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The first MLP Tag Team Tournament - Solar Eclipse are your winners!


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T'was a joke. 


But seriously, you'd have to be damn tough to beat Maud.

Celestia starts the match with a solar flare, and she and Sunset Shimmer attack while team 2 is still blinded.


Of course, Princess Celestia would never, ever do something so under-handed... but her wrestling alter ego (who I have just now decided to dub Sunny Daze) totally would. All's fair in the ring. ;)


edit: wrong match- up. Not that this still isn't a good idea... :D

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Oh I so want to see The Princess And The Dragon vs Solar Eclipse that would be such a great match at this rate I may get my wish.


Lets go Sunny  :squee:



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You know what this tournament calls for? 


No not a party.




We need play by play to cover all the action!


Who here wants to audition as my color commentators?

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You know what this tournament calls for? 


No not a party.




We need play by play to cover all the action!


Who here wants to audition as my color commentators?

Eh, if I must.


Twilight looking pretty smug right now as Pinkie Pie pulls out the part cannon. She's firing up the magic! Look at the confidence draining away from the face of Pinkie Pie. This light show's got her thinking that she should have brought some bigger artillery. Might wanna go back to the party cannon store there, Pinkie. Twilight fires and... NO! Pinkie Pie caught it IN the party cannon! Twilight has set off an explosion of cake frosting and confetti in the ring, and as the dust settles... yep, she's trapped! Pinkie Pie loving it! Just listen to her laugh!


     "Hehehe, looks good on ya, Twilight :lol: "


Wait, was that a...? Yes! Twilight has just teleported out of the icing and magically seized Pinkie by the tail! She always has a backup plan!


  "Funny, I was just thinking the same about you >:D"


Twilight, lifting Pinkie up, and there it is! With her variation on the Angle Slam, that I believe she dubbed the "Pythagorean Slam," Twilight slams Pinkie Pie into her own cake frosting! I tell you, Twilight's been going on all tournament about how she's studied the "Three 'I's" guide to wrestling, "intensity, integrity, and intelligence," and I think I believe it coming from her more than I ever did from Kurt Angle! 


Twilight ready to go to work now. She charges Pinkie... and there's the Shining Wizard! Lands it across her face, and Pinkie is still helpless! Twilight now flying into the air... and there's the Shooting Star Press!

Pinkie now trying to lick her way out of her confectionery prison, but Twilight, wasting no time, teleports back into the air for a Shooting Star Leg Drop! Pinkie's tongue shoots out of her mouth, and Maud tags it!


Maud flies across the ring like a bullet, and if you want to see how mad Twilight just made her, don't look at her face; look at the way she's going to work on Twilight now! Maud pummeling Twilight with jackhammer-like blows, and she ads a discus elbow smash there, knocking Twilight into the corner. Spike clearly wants in to rescue her, but no! Maud hits Twilight with the body avalanche before she can make the tag! Twilight didn't quite go down there, but now she stumbles into Maud's waiting hooves, and Maud Rock Bottom's Twilight! Maud going for the pin now... 1... 2... no! Twilight kicks out and teleports away, and referee Ms. Peachbottom signals no pin. (Is she the real referee? I'm not sure.) 

Twilight managed to teleport into the corner there, and she's just able to tag Spike. Spike slides into the ring and charges... only to be met with a mule kick that sends him flying right back out! Spike soars out of the ring and nearly crashes into the announcer's booth right next to me! Maud following right behind him now, and I can hear her reciting some of her infamous poetry as she closes in:


   "Crushed. You will be crushed. By a rock. Which I am."


Maud thrusts her forearm into Spike's neck, apparently going for a pressure point. Maud's been masterful at finding just the right point to crack ponies all through this tournament, but it doesn't appear to be working on the little dragon, who's meeting her stare now and trying to say some something:


     "Thick... scales..."


Ooh! Spike rakes Maud with his claws, and he's bought himself some breathing space! In fact, he seems ready to go, probably looking for some payback for what Maud did to Twilight a minute ago. Maud catches his kick and throws it away... but he spins around and executes the dragon whip! And that's not all! Now he gets her in a full nelson, and there's the dragon suplex! But Maud rolls up to her feet, still not looking all that fazed... she's moving in to retaliate, but Spike... holds up a pebble? Wait, yes! It would appear the crafty dragon managed to pickpocket Maud's pet rock! Now he's holding it up to his mouth...


     "One more move, and I'll bite through Boulder like a piece of rock candy!  :mustache: "


It seems Spike has found Maud's soft spot! The gray pony's left eye appears to be watering, ever so slightly. She's not making a move! Pinkie and Twilight both watching now with rapt attention, seemingly in shock at how personal this whole thing has become...

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I think if everything goes well, we will have our dream mane event, between The Princess and the dragon and Solar Eclipse.


I think what makes the match between them big, is the confrontation between Twilight Sparkle and Sunset Shimmer. It seriously dosen't get any bigger then this.



*Prepares himself for heel speech*

But let us be honest here. Once this is all said and done, Twilight and Spike will walk out of Wrestlemaneia, as the Equestrian Champions. As great as Celestia and Sunset might be, they just can't be as great of a team, as Twilight and Spike. If they know what's good for them, they shouldn't even show up at Wrestlemaneia, because if they do, it's going to be a beating, they have never experienced before.

  • Brohoof 2

My OC Mesme Rize: >https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/mesme-rize-r8777



Thank you Randimaxis for this Wonderful Avatar. smile.png

Please, don't be afraid to talk to me. I am not as unapproachable, as you might think.

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"Now, now don't go saying that my friend," I would correct with a chuckle, waving a hoof at the commenter before making my points,  "While Twilight and Spike may make a good team, and have both been heroes, they still wouldn't hold a candle to the 1000 years experience Celestia has. Also,  if we were to break it down into pairs, Celestia with Twilight and Sunset with Spike... we can get to the meat of the subject."
I would take a seat, feeling I had some time here before I had need to go elsewhere and had a promise to fulfill, "Who is Celestia, when comparing her to Twilight? She is the ruler of Equestria, has been for over a millennia. She is also Twilight's former mentor and probably in the eyes of the young mare still is. She has taught Twilight most all she knows, and what Celestia has not taught her former student she has learned about through the mare's letters and conversations with her. There is likely few magical tricks the young alicorn could pull off that the princess hasn't seen, done herself, read about, or heard of... I see it as unlikely for her to be surprised. Sunset is a gifted unicorn in her own right, a former student of Celestia that grew too ambitious that she had to be let go. She left, and entered the mirror that would allow her 3 years of studying the human world before being taught the power of friendship by Twilight. In that extent she is admittingly behind young alicorn but I feel her talent for magic and perhaps strategy is more then enough to take care of Spike."
"I mean just look at how they are handling Rainbow Dash and Daring Doo, the pair never had much of a chance," I would say, pointing a hoof the to battle taking place. The pegasi, with all their skills, really only had a few things going for them. Speed from Rainbow and adventuring skill, knowledge and luck from Daring Doo. Though in this case the former could perhaps be argued to be better prepared for this though RD was no slouch. The problem was though is that Celestia dazed the two with a flash of light early on, leaving them grounded. From there the two skilled magic users were really doing well, though there was a point where RD and Daring seem to be getting close to getting the upper hoof the princess and former student really didn't allow them to get anywhere.
((The final part of this wont be as good, without seeing/reading what is going on it is hard to be a commenter. Making up what the fighters as doing is not my forte, though I can come up with strengths and weakness while offering who I think would win))

Edited by EquestrianScholar
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"I mean just look at how they are handling Rainbow Dash and Daring Doo, the pair never had much of a chance," I would say, pointing a hoof the to battle taking place. The pegasi, with all their skills, really only had a few things going for them. Speed from Rainbow and adventuring luck from Daring Doo, this this case the former could perhaps be argued to be better prepared for this though RD was no slouch. The problem was though is that Celestia dazed the two with a flash of light early on, leaving them grounded. From there the two skilled magic users were really doing well, though there was a point where RD and Daring seem to be getting close to getting the upper hoof the princess and former student really didn't allow them to get anywhere.

(*Prepares know-it-all announcer face)

Ah, but can they keep it up? As we all know, Celestia and Sunset Shimmer have a history of not getting along. And facing them are Rainbow Dash and Daring Do, who will get along, through this match and forever after. What are you, a book-hater? Everyone who reads Daring Do knows that comebacks from the brink are practically her trademark! 


Look at them gearing up to hit Sunset Shimmer with their signature flying elbow smash times two! This might just fulfill Rainbow's vow to make these hotheads 20% cooler!



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@@The Second Opinion,

I would chuckle, rolling my eyes a bit before saying with a tsk sound before saying, "Now, now don't go putting words in my mouth. I am the Equestrian Scholar, so because of such it should be clear I love both books and reading. The lovely Miss Sparkle is a pony I praise most highly and might I point out that Her Highness, Princess Celestia was the bookworm and nerd of between the royal sisters in her youth? Be careful what statements you made about others, and lets focus on the tournament. I believe Celestia and Sunset are doing fine, even if Rainbow and Daring may have a stronger connection."


Looking to the fight I would consider the combatants, really whatever hits or advantages the teams Rock Candy and the Page Turners didn't seem to be doing much. That flying elbow smash times two was impressive, sending Sunset Shimmer flying and landing in a heap she would be up and grab the pegasi by their tails as Celestia tackled both to the ground and out of the air.before using the unconventional tactic of tickling the pegasi under their wings with two of her own feathers.


Twilight and Spike were doing impressively enough, perhaps helped that the young alicorn and dragon had over a year to get to know Pinkie and her eccentrics. The pink pony and her sister were impressive, though the princess knew how important it was to avoid being hit by Maud powerful blows, though it was Spike holding Rock hostage that paused the movements of everyone else. Twilight would frown seeing how upset this was making the sisters. Admittingly it was Pinkie's reaction that really showed upset Maud must be given how the other mare don't show much expression. The princess would tell Spike to give the rock back, feeling that wasn't very fair, and the dragon did what he was told.

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@@The Second Opinion,

I would chuckle, rolling my eyes a bit before saying with a tsk sound before saying, "Now, now don't go putting words in my mouth. I am the Equestria Scholar, so because of such it should be clear I love both books and reading. The lovely Miss Sparkle is a pony I praise most highly and might I point out that Her Highness, Princess Celestia was the bookworm and nerd of between the royal sisters in her youth? Be careful what statements you made about others, and lets focus on the tournament. I believe Celestia and Sunset are doing fine, even if Rainbow and Daring may have a stronger connection."


Looking to the fight I would consider the combatants, really whatever hits or advantages the teams Rock Candy and the Page Turners didn't seem to be doing much. That flying elbow smash times two was impressive, sending Sunset Shimmer flying and landing in a heap she would be up and grab the pegasi by their tails as Celestia tackled both to the ground and out of the air.before using the unconventional tactic of tickling the pegasi under their wings with two of her own feathers.


Twilight and Spike were doing impressively enough, perhaps helped that the young alicorn and dragon had over a year to get to know Pinkie and her eccentrics. The pink pony and her sister were impressive, though the princess knew how important it was to avoid being hit by Maud powerful blows, though it was Spike holding Rock hostage that paused the movements of everyone else. Twilight would frown seeing how upset this was making the sisters. Admittingly it was Pinkie's reaction that really showed upset Maud must be given how the other mare don't show much expression. The princess would tell Spike to give the rock back, feeling that wasn't very fair, and the dragon did what he was told.

Ah, you're one of those all-studying-and-no-action types, huh? Well, we all saw what happened when your hero tried to run a race just by reading about how to run. Didn't work. She only got 5th.  :sneer:  Now our Pageturners, on the other hand, can and will do both, as we'll see, just as soon as Celestia stops tickling them... What kind of fight does she think this is, anyway? This kind of stuff is probably why she's always landing herself in problems she can't solve. What kind of monarch always uses these goody-two-shoes "gentle" solutions to solve her country's problems? What's she gonna do if Tirek ever makes that comeback he was going on about before? Tickle him too?


Spike and Maud sharing what appears to be a meaningful stare... Spike holding up the rock... no, he holds out his other hand... and Maud takes it! Maud and Spike, hoof in claw, agreeing to let bygones be bygones! Now isn't that what it's all about? Spike hands her the rock, and Maud is clearly happy to have back, holding it close and looking at it with what definitely passes as a loving gaze for her. I think I actually saw her eyebrows move!


Spike now seems unsure of how to remind her that they're in a match... he taps her on the shoulder, and she just sort of distantly nods there. Now he appears to be asking her if she's ready, but she's just sort of distantly nodding again... Spike shrugs at Twilight... and puts Maud in another dragon suplex! Maud rolls back towards the ring, and Pinkie Pie, smiling sheepishly, makes the tag!

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@@The Second Opinion,

"Oh I have seen action my friend," I would say with a chuckle, looking to the commenter next to me before turning back to the battles before up and saying as the two pegasi mares break friend from the tickling, "Well I would say what Celestia did was creative, her tickling, especially since it allowed for distraction." With such words it would appear that Sunset had gotten into a good position behind Rainbow and Dash as the pair counterattacked, "Well it seems with a couple of well placed hooves the two send the princess flying back, seems Celestia is a bit dazed." The princess would get into position next to Sunset and have the unicorn tag in, allowing the mare to have her turn, "Yet their team work seems enough to allow them to stay ahead as the prodigal student uses her magic to get the fliers down." With a spark before their eyes Rainbow and Daring find themselves falling low enough to get in a go punch from Sunset until the princess recovered.


"Seems Twilight will be coming in with Pinkie," I would say consider the seen, glad to see that the princess and the dragon had managed to stay ahead all this time. Really for all of Pinkie's tricks and her sister's strength they hadn't done much at all to get ahead and I say, "I think, unless there is a major combat the battles so far may offer who will come out the winners. Really I would say the princesses Twilight and Celestia, with Spike and Sunset, I would say they are going to continue on quite well. Though it was interesting to see the Page Turners move forward a bit, actually catching up for a moment, too bad the teacher and student pair wont give them an easy battle."


I would remember something that the commenter before me had mentioned, "Oh, I do believe I forgot to mention while Twilight may have only gotten 5th place during the Running of the Leaves, and did so taking things at an even pace... Rainbow Dash and Applejack got last place, they lost the race."


((This is a bit nerve racking, especially when the team The Page Turners started to get close to coming even with the team Solar Eclipse. Even now, there is only a handful of votes need for the two to even out.))

Edited by EquestrianScholar
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@@The Second Opinion,

"Oh I have seen action my friend," I would say with a chuckle, looking to the commenter next to me before turning back to the battles before up and saying as the two pegasi mares break friend from the tickling, "Well I would say what Celestia did was creative, her tickling, especially since it allowed for distraction." With such words it would appear that Sunset had gotten into a good position behind Rainbow and Dash as the pair counterattacked, "Well it seems with a couple of well placed hooves the two send the princess flying back, seems Celestia is a bit dazed." The princess would get into position next to Sunset and have the unicorn tag in, allowing the mare to have her turn, "Yet their team work seems enough to allow them to stay ahead as the prodigal student uses her magic to get the fliers down." With a spark before their eyes Rainbow and Daring find themselves falling low enough to get in a go punch from Sunset until the princess recovered.


"Seems Twilight will be coming in with Pinkie," I would say consider the seen, glad to see that the princess and the dragon had managed to stay ahead all this time. Really for all of Pinkie's tricks and her sister's strength they hadn't done much at all to get ahead and I say, "I think, unless there is a major combat the battles so far may offer who will come out the winners. Really I would say the princesses Twilight and Celestia, with Spike and Sunset, I would say they are going to continue on quite well. Though it was interesting to see the Page Turners move forward a bit, actually catching up for a moment, too bad the teacher and student pair wont give them an easy battle."


I would remember something that the commenter before me had mentioned, "Oh, I do believe I forgot to mention while Twilight may have only gotten 5th place during the Running of the Leaves, and did so taking things at an even pace... Rainbow Dash and Applejack got last place, they lost the race."


((This is a bit nerve racking, especially when the team The Page Turners started to get close to coming even with the team Solar Eclipse. Even now, there is only a handful of votes need for the two to even out.))

What a gross miscarriage of justice that was. The fastest pony in Equestria by far dragged into last place by a farm pony insisting she handicap herself, then duking it out with her the whole race? Just accept when you're second place, sister. I tell ya...


Wait a minute! If you're supposed to be such a scholar, how come you keep talking to me in the past tense? (Sorry. I couldn't resist  ^_^


Sunset Shimmer hits Rainbow Dash with the Sunset flip. Referee Granny Smith finishes ushering Daring Do back into her corner and jumps on the count. No hesitancy in those old bones... 1, 2, no, Rainbow kicks out! Like I keep saying, don't underestimate the courage or the toughness of Rainbow Dash! She knows she's at a disadvantage with no magic but continues to battle on with everything in her arsenal! Sunset Shimmer sticks her horn in Rainbow's face for another blinding flash... I can't see very well, but Rainbow appears to be... putting on her sunglasses!  B) Sunset Shimmer looks up, shocked to find Rainbow's eyes totally intact! And with a smug smirk, Rainbow strikes back with the double-hoofed eye poke! ...I think it's fair. 


Rainbow jumps off the ropes and takes to the air, giving Sunset Shimmer a flying thrust kick Sunset Shimmer flies into the corner, and Celestia makes the tag, ooh, catching Rainbow off gaurd with with a shot of magic, just as she was charging in for the followup. Celestia springs over the ropes and - oh no - wasting no time, hits Rainbow Dash with a Pheonix Splash! I hope she makes the tag soon, because watching Rainbow press on through this might be painful...


I thought Spike might be able to handle Pinkie Pie, after burning all of her cake batter and frosting to a crisp, but she locked in that sugar hold pretty well. He barely managed to reach the ropes with that long tongue of his. So now it indeed looks like it's coming down to Pinkie and Twilight, who successfully made the tag there. And sure enough, Pinke doesn't seem to have much left in the tank without her confectionery weapons. She's using those supernatural dodging powers pretty well to avoid Twilight's magic assualt, trying to frustrate the purple princess, but if I know Twilight, she'll find a way to tie down that elastic frame... 


  "Pinkie, look! Spike cooked this cake batter you threw at him to perfection!" 


Twilight tosses the sweet to Pinkie a little too hard, and Pinkie Pie willingly catches it in the face! She seems to be in a blissful daze on her back there, and Twilight takes to the air for a Shooting Star Elbow Drop! I don't think I can watch this either...

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@@The Second Opinion,

I would say Miss Dash is just as much to blame for that situation as Miss Applejack, my fellow commentator,” I would point out before offering as explanation or perhaps counter to the one viewing the combat with him, “those two mares share many things in common, both pride in their capability and in their stubbornness. That and it was the Running of the Leaves not the Flying of the Leaves, so I believe it was fair to ask that the pegasus mare doesn't use her wings. Twilight did not use her magic, though she is skilled enough that she could have won the race using that as she is beyond a doubt talented when it comes to spells. Yet despite not using her talent at magic she got 5th place and received a metal, all by following the advice of a book to pace herself.”


The moves being pulled off by the competitors were impressive, though the eyes point was more amusing as I never though I would see any who did such. Still it would seem that things were working out into interesting directions even if the overall battle was still going the way I expected. Teams the Page Turners against the Solar Eclipse while the Princess and the Dragon faced the team Rock Candy.


Speaking up I would ask, “Who would you rather see face of against in the Grand Final Battle? Myself I would like to see the crown princess and former student face off against her beloved mentor and former teacher. To see the young mare that has grown so much prove herself to the one she has looked up to since she was a filly. That would be a battle to remember. Spike could also prove himself, to both Twilight and Celestia so there is that added bonus. Along with Twilight facing Sunset as to young mares that had the same teacher” There was much that could be taken I felt, more then I could see from The teams Rock Candy and the Page Turners, while worthy competitors did not feel to fit with any but each other perhaps.


((I think I will let you handle offering what moves they are pulling off and the fight itself))

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I demand objectivity for love horse and shield horse! Repent and change your votes!


While I do like Rarity and Sweetie Belle, I was disappointed to see my favorite pony out of the entire cast and his wife losing against them. I'm not upset at all, but how can a team of a unicorn with decent combat prowess and a foal who'd rather use diplomacy take down BOTH a powerful unicorn/ royal guard captain and an ALICORN?  :blink:


Ugh, I shouldn't read into it too much. It's just a cute and fun voting thread, anyway.

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I know, the poll isn't finished yet, but i think that not much will happen in the last few hours. So i am going into hype mode now for the Finals.


*Prepares his best Vince Mcmahon voice*


Upon examining Lunas star sky, images begin to appear.


Images of strange and powerful forces.

But of all the forces in the universe, the two most powerful




Twilight Sparkle




and Sunset Shimmer,


prepare to explode.




Champion vs Champion, Title for Title, it's the Ultimate Challenge! It's Wrestlemaneia!



(I know it's a Tag team match. But the main selling point is the confrontation between them. It's a dream match.)

  • Brohoof 1

My OC Mesme Rize: >https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/mesme-rize-r8777



Thank you Randimaxis for this Wonderful Avatar. smile.png

Please, don't be afraid to talk to me. I am not as unapproachable, as you might think.

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I would need to disagree with you on one major point, the two greatest powers in a tag team battle of those still in the game is Twilight Sparkle and Celestia, not Sunset Shimmer. Sunset just isn't as bright a light or as great when compared to the alicorns in this battle.


Sure a battle between Twilight and Sunset it can be a selling point for why many want to see teams the Princess and the Dragon face off against the Solar Eclipse... but some, like myself, see the real powerhouses in this fight being Twilight and Celestia. At least, in my humble opinion that is what would be the case, though I am a bit bias given how Twilight and Celestia are my favorites. Also... well I feel the movies could have done better at showing Sunset Shimmer's growth as a character, especially without bringing down Twilight and her friends in the human world.


Sighs, but I admit at these point I am having a hard time disliking Sunset Shimmer, since she had potential to be amazing and is interesting, so I will focus my frustration on how the movies portrayed her character growth.

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I would need to disagree with you on one major point, the two greatest powers in a tag team battle of those still in the game is Twilight Sparkle and Celestia, not Sunset Shimmer. Sunset just isn't as bright a light or as great when compared to the alicorns in this battle.


Sure a battle between Twilight and Sunset it can be a selling point for why many want to see teams the Princess and the Dragon face off against the Solar Eclipse... but some, like myself, see the real powerhouses in this fight being Twilight and Celestia. At least, in my humble opinion that is what would be the case, though I am a bit bias given how Twilight and Celestia are my favorites. Also... well I feel the movies could have done better at showing Sunset Shimmer's growth as a character, especially without bringing down Twilight and her friends in the human world.


Sighs, but I admit at these point I am having a hard time disliking Sunset Shimmer, since she had potential to be amazing and is interesting, so I will focus my frustration on how the movies portrayed her character growth.


Yeah, i know what you mean. But it's a lot like in a real pro wrestling match. The two most gifted wrestlers don't always sell out Wrestlemanias. It's mostly the dream matches, or the battle between two fan favorites.

My OC Mesme Rize: >https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/mesme-rize-r8777



Thank you Randimaxis for this Wonderful Avatar. smile.png

Please, don't be afraid to talk to me. I am not as unapproachable, as you might think.

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@@The Second Opinion,

I would say Miss Dash is just as much to blame for that situation as Miss Applejack, my fellow commentator,” I would point out before offering as explanation or perhaps counter to the one viewing the combat with him, “those two mares share many things in common, both pride in their capability and in their stubbornness. That and it was the Running of the Leaves not the Flying of the Leaves, so I believe it was fair to ask that the pegasus mare doesn't use her wings. Twilight did not use her magic, though she is skilled enough that she could have won the race using that as she is beyond a doubt talented when it comes to spells. Yet despite not using her talent at magic she got 5th place and received a metal, all by following the advice of a book to pace herself.”


The moves being pulled off by the competitors were impressive, though the eyes point was more amusing as I never though I would see any who did such. Still it would seem that things were working out into interesting directions even if the overall battle was still going the way I expected. Teams the Page Turners against the Solar Eclipse while the Princess and the Dragon faced the team Rock Candy.


Speaking up I would ask, “Who would you rather see face of against in the Grand Final Battle? Myself I would like to see the crown princess and former student face off against her beloved mentor and former teacher. To see the young mare that has grown so much prove herself to the one she has looked up to since she was a filly. That would be a battle to remember. Spike could also prove himself, to both Twilight and Celestia so there is that added bonus. Along with Twilight facing Sunset as to young mares that had the same teacher” There was much that could be taken I felt, more then I could see from The teams Rock Candy and the Page Turners, while worthy competitors did not feel to fit with any but each other perhaps.


((I think I will let you handle offering what moves they are pulling off and the fight itself))

Always trying to make 5th place sound good. What, was Twilight gonna blast away the competition with her magic? Pretty sure that's illegal. You're saying that Twilight almost resorted to breaking the rules, aren't you? AREN'T YOU? I tell ya, some people...


And to answer your question, I'd rather not see a couple of goody-two-shoes alicorns all reluctant to hit each other in the ring, and the alternate of Twilight vs. Sunset Shimmer is a match we've all seen before. I'd much rather see Twilight and Rainbow Dash settle the grudge of Daring Do siding with Rainbow over Twilight!








Not to mention that Rainbow Dash has fit into this whole pro-wrestling shtick by far the most naturally of anyone in this tournament. Just look back at the promo she did for this match:


"Well let me tell YOU something, 'Solar Eclipse!' You may think you're hot stuff! But by the time we're done you, you're gonna know what it's like to be 20% cooler! We're gonna lower the rainboom! Bring down the tower! Empty the Griffon's Goblet all over you! So if you can't face us with everything you've got, you'd best run away as fast as your legs can carry you! That right, you have a choice: Do... or Dash!"




Celestia dodges Daring Do's hat throw and lunges at her. And now the two are duking it out center stage! Blow for blow! Celestia towering over the brave adventurer! Daring Do desparately looking for a way to topple the alicorn princess! Wait now, Sunset Shimmer, pulling herself back to her feet, appears to be seeking a vantage point behind Celestia. She's gonna try another blinding flare to give her partner the edge! Rainbow Dash, still hurting from that Phoenix Splash, seems to have noticed and is dragging herself towards her partners sun hat, to see if she can return it to her and negate the effect. But will she get there in time? The tension is unbearable!


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Always trying to make 5th place sound good. What, was Twilight gonna blast away the competition with her magic? Pretty sure that's illegal. You're saying that Twilight almost resorted to breaking the rules, aren't you? AREN'T YOU? I tell ya, some people...


And to answer your question, I'd rather not see a couple of goody-two-shoes alicorns all reluctant to hit each other in the ring, and the alternate of Twilight vs. Sunset Shimmer is a match we've all seen before. I'd much rather see Twilight and Rainbow Dash settle the grudge of Daring Do siding with Rainbow over Twilight!








Not to mention that Rainbow Dash has fit into this whole pro-wrestling shtick by far the most naturally of anyone in this tournament. Just look back at the promo she did for this match:


"Well let me tell YOU something, 'Solar Eclipse!' You may think you're hot stuff! But by the time we're done you, you're gonna know what it's like to be 20% cooler! We're gonna lower the rainboom, bring down the tower, empty the Griffon's Goblet all over you! So if you can't face us with everything you've got, you'd best run away as fast as your legs can carry you! That right, you have a choice: Do... or Dash!"



Celestia dodges Daring Do's hat throw and lunges at her. And now the two are duking it out center stage! Blow for blow! Celestia towering over the brave adventurer! Daring Do desparately looking for a way to topple the alicorn princess! Wait now, Sunset Shimmer, pulling herself back to her feet, appears to be seeking a vantage point behind Celestia. She's gonna try another blinding flare to give her partner the edge! Rainbow Dash, still hurting from that Phoenix Splash, seems to have noticed and is dragging herself towards her partners sun hat, to see if she can return it to her and negate the effect. But will she get there in time? The tension is unbearable!



Wow at that last picture! I really feel sorry for any pony within a 100 mile radius of where those two fillies are fighting!

  • Brohoof 1
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No! Sunset Shimmer sees it coming and shoots the hat out of her grasp! There's the flare... and Daring Do sees it coming a moment too late! She's defenseless against Celestia's onslaught! Now Celestia spins around... and hits her with the snap-mare! Daring Do is flat on her back! Celestia points to her sister in the stands... and hits the Standing Moonsault! Rainbow Dash throws Sunset Shimmer aside and rushes to make the save... but her sore wing gives out! The count! 1... 2... 3! It's over! Solar Eclipse moves on to face The Princess and the Dragon for the title! For shame.

And of course, we all saw Twilight settle with Pinkie Pie in the ring a moment ago. While Pinkie managed to elongate herself out of the way of Twilight's Shooting Star Elbow Drop, she made the mistake of sticking out her tongue, which Twilight then seized and used to slam Pinkie all over the ring. And while Pinkie was on her back, checking to make sure she could still say "pappy pony picked a pluck of prickly pluff nuggets" Twilight picked up the pin, despite her sore elbow. (Or is it a sore knee?) Spike and Maud, meanwhile, sat resigned outside the ring, having a short-sentence conversation about rocks vs. gem stones.


  • Brohoof 2
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Oh, so we are to the final round? Well then, seems my wish came true... I'm not exactly certain of my vote yet but I may find myself later going with the team that is behind just so the battle can be close.

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