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Who is more evil? Discord or Queen Chrysalis.

Brony Man

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I'd go with Chrysalis cause Discord was mostly out for his own end, which isn't inherently evil while Chrysalis was brainwashing others, preparing for an invasion and attacking citizens of Equestria.  I'd say Discord was more of a threat than Chrysalis but Chrysalis was more ruthless. 

Logic is the beginning of wisdom, not the end.

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Discord has done much more damage than Queen Chrysalis, corrupting the mane 6, taking over equestria, and planting those seeds.



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Even at his worst, Discord was just a super-powerful jerk, whereas Chrysalis is outright genocidal (well beyond just needing to harvest love).


But Chrysalis would never kill ponies. If she commited genocide on ponies, it would go against her goal of harvesting their love. So, she was more of an enslaver.


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what are you talking about? Seriously? Chryssi was incapable of love? So it wasn't the entirety of her hungry swarm of Changeling Children that drove her to take action and invade a kingdom, just to try and feed however many hungry mouths? That's  pure motherly love, right there. Chrysalis didn't NEED reforming, because she wasn't evil, and all sh e did was try and feed her children, so why should she have any regrets on her actions? It's Celestia and Twilight and friends who have no love, to see the situation at hand and try to understand Chryssi's motives, and try, at the very least, to accommodate them in some way. They can't help that they have to feed off love- it's how they were born. To deny someone food is evil. So to deny an entire family who's hungry, the food they need- is truly heartless.

How was Chrysalis supposed to change, pray tell? What did she do that was evil, that she needed to change? Was she supposed to up and abandon her Changeling children, waltz up to Celestia, beg forgiveness for trying to feed thousands of hungry mouths, and join the goodness and love, and purity of the ponies, and later starve to death, herself, since she'd likely be forbidden from feeding off of love? And who would be left to feed the thousands of hungry Changelings that Chryssi betrayed, in the process? Tell me what exactly she's supposed to change. =_=

...Are you really this daft? Did Chrysalis and her minions look like good guys to you? Be honest...Kind Changelings only became canon just recently in Slice of Life. Hasbro apparently did this to cater to the Changeling fans. The Changelings were clearly originally intended to represent pure evil demonic creatures. Chrysalis tried to ruin a wedding and was going to steal Shining Armor and either suck all the love out of him till he died and kill him or make him her eternal slave for the rest of his life...Does that sound like a good guy to you?


And honestly Discord was never really evil in the first place. Just mischievous. And he's still learning how friendship works. And as someone that's spent his entire life alone and looking out for only himself, it's going to be a slow process. Discord is on the same social level as a small child. One who has nothing to do but play and the world is just like a sandbox to him because of his power. And how many small children get jealous when their best friend finds another friend? ALOT. And I can relate. It's because you fear you're going to be replaced. And that's something that's happened to me a bunch of times.

The White Shinigami

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While I would agree with most who say that Discord isn't so much evil rather just the embodiment  of chaos and hey he's kinda got to do chaotic things. 

Queen Chrysalis on the other hand is a bit more complicated on the matter. While she was trying to do the right thing for her Changelings, she did  act in rather seditious ways, it wasn't just that she was invading, she enjoyed the fact she was causing harm. Which throws shadows on her character, however I think some deeper looking is required before Chrysalis is judged. 

We had no clue that Changelings existed until they showed up (much like any MLP villain) but we must assume that they existed before hand. Now as far we as we know CHangelings are just bad guys plain and simple or least thats how ponies see them. This vilification of Changelings could very well be a part of why Queen Chrysalis is so cruel. She's been brought up believing that she's evil so why would she think otherwise? Not that this is an excuse for her actions but to call her evil would be a little unfair.

I think a better pick honestly is Sombra, enslaving your own kind to build an empire... now thats evil 


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Currently? Neither. 


Discord is reformed and Chrysalis' was never evil in the first place. 


Who was  more evil is the question to ask if you want an answer and the answer to that question is Discord. Because he was tyrannical and took pride in chaos to his own enjoyment. That has to count as evil to some extent. Ponies probably ot hurt, I'd imagine he killed many of them as a part of his joke. 


Chrysalis on the other hand wasn't evil... To say that is saying Americans and Europeans are evil for savagley pushing Natives of their land and pillaged, raped them. In addition, You know what. I don't need to make the joke. It was :lol: Uh, cruel. To say the least and I don't agree with it in the slightest...


But... if it wasn't done? What would America be? America was caused for three reasons, God, Gold and Glory. They looked to grow their empire for the betterment (not a word) of their empire's people. Is that bad to want what's best for your people? Nope, methods were most definitley questionable but it was almost necessary. 


Well look at it from that standpoint, Chrysalis invaded for her family and friends. Her pride and joy, her beloved empire. From her standpoint was she doing wrong? Perhaps but in the same means it could of be essential or crucial that she did so... She at least had justification. To a degree and provided by circumstance. 


Anyway, Neither, to answer the question. Which was more; Discord. Enough Said.


God bless you all :)


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Discord, I think. Chrysalis needed food for both her and her hundreds of followers to sustain themselves. What they fought for was a requirement to survive. That doesn't mean that what they did was good or right, but at least there was some reasoning behind it; getting something to eat to prevent starving to death. Her methods were horrible, but it's not like she could have acquired what she needed by peaceful means. She was likely doomed from the start to use harmful tactics to achieve her goal. Discord was just being a selfish prick who wanted a laugh at the expense of other's misery. At least the former of the two had a purpose behind their schemes. Discord just wanted to turn someone's legs to large licorice sticks and make ponies' manes cotton candy for no reason other than some laughs and to be an ass. Even after he was 'reformed', he still betrayed his friends and nearly got all of Equestria destroyed. If Twilight hadn't intervened, Discord would have ruined everything at the expense of being the person he originally was before, which was an unlikable jerk. Since he's completely changed now, I think it's safe to say he's much less evil than Chrysalis.


Discord is still the better character :umad::derp::umad: 


Edited by LeonShi500


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Niether, Chrysalis did what she did to feed her subject, And Discord is just having fun, And not appearing very evil :)


Just your avrage scrub Irelia, Poppy and Shen main.

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Queen Chrysalis is a bit more evil, even though she's just feeding her changelings she wanted to conquer all of Equestria.

I like to think Discord was just messing around and having fun.

  • Brohoof 1
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Alright so Hasbro made the changing queen look like the bad guy, but does anyone think about why she is doing this. She clearly explains it saying her hive is terribly hungry and they feed on love to survive, so yes they are threat to equestria and yes they wanted to enslave everypony, but what everyone forgets is her main goal, feed her children. Discord on the other hand just wanted to enslave equestria and make it his for eternity for no reason. So really I consider discord to be the most evil, he is basically a weaker version of tirek while the queen is helping her own society. Celestia and Luna would do the same thing if they were in chrysalis' place. Just think about it

  • Brohoof 1
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Discord was just mischievous and sarcastic. He was powerful, but didn't take anything seriously. Queen Chrysalis was pure evil. She almost had Twilight kill the real Cadence while having both locked in the caves beneath Canterlot. She was serious and dark, locking two ponies in a cave where it was possible that they could've died. While as Discord says,

"You wouldn't know because I don't turn ponies into stone."

  • Brohoof 1

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But Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie are cool too



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Chrysalis is more evil, when you look at the comics. The Fiendship comic was really gloomy. D:

On TV she is less evil, but the ponies would still face dark times.

Ponies wouldn't suffer as much with Discord, at least not physically.

It's Chrysalis for me.

Edited by Swifty
  • Brohoof 1
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  • 2 weeks later...

Ummm neither? Discord is a spirit of Chaos. Chaos is needed for balance. Discord was literally just doing his job. Chrysalis was just trying to feed her kind, which I'm sure the "good pony folk" were less than helpful in creating some kind of arrangement where they could co-exist. Somehow I don't see the ponies just going "yeah, we'll supply you with food source so you don't die, and you will give us something in return so we can co-exist". It's more believable that they went "Yeah, you need to feed on love to survive? That's your problem."

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Queen Chrysalis of course! Discord was never TRULY evil. He just had fun in not making sense and did what he felt like doing. Queen Chrysalis was evil and proved it. Her plan was full-proof. Make Twilight's friends turn on here to get rid of her, hoping she would hurt the real Cadance out of rage. Twisted right? Discord.. Made cotton candy clouds and chocolate rain. :lol:



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  • 4 months later...

what are you talking about? Seriously? Chryssi was incapable of love? So it wasn't the entirety of her hungry swarm of Changeling Children that drove her to take action and invade a kingdom, just to try and feed however many hungry mouths? That's pure motherly love, right there. Chrysalis didn't NEED reforming, because she wasn't evil, and all sh e did was try and feed her children, so why should she have any regrets on her actions? It's Celestia and Twilight and friends who have no love, to see the situation at hand and try to understand Chryssi's motives, and try, at the very least, to accommodate them in some way. They can't help that they have to feed off love- it's how they were born. To deny someone food is evil. So to deny an entire family who's hungry, the food they need- is truly heartless.


How was Chrysalis supposed to change, pray tell? What did she do that was evil, that she needed to change? Was she supposed to up and abandon her Changeling children, waltz up to Celestia, beg forgiveness for trying to feed thousands of hungry mouths, and join the goodness and love, and purity of the ponies, and later starve to death, herself, since she'd likely be forbidden from feeding off of love? And who would be left to feed the thousands of hungry Changelings that Chryssi betrayed, pin the process? Tell me what exactly she's supposed to change. =_=

You must have alot of mosquito bites right?

Queen chrysalis was more evil. Who cares if she was trying to feed her creatures? The changelings are not good guys and they will never be. If the only means for them to feed is by sapping love or whatever they do away from their hosts then no they are not good.


They are parasitic creatures whose only functions are probably feed and breed.


They are like those cybugs from wreck it ralph


So again..the queen is more evil

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