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request shop [Blue Destiny Core] Signature Request Shop!


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Name: Fallentrench
Text Wanted: (If you want a specific font, name it here!): Something settle, but also classy, Fallentrench & the quote Be too much of a lady to put up with anything less than a gentleman.
Specific Colors?: Nothing too specific, but I want to sorta galaxy themed if possible!
Images: (remember to provide vectors if it an OC):  


Donor Size or Regular?: Regular  and Donor please, but if you only want to do one, please just regular. :D
Extra Details?: The quote can be faded into the background (opacity usually around 75%)

Thank you so much for taking in the request, I appreciate it!

Edited by Fallentrench




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Might I make another request? 


Name: JonasDarkmane
Text Wanted: Jonas x Puck
Specific Colors?: Any color you can come up with, something sweet ^^
Images: post-14906-0-39701200-1427048989.jpg
Donor Size or Regular?: Regular 

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Name: Fallentrench

Text Wanted: (If you want a specific font, name it here!): Something settle, but also classy, Fallentrench & the quote Be too much of a lady to put up with anything less than a gentleman.

Specific Colors?: Nothing too specific, but I want to sorta galaxy themed if possible!

Images: (remember to provide vectors if it an OC):  


Donor Size or Regular?: Regular  and Donor please, but if you only want to do one, please just regular. :D

Extra Details?: The quote can be faded into the background (opacity usually around 75%)

Thank you so much for taking in the request, I appreciate it!

Alright, hope you like these. :)





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Alright. I've been wanting a signature of this for a while.


Name: Shadowking58
Text Wanted: "You got heart, kid. That's what it takes to be a champ." (With the quotes)
Specific Colors?: None

A: post-27192-0-58299900-1427058510.png
B: post-27192-0-02843100-1427058436_thumb.png
Donor Size or Regular?: Donor Size & Regular Size
Extra Details?: None

Edited by Shadowking58


All My OCS



“The only time a lawyer can cry is when it's all over."


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Alright. I've been wanting a signature of this for a while.


Name: Shadowking58

Text Wanted: "You got heart, kid. That's what it takes to be a champ." (With the quotes)

Specific Colors?: None


A: attachicon.gifMain.png

B: attachicon.gifLittleMacVR.png

Donor Size or Regular?: Donor Size & Regular Size

Extra Details?: None





LITTLE MAC??!??!?!?!?




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Hi there! You all sure are talented! ^o^


Name: marshmallowbunnyy
Text Wanted: "We could be immortals"
Specific Colors?: If you could, please aim for more dark colors- not too dark, but more around the navy blue, dark green area! ^w^
Images: http://vignette4.wikia.nocookie.net/big-hero-6/images/f/f9/Hiro_Render.png/revision/latest?cb=20140716175327 (This is the only vector I could find!)
Donor Size or Regular?: Regular! c:
Extra Details?: Hmm, nope!

I left my hearts in Hyrule

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I'm wanting a new signature. 


Name: RainbowDash72
Text Wanted: RainbowDash72
Specific Colors?: Anything that would look great on the signature. Sorry I just can't be specific on this part.
Images: http://i.imgur.com/sXvIi3c.png

Donor Size or Regular?: Regular size
Extra Details?:



Country and Rock fan | Car fan (especially police cars) | Weather Pony | YouTube | Twitter | DeviantART






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hello there. could i get an update on my request? this one.

Name: You Heard Nothing

Text Wanted: True music comes from the heart.

Specific Colors: something wintry, maybe snowflakes falling or something?

Image: just my profile pic. http://fc01.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2012/349/7/8/merry_christmas_from_octavia_by_tuyla-d5o45lc.jpg

Size: regular.


and one other.


Name: You Heard Nothing

Text Wanted: True beauty shines from the inside out. Font: Simple, but Elegant?

Specific Colors: i'll go with your judgement on this.  ;)

Image: just the vector,  please. http://www.animalhi.com/thumbnails/detail/20130106/burst%20rarity%20my%20little%20pony%20friendship%20is%20magic%201920x1080%20wallpaper_www.animalhi.com_23.jpg

Size: regular.


thanks in advance!  :rarity:

This is my signature.

Because everyone needs a signature.



Special thanks to Blue Moon for the signature pic.

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I'm wanting a new signature. 


Name: RainbowDash72

Text Wanted: RainbowDash72

Specific Colors?: Anything that would look great on the signature. Sorry I just can't be specific on this part.

Images: http://i.imgur.com/sXvIi3c.png


Donor Size or Regular?: Regular size

Extra Details?:



how does this look?


i did a brighter version as well





and some random clouds






matching setups with my bff pathfinder

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how does this look?


i did a brighter version as well





and some random clouds





Awesome job! I love them!! :wub:  :wub:  

Thank you so much.


Now I don't know which one to use.. 


Country and Rock fan | Car fan (especially police cars) | Weather Pony | YouTube | Twitter | DeviantART






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Name: You Heard Nothing

Text Wanted: True music comes from the heart.

Specific Colors: something wintry, maybe snowflakes falling or something?

Image: just my profile pic. http://fc01.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2012/349/7/8/merry_christmas_from_octavia_by_tuyla-d5o45lc.jpg

Size: regular.


and one other.


Name: You Heard Nothing

Text Wanted: True beauty shines from the inside out. Font: Simple, but Elegant?

Specific Colors: i'll go with your judgement on this.  ;)

Image: just the vector,  please. http://www.animalhi.com/thumbnails/detail/20130106/burst%20rarity%20my%20little%20pony%20friendship%20is%20magic%201920x1080%20wallpaper_www.animalhi.com_23.jpg

Size: regular.


thanks in advance!  :rarity:

Alright, hope you like them. :)





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can I request a signature?


text wanted: KrazyDashie

specific colours: anything that works (but preferably a blueish purple, or something related to that)

images: http://fc08.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2012/218/d/4/rainbow_dash_7_by_xpesifeindx-d5a15so.png https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-uek4Sqkt3PM/UoLa-caL5RI/AAAAAAAAD3Y/3lv2PIsONu0/w900-h1255/pinkie_pie_smiling_by_craftybrony-d4q8iy4%255B1%255D.png

size: regular


thanks in advance :fluttershy:


alright, i went and got some done c:






matching setups with my bff pathfinder

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Hi there! You all sure are talented! ^o^


Name: marshmallowbunnyy

Text Wanted: "We could be immortals"

Specific Colors?: If you could, please aim for more dark colors- not too dark, but more around the navy blue, dark green area! ^w^

Images: http://vignette4.wikia.nocookie.net/big-hero-6/images/f/f9/Hiro_Render.png/revision/latest?cb=20140716175327 (This is the only vector I could find!)

Donor Size or Regular?: Regular! c:

Extra Details?: Hmm, nope!


i went ahead and did several 






matching setups with my bff pathfinder

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