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Gender Equality

Happy Spark is King

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So this is something that ive been meaning to share with people. I believe that everyone should be treated equally regardless of looks or beliefs and gender ect. Theres one thing though i dont support feminism, not because i dont believe women arent as capable as men or any sick reason like that but beacuse i belive that feminist should switch their idea for gender equality rather than females. I completely understand that feminist are promoting gender equality cause women today are still paid less, have incorrect stereotypes etc, and they are trying to fix that however a big problem is that there are no "male-inist". Sure i support females to have the same rights and be held at the same standard as men but people are more focused on females than males. Guys have stereotypes too and more is expected from them when really their shoudnt be. One of these things is double standards. In society people think its normal behaivor for a girl to freakout on her boyfriend if he idk cheats on her; we all seen those videos where women abuse and do cruel things to their boyfriends but people just see it and laugh. But think about it this way, would they laugh if the boyfriend started slapping and yelling at the women? Stereotypes also are a problem cause really they shouldnt be there. Not everyman is going to be testosterone filled and not every man is going to be gentle and sweet. Idk guys this is just some ideas in my head that ive been wanting to talk to with people but i havent had time till now. What do you guys think"p about all this?

  • Brohoof 10
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It is true that guys have sterotypes, but as men, they were born with more privilege then women. Yes, it's true that not all men are sexist bigots, but they generally have an easier time than women. Surveys show than men have a higher percentage of employment and enrollment than most women. Additionally, men have been given most of the spotlight in history. We need to remove male sterotypes, true, but currently women face more bias, and therefore, attention is on them.


I have nothing against males, I idenfity as paritally male myself. But males only have to deal with steorotypes that are often played for laughs, while women have to deal with general bias in society. Also, philosophers and psychologists agree that feminism promotes gender equality and focuses paritally on male sterotypes too (men can't be abused, etc). However, the focus is more on females because they generally have a harder time.


Take for example, there's a genderal stereotype that if you are an old man or woman you must be invalid grumpy. However, Mick Jagger is still allowed to go on tour. Madonna is not. I don't even like Madonna, but you're not going to deny there's no bias there.


...and you may not know about this, but meninism is a frequent joke on the web that even non-tumblr residents poke fun at. My editor is a cis white male and he does not think kindly about it.

  • Brohoof 5

~ If you're feeling cold, I'll tax the heat. ~

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I keep hearing about how women are oppressed in America, yet only men are required to register for selective service. Women can whine all day long about how men find them attractive and how they put them on magazine covers (oh the horror!), but at the end of the day, only men can be ARBITRARILY COERCED into risking their lives for a country that clearly doesn't value their freedoms.

Edited by LZRD WZRD
  • Brohoof 3

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So this is something that ive been meaning to share with people. I believe that everyone should be treated equally regardless of looks or beliefs and gender ect. Theres one thing though i dont support feminism, not because i dont believe women arent as capable as men or any sick reason like that but beacuse i belive that feminist should switch their idea for gender equality rather than females. I completely understand that feminist are promoting gender equality cause women today are still paid less, have incorrect stereotypes etc, and they are trying to fix that however a big problem is that there are no "male-inist". Sure i support females to have the same rights and be held at the same standard as men but people are more focused on females than males. Guys have stereotypes too and more is expected from them when really their shoudnt be. One of these things is double standards. In society people think its normal behaivor for a girl to freakout on her boyfriend if he idk cheats on her; we all seen those videos where women abuse and do cruel things to their boyfriends but people just see it and laugh. But think about it this way, would they laugh if the boyfriend started slapping and yelling at the women? Stereotypes also are a problem cause really they shouldnt be there. Not everyman is going to be testosterone filled and not every man is going to be gentle and sweet. Idk guys this is just some ideas in my head that ive been wanting to talk to with people but i havent had time till now. What do you guys think"p about all this?

You are absolutely right that there are things that society expect men to conform too. Bronies in particular would be aware of that, liking a thing that men arn't suppose to like tends to get them ostracized. Sexism against men IS a thing.


However, I'd still argue that men generally have it better than women and as a result women tend to get more attention in the whole fight for equality. That's where the attention is most needed. It's not that men don't have problems or that they're problems arn't important, it's just that it's more widespread for women right now, so that's where to focus tends to be.

  • Brohoof 4


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I wonder....on the next "Titanic" just how many feminists would willingly give up their seat in the life boat to a man?


Er...would try to cut space for one, would gladly risk my life if he was disabled and couldn't get on the life boat otherwise.

  • Brohoof 2

~ If you're feeling cold, I'll tax the heat. ~

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I feel like the idea of social privilege or lack thereof in the United States or any other free country is a joke. Moreover, it's an excuse. Some people will do their best to fuck you over for their own personal gain regardless of your skin color, gender, whatever. However, if you are willing to work hard and never give up you will find success. 


As for feminism, too many feminists take up their cause like it's some kind of crusade against men, and it's nothing about equality. All they want is to turn the tables on what they view as a patriarchal society that is really nothing more than a heavy exaggeration in the year 2015. 


Oppression does happen against women, but guess what? It happens against most everyone, because if you have hundreds of millions of people living in the same country you are going to have a vast array of conflicting ideals, values, and opinions. 


What I hope to see some day is true equality in which no one is oppressed. However, if that's going to happen there needs to be a change in rhetoric from blatant antagonism to reasonable, positive motions for increasing true equality and fairness in our civilization.

  • Brohoof 8



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Isn't the male equivalent of radical feminists "Men's Rights Advocates"? Saw that term getting thrown around a lot before I started avoiding these kinds of debates on facebook and Reddit because it just was getting me down. 


I feel like I'm in an odd position as a heterosexual white male as I'm that privileged group people seem to be mad at. I posted about this in life advice, but just because I'm in that group does not mean I'm comfortable with the obvious gender bias that exists in society. I hear a lot of sexist jokes at work that I do find offensive, but I feel weird about speaking up about it because its kind of second-hand offense being taken as I feel obligated to stand up for my female partner who has to endure sexist talk at her job as well. So, I feel negativity needs to be stamped out but in practice its hard to get in people's faces about it when it kind of doesn't impact you directly. I feel like I'm the "wet blanket" who doesn't think the anecdote about such and such's one night stand is remotely humorous, but my feedback thus far has just been grumbling in the corner and not laughing to the point where people kind of don't talk to me much anymore. Which is fine but not really a solution.


Anyway, rambling. Sexism is frustrating to me as it makes it look like mankind hasn't progressed very far at all. We're all people, dealing with human issues, why do our genitals impact that at all?

  • Brohoof 1
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Feminism itself already IS the fight for gender equality - and the vast majority of feminists follow that idea. Hiwever there are feminists who believe that women are better than men and refuse to see how that's being sexist because "only men can be sexist". I believe they're referred to as Social Justice Warriors on the net, or "feminazis" in a more light-heated sense. As for women not being drafted - I say go ahead and change it so that gender doesn't matter. However, the last time that was fully in effect was WW2, when men were dominant. I imagine it hasn't been revised as no war has been large enough to merit it. But anyway let's not just but the blame on "feminists" but rather extremists - just like not all muslims are terrorists and not all white people are racist.

  • Brohoof 4



I hope some people get the joke ^^

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True! I recently found out I was asexual and joined AVEN, and I found out that males are steriotyped as people who HAVE to have sex and always want it, which is in total contrast to male asexuals. I used to say I was a feminist, but there's so much controversy over the word that I'm afraid to.

  • Brohoof 3
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It's called a "Meninist" (yep, it's a thing)


Many different people have many different views that all identify themselves as "feminist". Many of these majorly focus on equality more than anything, not just "women are BETTER than men" like is a common stereotype of a "feminist".

  • Brohoof 1
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Male Privilege in action:











Not to forget those delicious male tears...













You all are right, men have it definitely better than women.

  • Brohoof 3

"There is no such thing as innocence, only degrees of guilt."


"Prayer cleanses the soul, Pain cleanses the body."


"He who follows Chaos, shall suffer for eternity."

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Well, I think gender equility is something that I wish for, but I doubt I'll see in my lifetime. Women for a long time in Ireland, couldn't have lots of jobs after they were married. My grandmother, who was a primary school teacher wasn't allowed to do higher level maths because she was a woman, back in the day. And so on. Men are traditionally farmers or work a full-time job and women stay at home and if they have a job, it's part time. Things are changing, but an interesting fact is I was in a mixed class in primary. When my class went to secondary, 11 out of 12 girls went to an all girls school and round half the boys went to an all boys school. That says something, if you ask me.

Dun dun ddduuuuuuuunnnnnn!

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A side note that an MRA poll was conducted on the Internet once and it turns out that most of them are conservatives. Also, the most shared goal between all of them is to legalize weed. ...I mean, I do think weed needs to be decriminalized, but they could focus on sterotypes and male survivors of abuse, and their main concern is legalizing weed.



~ If you're feeling cold, I'll tax the heat. ~

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I support gender equality. I call my self an equalist :) .



Male Privilege in action:











Not to forget those delicious male tears...













You all are right, men have it definitely better than women.

This is the grim truth.


I'm not liking that in most countries where Mandatory Military Service is the law, that women don't have to obey them (In most countries where these kind of laws exist, only males are obliged to serve, not women).

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I understand exactly what the OP is saying, and I agree.  True equality (but not Starlight Glimmer equality) is an ideal to strive towards, but will probably never happen.  There will always be groups that have been mistreated and oppressed, more so than others, and those groups, be they a particular sex, an ethnicity, an orientation, will fight for their equality, will rise up with pride, often leaving alienated, confused individuals amongst the majority.  Take me as an example: as a hetero, white male, I absolutely cannot be proud of anything that I am.  Well, not without looking like Hitler, anyway.  You can have Gay pride parades, Black history month, youtube videos encouraging girls to not let anyone tell them what they can't do, etc, etc.  But what do you think would happen if we had a hetero pride parade?  Or a white pride, or male pride parade?  I don't need to answer that.  I want every human being to be treated with the respect they deserve, but when you have minorities or groups that have been mistreated, then you will always have this sort of battle that often goes too far the other way and makes things go out of whack.  Maybe this sounds stupid, or even twisted, but one of the reasons I have particularly enjoyed my bronydom is that for the first time in my life, I felt like I could finally stand up and be proud of something.  It shouldn't have to be that way, but that's how it is.


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Well, it's official! Our 'beloved' mods are defenitely radical femenists.


Removing my critical post but keeping all the others? Censorship hooray!

  • Brohoof 3

"There is no such thing as innocence, only degrees of guilt."


"Prayer cleanses the soul, Pain cleanses the body."


"He who follows Chaos, shall suffer for eternity."

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Well, it's official! Our 'beloved' mods are defenitely radical femenists.


Removing my critical post but keeping all the others? Censorship hooray!

Yours was not the only one removed (guess it is because I quoted you (or perhaps they did not like that I was agreeing with you)). 

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Yours was not the only one removed (guess it is because I quoted you (or perhaps they did not like that I was agreeing with you)). 


Well, at least we now know our mods are feminazis. They did the same thing in the gamersgate thread too.


Love and Tolerance, right everypony? :wub:

"There is no such thing as innocence, only degrees of guilt."


"Prayer cleanses the soul, Pain cleanses the body."


"He who follows Chaos, shall suffer for eternity."

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Gender Equality is impossible...We are different biologically, men and women, can not in any way have equal genre it is impossible ...


But if you want a social equality is different and I'm against these things because the best society was raised with the West and not with the new ideologies.


I am against the ideologies of gender.

  • Brohoof 1

Pills <3 Kelly - The true nature, is one that warms the soul - Jane


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Gender Equality is impossible...We are different biologically, men and women, can not in any way have equal genre it is impossible ...






But if you want a social equality is different and I'm against these things because the best society was raised with the West and not with the new ideologies.


We are all more or less equall....in regards to opportunities. A woman can be a mechanic and a man can be a kindergarten teacher. It's just not that easy for them.

  • Brohoof 4

"There is no such thing as innocence, only degrees of guilt."


"Prayer cleanses the soul, Pain cleanses the body."


"He who follows Chaos, shall suffer for eternity."

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I have to agree with you there my friend all people regardless of gender, color, and creed should be treated with equal respect. I myself am a feminist, and believe all women should be treated as equals to men.

  • Brohoof 1


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I have to agree with you there my friend all people regardless of gender, color, and creed should be treated with equal respect. I myself am a feminist, and believe all women should be treated as equals to men.


Are you absolutely sure about that?

  • Brohoof 1

"There is no such thing as innocence, only degrees of guilt."


"Prayer cleanses the soul, Pain cleanses the body."


"He who follows Chaos, shall suffer for eternity."

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