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movies/tv Is there a reason Uncle Grandpa is so hated?


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Oddly enough, that's my same exact opinion on Steven Universe and Adventure Time.


Then again, it's merely my opinion.

Adventure Time, I get why people think that. But Steve U... I dare you to watch the episodes Mirror Gem and Ocean Gem... I think you will be impressed. B)



Anyways, as for Uncle Grandpa... I find that it's the kind of show that you can enjoy if you just shut off your brain for a little while. I don't particularly like that in a show, but I have enjoyed some episodes of UG. TTG, on the other hand... that monstrosity is flat out terrible. The only time I ever came close to enjoying it was its MLP parody, and then it was still really bad.

  • Brohoof 2
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When he was with the Doom Patrol I don't think he got a real education. IDK i haven't really read that arc but it seems like they crippled him in knowledge.. probably thru excessive training.


Does BB go under any aliases when he becomes an adult hero? Also haven't seen much about Raven either.

Well, I honestly don't know of his adult life or persona. I don't read the comics, yet I know a bit about them and his original personality, due to comic geek friends, lol.


In the original comic, he got a normal education and was raised by his parents until he was about 10 or 12, iirc. In fact, his family was rich, believe it or not, lol.

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The only time I ever came close to enjoying it was its MLP parody, and then it was still really bad.


I love Pretty Pretty Pegasus! D: and how Raven is kinda in the closet about it.


Also I finally figured it out... Uncle Grandpa is totally incest. It took me a while since I'm horrible with word problems.


You start with the Great Grandparents. They have a son lets call him Grandpa X since thats basically what he is. His parents get divorce or w/e and Grandpa X marries his Mom which would be the Great Grandmom. They have a Son which would technically be a brother since they come from the same Mom. This Son gets married and has a Kid. Lets assume you are the kid. This would mean that Grandpa is also your Uncle.


Great Grand Dad + Great Grand Mom Y


                    Grandpa X + Great Grand Mom Y


                              Your DAD  + some woman


                                         You, the Kid

I knew it made sense somehow and that it was odd. Word problems need to be banned!

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I do hate it. Good heavens. I'ts just TOO stupid for me. It's like Spongebob if they took the characters, dumbed them down a LOT and then turned all the gags into fart jokes. At least that's what it feels like when I watch it.

There are some decent surrealist elements in there but overall it's just too 'dumb' for me to watch...

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Well, I honestly don't know of his adult life or persona. I don't read the comics, yet I know a bit about them and his original personality, due to comic geek friends, lol.


In the original comic, he got a normal education and was raised by his parents until he was about 10 or 12, iirc. In fact, his family was rich, believe it or not, lol.


You haz comic geek friends? :o Where did you captu- err I mean find these friends at?


That's interesting because it seemed like he had a stunted education and ended up learning more and becoming more normal as part of the Teen Titans Team.

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Adventure Time, I get why people think that. But Steve U... I dare you to watch the episodes Mirror Gem and Ocean Gem... I think you will be impressed. B)



Anyways, as for Uncle Grandpa... I find that it's the kind of show that you can enjoy if you just shut off your brain for a little while. I don't particularly like that in a show, but I have enjoyed some episodes of UG. TTG, on the other hand... that monstrosity is flat out terrible. The only time I ever came close to enjoying it was its MLP parody, and then it was still really bad.

TTG was made for the sole purpose of marketing a once quality, popular comicbook cartoon to the very young audiences of today, in hopes of similar results. Instead, we get unfunny slapstick, completely out of character Titans, and a big middle finger to the great characters, story and fans. Bad show is bad.


Nice avatar, btw. Gravity Falls is best cartoon!!

  • Brohoof 1
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Well the show is supposed to be a throwback to golden era cartoons like ones from Tex Avery. Filled with Looney Tunes logic, and no rules. In the day and age where people expect cartoons to be like Steven Universe or Korra, that's not going to work. Like I said, the show does nothing wrong moraly, and aside from Pizza Steve, I wouldn't call any of the characters "unlikeable". It isn't a show for everyone, and had it premiered on Cartoon Network in 1999 or 2000, it probably would be looked at as some great work of art due to nostalgia. As I said, I wouldn't mind watching it when it's on, but it isn't something I'll follow or marathon.

Ok, First of all, how the hell can you compare Steven Universe to Korra? O_o


2nd, You want an example of new cartoons that don't suck?


1. My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic

2. Dan VS

3. Littlest Petshop

4. Gravity Falls


And the list goes on.

  • Brohoof 1
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It's.. pretty annoying? Idk, the characters are annoying, the whole idea of the show in general is just plain out annoying. I'm (obviously lol,) personally not a fan but uhhh, yeah.

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I think many people dislike it do to a combination of it's humor being to random/reckless (i.e. often following no logic) and it being shown so often. I believe they would rather have more episodes of Steven Universe and Adventure Time, as opposed to a 5-hour long marathon of Uncle Grandpa.


That being said, I'm very... neutral about the show. It's not really my cup of tea, but I have seen some things from it that have made me laugh, and I think it's relatively harmless.

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You haz comic geek friends? :o Where did you captu- err I mean find these friends at?


That's interesting because it seemed like he had a stunted education and ended up learning more and becoming more normal as part of the Teen Titans Team.

Idk, they just kinda found me, lol.


And thats because they were using a different version. Comic book characters have many different incarnations.


Ok, First of all, how the hell can you compare Steven Universe to Korra? O_o

2nd, You want an example of new cartoons that don't suck?

1. My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic

2. Dan VS

3. Littlest Petshop

4. Gravity Falls

And the list goes on.

Hey, Steven Universe can be random and annoying, true, but its simply not comparable to a cartoon like Uncle Grandpa. Also, SU has a unique, interesting story, and a lot of likeable and fun characters. Its not as good as Gravity Falls, but its not horrible, either. Actually, its quite good, in my opinion. Once you get past some of the more slow or bizzar eoisodes, it gets really good. Edited by Battler Ushiromiya
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I've never hated it really it's just kinda...meh I guess  :P Kinda like "Why would I watch this when I could watch Regular Show, Gumball or MLP?" I just find no interest in it  :blush:

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Playing the Devil's advocate here. Might as well prepare for a storm. :bedeyes:

I watched this with my grandmother and younger brother the other week, and we all thought it was alright. And some parts were pretty funny, I must say! I honestly don't understand the hate of all these shows. There are many many other shows that fit the same category as this, and I've seen hate thrown at them all, and equal love.

You can't really go ahead and say this show is crappy, criticising it of its style when in the end, you're heaping a whole lot of other popular cartoons into the same category at the same time. 


I honestly see nothing wrong with the cartoons airing today. Pfft. I mean, come on. Anyone worth his salts would just ignore it and move on to something else. Unfortunately this is what the majority prefers. If you're looking for something with mature themes, then just don't even try to watch it. It's just that simple. :P

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Wut's your secret? D: I've been actively looking with no luck.

Uh...I don't have any secret to it, I just happened to become friends with them, not even knowing they were comic book fans, lol.

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Keep in mind, I'm judging from a pretty uninformed perspective here, and I don't mean any offense to any UG fans out there, but this show just looks like the dumbest filler project I've ever seen in my life.  Seriously.  It looked like Spongebob without the originality, without the interesting characters, without any spark of original or elevated humor at all.  I mean, just the voice of UG is enough to make you wanna vomit.  Gives me flashbacks to all the terrible Disney comic relief characters.


They don't seem to be aiming very high, either.  At best, this show is a bit like Chowder (which I loved when I was a kid), with random mayhem and an occasional original thought.

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I think many people dislike it do to a combination of it's humor being to random/reckless (i.e. often following no logic) and it being shown so often. I believe they would rather have more episodes of Steven Universe and Adventure Time, as opposed to a 5-hour long marathon of Uncle Grandpa.


That being said, I'm very... neutral about the show. It's not really my cup of tea, but I have seen some things from it that have made me laugh, and I think it's relatively harmless.

Uncle Grandpa only airs an hour and a half a day, Hardly overplayed.

Ok, First of all, how the hell can you compare Steven Universe to Korra? O_o


2nd, You want an example of new cartoons that don't suck?


1. My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic

2. Dan VS

3. Littlest Petshop

4. Gravity Falls


And the list goes on.

Again, you really need to watch Steven Universe. It actually has a lot of heart put into it, as well as an overarching story you have to pay attention to.

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Gravity Falls and Adventure Time are pretty golden (although since I lost cable I haven't put much time into either)

Steven Universe looked gorgeous but I didn't get into it. Dangit! I'm so FAR behind!


I follow Cartoon Hangover quite a bit though.... although they seem rather stagnant sometimes 

Edited by colt_following
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 you're heaping a whole lot of other popular cartoons into the same category at the same time. 


I honestly see nothing wrong with the cartoons airing today. Pfft. I mean, come on. Anyone worth his salts would just ignore it and move on to something else. Unfortunately this is what the majority prefers.


It seems like 1 producer or manager (whoever is in charge) puts out a couple cartoons with similar styles but with slight variations. Almost like a gut shot hoping it hits a target audience and makes it successful. They then take the less popular ones off the air, extend the more popular ones and starts a new scatter shot project possibly recycling ideas hoping to hit big again.


Cartoons today seem about the same if inferior... most of the stuff appears to feel watered and dumbed down for the new worse generation of kids. Worse in a multitude of aspects with education and getting things easy. We should be making better things! Not things that need to be recycled regularly like appliances and cars. This really doesn't apply to just cartoons but a couple other things such as TV series, Video Games, Movies (especially with all the remakes).


Sry for this generalized rant. I tried to keep it brief (tho i could have easily got more detailed).

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  • 2 weeks later...

It's a surrealist humor show, which people don't seem to like, many of the characters are obnoxious, and let's not forget it blatantly hated on MLP and its fandom at least twice

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