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planning MLP Nations; Peace, Trade and War [OOC, Discuss, War, Dark, Politics, Adventure]

The Shadow Stallion

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Sorry I haven't posted in awhile, been busy with work and school so my posting kinda fell out. 




I moved up the travel time to your diplomats to meet Defiant Shadow.


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Equestrian Empire Cast Characters:

Daring Do, Twilight Sparkle
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@@Derplight Sperkle, Yeah but he stopped being active after making me the moderator. We had winter set in, and it's still spreading south which isolates Volund and the Wolven Empire, that way he could come back later if he wanted to. I'll check in with him though.

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Name: Texano

Government: Democracy, A 25 member council who vote in the president, but the council deigns the laws but the president must approve of the law for it to go into affect

Flag/Symbol: A White Hammer overlapping a blue back ground but the blue is cut vertical by a Olive Green and Tree Brown Strips

Ruler and title: President Samuel Earl. Description: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/samuel-earl-r8047

Environment: Hot but windy prefers hills and warm forests

Primary Resource: Timber and Food

scarce Resource:  ores and Gems

General Race: Earth Ponies

General Description: They often wear boots and are medium height, cowboy hats, short sleeves, most are often skinny but strong.

General Personality: Friendly and Talkative

Nation Traits: Industrialist and Tradeist 

Culture: Any Religion as long as it doesn't interfere with the preset law given by the democracy, No caste system, (unless being richer counts) Celebrations: Flag Turnover, A flag will be given to an ally nation as a sign of respect of the nation, Mother of the forest day: A celebration to mothers by lumberjack after a mother rescued her son from a fallen tree

Buildings: Heat resistant because of the temperatures and some houses are built into empty hills, and mines, wooden houses are often seen in the forest but between the forest and hills is where the two buildings meet to combine into the cities of the nation often with mixtures of wooden and stone supported buildings, so are high rises but most are 4 floors to 3 floors and with a flat roof

Foreign Policy: Welcoming towards others, but at times of war will often close it's doors to other nations until they have finished

History: Was Founded a group of 15 Ponies who worked with the villages they grew up in to unite them under one flag, and established a set law for the nation to follow and work with, the original 15 has turned to 25 with more village join and all vote a president, to lead the people, power is equally shared.

Quality of Life: In the resource parts are dangerous but not to dangerous, there are hospitals, clinics, pay is often good to miners and lumberjacks cities often house the rich, cities and forest and mining areas are often given full control and the government pays for the law enforcement, taxes are reasonable

Military Power: Militia, the most often used armed forces. training is done to those who want to join the force but, accepts volunteers (or civilians without training) at times of war. most can volunteer for training and often bring their own rifles to the battle instead of the slandered issue gunpowder rifles. Cannons are often used to defend cites and the villages. At times of war volunteers doubles the about of the armed forces but are less accurate, Total Warfare is common in defense of homeland

Most Tactics hoof to hoof fights and guerrilla warfare

Generals, are often voted for by the 25 villages to lead the forces, and the higher ranks often get their work orders from the generals, volunteers groups will often choose their leader who will receive the orders from the general 

Most forces are ground warfare trained, some are trained to shoot at air targets most of those are stationed along the border any ship is most likely a trader, and could be refitted to fight at sea but since most towns are away from the sea, navy forces are often unaccounted for.

Rifles are Flintlock muzzle-loaders, common rifles used by the militia, fast reload but accuracy are best at short ranges and can be out ranged by volunteer's long rifles 

Volunteer Rifles: Long Rifles, often used for protection out in the frontier and farmland for protection its can be deadly and accurate with those who know the lay of the land its a long flintlock rifle that uses a spiral barrel to increase the accuracy of the musket ball, tho it takes a tad-bit longer to reload than militia rifles 

12 pounder cannons are a regular cannons with its small barrel and good accuracy tho it can be out ranged by larger cannons 

Melee: Frontier "Bow" knife, Large knife, used by common people for a lot of things involving cutting. 

Total Rifles 742,123 (That's combined with volunteer rifles)

Cannons: 2,500

Population: 8,503,563 

Armed Force with volunteers 645,053 

Armed Forces without volunteers: 312,645

(If i'm missing anything or more info is needed, please tell.)

Edited by El Presidente Castle
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By the way everyone, directly east of Medias, and west of Cidonia, the land is not habitable due to volcanic activity. These places have no resources, and are guaranteed to kill anyone who ventures too far into them. You have been warned. Beyond that though is fine.

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I'm hoping to have some of the area near 16,28

Lordav had you placed at around 28,38 which actually works out with Quinacta since you have access to both the southern sea which is north of you, and the southern most sea which allows you to turn north once you have sailed to the pole. I will post an image of your nation either tomorrow or thursday so you can get a better idea of what I'm talking about.

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Lordav had you placed at around 28,38 which actually works out with Quinacta since you have access to both the southern sea which is north of you, and the southern most sea which allows you to turn north once you have sailed to the pole. I will post an image of your nation either tomorrow or thursday so you can get a better idea of what I'm talking about.

Or i could do it today =p



So as you guys are likely to 'hit' ze Texano zone.... here it iz




  • Brohoof 1


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Sunny's Fan Club I love Sunset Shimmer <3

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@@Gloomfury,  Ah yes, because solid gold coins are so cheap, and don't weigh down the consumer's pockets. lol


@, If you have a question, you need to either mention or message.


We haven't discussed money all that much. We've really just dealt with money in mass amounts of gold. Abendstern uses a silver coin called a crescent, and I think we're the only one to establish our own currency. You may create one unique to your nation by choosing the material the currency is made of and what shape/form, or bank notes, and figure out it's worth compared to others, or use the same if it's not unique, like the bit, or make it different but equal. For example,,,


1 Equestrian Bit = 4 Abendstern Crescents

1 Abendstern Crescent = 0.25 Equestrian bits

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Watcha mean... I mentioned mine too. It the pistole (french accent). Based on the british pound.


1 pistole = 6.57 Equestrian bits

1 Equestrian bit = 0.15 pistoles


That means that all salraies are in quite small numbers, they are golden coins.


Also i am thinking of a name for the smaller value...


Signature by me

Sunny's Fan Club I love Sunset Shimmer <3

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Bits aren't made of gold, they just look like it. They're probable made from other kinds of metal that look the same, like brass.

The Wiki page says that they are made of Gold or Silver but the use of silver is only in one instance. There is someone who makes bits out of bronze and has them gold plated but those are only home/fan made. Edited by SharpWit
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If there will be something important that may have some affections to my OC or Crystal Lands, just mention me at yours posts.


Its because I cannot keep track on every single posts in here OOC.

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Heads up everyone, my mom will most likely be taking my phone and laptop away soon, and I've got some out of roleplay/real life stuff coming up, so when that happens I'll be less active. Still reasonably so, though.

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Hey, guys.

Just wanted to tell you that me and my country are still alive. I'd like to get back into this RP, if I could...but I would need some of you to help ease me back into things. ^^'


Is anyone still waiting on a response from me? (I should hope not--it's been a long time.)

Edited by AmberDust

Need help with your OC? I'd love to assist you! Just visit my help thread. It's always open, so don't be shy!

♦ My main OC  Vector Commissions ♦

Ask me anything!


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Hey, guys.

Just wanted to tell you that me and my country are still alive. I'd like to get back into this RP, if I could...but I would need some of you to help ease me back into things. ^^'


Is anyone still waiting on a response from me? (I should hope not--it's been a long time.)

I've got some rebels who will soon be fleeing to Konyushnia from the Sovneigh Union. I think I'm waiting for them to respond back. I won't be active this weekend though.

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I've got some rebels who will soon be fleeing to Konyushnia from the Sovneigh Union. I think I'm waiting for them to respond back. I won't be active this weekend though.

If you want Konyushnia to respond, just mention me like this:

[ member='myusername' ] (no spaces)


Edited by AmberDust

Need help with your OC? I'd love to assist you! Just visit my help thread. It's always open, so don't be shy!

♦ My main OC  Vector Commissions ♦

Ask me anything!


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