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open The Outcasts RP

Emerald Heart

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The jock's fear really hurt Midnight. She had just shown herself as the scary monster everypony thought her to be. The name 'freak' added to the pain. There was a moment when Midnight softened her expression, but then made it return into it's intimidating glare. "N...now let him down." she commanded as she gestured to Rave by glancing over. "And then get your flanks outta here." Every word that came out of her mouth felt like she was stabbing herself, but she didn't know what else to do.

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Some of the jocks friends lowered Rave down. "This isn't over" the jock warned. They started walking away. Rave walked over to Midnight. "Thank you for the help. I didn't expect anypony to come. Got jumped by those bullies on my way home. My name's Rave Darkmane". Rave held out his hoof. 

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(Im just gonna assume its both stallions sooo...)
Lorcan grabs the stallion by the collar and soons becomes unable to fight. For a brief moment, he could see the other stallion in the same amount of pain he was in and tried to figure out what was causing it. 
"Son....of...a...." Lorcan struggled, feeling a massive amount of disorientation and nausea.

R.I.P. Lord Bababa and Harmonic Revelations

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Realizing that his spell had been misdirected, Sinu immediately halts and looks away guiltily. "Assembly, don't say anything about this."

"Don't mess up again, you door!" He replies jokingly.

Sinu, who was momentarily overcome by anxiety-driven anger, had done something knowingly uncharacteristic of himself. Feeling terrible at how he might be seen by those who know him, he simply says "I should leave." He begins walking home to rethink his life, as he stops somewhere along the block, seeing a bat-pony amid some commotion.

I wrote this thing.

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Lorcan wakes up at the nurses office with the other stallion. The dean was standing right across from them. The three began to converse on what had happened. Lorcan walked away with a suspension, as did the other stallion. 
All I wanted was to read my book quietly! He thinks to himself. His anger boiling up until he realizes how he was handled.
I...I wasnt given any sympathy...I dont have magic or potions...how would I make that happen....why do I even bother with school.
Lorcan's eyes well up with tears as he trots back home.

R.I.P. Lord Bababa and Harmonic Revelations

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Ooc: Darnit, while I was at work, the RP ran on without me!


Diego had cut classes and missed all this, probably fortunately as it was certain he would have gotten into trouble. He was only just back from a week's suspension already; the last thing he really needed was another one so soon. Now that school was over, he hung around outside to see if there was anypony he knew.



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(Just going to do it. I apologize if I miss anybody.)

A week passed by, and Chrissie hadn't come to school at all. Now it was a Monday, and at first she wanted to skip school again. But Chrissie had gotten a call saying if she diddn't come soon she'd be suspended. So she pulled herself out of bed and walked to school. When she arrived she was a couple minutes late. 




Big thanks to @The Wife of Hawks, @Trix or Treatand @Splasheefor these images!

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((The week thing kinda threw me off, but I'll work it in.))

When the jocks left, Midnight  hung down head and folded in her wings. A tear ran down her cheek. She looked up when Rave began to speak to her and held out his hoof. She ignored the gesture and with tears running down her face, she quietly said, "I...I'm not a monster. I gotta go." she put on her sweatshirt and back pack and left without saying another word.  She went back to the Everfree to the tree she normally perched herself on and took of her sweatshirt, back pack and tail extensions. She had cried herself to seep that night.

[week pass]

Midnight woke up with the sun rays in her face. Her pet vampire fruit bat, Ziggy, was hanging upside down on the branch above her still snoozing the hours away. Midnight giggled at him. "Ugh, Ziggy. I don't wanna go to school." She knew he wasn't listening, but kept talking anyway. "Those jocks know who I am now. I need a better disguise." she began to think. "Something magic would be great, but I don't know anpony. I mean, I guess I know Zacora, but a potion would probably take a while." She thought for a while longer. "I got something!" she yelled excitedly making Ziggy wake up immediately. "That pony yesterday, they said he knew dark magic. Maybe I can talk to him." Midnight began to put on her fake tail extensions and her sweatshirt and backpack and she started to for school. As she walked onto campus, she tooka deep breath and pulled her hood farther down.

Edited by Houndoom
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Lorcan comes back to school after being suspended. His first class was theatre class. He had hoped to meet nice ponies like himself in the class. When he entered the classroom, ten minutes had gone by.
"Oh...sorry, I couldnt find the classroom." He told the instructor as he was questioned. 
Lorcan took a seat in the back of class and tried to keep a low profile.

R.I.P. Lord Bababa and Harmonic Revelations

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"Look, the Redneck's back." A pony snickered making the class laugh.

"Sush, class. Now miss Cynara will you please take your seat?" Chrissie did so, and sighed. They were assigned to do a partner project, but no one wanted to work with her. So she was stuck working by herself. 




Big thanks to @The Wife of Hawks, @Trix or Treatand @Splasheefor these images!

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Lorcan tries his best not to catch the eyes of the instructor, but he still gets called up in front of the class.
"Now Lorcan, why don't you perform your scene for the class?" The instructor says.
Lorcan sighs and gets up, expecting to be made fun of.
"Hello, my name is Lorcan and I will be doing a scene from Les Miserables. In this scene, Jean Valjean expresses his shame for stealing from the church and has a life changing revelation." Lorcan explains as he gets into character.

R.I.P. Lord Bababa and Harmonic Revelations

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The incident with the sonic spell had left Sinu in a weeklong depression, something that had never lasted him half as long before. Really, it stemmed from not knowing who he was after doing something so malicious and short-sighted. He became less talkative and spent every possible moment alone; Assembly, realizing the adversity in what Sinu had done, never said a single thing to him. One day, he came to school with seemingly burned patches and lines on his hooves, the result of attacking himself with a belt sander. His life felt bleak, but presently, Sinu continues to sulk down the hall, with a finally improving mood.

I wrote this thing.

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Just as class was starting a grey earth pony walked through the doors in tine to watch as the class made fun of a pink unicorn he knew to be called Chrysanthemum Cynara.


He studdied the laughing crowd, taking note of who was involed and then waited for everyone to settle into their pairs, Shadow didn't have a partner and decided to take a seat next to only other pony without one, Chrysanthemum.


He slowly walked over and stood next to the empty seat beside her and looked to her, a neutral expression on his face.


"Ms Cynara? Is it alright if we work together?"


He wouldn't be surprised if she said no, in fact, that was the most likely thing to happen.

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"Oh um, " She had been thinking, and hadn't been focusing all that much.  "Yeah, sure. But you know you can just call me Chrissie." She flipped open her spiral to the appropriate page. She looked at the stallion-she had seen him around, but diddn't actually know his name. 




Big thanks to @The Wife of Hawks, @Trix or Treatand @Splasheefor these images!

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He smiled at her and took a seat next to her, throwing his bag in front of the seat and taking out his notebook and opening it up to a fresh page.


"Thanks Chrissie, I don't think we've met before, I'm Shadow, by name and by reputation"


He leaned back in his chair and sighed.


"So why did you bunk school last week? Did you catch something?"

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Midnight knew she was late to her first class. She walked into the same classroom as Chrissie and Shadow, but didn't take notice of them. She tried to conceal herself even more in her black hoodie. As she walked down the isle to the back of the room, she heard ponies whisper.

"Hey guys look, it's Sketch."

"I wonder if she's actually a pony."

"I heard she was a vampire."

Midnight heard all the assumptions and comments as she took a seat in an empty corner across from Chrissie and Shadow. She noticed ponies in pairs and figured it was a group assignment. She just pulled out her notebook and was prepared to work alone. She didn't really mind it though. Her mind was set on finding Rave to see if he had a magical disguise she could use.

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@, @,


"You could say that..." Chrissie turned and waved at Midnight, not wanting the mare to feel what she felt. Lonliness, pain, distrust. Chrissie turned back to face Shadow. "So, um do you have any ideas...on what to do?" She really didn't feel like working,even if AP Biology was her best class.  




Big thanks to @The Wife of Hawks, @Trix or Treatand @Splasheefor these images!

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Lorcan finishes up his piece, the whole class clapping their hooves together.
"Thank you, thank you." Lorcan returns to his seat. 
Finally, his first good association with the school was theatre class. He wore a smile on his face as the class went on. He opened up more in that one class than he did anywhere else.

R.I.P. Lord Bababa and Harmonic Revelations

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(Totally confused and lost....)


Counterstrike was in the library playing on his gaming device on mute. He was using a book as cover so nopony could see what he was actually doing. His tongue stuck out the side of his mouth as he concentrated on the device and his eyes darted to different parts of the screen. To any casual observer it looked like he was enthusiastically reading a book.

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Shadow shrugged and started to randomly tap his pen against the desk, then he looked over to Chrissie and smiled gently.


"Now that's a funny question coming from you, I thought you loved biology?"


Shadow looked over to the bat pony that Chrissie waved at and also waved at her, hoping to get her to come over and join them.

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Rave entered the classroom. "You're late Rave, care to explain yourself?". Rave looked at the teacher blankly. She shrugged and made a gesture for Rave to take a seat. Ponies looked at Rave, whispering the word 'traitor'. Rave found a seat right next to Midnight. He smiled as he saw her. As the teacher was talking, he leaned towards her. "I've been looking all over for you, just for you. You really saved me out there, and I can't tell you how much I appreciate that. You can consider me your friend.... if you want. If you are ever in trouble, you can rely on me being there for you. If you ever need anything, just ask me" he whispered smiling. 

Edited by JonasDarkmane
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Counter finally looked at the clock and paused. He frowned and then realized "AHHHH! IM LATE! AGAIN!" He shouted. The librarian hushed him. "Sorry." He said quietly as he packed his book and game away. He then proceeded to make a mad dash for his classroom. He arrived in a few moments, he opened the door and ran in. "IM HERE!" He shouted as he tripped and skidded across the floor, hitting the back wall face first. "Argh......" He groaned.

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When Midnight saw Chrissie and Shadow gesture toward her, she started to feel a little happier. She began to get up and move before the teacher stopped her.

"Miss, this a two partner project." she said strictly.

Midnight sat back down. "But I don't have a par-"

Her sentence was cut off when Rave walked in. The teacher looked back at her.

"You were saying?" he grinned in a mocking manner.

Midnight just laid her head on her table in a pouting manner. When Rave sat next to her, she didn't know what to expect. He knew what she was. Would he be apprehensive? Would he tell other ponies? Once began to talk to her, her fears slowly began to melt away. No one had ever specifically looked for her before for a good reason. She normally wouldn't look up at a pony that close to her, but she turned her head toward him so he could see her shadowy face with amber eyes and her white fangs standing out.

"Sure we can be friends." she whispered not wanting to be caught by the teacher for talking. "And I've been looking for you to. I need your help with something." She paused to look around the room to make sure no one was listening in. She turned back to Rave and whispered even quieter, "I heard you know some dark magic."

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Rave thought that Midnight looked beautiful. Rave was a lot more tolerant with other creatures than normal ponies were. Rave's face grew wary when she asked him the question. "We could get in lot of trouble, but to answer your question, yes I do know dark magic. It's sorta a family thing. If you really want to talk to me about this, we are going to have to go somewhere private. I don't want to be kicked out of another school". 

Edited by JonasDarkmane
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Shadow shrugged and started to randomly tap his pen against the desk, then he looked over to Chrissie and smiled gently.

"Now that's a funny question coming from you, I thought you loved biology?"

Shadow looked over to the bat pony that Chrissie waved at and also waved at her, hoping to get her to come over and join them.

Chrissie raised an eyebrow at him. "How might you know that? We've never met." She leaned on her desk, and layed her head down.

Rave entered the classroom. "You're late Rave, care to explain yourself?". Rave looked at the teacher blankly. She shrugged and made a gesture for Rave to take a seat. Ponies looked at Rave, whispering the word 'traitor'. Rave found a seat right next to Midnight. He smiled as he saw her. As the teacher was talking, he leaned towards her. "I've been looking all over for you, just for you. You really saved me out there, and I can't tell you how much I appreciate that. You can consider me your friend.... if you want. If you are ever in trouble, you can rely on me being there for you. If you ever need anything, just ask me" he whispered smiling. 

Chrissie's ear flickerd as she picked up Rave's words. So she really didn't matter to him. Wanting to be friends was a joke. Or, did he belive all the rumors about her? Chrissie sighed and turned back to Shadow.




Big thanks to @The Wife of Hawks, @Trix or Treatand @Splasheefor these images!

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