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What is the story of your OC? (no mary-sue)


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I was born in Canterlot. my dad was a unicorn, But my mom was a Pegasus . While my father was a bright orange, my mother was a Lighter purple. I somehow came out red, but thats no bother. I never liked Canterlot, as everyone there was uptight and to fancy and braggy of how many jewels they had, or what there coffee had in it, or whatever. When i turned ten, i did 2 things: Firstly, i acquired a computer. they are super expensive in Canterlot, and mine was almost completely solid gold. Secondly,  moved to Ponyville, and lucky me, i got the house next to twilight, so when Twilicorn happened, i never got sleep. i am great friends with pinky, and She holds a big gaming party on Tuesday nights (if you live near the area, just go to Sugacube Corner, and ask Mr. Cake, and he will tell you the address.) I actually got my Cutie mark with pinkie, witch i one Her Minecraft competition ten times in a row, and now my cutie mark is a diamond sword. My house burned down after Tyrek came and "visited", but the town got together and built everyones houses back up, so my home was good as new.  

cgv GWOqfguvbuoweqglfbqglvc buwaigvwudsfgcsydgv


its impossible to type with hooves. lucky me, i am a unicorn

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Spellbind - "I was born with 10% of my horn missing. When I went to school, I got bullied a lot. Ponies calling me a 'freak' and casting spells on me... it was pretty humiliating. My parents sometimes suggested that we have my horn surgically removed, but my opinion? No way! I can't let this hold me back, I know I can make something of myself in this life."

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Kello - I'm a grown up unicorn, who still has no cutie mark. I guess I just don't have a true talent. Of course, this leads to a lot of weird stares from the population when they see me walking without cutie mark

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Crawler I was born in a world after season 5?and a ar has happened . I'm not that special exept for my species . I'm a dragon / changeling hybrid . I never knew my parents my life has one purpose and that is to be accepted in torn apart univese .

this power is mine! It is my light. In brightest day or blackest night! I lay claim to all that falls with my sight!! To take what I want that is my right!
Fear the power of avarice. It consumes all who dare touch it.

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Snowflake Frostflame was born on the Canterlot mountains in a small village.... the village came under attack and everyone died except him and his sister who were separated.... Snowflake then moved in with a family in Canterlot and was taught to be more civil he befriended the twins of that family very quickly and the three of them became bestfriends.... he then was accepted into Princess Celestia's school for gifted unicorns and attended for several years learning all he can on Ice Magic.... he moved to Ponyville with one of the unicorn twin and a few friends.... when they got to Ponyville they were reunited with the pegasus twin and met a few other interesting ponies one being a plague doctor...... while the Pegasus were more focused on getting money from racing the Unicorns set up an alchemy shop and were very successful.... Snowflake was then reunited with his sister many days later but then tragedy struck again the same creatures that attacked the mountain village captured Snowflake, his sister, and their friends..... Snowflake had to witness their deaths and then escaped only saving the unicorn twin, the plague doctor, his sister and some of his sister's friends.....but while he was escaping he lost his left eye in the process...When Snowflake recovered he returned to his shop to see it in ruins, having no where to go they went to the everfree forest and started a Mercenary unit with one of the creatures who captured him.... many contracts went by and they were successful but Snowflake pushed his luck too far when he and his sister went to eliminate a Changeling by contract... his sister died saving Snowflake's life which put Snowflake in a great depression.... many months later Snowflake, his friends, and a batch of new mercenaries were not hired to do this but simply did this out of their own kindness.... Ponyville was under attack and they went to Ponyville's aid.... it seemed like they were winning but then they all started going for Snowflake..... eventually he couldn't fight no longer and was stabbed with a sword.... .... he crawled towards a tree bleeding out very badly he closed his eye then opened it and saw his sister.... Snowflake then realized he was dead and he either could join his sister in rest or attempt to live so Snowflake uses what magic he had left in him and caused two spheres to shoot up into the sky and fly away.... Snowflake then chooses to be with his sister and officially dies.... as for the spheres they ended up flying into a hospital hitting two new born twins who weren't going to live.... the spheres changed their coat,  mane. and eyes and gave life to them....


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(Taken from backstory section of Blue Moon's profile page):


Blue Moon had a pretty normal life. He was born and raised in Ponyville, and had loving parents who cared for him. He didn't do a lot of things that were considered "cool" by his schoolmates, but he loved to read. He read quite a lot for a colt his age, and because of all that reading; he was fairly intelligent for his age and that intelligence continued to grow through his life.
Throughout most of his younger years, he dreamt of becoming Princess Luna's number one assistant. This, however; never came true. Nonetheless, he was blessed with a lovely wife, Autumn, and a beautiful daughter, Clear Skies when he got older, and accepted that he would probably never become Luna's assistant. As of now, he is extremely happy living in a family, and would choose that over being Luna's assistant any day. They currently live in a home in Ponyville. He owns a shop for buying astronomy supplies such as telescopes, and due to his knowledge on astronomy; he usually can help anypony who wants or needs help on the matter.



(Taken from Cutie Mark section):


Blue Moon has a blue crescent moon as a cutie mark. It signifies his desire to become an astronomer. He earned it when he took a trip to the local Air and Space Museum where his classmates and he were given telescopes for kids. That night, he used his telescope and got so excited learning about all the constellations and planets, and recording them in a notebook. That burst of excitement caused his cutie mark to appear.

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Princess Oceangem is an alicorn and the daughter of Queen Oceana and Abyss, when Nightmare Moon tried to create eternal night her entire kingdom along with her friends and family were frozen. Years later the ice thawed enough for her to escape but it cost her a wing. She then used a simple spell from when she was a filly to change herself into a landpony and went to get help. Sadly nopony could help her so the Princess now lives on land waiting for her family and friends to thaw out.


Ok, my computer won't let me put the pictures of them so here are their codes from Pony Creator v3


Oceangem: hW02Z90jHv//yIT0003Hnui1732003y05Ic03Hn3uVp/C/t//213A////61jxUt


Oceana: wW02aA803Hn/yIT0AGupAun17370036025N/t//3nVp/C/t//293GOc9Y



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It's funny, because I typically don't look at my current OC as a character independent of myself in terms of characterization and whatnot. I suppose the better term to use would be "avatar" because that's very much how I treat him: He's the face (muzzle?  :comeatus: ) I present to the pony community. Nothing more, nothing less. I do have another character I used to put a little bit more creative effort into, but honestly, these days I just don't have the time nor the inclination to invest in some elaborate narrative for it. So this'll have to do.  :nom:

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My most developed OC is Prince Firemane. ((Boo, Alicorn OC; I know, let's just get that out of the way right now.)) He exists in an alternate universe separate from Equestria Prime, the Equestria we see when we watch the show.

All Alicorns have a specific reason for existing, they each govern a Patron that without their guardianship, Equestrian society would not exist as it is known. Celestia's Patron is the Sun, Luna's is the Moon and Cadance's is the magic of Lovers. Twilight's Patron is ambiguous at this point. Evidence suggests that her Patron is Magic itself, but the writers seem to be shoehorning in the idea that Twilight's Patron is the magic of Friendship. Whichever it is doesn't matter, they both work.

Firemane's Patron is the Stars. Now, I know some of you are thinking that the Stars are under Luna's domain, this is not necessarily true. When speaking of Patrons, Luna's is specifically stated to be the Moon, not the night; making her title of Princess of the Night completely incidental. To further emphasize this, Luna ((and Twilight when she was the vessel of all Alicorn magic)) has been shown more than once to explicitly raise the Moon, but not bring out the Stars. While it can be inferred that Luna has dominion over the Stars, it hasn't been stated outright thus leaving some wiggle room.

Firemane's guardianship over the Stars is more metaphorical than it is literal. He paints the sky with fantastic images to invoke inspiration and creativity within the hearts of ponies. However, when some Stars die, they fall to the Equestrian surface, making it his job to deflect them away from populated areas to impact. He also has a secondary responsibility. The Stars are obviously associated with the night, but the Sun itself is also a Star. Firemane has a hoof in both worlds of day and night, giving him a unique position as the bridge in the duality of Celestia's and Luna's opposing forces. This position is further emphasized by him being the middle sibling between his two sisters.

However, Firemane has a tendency to neglect his responsibility as the bridge, as he harbors a petty bitterness towards Celestia. He believes that since their mother and father created them equally, Celestia shouldn't have complete and final say in important decisions since she is aesthetically the eldest sibling. This leads him to to take Luna's side when his sisters have opposing opinions, more as a contrarian response to Celestia than actually agreeing with Luna. This behavior indirectly helped to perpetuate Luna's descent and banishment. He has never forgiven himself or Celestia for this series of events, going so far as to renounce his connection to the Elements of Harmony to leave Celestia to banish Nightmare Moon alone. When the banishment was complete, he vowed that he would one day find a way to free his little sister from her then-permanent prison. For a thousand years, he worked to free his sister, but only got so far as amending a millennium time limit to the banishment as apposed to an eternity. During his self-imposed solidarity, he had time to reflect on his actions and in a moment of catharsis, he felt shame for his part in Luna's descent. Though he came to accept Celestia's decision as the only possible course of action, he never truly forgave her. Thus, the two of them have a strained, but stable relationship in order to make life better for the ponies in their kingdom. However, their relationship has shown signs of improvement after Twilight's rediscovery of the Elements and Luna's return.

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Overdrive is a hardworking pegasus, originally from the city of San Burrito, outside of Applewood, but moved to Ponyville, where he serves as chief mechanic and repairman.


As aggressive and tough as Overdrive may appear, he is really a generous and fun pony to be around. He learned from a young age to treat others with respect and kindness, and that shows in how he interacts with ponies each and every day.
Overdrive typically uses a no-nonsense mentality when dealing with business matters, and therefore can come across as ignorant, disrespectful and rude. In reality, he takes much pride in the quality and level of his workmanship, often letting the results speak for itself. He is also very studious and always willing to learn if it will benefit him and his work in any way. When he graduated from school, he was top of his class.
Outside of his craft, Overdrive is laid back, easy going, and always looking for a good time. Being fairly new to Ponyville, he is a bit shy when it comes to his new surroundings, but is adjusting more and more with each passing day.
Overdrive has been known to take risks and live on the edge from time to time, and as a result, has seen his fair share of wild and crazy moments. He's made the news a few times due to his antics from when he was a colt, but as he grew older, those glory days slowly faded away. He still knows the best ways to get an adrenaline rush, and isn't afraid to share them with anypony.
Overdrive has a vast knowledge when it comes to machines and mechanical devices. As a result, a majority of his free time tinkering around with old cars, motorcycles, or anything that has a motor and moves. He also can be found just lounging around his home, listening to classic rock and metal records, or practicing his musical prowess. He is a self-taught guitarist, drummer, and has a set of pipes that would blow most singers out of the water.
Overdrive was born in San Burrito, a suburb of Applewood, located on the west coast of Equestria. His mother, a dedicated homemaker, and his father, a skilled mechanic, both loved their only child dearly. His mother passed away when Overdrive was at a very young age, and therefore was raised solely by his father.
His hometown was riddled with violence and gang-related crime. He left San Burrito after school to find a better life for him and his father. He traveled far across Equestria, and his travels landed him in Ponyville, where he remains today. Unfortunately, his father unexpectedly passed away before getting the opportunity to join his son in Ponyville.
Overdrive calls Ponyville home now. He's found peace and tranquility, as opposed to the violence of his childhood, and decided to stay. Since first venturing to Ponyville, Overdrive has opened and established his own business: Ground Up Restoration and Repair. The business caters to all sorts of mechanical, metal-related, or any sort of repair or restoration service a pony may need.
Overdrive can be considered an audiophile, but in terms of classic rock/metal, and similar music. He's been known to have quite an extensive collection of vinyl records, which has been appraised at a very high value. He knows his way around quite a few instruments, being trained as a jazz saxophone player from a young age, where he began to pick up rock and metal. From there, he taught himself guitar and drums, and isn't afraid to belt out a chorus or two from ballads and rock anthems. He dabbles a bit in songwriting and poetry, and has emceed and performed at various open mic nights around Ponyville.
Overdrive has a preteen daughter by the name of Violet Skye. He came across her when he was traveling through Manehattan. She was found all alone in an alley one day, and Overdrive brought her home with him. His daughter loves him very much, and is often found by his side.
If there is one pony that can fix just about anything (even broken hearts), it's Overdrive. His mind is a giant encyclopedia filled with diagnostic manuals, repair manuals, and ingenuity. He can resolve just about any mechanical related issue, and has been known to be a quality handypony when the time calls.
Being from the west coast, pegasi weren't that populous in that region. As a result, Overdrive was the first pegasus born in San Burrito for quite some time. Because he went to school with Earth ponies, Overdrive never learned how to fly, but still can use his wings almost like extra appendages, when need be. He is aware that he is a pegasus, but often does not feel the need to learn how to fly.
His unequaled talent for music is a cut above the rest. Whether it be songwriting, performing, improvising or just listening to it, he has a certain appreciation for the music of years prior, often digging into the archives for classics not heard often. Overdrive has thought about establishing a radio station dedicated to the classics, but has yet to secure the funds or support to do so. His talent and love of such music has led to many celebrity encounters, such as his jam sessions with the likes of ZZ Top, Aerosmith, and even the Rolling Stones.


"I'd rather trust and regret, than doubt and regret."

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Ice Blizzard was born in the Crystal Empire and as an Earth Pony colt he was somewhat of a nerd and didn't have any friends due to being a loner. He was a smart little colt for his age and wanted to become a scientist when he grew up. However, he was taunted by many bullies as a colt for being smart and just wanted to understand what made him special among the rest. He also loved to explore areas unknown due to being curious. His mother let him explore all over the Empire hoping that her son would find out what makes him unique. And one day---It happened! One day while exploring, he came across a weird cyrstal that he decided to take home and study. He had run many tests and experiments on the mysterious crystal but he couldn't decipher its contents. It drove him crazy how much he couldn't figure it out and he wanted to give up but his mom encouraged him to try his best and not give up. So, he didn't give up, but still couldn't figure it out. The little colt spent days and days experimenting to no avail. He eventually decided to sleep on it for a while to think. That night while he was asleep, the crystal became unstable and started to glow, float and shake like crazy. (IB neglected to put the crystal in a hazard-protective container because he sometimes forgets to do simple things). The noise from the crystal woke IB and his mother. As she hurried to his room IB tried to contain the crystal by grabbing it with his bare hooves, his mother tried to help him, but then something happened. The crystal seemed to have disappeared and a deep blue aura coarsed through IB's body and he was knocked out. His mother woke him up and wanted to know what happened IB told her he was fine but then he accidentally froze his alarm clock! He and his mother were astonished! AN EARTH PONY WHO COULD CONTROL ICE! He began to freeze more things, his old toys, candles, and even the hot sidewalk! And as a bonus he earned his cutie mark!!!(Deep blue snowflake) He did not want to endanger his mother with his newfound powers so he decided that everyday he would practice channeling his powers outside and away from other ponies. His mother was so proud when he started to get control of this responsibility, that she decided that he should share it with the world when he gets old enough to be on his own. And he did, when he was about 18 he bid his mother goodbye and decided to share his cool gift with the world. He went searching all over Equestria for the right city to move to. He evew chose a little town called Ponyville after noticing how dangerous it was (Via Mysterious Mare Do Well). From then on he decided to become a cool hero for Ponyville, protecting its citizens from danger. He was greeted with a warm welcome by the town, most famous ponies (Mane 6) and even Princess Celestia! IB was happy, he had gained cool powers, a cool cutie mark, a cool home, and best of all, cool new friends. And crushes on certain ponies like AJ, RD, and most of all Rarity. From then on he has had many adventuers as one of Ponyville's coolest heroes!


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

Tell me what you think of me Challenge an OC to fight My Newest FimFic

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I'll be the meanie butt here. 


Unfortunately this topic is encouraging RP outside of our RP forums so I will be locking it. That said I would encourage all explainations of OC's to be posted in the character Database or here in the OC thread. :)


@Torn, perhaps I would suggest an RP where your OC is trying to gather information on other OC's for some sort of census. ;)

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