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technology Recommendations for a gaming headset?

Defender of Tomorrow

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Currently I am using a gamecon 780, but its already on its way to the trash because of wear and tear. Was hoping if anyone could give suggestions on a decent and hopefully not too overpriced headset, preferably without a mic (because I've extensively researched that headsets with mics aren't too good for their prices)

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The defining characteristic of a headset is the microphone, without it is just a set of headphones - but a decent set of dedicated headphones invariably sound better than an equivalent headset. 


What sort of budget do you have, considering some headphones can cost well over $2000, overpriced becomes a relative term :lol:

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The Sennheiser HD558 are around about $100 I think, and are regarded pretty well, as are the NVX XPT100 headphones.


One thing to keep in mind with the 558s are that they are open back headphones, so they will leak sound (and let some outside sound in). But, the advantages of this is they normally have a better soundstage than closed back headphones, and a more natural bass response (nearly all manufacturers flagship headphones are open back because of the sonic advantages that are offered).


If you do feel like stretching your budget, I can personally recommend the Audio Technica M50 heaphones, since I got mine they have released the M50x which are meant to sound even better. Their soundstage isn't great (as they are closed back headphones), but they do sound really good - especially if you are into electronic music and want to use the headphones for music as well as gaming.


Hope this helps :)

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I can't say that I have ever worn them personally, but I've read that they are pretty comfortable for long stretches.

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My budget would be around $100, more or less.


Get superlux headphones. The $40 ones. Its the cheapest headphones out there recommended by audiophiles all over. Stay away from gaming headphones! Most of them sucks and there's rarely any brand I can recommend.



Here's a random review of a superlux headphone.

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