Scootaloo Is Best Filly 578 December 5, 2012 Share December 5, 2012 I could go on and on and on about this. But, probably my parents have a ton of things that I do that annoy them. My main thing however is my dad. -Criticizes me for watching Friendship Is Magic. (All though ever since I have shown him that Wiki page about Bronies he has gotten off my back a little bit) -Tell me what I shouldn't wear in public. For example My Little Pony shirts shouldn't be worn in public, because appearently it puts you in a bad light and everyone will hate you because of it. -Insist I pay rent while I live in their house. -Tell me what I should/shouldn't spend my money on. - Insist that I don't go to Bronycon's. Facebook: Josh B. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Stalliongrad 982 December 5, 2012 Share December 5, 2012 My Mom bought a smartphone but refuses to use ANY apps because she belives that hackers will give her phone a virus. She likes to use Yahoo Mail she wont use the Yahoo Mail APP. She uses Ebay but she wont use the Ebay App. Its fail to buy a smartphone and never use any apps ever. She will use the mobile versions of a company website but she will never use an app. Its not that she doesnt know how to use the phone or download them she just wont. I think its fail ~Signature Awesomely Made By Frozen Mint~ Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ShadowKionic 0 December 5, 2012 Share December 5, 2012 My dad is seriously what annoys me most in life honestly both my parents do... Dad, he constantly talks to the animals like their his kids (it's creepy and weird and frikin annoying at 8am in the morning when im trying to sleep till past noon!). He never cares to listen to me when i talk he never knocks when he comes into my room and he only talks to me when he feels he needs an awnser and just leaves (ex) "hey how is school?" my response "good i guesse -goes half way on a talk about my day but he leaves midsentence-" it irritates me to no end (and also makes me feel unloved T^T) but it's ok i got friends that care about what i have to say but you think your dad would take more then a couple minutes of his time to listen about your day in school...(im refering to highschool but im graduated now and in college ). he also sometimes calls me by puppies name (misty) who is a female and i keep thinking he referring me to somthing there even tho he corrects himself (IDK!). srsly i could rant all day about how on weekends at 7am he chooses to vacuum or his inconsideration of me sleeping and speaks loud as can be to mom in the next room. yet i still "love" him cuz he my dad =.=.... mom a bit of a different story i love her honestly but she seems to never care about anything i want to talk about and uses the constant excuse the im "ranting" so she never listens to me when im talking because in my opinion she too busy talking to her minecraft server friends to even listen to me (yes both my parents ignore me T^T). Idk but she my mom and doesnt embarass me in public or anything but dad sure does! (i swear he enjoys being annoying!). ....well there is my rant on my parents which i bet isnt much different then anypony elses? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Throwaway19573639385 764 December 5, 2012 Share December 5, 2012 Well... Pretty much anything my parents do annoy me, they think they know everything, are mindless sheep and can't even think outside the box. Here are some famous quotes by my parents "Rules are rules and you have to follow them no matter how unfair or illogical they may seem", "I'd rather have a job that I don't like but where I would get much more money instead of a job I like where I would get less money", "Why should we try to change anything that is wrong? We're just humans and we can't do anything about it." , Combine that stupidity with ignorance for everything except biology, a high level of stubborness and some hypocricy and that's what you get: my parents, annoying, pushy, manipulative. Yeah, we don't really get along well. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Envy 6,206 December 6, 2012 Share December 6, 2012 (edited) My mom is overtly stressed and is therefore has quite the short temper. It's obvious to me at this point that I have inherited that trait, and that doesn't help the situation. She explodes over the smallest things and puts us in sour moods every once in a while. My dad, he's a great man who does a lot for me. He'll go get me supper even right after coming home from a long day of work. I appreciate it, but... He has some rather odd habits. He's noticeably slow in some of the things he does. He has some OCDish tendencies, as well. I can't think of any particular examples right now except for the fact he oftentimes has to get out his GPS when he is taking me to school - which takes a long time, and just annoys me because it's early in the morning and my patience is often (well, always) very thin at that point. Edited December 6, 2012 by Envy Everything needs more woodwind! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Retro*Derpy 3,197 December 9, 2012 Share December 9, 2012 Bed Time This is the most annoying thing EVER. I am almost 18, you think by now I can till myself when I should go to bed, I don't need help with that. That and my step-father so called "Facts" are always right. Half the time they don't even make since... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
XUNUSEDXXX 3,459 December 10, 2012 Share December 10, 2012 The cliche "because I said so" which drives me nuts cause I always want to know why I can/can't do something. And sometimes my dad wrestles me for no reason in the most random places xD It's fun tho Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Acoustic Cloud 2,202 December 10, 2012 Share December 10, 2012 I'd love to make a TL;DR list for you guys... but I think if I took the time to type out some of the things they do... the server would crash from the amount of data that post would take up. I'll just leave you guys with "they do annoying stuff." Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Rolls Royce 606 December 10, 2012 Share December 10, 2012 The way my mom drives gets me a little edgy at times. She usually takes both hands off the wheel to do something stupid, like putting on lotion or cracking her knuckles. I found myself grabbing the steering wheel at times. My dad can be a sort of "trolldad" at times, but I love him for that. It usually results in some funny conversations between me and my parents, along with my siblings. Anyway, it's mostly my moms driving. Signature credit to Gone AirbourneXbox Live - Sir Trollestia Steam - Sir_Trollestia Wii U - SirTrollestia Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Auryn 95 December 10, 2012 Share December 10, 2012 My mother has actually reached the age where she has started to mature and grow up. No more religion-induced craziness, including having to speak loudly against things like Harry Potter and not at all about morally offensive things like sex (when her children really needed to hear it!). Even her political paranoia has been reduced. She seems more open to new ideas, no longer thinks of LGBT members as monsters. Still need to work with her a bit on trans awareness, but she's made a lot of progress. If only she had been like this while I still lived with her. -_- Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Skystrider 11 December 10, 2012 Share December 10, 2012 pet names...i mean, goddamnit mom, i am 18 years old for christs sake. why do you still have to call me "Nicky" in public. oh, and also when my dad tries to act "hip"...*facehoof* Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Staples 12 December 14, 2012 Share December 14, 2012 Dear god... When I go to get a coffee frapichinio and my dad is ordering it for me... He says "Can I get extra "whippy" cream on that? and I just freak out. D:< Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MorningFlash 214 December 14, 2012 Share December 14, 2012 My parents use internet explorer, and they call me embarrassing names in public, which really doesn't help My mum gets obsessed with things too easy, she's like a teenager going through phases xD Credit to Lunia Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Victor van Dort 202 December 14, 2012 Share December 14, 2012 I'm thankful that I have parents who aren't so embarrassing in public, but at home it's a different story. They keep asking me questions even though I repetitively tell them that if I want/need something then I'll ask for it. This get's to a point where it interrupts me doing homework for them to ask if I want anything from the store even if I previously answered that question. My main OCs: Previously known as: Azure Scythe Thatoneguy42 Strafe Run Azure Scythe Angela Audiophile Azurepony4269 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Silverhoof 2,844 December 14, 2012 Share December 14, 2012 When I was a teen, I would clash with my parents. (to be fair, I was the one being a jerk...but at the time I was blind to all my faults). My mother had the bad habit of asking me, "Do you think I'm stupid?!" I answered that...once. Kapow! My mom earned a LOT of respect that day. and I learned the meaning of a "rhetorical question." as a public service for the teens here, a "rhetorical question" is a question that is not meant to be answered-no matter how much you want to...DON'T answer it! Take it from me, I know! 1 UNICORN FAN CLUB: NEW SILVERHOOF Equestrian Physiology 101: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DarligPegasi 315 December 18, 2012 Share December 18, 2012 My mom has a new habit of calling half the things I cook for her, 'disgusting'. (Emphasis on the 'gus' and a lot more sting on the 'ting'.) :< She also calls my brother's xbox, 'the netflix'. Signature by @@Champion RD92, Examples of my Art Work Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Drehgunklew 136 December 19, 2012 Share December 19, 2012 My mom is bipolar so she can get a bit.. Strange. Extreme mood swings. Anyway. 1. For example. If my grandma comes to visit us and she buys two packs or cookies, one with nuts and one without, I go for the one without nuts cause I hate nuts and I can't breath when I eat them (allergies) and my lilbro Jonas loves nuts so he takes the other one. Mom starts raging and screaming "YOU GOTTA SHARE!!!!!" And Jonas can say "it's his pack or cookies and I said it's okay so you can stop." But she doesn't get it. "BUT MAYBE JONAS' WANTS THE ONE WITH CHOCOLATE HMMM?" And starts starring at me. It usually ends with me and Jonas throwing them and leaves. And then she gets mad and says "STOP FIGHTING!!" 2. Mom says weird things in her sleep. Mom usually takes out our dog for a walk in the morning and if she doesn't, we try to get her to wake up (she's a heavy sleeper) "Mom, aren't you going to go out with Tila?" "No, no, maybe tomorrow when I'm done with the dishes..." Or "She's in the fridge..." Uhm random things. 3. Mom: Go and clean your room. It looks like a mess! Me: it's not messy at all, and besides, it's my room so I'll clean it when I want... Mom: This is my house and I'm in charge of all the rooms. Me: it's my room and I don't even need to clean it. Mom: it's your room and you shall clean it NOW. I clean the rest of the house because it's my house except from you and your brothers room. It's not like I'm asking you two guys to clean my room. *the next day* Mom: can you clean my room? I don't want to... Me: ???? 4. Well, my dad, he lives, which is pretty annoying <3 5. "You're never outside with your friends. Go out." "You're outside too much! Spend time with your family!!" *eternal circle* 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
chattydash 62 December 19, 2012 Share December 19, 2012 my mum in public if we had a agument not a fight like a little bicker she does the hoky poky in the middle of the street i just walked a way and pretended like i did not know her (i still love my mum i just did not like it went it happened) it was funny after when i was not embarrassed sorry for the spelling problem i try my best its so hard to wright write with my mouth credit goes to Gone ϟ Airbourne for the epic sig Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Spring Storm 276 December 19, 2012 Share December 19, 2012 (edited) My mom has to ALWAYS criticize my singing. I know I'm not a good singer. I'm not going to go sing in public. So why does she have to friggin' put me down when I'm singing in my own room? She's always tried to hold me back if I ever mentioned wanting to sing, even if it would be in a choir, where I would receive vocal training and sing in a group. I wouldn't do any solos. Worst part of it is, my girlfriend has been taking choir for years, so she knows quite a bit about whether someone's a good singer or not, and she thinks I'm decent. So it's not like I don't have the potential to get better. I also hate how my mom will find a song she likes on KROQ, and play it nonstop, all day, for a month or so. I almost always dislike the song - having to hear it constantly is almost torture. Especially when I go out and it's playing in a store. It makes me want to just drive nails into my ears. Other than those two flaws, though, I LOVE my mom. She's an amazing person <333 I don't love her boyfriend Mike, however, whom I'll rant about here as well because they've been together for years so he counts as family in my opinion. Mike's glaring flaw is how greedy he comes off as to me. The example that bothers me the most is how all he ever wants to do when he's over is sit and watch TV. He has to come over almost every night, has to have my mom watch TV with him, and he doesn't even let her pick shows. He can't take half an hour to an hour out of his five hours of TV watching to let my mom watch a show. God forbid I would ever want to watch something, or invite some friends over and watch something with them, or do something with my mom. I know the both of them worked hard to get the TV and all, and I'm not asking to take it away from them. It's that they can't even give me a couple hours' worth once a week (they tend to get pissy if they've been out doing something that I knew would take them a long time, come home, and I'm watching something). Another example of his greed was when he parked in the spot my girlfriend usually parks in. It upset me because my girlfriend used to have trouble parking anywhere else, and there were quite a few other spots Mike could have picked to park in. So I went and told him, "You parked in Erica's spot." I was pretty upset but I said it calmly. Mike just gave me this look like, "Yeah? What are you gonna do about it?" and said nothing. My mom helped Erica park in another spot, so that issue was cleared up. But a little while later, my mom said, "You yelled at Mike." even though I hadn't, and she said "How can you be so inconsiderate?" Inconsiderate of what?? My mom had been with Mike when they went out, and so, if Mike somehow didn't know that that was where she always parks, my mom definitely knew. If anything, they had been inconsiderate of her. And all I tried to do was tell Mike that he had done that so he wouldn't park there again - but that somehow escalated into me having done something horrible. It's like I'm not even allowed to stand up for myself if he does something wrong. Sorry this post was so long and rant-y. There's just a lot about my mom and her boyfriend that I find unfair. Edited December 19, 2012 by Spring Storm Together since October 19th, 2011 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Champion RD92 8,658 December 20, 2012 Share December 20, 2012 My mom doesn't like it when I lock my door. She says that she'll knock the door everytime she needs to come in, but before I can react, she opens the door anyways . It makes it hard to do dirty stuff in my room when I know she can barge in anytime Dude I don't even have a lock on my door and my mom doesn't even knock. She just constantly barges into my room without even knocking first. She has absolutely no respect for my privacy. And I'm fricking 20 years old. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Uncle Phil 2 December 20, 2012 Share December 20, 2012 whenever i go to the supermarket with my mom, we usually go for like 1-3 things, and when we reach the cash register we always have like a shopping cart topped off with things. also my family still calls me "baby" even though I just turned 18 and am in college now. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MagicalStarRain 599 December 20, 2012 Share December 20, 2012 (edited) Annoying stuff about my mother 1. She likes to lay on top of me regardless if I'm laying down on the floor, on the bed, or even when I'm swimming! 2. She knocks and instantly comes into my room without an answer from me. 3. She insists that I share all of my problems and secrets with her regardless if I want to keep them to myself or not. 4. Whenever she sees me writing in my diary, she wants me to read everything I wrote and gets angry if I write something bad about her. 5. She likes spanking me even in public. 6. She likes to shower me with hugs and kisses. 7. For holiday dinners, she cooks loads of food and expects us to eat it all. And that's like telling a rabbit to eat every apple off the tree considering how much she cooks(she is pretty good at cooking). 8. Her idea of respect is agreeing to everything she says whether you do agree or not. 9. She likes to have my father babysit my half-brother who has no family connections to him whatsoever. 10. Whenever she visits us(my parents are divorced), she acts as if she owns our house. Annoying things about my father 1. Occasionally goes off on a tangent. 2. Gets frustrated when helping me with homework. Then again, it's kind of my fault because it could take me up to more than three hours to finally understand how to do a single math problem. Edited December 20, 2012 by MagicalStarRain Click this dragon hatchling to help it grow, please! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
THRACKERZOD 19 December 20, 2012 Share December 20, 2012 My parental units once attempted to take down a fully-grown Snagglethorp on their own. A foolish thing to do, such a feat has not been accomplished since the time of the first Patriarch. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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