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I made a fanfiction about my new OTP. :3 It is very high quality and stuff. :P






Dawn Rider stood in front of Sugarcube Corner and checked his watch.


“8:05” he mutters.


The pony his friend, Destiny, set him up with for a blind date was supposed to have been at this place fifteen minutes ago, and yet; not one pony had approached him.


I swear she said this was this place… but maybe I got it wrong? I don’t know…


Dawn starts pacing back and forth in front of the entrance to the brightly lit bakery; the moonlight above glimmering across the bright blue feathers of his wings.


Should I go-


His thoughts were interrupted by the presence of a chipmunk. He was slightly shorter than Dawn, but not by much, and he was wearing a yellow cap with a purple “M” stitched across the center.


“Are you… Dawn Rider?” he said.


Taken back by the chipmunk, it took a bit for Dawn Rider’s mind to process the sight before him, but he eventually nodded back.


“Cool, I’m Simon. Shall we go in?” he said, gesturing to the front doors of Sugarcube Corner as he does so.


“Uh, sure…” Dawn said.


The two of them then walk into Sugarcube Corner, and get in line. They take in all the delightful smells and sights of the bakery.


“Man, it smells delicious in here” Simon said as they waited in line. “What are you going to get?”


“Oh, I was just going to go with the Carrot Cake of Cuteness. What about you?”


“I don’t know; what you’re getting sounds pretty good. Want to share? It’ll save us both a few bits anyway.”


“Uh, sure” Dawn Rider said, clearly taken back by the very forward character beside him.


We just met! I don’t know how I feel about this, though I guess he is pretty cute. I’ll keep my faith in you, Destiny, for now…


Simon ordered their food and it was given to them shortly after. They walked across the shiny floor and took a seat in one of the booths. Simon then cut some slices of the cake for himself and Destiny. They both then started munching on their treats.

They both sat there for a bit, silently munching on their treats. Fortunately, this was a good time for both of them to properly look at their respective date.


Simon had a chestnut colored coat which went perfectly with his pink hat. Dawn Rider was a very muscular Pegasus with a blue coat and a black and yellow mane. He also had striking blue eyes and was pretty cute too.


Everything was going pretty boring, and Dawn was started to become restless, but as deux ex machina would have it, a drunk boxer pony barged into the bakery at that point in time and chucked Dawn and Simon’s booth, pony/chipmunk and all, into a back room.




“Ow…” Dawn Rider said, rubbing his head.


He looked around and saw that he and Simon were covered in icing, sprinkles, and other ingredients.


“Well, that hurt” said Simon as he sat up from the pile of sweets. “Um, Dawn, you got a little something on your nose.”


He pointed with his paw to some icing on Dawn’s muzzle. Giggling, Simon came up and licked it off for him.

Dawn was very red now.


“Uh…” he said, finding it difficult to think of something to say.


“What, it’s something chipmunks do. We also do a bit of singing” Simon said.


“Sorry, I’m just so confused right now. Why did that guy throw us in here anyway?” Dawn said.


“Beats me. Maybe it was destiny!” said Simon.


“Destiny for what?” Dawn asks, clearly confused.


“To be thrown in a room with someone as cute as you” said Simon with a smile.


Dawn Rider was practically a tomato at this point.


“Look, I’m a mess right now, and you’re turning red, so why don’t we try this again. You seem like a really nice pony and I had fun tonight.” Simon said.


“Uh, sure; that sounds good” Dawn Rider said.


The two walk out of the room and head out the front doors, brushing off sprinkles as they do so. They then stop outside to say goodbye.


“See ya, Dawn!” said Simon.


“See ya!” Dawn replies, but then remembers that he had grabbed Simon’s hat when they were thrown into the ingredient room.


“Hey, Simon; wait! You forgot your hat!”


The chipmunk turns back and giggles.


“Oh, I didn’t even realize it fell off. Thanks for grabbing for me. This hat means a lot to me” Simon said as he took the hat and put it on his head.


He then reached up and kissed Dawn on the cheek, and then ran off. With that, Dawn Rider fainted and fell down to the dirt below.






A pony was sitting behind some bushes looking out some binoculars near Sugarcube Corner. He had just witnessed a scene of love between a Pegasus and a chipmunk.


“I must get them together. I got to go tell the rest of the Shippers about these two. To the Lounge!”


The pony runs behind him and drives away in the Lightwingmobile.


The End


  • Brohoof 3


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I ship it, definitely. Adorbs. ^^ I love these types of relationships, between any characters.

  • Brohoof 4

 "Pay attention to these petals, Steven. The petals' dance seems improvised, but it is being calculated in real time based on the physical properties of this planet. With hard work and dedication, you can master the magical properties of your gem and perform your own dance!"

What do you think of me?:


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It was a snowy day,and two children were sitting near the fire while their father was drinking a cup of coffee.That pony was no other than Dawn Rider,one of the former moderators of MLPForums.


"I'm going to tell you a history.The story of How I met your Father" Dawn started to tell as he put his sweg glasses and started to talk.




I still remember the day that I met your father like if it was yesterday.It was,just like today,a snowy one...



I was on a bar with your aunt,Destiny,and we were drinking a beer...


"So yeah.All of sudden,Ashley started to free all the pokemon,and I was like "Wat,why?"" Destiny took another sip of beer as she started to laugh.


It was a normal day like any other,until,all of sudden...


An Australian song starts to sound,and a guy with a hat enters the bar,sits on a chair,and smashes the table.


"Hey Barman! Bring me what you know!" The mysterious man handed a few coins and removed his hat.The barman quickly reacted and bringed him a little cup of Whiskey.


On this moment,Dawn was stunned.Such manliness,such australianism,such...


"Daaaawn!! Are you alright?!?"Destiny was snapping her fingers in front of his face,hoping to wake him up from his trance.


I won't lie.I was stunned.He was like no other man I never seen before.He was polite yet awesome.Australian and liked whiskey...


"Who's that guy...?"I asked Destiny,hoping that she knew something.


Destiny looked at him,and then laughed a bit.

"That guy?He's Simon.Apparently,he came yesterday as part of i-don't-know which program of your work..."


Before Destiny ended talking,Dawn got up,and brushed his hair,trying to look presentable.Then,he approached the desk and smashed the table too,just like Simon did before.


"'Sup.I want something to satisty my lust of alcohol!"Dawn gave an australian look at the barman,and he quickly left to look for something for Dawn.


That action called Simon's attention,and moved his cup on the air.

"An australian partner,if I'm not wrong.Only someone of my country would be able to give that kind of look.Who are you,stranger?"


I did my best to not look insecure.We,the australian,have a pride that cannot be matched.


Dawn waited for his alcohol to come before giving an answer to him.

"Dawn Rider is my full name,but people calls me Dawn.My friend told me that your name is Simon,and that you came here as part of i don't know what project..."


Simon started to drink his whiskey and chuckled at Dawn.

"External Moderation Program is what you refer to,and yeah,your friend is right about both things"


As the night passed,they both started to drink a lot and shared a lot of details about their lifes.


Simon's hair was already a mess,and he couldn't stop laughing.

"S...so I catched that chipmunk,aaa...and I started to hug it!!!...hic!"


Dawn was at the edge of the death for laughter too,but he still was confused with Simon's story.

"W..w...wwait,how did Jimmy the Chipmunk gg...got the n...hic!..nuclear paaswords?"


At that moment,the barman just pointed at the clock,and they both saw that it was extremelly late.

"Aww,now that we were having funn....hic!"


And it was true.Rarely I had that much fun before.But,on an act of madness,i did something that I still give thanks for...


At that moment,Dawn grabbed Simon's arm and smiled.

"I know a place where we can pass the night,Simmy...'


Simon just laughed at him,and let Dawn guide him through the town,until they reached what it seemed to be Dawn's house.

Inside,they continued to party hard with alcohol,and,as the night passed,things went even more out of hand.


"Pss,Dawny,come,heheh...hic!"Simon was waving from the door,and Dawn just went there,to find that Simon was on his bed,on a sexy australian pose. Dawn just started to laugh and jumped on the bed.

"Heheh...you're really an australian,Simon.."




A long 4 hours passed,and when they were asleep,craddled on each other's arms,another person entered the room,and just opened her mouth...

"Dawn...why is Simon sleeping on your bed with you..?" It was no other than Destiny,which lived on the same place than Dawn,amongst with other people.


"Ugh...my head.I can't barely feel my australian bu...oh..."Simon just woke up and found himself cradled near Dawn.


I didn't had a lot of time to think,so he made what it was best on that situation


Dawn then kissed Simon on the lips,and let a small giggle escape his mouth.

"I think I like you..."


Simon stared for a few seconds at Dawn,and kissed him back.

"Heh...maybe I like you a bit too"





Destiny just stared at the scene for a few seconds more before leaving running,and going to tell everyone about Dawn's new relationship,but he didn't cared at all,because now Simon was there,and that made him more happy than anything...





Again on the Present,Dawn removed his sweg glasses and chuckled.

"And that's how I met your father..."


On that moment,Simon appeared with a lot of chipmunks,and waved at Dawn

"Wanna go on a walk?"


Dawn just smiled at him,called for their children,and grabbed his arm as they left on the sunset to go on a walk with his family...His perfect family...<3












  • Brohoof 5
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Dawn stared wistfully into Simon's eyes. "Oh Simon," He asked tearfully, "Won't we ever make it out of this mess?"

Simon shook his head, embracing the other moderator. "No," came his low, almost whispered reply. "They'll never stop shipping us."

  • Brohoof 4


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