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I waited for the dvds to come out.  Just finished season 4.  Purdy good.


But I am absoutely flabbergasted that they never resolved the pony of shadows, and Fluttershy's friggin bat fang.  Flabbergasted isn't even a strong enough word.  There is no word strong enough.  How could they show these ominous cliffhangers, and then just never mention it again?  Are they actually saving these things for season 5?  I doubt it.  I mean, I hope so, but I'd be shocked if they ever mentioned these things again.  The Flutterbat fang is the one that gets me the most.  It was so ominous and creepy!  Did they do that just to f*ck with us?  WHY??!!  Tell me, Hasbro!  Just tell me why!!!!


This was worse than when they failed to reveal the Man in Black's name on Lost.



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In the distant future
When the original creators of the show will finally run out of ideas,
But will still need to produce new episodes because Friendship is Magic will still be a gold mine,
They will return to the old, unresolved plot points

And expand upon them
To hold the show alive for just a bit longer,
Without receiving backlash, because referencing really old plot points is okay for some reason.

That's a cynical way of viewing it. Of course there are many other, much more positive ways.

Edited by Zejgar
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I always thought the "pony of shadows" we see in the episode is Tirek. (Even like that, you can kind of explain it with the events in the IDW Nightmare Rarity arc I'm not going to mention explicitly for spoilery reasons).

It IS frustrating to see that we never got another mention of Flutterbat, though. Not even a small reference to the continuity. Personally, I think it's one of the most interesting parts of the season. The problem is that it's hard to make it fit with the rest of the show. Same reason why Discord barely appears at all in the episodes. He doesn't fit in the usual context that most of the episodes take where it's a generic slice of life social situation.

Edited by GearheadWilliams
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I'm not 100% on board with the Pony of Shadows but I see the obvious way to continue it. Rarity wants to renovate/ expand Twilight's castle but wants some inspiration and visits the castle of the Two Sisters, the others tag along and while there somepony is taken over by the Shadow Pony.

As for Flutterbat, it was stated that Fluttershy had trouble communicating with the bats. So what better way to understand them than become them? I believe that there may be a secret bat-pony colony who are similar to The Borrowers. Seeing as Flutters was once like them she will understand them and defend them. A little similar to Discord at the end but whatever!    

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Not the first loose end and wasted potential in FiM, and I guess not the last...


As to the Flutterbat, I considered this ending to be just a cliché from all those horror movies where at the end the evil survives in some form to reborn someday. Just to make you think that this is not the end yet.


As to the Pony of Shadows, after watching the season finale I had an idea that it might be Tirek. But after some more thinking I ultimately decided that it couldn't be him, since then he would know about Twilight Sparkle being the fourth Alicorn Princess.

Edited by SasQ
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The creators said that the pony of shadows was an ending gag the first day after the episode ended. Mccarthy said that on her Twitter, after she was asked countless times.


I have no idea about the fang, but considering that Williams is no longer on the team (thank god) i think it also won't be mentioned again.


Here is the thing guys. You should take these things with a grain of salt. I really like this show, but i there are also some things that i don't like in it. I always sit back and expect nothing, which reduces the chances of my headcanons (which i don't have) to be destroyed constant times, or getting mad at the writers, because they don't do what i want.

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Regarding the fang, I'm sure we won't see it again, it was just a gag at the end of the episode.

But I'm dubious about the pony of shadows, if he's in the old castle, then we might see him again if the ponies return in it, who knows?

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They were both end of episode gags. They're technically "cliffhangers", but cartoons are known for pulling this stuff all the time. You can often tell by the way they're presented if we'll see them again. I never got the sense that they were ever meant to be taken seriously, and I highly doubt they'll be explored further, but if you want to add to the vast world of fan works with stories or vids that continue those sub-plots then you should go ahead and do it. I'm sure enough people will be intrigued and check it out.

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Regarding the fang, I'm sure we won't see it again, it was just a gag at the end of the episode.


I don't think it's a gag. Gags are used for the sake of humor, and what exactly is humorous about the possibility that Fluttershy's soul is permanently tarnished due to Twilight's carelessness? Nothing. 


As mentioned above, I take it as more of an indication that the story is not over. Therefore, I'm expecting Flutterbat to make a return in season 5. Also, since Bats! failed to properly call Twilight out for her mistake of using mind-altering spells so recklessly, she would be given a second chance to actually learn from it. I hated how apathetic she appeared to be about transforming her own friend into a mindless beast during the episode. Hell, she even went out of her way to distribute the blame (by saying it's "our" fault rather than "my" fault) when in truth, she deserved nearly all of it. 

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You know, I had actually predicted that the pony of shadows was Tirek before I saw Twilight's Kingdom. Woulda been nice if it was actually confirmed or denied in the episode though. We're just left speculating, really.

OhmygoshohmygoshohmygoshohmygoshohmyGOSSSHHHH! I know EXACTLY what they need to do! Rather than making the season 5 premiere another Twilight Mad Lib where they save Equestria with a blast of friendship (which is fine, but we've had a lot of that), the season 5 premiere needs to open in Fluttershy's cottage. Then this happens:

That would be the cold open to the premiere.  Would that or would that not be the most awesome thing in the history of the universe?!

It would.


Edited by Justin_Case001
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I always thought the "pony of shadows" we see in the episode is Tirek. (Even like that, you can kind of explain it with the events in the IDW Nightmare Rarity arc I'm not going to mention explicitly for spoilery reasons).

It IS frustrating to see that we never got another mention of Flutterbat, though. Not even a small reference to the continuity. Personally, I think it's one of the most interesting parts of the season. The problem is that it's hard to make it fit with the rest of the show. Same reason why Discord barely appears at all in the episodes. He doesn't fit in the usual context that most of the episodes take where it's a generic slice of life social situation.

i thought it was Tirek to i see the fluttershy fang at the end as a nod that there will be more bat ponies to come in the future :)

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