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mega thread Post a Picture of Yourself!

Mint Petal

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This is the best picture ever taken with my camera :D









Anyway, I'm not sure if I posted this yet or not but here's some weird picture of me in front of what the driver described as a Magic Bus. OOoooohhhhh




  • Brohoof 4

Gonna be honest, don't take anything you see from me seriously on here. I don't go by the Lord Bababa username on anything anymore because of so many reasons including me being a jerk from time to time. This is the very condensed version of it but I'm not the same person now, I'm better. Not gonna post anymore on here so yeah.

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Regarding my whiteness: 

Technically my natural skin colour is 'albino'.

I remember buying face make-up and even the lightest shade they sold was too dark for my skin. 

You could see my veins though my skin and when I'd work-out my legs would turn blueish purple (not attractive).

I was teased for being so white endlessly.

I decided to give myself a 'perm tan' which is a nice way of saying I tan all year round so I keep a healthy glow.

But in my natural form, I'm crazy white.


Also yes the first picture as a white 'tone' over it :P


 I have a similar issue(maybe not quite so severe) but the palest shade of makeup was too light for me, it led to me being called "Whitey" by one ass-hole aqquaintence. So glad he graduated.

  • Brohoof 1
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Well you know how bratty kids can be.

Will pick-on anyone for anything.

At least I learnt how wrong racism was at an early age.


Same here. I remember when I first heard about racism back in kindergarten, and I think I said out loud "I'm nice to black people!" after the teacher finished talking :P. Ah, me, and mah kindergarten shenanigans.

  • Brohoof 1



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It was a lot more when I was a kid,

but tanning oil and sunscreen help.

Besides I don't just lay in sun all day.

I do segments and flips :P


Now that I'm older it seems my skin is getting use to it.

My sister tans really well too, it's the dutch blood.


You're Canadian with Dutch blood?....THAT'S AWESOME! ^_^


And I see. Good to know! I was just wondering since, you know, even little time below the sun can really burn for people with really white skin. I never tan though. I like my ghost white. Even if it means literally using that 50 FPS sunblock. And then I become a mummy. :lol:

  • Brohoof 1
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Taken when I was in Texas for my first time--was a wonderful time. Yes that's a lake near that--yes that's a beer hut, and yes, my Aunt knows how to cook, now, after her husband told her the best way to cook all of the foods. Great food! Best food I've ever had!


  • Brohoof 1

#1 Flutterfan has and plays:
PSP, Ps2, Ps3, PS4Xbox360, N64, Gameboy Color; Nintendo Switch
PSN: Loydna, Live: Loydaminc
May/not friend you--but will talk to you~

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Warning! I am one of the younger bronies. Dunt judge me. I am 11. Sorry for the dark pic. I was in a dark room. Oh come on, I'm not THAT emo looking.


Here's another one. Much lighter. Sorry my hair was curved and messed up.


I used to be the youngest brony on the forums...but after few months, cute 11-13 year old girls came to forums...sweeeeeeet

  • Brohoof 1

                     ~ I'm in love with my own OC Luriel Maelstrom ~

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