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mega thread What would your cutie mark be? And why?


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Mine would be a silver key, because I'm always able to figure something out for anything, and is the symbol that stopped me from ending my life.

(Don't worry, much better now :D)

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A French Horn. I love music, and French Horn is by far the most fun instrument to play. Other than that, you'd have to figure out how to fit the entirety of the internet into one picture.

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Mine would be either a piano, pencil/paint brush, headphones, or a MIDI Controller.


The piano because I am a (somewhat) skilled pianist.

A pencil or paint brush because I've been known to produce some fantastic art. 

And headphones/MIDI Controller because I am a DJ. 

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A drum....or possibly a game controller....maybe an atom...


Because I'm a drummer...and I love it!  And I'm a huge gamer. Have been since I was 6 I think...and that was 20 years ago. And I'm a physics nerd.


I would take any of those. :)

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Damn, all these ideas and confidence here... I guess I would be a Blan-Flank. Yes. A fully grown up Blank-Flank. Or maybe, having no special talent makes me able to be good at everything?

No, wait, that's actually stupid and arrogant.

I'll stick to my blank flank... until I figured out my one special talent.

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I don't know, but probably brains. I'm pretty much smarter than a lot of people in my grade, but it's probably because quite a few just act stupid or is.


Or probably wings because I like freedom and I dislike rules that I find just strange or unfair.


Or a mouth speaking because I will do something like tell people about me and not care if people dislike something about me.


I don't really know for sure, since I am lots of things and I change a lot of times.

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My cutie mark would probably be an electric guitar.  I started playing guitar when I was eleven years old and I have never stopped playing since then.  I play every single day.

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A teacup, as I'm more or less addicted to tea and find great interest in testing different kinds. In a simpler world, like Equestria, I would be a tea tester. :P

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Mine would, without a doubt be a sofa or couch, depending on where you're from. Chances are i'll never meet you anyway, i'll be too busy sleeping or generally being lazy xD 

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Mine would either be a pencil because I love to draw or a sewing machine since I'm good at making clothes.

I also love eating burgers but it would be silly to have a burger cutie mark.......or would it?laugh.png

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i guess mine would be a firearm, gun, bullet or something like that, im good with maintaing and using them, now im not sure its something to be proud of, but still a hobby, right? huh.png

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I'm sure I would have a typewriter since I love writing so much. Nothing really fancy. Just an old fashioned typewriter. Writing is a wonderful creative outlet for me and I'm sure that is most likely my very special talent (which is what cutie marks are) so that's a big reason why I would have that mark.

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My CM should be a Pc, beacuse i like play games, and do everything what can do on computer OR my CM should by a ball from soccer/footballl/piłka nożna/whatever beacuse i like play football and i am a very good goalkeeper

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Mine would have to be a Infinity Symbol, I don't exactly know why, it just Appeals to me So much, I love the idea of it, and I just think it relates to my thinking of everything Lasts forever, In Any Shape or Form.

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Mine would probably be a block of computer code. It's what I love to do, and I've got the skills for it. Couldn't really imagine having much else.

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