear a pendant of an alicorn amulet at work.  (been doing it for a bit over 3 months)  Only had one person recognize what it was.  She was positive about it though.  Had a few other "I like your necklace/pendant."  comments too.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I was told something like that before. "Aggressive towards bronies"

I just laid my head down a little bit towards one side, and with sweet eyes I replied back.

"You're just hurt inside"

It was like he was having some internal convolution with his feelings. He started smiling nervously, but I kept looking inside his eyes, and so he left. It's because I understand the motivations behind any kind of aggressive behaviour. It just became more like seeing a puppy barking at you. It was cute.

I get this feeling from time to time with people. They're still children, no matter their age. Many times with fear, because of their own life experiences.

And thus, it's really interesting to watch my own reflection's reaction. It's actually amazing.



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I haven't really found any sort of "Brony" clothes that I like, so it's not really a possibility to see whether I'm a Brony or not w/o looking through my Google Chrome browser history. 

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I actually worn a p*** crew shirt in public once and I got some of the younger lads giving me safes and talking to me and some of the girls as well but with adults they had a more concerned look.

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