Shipping_Trash 38 March 6, 2015 Share March 6, 2015 Dawn Dusk It sucked, the voice acting was horrid, the animation wasn't good, the characters were made by pony creator and the people didnt even bother to change it. Also the plot was just confusing. The lines were just unnatural and ugh. Snowdrop It was fine, It always made me feel the writers wanted me to feel sorry for SD and they succeeded but still, it makes me feel like they're trying too hard. Double Rainboom The animation is good, the voice acting was decent but how they potray Twi and Rainbow were basically off. Also, it seemed very short to me despite it being 20 min or so. Tell me your opinion 2 When the raindrops come tumbling, remember you're the only one who can fill the world with sunshine.-Snow White Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Odyssey 5,717 March 6, 2015 Share March 6, 2015 (edited) Personally, I think that there is more to fan animations than just those three. All three weren't that good, but I kind of wish they would stop stealing the spotlight, since at this point people are thinking that all MLP:FiM animations are like these three (i.e., bad writing, pandering, etc.). As for my opinions on all three individually, here they are: Double Rainboom: The story is botched, but it was very nice visually. While the animation wasn't perfect, I still felt at ease thanks to being similar to official MLP:FiM art. But still, the premise is distracting and how the characters were written (especially RD) is rather insulting. Dusk's Dawn: My least favourite of the three. It was animated with Pony Creator puppets, the visuals are too vivid and the story is a jumbled mess. It could be worse, though. At least it wasn't like Newborn Cuties or whatever. Snowdrop: My favourite of the bunch. While Snowdrop's personality is annoying as all heck, it was still watchable. I especially liked both the visuals and how the writers handled where the origin of where the snowflake comes from. However, all three are nowhere near as awesome as Button Mash's Adventures. That, along with JanAnimations' other creations are just fantastic to watch. Edited March 6, 2015 by Odyssey 6 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Moonlight 7,288 March 6, 2015 Share March 6, 2015 Snowdrop has one of the prettiest pony designs ever, while the other two animations just sucked overall. Double Rainboom being a secret crossover fic with the creators promising show quality animation which didn't happen with the stilted animation. It was boring to watch, the references were obnoxious, and it was just not good. Dusk's Dawn is in the "so bad that I have no idea what I'm watching but it's kinda fun to watch" category, it was awful but the funny kind of awful you'd watch with your friends and laugh over. With Snowdrop being my favorite of the three, it had nice visuals, an average story, nice looking OCs with the only thing holding it down being Snowdrop's "feel sorry for me" personality. 1 matching setups with my bff pathfinder Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Shipping_Trash 38 March 6, 2015 Author Share March 6, 2015 Personally, I think that there is more to fan animations than just those three. All three weren't that good, but I kind of wish they would stop stealing the spotlight, since at this point people are thinking that all MLP:FiM animations are like these three (i.e., bad writing, pandering, etc.). As for my opinions on all three individually, here they are: Double Rainboom: The story is botched, but it was very nice visually. While the animation wasn't perfect, I still felt at ease thanks to being similar to official MLP:FiM art. But still, the premise is distracting and how the characters were written (especially RD) is rather insulting. Dusk's Dawn: My least favourite of the three. It was animated with Pony Creator puppets, the visuals are too vivid and the story is a jumbled mess. It could be worse, though. At least it wasn't like Newborn Cuties or whatever. Snowdrop: My favourite of the bunch. While Snowdrop's personality is annoying as all heck, it was still watchable. I especially liked both the visuals and how the writers handled where the origin of where the snowflake comes from. However, all three are nowhere near as awesome as Button Mash's Adventures. That, along with JanAnimations' other creations are just fantastic to watch. Didn't think of Button... Button Mash It was very funny and cute. To think about it, its the best brony ep eva!!! 1 When the raindrops come tumbling, remember you're the only one who can fill the world with sunshine.-Snow White Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Buck Testa 5,505 March 6, 2015 Share March 6, 2015 Double Rainboom, while pretty, was just awful in terms of story. That wasn't Rainbow Dash, that was an inconsiderate ponyville bombing selfish thieving pony with her name attached to it. Snowdrop was...meh Dusk dawn: Oh gawd...That was so bad I'm just not going to hate on it. They tried, it just went horridly wrong. ----------------- If I were to talk about the best of the best FlimFlamfilosophy's "Rainbow Dash Presents" : they are still frames, but they are funny as hell. FlimFlam makes all new persona's for each character that have a depth all their own as well as being hilarious satire for the show itself. Though he has other things like "The mentally advanced series", his Rainbow Dash presents are some of his best work. Highly recommended. Button Mash Adventures: Honestly this series had the best quality in both animation and story from what I've seen. Its funny, it fits the mood of the show in its own quirky way, and it got me into shipping Button Mash and Sweetie Belle, cause they were cute as buck man Luna's Banishment, Deep edition: Watch that thing with captions...for the love of Celestia watch that thing with captions. Its possibly the best telling of the Nightmare moon arc I've seen, so flipping beautiful Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Moved to Elsewhere 11,331 March 6, 2015 Share March 6, 2015 Snowdrop: It's probably the least bad of these three, but that doesn't make it too. I get that the story is trying to make you feel sorry for Snowdrop, but I feel they try to hard by pulling every cliched emotional strings "Oh no, she's blind and no one wants to be her partner." At one point, Snowdrop tries to walk home in a blizzard. Why didn't the teacher help a blind pony walk through a snow storm is beyond me. Dusk's Dawns It's bad but it's actually laughably bad. People refer to this as The Room of the Brony fandom, and it makes sense why. The characters have the personalities of a rock. The voice acting sounds like speakonia got a thick European accent, making it hard to understand anyone. The story? What story? They literally just walked around until the lack of a story came to a halt. Oh, and the animation is so bad, the characters move like army tanks practically. Double Rainboom: Not much to say. It sucks. It claims to be a fan made episode but really just feels like a bad fanfiction of a Robot Chicke sketch. All the characters are limited to 1 or 2 traits, most of the hunor is just referencing a brony meme without any wit to it. And don't even get me started on the pointless Power puff girls crossover that made no sense. Oh, and the ending was one of the biggest deus ex machina ever. 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Duster Dawnhorse 248 March 6, 2015 Share March 6, 2015 In order from least terrible to most terrible. Snowdrop: It's cute, I'll give it that. It's not the omgsosadtearjerker bronies make it out to be but I recognize the heart and effort put into the story and the characters. It's probably the best out of the three because they managed to actually make a cohesive story with a reasonably sympathetic character in half the time the other two did. I understand where the criticism for Snowdrop comes from. And to some extent I agree. Some aspects of Snowdrop's character were a little too sympathy-grabbing or overreaching. For example the class was something out of a LIfetime movie. And even Lifetime movie victims have at least one friend. There are things that definitely could've been improved or expanded upon. But Silly Filly Studios has shown a good amount of promise and dedication with their creations (I'll admit, I actually liked Fall of the Crystal Empire) so I'm not gonna ding them too much. Double Rainboom: Neither Double Rainboom not Dusk's Dawn are the first fanmade episodes. Why? Because neither of them have anything to do with Friendship is Magic at all. The only reason Double Rainboom is above Dusk's Dawn is because they use actual FiM character no matter how poorly written and voiced they are. The animation is nice but that's about it. The story was poor and fanservicey, constant references and creepy Faust-worship, and the crossover bait-and-switch did Double Rainboom in. It was pretty lame to bill Double Rainboom as a fanmade episode but make 70% of the actual story a crossover with another cartoon. Dusk's Dawn: There's only one redeeming quality; the fact you can laugh at how terrible it is. Otherwise I already wrote a long review of why it's bad so eh. Apparently they're trying to make it again and make it not bad? idk. 1 Pacific Ponycon 17 || BABSCon 17 || Anime Expo 17 Panelist/Vendor || Panelist/Vendor/Media || Attendee Tumblr || DeviantART || Twitter Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Snow Frostflame 3,568 March 9, 2015 Share March 9, 2015 I never watched Dusk's Dawn but from what I have seen in reviews the animation and voice actors are very laughable.... as for Snowdrop I saw it when it first came out.... damn thing nearly made me cry..... my OC was inspired off of her.... and Double Rainboom was great made me feel like I was actually watching an episode of MLP and I saw it between the S2 S3 hibernation so that was good (or at least I'm pretty sure I did I could be wrong) Dawn DuskIt sucked, Dusk's Dawn: My least favourite of the three. Dusk's Dawn is in the "so bad that I have no idea what I'm watching Dusk dawn: Oh gawd...That was so bad I'm just not going to hate on it. They tried, it just went horridly wrong. Dusk's Dawns It's bad but it's actually laughably bad. Dusk's Dawn: There's only one redeeming quality; the fact you can laugh at how terrible it is. damn I thought I was the only one who would say how bad it is..... you all are more harsh then me.... even though it was a bad final product voice actors sucked, and the animation looks like it was made from the Pony Generator you still have to pity the creator who at least tried.... I wouldn't even know what to do if I knew majority of the fandom hated my fan fic Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sceethe 704 March 9, 2015 Share March 9, 2015 Dusk´s Dawn is like "The Room" of Pony Fan-Animations Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ashen Pathfinder 16,162 March 9, 2015 Share March 9, 2015 Snowdrop is easily the most enjoyable of the three, and one of the better fan projects out there. Snowdrop is such a lovely character... Double Rainboom was...all right. The animation is spectacular, but the addition of the PPG and so many pony memes just turned me off. I tried to watch Dusk's Dawn...and I had to stop... 1 Pathfinder I Sojourner I Corsair | Zu'hra I Autumn | Scarlet Willow | Gypsy | Silverthorn | Crystal Whisper | Radiant Historia | And many other OCs~ Matching signatures with mah Bestie MOONLIGHT <3 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Panne 1,342 March 9, 2015 Share March 9, 2015 (edited) Snow Drop annoys me because she's a tragic past mary sue... yet bronies that will quickly shoot down any o.c. worship her as a kind of goddess. Like I watched it and felt nothing for her because the story tried too hard to be sad. Edited March 9, 2015 by Panne 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Thrashy 2,800 March 9, 2015 Share March 9, 2015 Never watched Snowdrop. Well, not all of it, anyway. From the snippets I did catch, it seemed a little heavy-handed with the sorrow, like it was trying to be an Oscar-baiting tearjerker. Animation was pretty, though. Double Rainboom, while mediocre, I thought was entertaining enough. Yes, Twi and RD didn't feel like themselves, but I did think the animation was more than adequate for a fan project. Seems like people like to harp on the animation quality for no other reason than "it's not what was promised", which, in my mind, is every bit as frivolous as the argument that season 3 sucked because "it wasn't as long as we thought it would be". (Then again, I've a tendency to judge things based on the merits they have as opposed to what they could've had, and that's just me.) Dusk's Dawn, well, it really is "The Room" of pony animations. But while it's shoddy in just about every objective way imaginable - much like "The Room" - I kind of appreciate it regardless, both for the legendary awkwardness of it all and for the fact that they at least knew what they wanted to do and went for it. It really is an "A for effort" thing as far as I'm concerned; stilted and lifeless though it may be, they still got further than my silly ass could get if I were to try my hand at an animated feature. Sure, I'd like to think my writing and voice acting would outshine theirs in every respect, but anything I tried to animate would look legendarily shitty by comparison. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Megas 27,775 March 9, 2015 Share March 9, 2015 I'll be frank on this, I didn't really have any expectations for Dusk's Dawn, personal preferences aside(I don't care for original characters) it looked like the thing was shittily animated using ponymaker, the voice acting is awful and...yeeeaaaahhhh Snowdrops sorta reminds me of why the Superbowl Commercials this year sucked, in that it tries way to hard to be sad using every single emotional cliche possible. And Double Rainboom...pretty much the only things good I can say about it is that the animation looked fantastic, definitely something I could see from the show as well as some top-notch voice acting, but with every single problem it had, from the portrayal of Rainbow Dash and Twilight, to the really unnecessary PPG crossover, to the excessive, in-your-face use of memes and pop-culture references, to Faust worship that was just as subtle the memes/references...honestly it's hard to care :/ 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
WriteCodes46 178 March 10, 2015 Share March 10, 2015 Double Rainboom is overrated, it is often praised as being the best fan animation, when it's actually mediocre at best. Snowdrop was OK, although the titular character was obnoxious, and the creators were even more obnoxious after they made an unlicensed plushie maker receive a C&D because they were going to make a Snowdrop plushie. Dusk's Dawn was just a pile of manure. But the most ridiculous is probably this Kickstarter for "Midnight Mares" which pretends to obtain $25000 to make a trailer which they will pitch to children TV networks (like Nickelodeon or Cartoon Network) to make it into a regular series. Yes, they believe a major network is going to pick up a fan-made MLP animation... 3 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Duster Dawnhorse 248 March 10, 2015 Share March 10, 2015 (edited) But the most ridiculous is probably this Kickstarter for "Midnight Mares" which pretends to obtain $25000 to make a trailer which they will pitch to children TV networks (like Nickelodeon or Cartoon Network) to make it into a regular series. Yes, they believe a major network is going to pick up a fan-made MLP animation... Okay, Duo Cartoonist's work is absolutely beautiful considering there's only two animators behind it. That said, you gotta be joking. Just because 50 Shades of Grey became the world's most successful fanfiction doesn't mean this will too. And quite honestly even with the beautifully animated trailer I have no idea what this story is about. (And didn't the creator of Midnight Mares say it wasn't based in the MLP universe despite sharing the exact same style and world type or something?) Wait, what was that about the Snowdrop creators C&Ding a plushie maker? That's hilarious. Edited March 10, 2015 by Duster Dawnhorse 1 Pacific Ponycon 17 || BABSCon 17 || Anime Expo 17 Panelist/Vendor || Panelist/Vendor/Media || Attendee Tumblr || DeviantART || Twitter Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TailsIsNotAlone 3,695 March 10, 2015 Share March 10, 2015 Snowdrop was the best one overall. The acting and music were merely decent and the animation resources limited, but it succeeds on the strength of its title character. Snowdrop not only puts the "original" back in OC, she is beautifully designed as well. I do think they tried harder than necessary to make her sympathetic, but I'll take her over a red and black alicorn any day. She has also inspired some really excellent fanart like the picture above.Double Rainboom stretched 15 minutes worth of story into half an hour. (The new 22-minute edit is definitely the best version.) The fanservice and Faust worship hurt the authentic feel they were going for and the Powerpuff Girls thing didn't really work for me. Content and story issues aside, though, it was the best animated of the three and the voice acting wasn't too bad. The ending credits were great.Dusk's Dawn...ouch! Not even close to the quality of the other two. Stiff, slowly animated Pony Creator sprites; silly and unoriginal pony names; weird accents on the VA's (and Mr. Brave's voice changes halfway through); the plot is barely comprehensible. And the villain is about the saddest thing I've ever seen. Still, it's a better animation than I could do. If I had been a part of it, I would be proud of it despite its obvious issues. 1 "Human beings fascinate me Being just the way they are..." Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
NamelessHorse 59 March 10, 2015 Share March 10, 2015 I watched Snow Drop and Double Rainboom, never heard of Dusk's Dawn until this thread. Most of my thoughts on the first two have already been expressed. What about that weird animation where Derpy and Dinky fight evil Celestia? I forget what it was actually called. The fandom has such great writers. Where are they all when it comes time to make animations? 4 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Moved to Elsewhere 11,331 March 10, 2015 Share March 10, 2015 (edited) Double Rainboom is overrated, it is often praised as being the best fan animation, when it's actually mediocre at best. Snowdrop was OK, although the titular character was obnoxious, and the creators were even more obnoxious after they made an unlicensed plushie maker receive a C&D because they were going to make a Snowdrop plushie. Dusk's Dawn was just a pile of manure. But the most ridiculous is probably this Kickstarter for "Midnight Mares" which pretends to obtain $25000 to make a trailer which they will pitch to children TV networks (like Nickelodeon or Cartoon Network) to make it into a regular series. Yes, they believe a major network is going to pick up a fan-made MLP animation... That will never get green lit. I mean, who in their right mind would green light something that is a fanfiction. *Remebers 50 Shades of Grey* Oh wait. Edited March 10, 2015 by ChikoritaBrony 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Phoenix Flair 332 March 10, 2015 Share March 10, 2015 Double Rainboom: Eh. Not a fan. I mean, it was a pretty good cartoon as far as animation and basic plot, but it just seemed to me another pointless, Dash-centered, and meaningless story. Snow Drop: Good god, why? WAY too freaking sappy. I enjoyed the Friendship is Witchcraft parody a lot more than the actual work. Again, though, good animation, and the plot made sense, even if it was self-evident and cliche. Dusk's Dawn: I actually hadn't seen this animation. Just watched it, not impressed. All the ponies were obviously designed with the Pony Generator (I recognize all the manes), the plot was very, very messy, and the dialogue was just sad. Oh, also, that blue pegasus was totally Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash fused together. I do have to say, though... the theme song visuals were pretty cool, even if the song was such a sad knock-off of the FiS theme song it made me wanna cry. The one song the villain sang was also crappy, but the singer's voice was on point. 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Shadowking58 1,137 March 10, 2015 Share March 10, 2015 Snow Drop: Good god, why? WAY too freaking sappy. I enjoyed the Friendship is Witchcraft parody a lot more than the actual work. Again, though, good animation, and the plot made sense, even if it was self-evident and cliche. TLDR: This is our main character. FEEL SORRY FOR HER!!! 1 All My OCS Quote “The only time a lawyer can cry is when it's all over." Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
King Sejong 859 March 10, 2015 Share March 10, 2015 Dusk's Dawn was an early attempt at a fan made film, and it was poorly built at almost every level of film making, the animation was too rigid, the soundtrack was botched, and the story had no plot, it was like watching a puppet show, without soul or character, it was an effort to see if they could make something for an audience. Double Rainbow was lopsided, the animation was brilliant, for a fan to animate those images so well, it was impressive, but too much of the effort went to that, the handicap of the video was the story, the pacing was bad, too many internet meme references, character assassination of Twilight Sparkle, Rainbow Dash and the Powerpuff Girls, finally there were too many silent moments, some moments needed sound effects or lines, it was basically a love letter to Lauren Faust and the bronies alike, but crossover fan fiction needs better direction. SnowDrop was okay, it is superior to the other early attempts, however, it focuses to much effort on making you sympathetic, it wrings the melodrama too hard, the imagery and lines could have played a significant role, in toning down the tear jerking, but aside from that it had a good story, and the second half is where it truly shines, so if I had to recommend a fan made movie, it would be SnowDrop. The best fan made video was Button's Adventures, it was well animated, the jokes were funny and well timed, the voice acting was top drawer, and it made subtle references to Nintendo, this movie was good it persuaded me to join the herd, now I wish to animate my own video, with similar quality, it is a lot of work, but if Jan Animations could make a good video, I hope to give it a try too. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
WriteCodes46 178 March 10, 2015 Share March 10, 2015 Wait, what was that about the Snowdrop creators C&Ding a plushie maker? That's hilarious. The maker was OnlyFactory. Here's an example of their plushies: Equestria Daily usually posted about their releases. The people at Silly Filly Studios found out they were going to make a plushie of Snowdrop, so they emailed Hasbro's legal department about this company, and Hasbro promptly issued them a C&D order (they also emailed Disney about it, since they were also making plushies of their characters, and they also promptly sent them a C&D order). 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Nuke87654 1,849 March 10, 2015 Share March 10, 2015 (edited) Double Rainboom: Despite having by far the best animation of the group of three, it ended up being my least favorite simply because it's animation was so similar to the show that I was having uncanny valley effects from it and it proved hurtful for it as I didn't like the way the characters were portrayed, some of the voice acting was mediocre, the inclusion and use of memes and the powerpuff girls was pointless and just insulting, and finally one of the worse uses of deus ex machina I've seen recently. That's not including all the controversy the team behind Double Rainboom caused to make this one feel worse in hindsight. Dusk's Dawn: Despite being the worse out of the bunch in terms of quality, but it was so bad that it managed to hit the 'so bad it's good' type of comedy where I would laugh at just how badly done it was in animation (so stiff and awkward), thick accent voice acting, bad comedy, and bad characters. Only the inclusion of Mando's song offered any sort of noted quality even if I'm not a big fan of him. Snowdrop: The best out of three for it's animation was good but not too good like Double Rainboom was as you still know it was fan made, and it's story was pretty decent even if it tried too hard with it's heavy use of cliches to make me feel sorry for Snowdrop. Double Rainboom is overrated, it is often praised as being the best fan animation, when it's actually mediocre at best. Snowdrop was OK, although the titular character was obnoxious, and the creators were even more obnoxious after they made an unlicensed plushie maker receive a C&D because they were going to make a Snowdrop plushie. Dusk's Dawn was just a pile of manure. But the most ridiculous is probably this Kickstarter for "Midnight Mares" which pretends to obtain $25000 to make a trailer which they will pitch to children TV networks (like Nickelodeon or Cartoon Network) to make it into a regular series. Yes, they believe a major network is going to pick up a fan-made MLP animation... I've heard of how rude the folks at silly filly studios are, but to C&D a fellow plushie maker just because they were going to make a profit off of their OC and then notify to Hasbro and Disney about them? That's not being a dick, that's just being petty and selfish in a deluded manner. Kinda makes me pleased to see they lost some favor with the fandom after how bad Fall of the Crystal Empire was. As for the newest kickstarter for a pony animation, I agree with your sentiments about it. Edited March 10, 2015 by Nuke87654 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BlinkZ 1,151 March 10, 2015 Share March 10, 2015 Snowdrop yeah i could go on and on about how i don't like it for some key reasons. Moslty cuase I AM visual imparted and the whole character felt like a slap in the face. Yeah disabiliyt =/= feels no just no you have to give the character some qualities that we give a shit aobut not just 'oh she blind feel sorry for her' GOD you know how much I hate that sterotype thinking. blog for more detials 2 Zubric(fimfiction) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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